Deaths tn Dexmedetomidlne Clinical Studies
`A: Repbrted by. October 5. 1999
`Number of Deaths
` _Em.\awmytgcum-tufiw;
`oassom 2
`— —.-_
` Phase III - Orion
`Phase m - Abbot! + Orion
`Abbou Studies - SAGE Report 050cm " =
`Orion Shadies - synopses
`‘ ~_ =-
`Gemesmoz - SAGE Repon 050cm
`‘ _
`omn- - Study Nos.
`66:, BB_
`LSBA-BESQVB) $816136 93! 5880 HUSVHI


`acres '99 24:14PMW
`..‘ "
`Hospital Products Division
`200 Abbott Park Rd.
`Abbott Park, IL 60064-3537
`No. ofPages:
`1M5 lag
`landuding' coverpage)
`From-Jean Conaway
`Regulatory Affairs D389/AP30
`(847) 937-3413 (telephone)
`(847) 938-7867 (fax)


`OCT 85 '99 04:13:11
`aAaaaTr '
`Hospital Products Division
`Abbott Laboratories
`0389, Bldg. AP30
`200 Abbott Park Road
`Abbott Park. Illinois 800m
`October 5, 1 999
`5600 Fishers Lane
`Rockville Maryland 20857-1706
`ATTENTION: Cynthia McCormick, M.D.
`Dr. Susmita Samanta
`. NDA 21-038 Dexmedetomidine Hydrochloride Injection
`Abbott Laboratories hereby amends the above-referenced new drug application for the
`subject drug product to provide for Case Report Forms (CRFs) and a table for the nine
`specified patients We are responding to the teleconference on October 4 1999
`between Dr. Patricia Hartwell and Dr. Susmita Samanta FDA and Dr. Thomas Willer.
`Abbott Laboratories
`The Agency requested the following:
`specified in
`all nine deaths
`Please provide CRFs
`teleconference between the Agency and Abbott Laboratories on
`September 28,1999 and reported in the amendment dated
`October 1, 1999.
`RzESPONSE The nine patients reportedm the amendment dated October 1 1999 are
`as follows:


`ocr as '99 84:13PM m p.24
`Cynthia McCormick, MD.
`Page Two
`October 5. 1999
`Patient Number
`CRF ,
`Study Drug
`PCANo‘J Related
`or Unrelated
`9906355- Unrelated
`9907455- Unrelated
`Placebo-died 5 days
`Placebo-died 12 days
`I‘ m:- 9905913- Unrelated None received
`[I_ 9906688- Unrelated None received
`' W97'245 _—I_ 9906525- Umelated
`' W97-246 _II_ 9907483- Unrelated
`9907027- Unrelated
`9906654- Unrelated
`not related
`Placebo— died 35 days
`died 5 da 5 - -st-stud
`Placebo— died 1 month
`- oat-stud
`'lnclIuded in the Integrated Summary of Safety, Appendix 3, submitted as part of NDA-21-038,
`Volume 301 of 726, page 8/10-239-162. Not included in the clinical safety database.
`"Consent form signed. but patient was not randomized pn'orto the start of surgery. Patient died
`Provided in ngBlT I are Case Report Forms for the following five patients:
`01001, 010401, 012406, 011601, 0901.
`The Case Report Forms for the remaining four patients will be sent to the Agency as
`soon as available.
`Please provide a table which includes the number of deaths
`according to the following:
`1. Groups: dexmedetomidine. placebo and active control groups,
`2. Sponsor: Abbott , Orion and total,
`3. Clinical Study Phase: Phase I, II and Ill.
`RESPONSE: The above request is acknowledged‘and will be provided as soon-as


`OCT 05 '99 04:14PM ;.a-~—v--—————_____——-—————_———
`Cynthia McCormick. MD.
`Page Three
`October 5. 1999
`If you have any additional questions. please do not hesitate to contact rne at
`(847) 937-3413 or after October 7, 1999, Dr. Thomas Willer at (847) 937-6845.
`” ”
`‘ ng-Cfiwj
`Jean M. Conaway. R.Ph.
`Manager, Regulatory Affairs
`Hospital Products Division
`(847) 937-3413
`(847) 938-7867
`GM O-QSIde.jn1c.doc1


`Hospital Products Division
`Abbott Laboratories
`0-389. Bldg. AP30
`200 Abbott Park Road
`Abbott Park, Illinois 60064-8157
`October 1. 1999
`'- ~“
`5800 Fishers Lane
`Rockville, Maryland 20857-1706
`ATTENTION: Cynthia McCormick, M.D.
`. Re: NBA 21-038 Dexmedetomidine Hydrochloride Injection
`Abbott Laboratories hereby amends the above-referenced new drug application for the subject
`drugproduct. The FDA and Abbott Laboratories conducted a teleconference on September
`1999. Participating for the FDA were the following individuals: Dr. Fl. Rapapport, Aasist
`Division Director; Dr. P. Hartwell. Medical Reviewer; and Dr. S. Samanta, Project Mamag r.
`Please refer to Section 11 of the Integrated Summary of Safety (Additional Serious Adverse .
`Event Reports from Abbott-Sponsored Studies) in the NDA. It reads as follows:
`“Abbott Laboratories‘ maintains a centralized database ofserious adverse global evegs
`(SAG E). This database includes all serious adverse events reported for subjects/patie s
`from the time informed consent is signed to at least 30 days after participation in ‘.n
`Abbott-sponsored study.
`Serious adverse events reported for subjects/patients within 24 hours (48 hours ibr
`Study DEX-95004) of participation in an Abbott-sponsored dexmedetomidine study ware
`to have been included in the clinical database for the specific study and Consequently in
`the overall safety database, in addition to their inclusion in the SAGE database. Seriotis
`adverse events reported for subjects/patients'24 hours (48 hours for Study DEX-$0059)
`after participation up to 30 days in an Abbott-sponsored dexmedetomidine study were to
`have been included in the SAGE database. but may not have been included in the clinifil
`database for the specific study or in the overall safety database.“
`in order to accurately-reflect the number of serious. adverse events reported during the Abb . -
`sponsored dexmedetomidine clinical program, a reconciliation of the overall safety data
`and the SAGE database was performed (presented. in Section 11 of the ISS. Tables 35 and 3


`Cynthia McCormick. M.D.
`Page Two
`October 1. 1999
`tabular form. as follows:
`Patient Number
`not related
`The nine patients specified in the teleconference of September 28. 1999 are preserved
`PCA NoJ Related ~ Study Drug
`or Unrelated
`9906355- Unrelated ~ Placebo-died 5 days '
`9907455- Unrelated
`Placebo-died 12 @ys g
`mmm 9905913- Unrelated
`W97-245 mm 9906686- Unrelated None received
`W97-245 —.'_II_ 9906525- Unrelated
`W97-246 Elm—m- 9907483- Unrelated
`9907027- Unrelated ___Placebo- died 35 days;
`9906654- Unrelated Dexmedetomidinej-
`died 5 da
`in the integrated Summary of Safety. Appendix B, submitted as part of NDA-210$.
`Volume 301 of 726, page 8/10-239-162. Not included in the NDA safety database.
`"Consent form signed. but patient was not randomized prior to the start of surgery. Patieht d?!
`Please note that four patients (105. 6301. patient from W97-245 for whom no number wés
`assigned, and 704) died intraoperatively and never‘received study‘drug (either placebo
`dexmedetomidine). These patients were neVer considered part of the study because they he
`entered the ICU and received study drug. Therefore, these patients were not includediin
`NDA safety database or in the clinical study reports.
`Three patients (1001. 10401, and 12406) received placebo, but all died at least five days a
`the end of study drug infusion (5, 12 and 35 days, respectively). The study follow-up ipe ' d
`defined by the protocols was 24 hours. Because these three deaths occurred more
`24 hours after completion of the study. they were not-included in the NDA safety database.
`noted above, they were included in the SAGE database and in narratives. which appeared
`Appendix B of the lSS (Volume 301 of 726, page 8/10-239-1-62).
`One Abbott patient (11601) who received dexmedetomidine died 5 days after study corn lei
`Since the death occurred more than 24 hours after study completion, this patient
`included in the clinical study database.
`It would appear, however.
`this patieet
`inadvertently omitted from Appendix B of the lSS.
`One Orion patient (901) who received placebo die'd one month after study completion. T_ 3
`patient was submitted as part of NDAe21-038. Volume 541 of 726. page 8/10-237-263.


`Cynthia McCormick, M.D.
`Page Three
`October 1. 1999
`All patients were noted as “unrelated” or “probably not related" with regard to study drug
`If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
`W 522/0254
`Thomas F. Willer, PhD.
`Associate Director, Regulatory Affairs
`Hospital Products Division
`Phone: (847) 937-6845
`(847) 938—7867
`Internet. WILLETF©




`Protocol Number: W98-263
`Study Title: A Pilot Phase ll, Multi~Center. Randomized. Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind
`Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy—of Dexmedetomidine in Medical ICU Patients (France,
`Canada, and UK.)
`Estimated Study Completion Q4. 2000
`Estimated Final Report: 01. 2001
`Pan I: 16 of 21 patients complete. Part II: 0 of 24 patients complete.
`The-objective of the study is to evaluate the safetyand efficacy of dexmedetomidine in medical
`patients being intubated and ventilated for a minimum of six hours and not more than 24 hoors.
`Patients admitted to the ICU for pulmonary disease requiring intensive treatment
`pneumonia, asthma, chronic obstructive airway disease j“(COPD).
`smoke inhalation. or
`postoperative patients [>72 hours postoperatively] who develop pulmonary or chest infections),
`patients with pancreatitis. myasthenia gravis. or neuropathy, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome
`are eligible for the study.
`Patients enrolled in Part I of the study will receive open label dexmedetomidine, and patients
`enrolled in Part ll of the study will be randomizad to either dexmedetomidine or placebo. All
`patients may receive propofol and morphine if required as additional medication for sedation or
`analgesia respectively.
`receive a loading 'dose of 1.0 meg/kg over 10 minutes followed by a
`All patients will
`maintenance infusion at an initial rate of 0.4 mcg/kg/hr. Following the initial rate, patients will be
`maintained within the range of 0.2 —- 0.7 mog/kg/hr (France and Canada), titrated to maintain a
`Ramsay sedation score of 33 while intubated, and 32 after extubation. Four patients in the UK
`were completed under this dosing regimen, and it was decided to expand the range of
`maintenance infusion. Patients in the UK will be maintained within the range of 0.2 — 2.5
`meg/kg/hr, and may receive additional boluses of 12 mcg (3 ml) of dexmedetomidine if needed.
`Patients requiring sedation beyond 24 hours will be'enrolled into study W98-264.
`Protocol Number: W98-264
`Study Title: A Phase II, Multi-Center, Open-Label Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of
`Dexmedetomidine in Medical ICU Patients (France, Canada, and U.K.)
`Estimated Study Completion Q4, 2000
`Estimated Final Report: 01,2001
`6 patients of 32 complete
`Patients completing the 24 hour infusion in study W98—263 are 'eligible for study W98-264, in‘
`which all patients receive open-label dexmedetomidine for up to an additional 6 days.
`-q .—v-
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`Protocol Number: Wes-266
`Study Title: Phase l Single-Center, Open~label Study Evaluating the Pharmacokinetics and
`Pharamcodynamics of Dexmedetomidine in Pediatric Patients (Canada)
`Estimated Study Completion 03. 2000
`Estimated Final Report: Q4, 2000
`1 of 18 patients complete
`this study is to evaluate the pharrnacokinetics and safety of a single
`The objective of
`intravenous dose of dexmedetomidine in pediatric patients between two and twelve years of
`age. Pediatric patients undergoing urological, abdominal, or other surgeries requiring general
`and epidural anesthesia and overnight stay in the hospital are eligible for the study.
`A 10 minute infusion of dexmedetomidine will be administered 2 hours before. induction of
`anesthesia. Dosing will be administered in an ascending dose-ranging fashion in three dose
`groups: 2.0 mcg/kg/hr for Group l, 4.0 mcg/kg/hr for Group ll'fl‘and 6.0 mcg/kg/hr for Group ill.
`each group, four patients will receive dexmedetomidine. and two will serve as controls.
`Protocol Number: W99302
`Study Title: A Phase lllb, Multi-Center, Open-Label, Randomized Study Comparing the Safety
`and Efficacy of Dexmedetomidine to Propofol-Based Standard of Care. for ICU Sedation
`Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery.
`Estimated Study Completion: 02, 2000
`Estimated Final Report: Q4, 2000
`49 of 300 patients complete
`Patients undergoing CABG surgery are eligible for this study in which patients are randomized
`to either dexmedetomidine or standard of care treatment with propofol. Dexmedetomidine
`infusion is initiated at time of last sternal wire, with a loading dose of 3.0 mcg/kg/hr for 20
`minutes followed by an initial maintenance infusion of 0.4 mcg/kg/hr which is titratable between
`0.2 and 0.7 mcg/kg/hr.
`Infusion will continue for at least 6 hours following extubation, for up to
`24 hours total.
`Protocol Number W99-294
`Study Title European Study in Post-Op Patients in the iCU; Open study w/Dex
`Estimated Study Completion 02, 2000
`Estimated Final Report: Q4, 2000
`00 of 500 patients complete
`Patients undergoing major surgery requiring general anesthesia are eligible for this study.
`which two loading doses of dexmedetomidine are compared. Dexmedetomidine infusion will be
`initiated at time of first suture. Patients in Group i will receive a loading dose of 6.0 mcg/kg/hr
`for 10 minutes. and patients in Group II will receive a loading dose of 3.0_mcg/kg/hr for 20
`minutes. Both groups will receive an initial maintenance infusion of 0.4 mog/kg/hr which is
`titratable between 0.2 and 0.7 mog/kg/hr.
`Infusion will continue through extubation and after extubation, for a recommended minimum of 6
`hours. Maximum total infusion duration is 24 hours.


` Protocol Number W99-314
`Study Title CABG study in Latin America and S. Africa
`Estimated Study Completion Not started
`Patients undergoing CABG surgery are eligible'for this study in which patients are randomized-
`to either dexmedetomidine. or standard of care treatr'ne‘ntwith propofol. Dexmedetomidine
`infusion is initiated at time of last sternal wire, with a loading dose of 3.0 mog/kg/hr for 20
`minutes followed by an initial maintenance infusion of 0.4 mog/kg/hr which is titratable between
`0.2 and 0.7.mcg/kg/hr.
`Infusion will continue for at least 6 hours following extubation, for up to
`24 hours total.
`» _
`l ii
`_.- - __.~.._.
`- \
`l l l l ii


`Protocol Number W98—272
`Study TItle:
`A Phase I. Single-~Center. Deuble-blind, Randomized, Placebo-Contollefi
`Crossover Study Evaluating Dexmedetomidine as a Sedating Agent'In Healthy Volunteers
`Eighthealthyadultvolunteersweretobeenrolled Eachsubjectwastoreceive IVinfusionif
`(low dose) 0.6 mog/kg/h dexmedetomidine HCl
`0.2 mcg/hg/h dexmedetomidine HCI
`dose) and a corresponding placebo via a standard syringe pump. Following an eight hour fa
`subjects were to receive a 10—minute loading dose of 6.O mcg/kg/h. followed by a SO-IpI
`maintenance infusion of the designated study drug. Subjects randomized to placebo Mere IoL‘
`receive a loading dose of 0.9% sodium chloride solution.
`The primary objectives of this study were to determine the sedative properties of low doses
`dexmedetomidine in young. healthy volunteers. and to evaluate the effects of these loont
`on analgesia, sedation. and cognitive function.
`Final Report Submitted to FDA on May 12. 1999.
`Protocol Number W98-273
`Study Title: A Phase I, Placebo-controlled, Double—blinded. Dose Ranging Study to Evialuée
`the Effects of Dexmedetomidine on SedationIn Japanese Subjects.
`in healtliy
`This trial designed as a two--part, Phase I, placebo-controlled, double-blinded trial
`subjects of ethnic Japanese origin.
`I was to consist of a dose-ranging study in
`approximately 40 subjects, 8 subjects per dose. to receive a 1-hour infusion. Part II was 0
`consist of four long term infusion, dosing sessions in approximately 32 subjects, 8 subje
`randomly assigned to each treatment group.
`Infusion times of 12 & 24-hours were-to
`to identify the dose/response relationship for sedation for sinQIe
`The primary objectives were 1)
`intravenous doses of dexmedetomidine. 2) to select and include 3 doses for the long to
`infusion portion of Part II of this study, and 3) to investigate the effects of long term infusions (2
`& 24 hours) of dexmedetomidine on the sedative profile compared to single doses.
`Final Report Submitted to FDA on September 3, 1999.
`Study Title: A Phase II Study entitled, “Alphaz-Agonists as Components for Analgosedajtioniin
`Intensive Care:
`Index (BIS) Guided Sedation with Dexmedetomidine.
`Randomized. Placebo-Controlled. Double-Blinded, Prospectrive Study”.
`The objective the study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of dexmedetomicfine in paties
`requiring ventilation, sedation and intensive care fora minimum of 6 hours following surgery.
`The primary efficacy variable for this studyIs the total dose of propofol required in adcfitlon 0‘
`study drug, to achieve adequate sedation, as deemed clinically necessary and as assessed y
`BlS, to achieve and maintain a BIS Score of 60 to 70 (indicating deep sleep) and a BIS $0ne f
`85 to 95 after extubation (equivalent to a Ramsay Score of 2-3).
`rotocol Number W98-274
`Study drug will be administered for a minimum of 6 hours prior to extubation and a minimu
`6 hours post--extubation. The Investigator may continue the infusion at his/her discretidn
`maximum of 72 hours total study drug infusion.
`Estimated Final Report: December, 1999
`a '


`Protocol Number DEX-96-O‘l7
`Study Title: Beta Blocker Interaction: A Phase II, Single-Center, Double-Blind. Randomized,
`Placebo-Controlled Study Evaluating the Effect of Esmolol on the Pharmacodynamics of
`Dexmedetomidine in Patients Undergoing Elective Cardiac Surgery.
`this study was to evaluate the impact of dexmedetomidine 0n
`The primary objective of
`hemodynamix following administration of a beta-blocker (esmolol) to patients undergoing
`elective cardiac surgery.
`At least 40 adult, ASA Class II - IV patients (tour in the esrnolol dose-verification portion ofthe
`study and 12 per treatment group in the double-blind, placebo-controlled portion) scheduled for
`cardiac surgery were to be enrolled.
`‘ 0.3 or 0.6 ng/ml of dexmedetomidine was to be administered ,from approximately 1 hour prior to
`the induction of anesthesia until 6 hours after the end of surgery.
`Estimated Final Report: October, 1999


`_‘ Hospital Products Division
`F ‘D/Jr
`FAX #
`3a /— $60“ -— R6092
`9/43 “ 7c) GK?

`' NO. Of Pages:
`(including cover page)
`From: Dr. Tom Willer
`Regulatory Affairs
`(847) 937-6845(telephone)
`(84V) 938-7867 (fax)


`Hospital Products Division
`Abbott Laboratories
`bees. Bldg. APSO
`zoo Abbott Park Road
`Abbott Park. Illinois 50064—6157
`5600 Fishers Lane ‘
`Rockviile, Maryland 20857-1706
`ATTENTION: Cynthia McCormick, M.D.
`" '
`Re: NDA 21-038 Dexmedetomidine Hydrochloride Injection
`Abbott Laboratories hereby amends the above-referenced new drug application for the subject
`drug. We are responding to two telephone requests from the FDA- to Abbott Laboratories.
`(1) FDA-Abbott Laboratories Teleconference, September 14, 1999
`. I . - _. _ ..-' . ._
`FDA request (b) was for information pertaining to the collection oi PK data in ongoing and future
`clinical studies. Pharrnacokinetic data will be obtained from the following ongoing studies: W98-
`268 (Pediatric). W98-263 (Mediwl ICU Patients) and W98-264 (Medical ICU Patients). Final
`reports may be available in mid-2000. Abbott Laboratories is not in a position to project, at this
`time, what future studies will be conducted and which ones will or will not incorporate the
`collection of pharmacOkinetic data.


`Cynthia McCormick. MD.
`Page Two
`September 16. 1999
`(2) FDA-Abbott Laboratories Teleconterence, September 16. 1999
`A teleconference was held on September 16. 1999 among the following individuals: Dr. P.
`Hartwell. FDA Medical Reviewer; Dr. 5. Samanta. FDA Project Manager; and from Abbott
`Laboratories: Dr. T. Willer Associate Director. Hospital Products Regulatory; Ms. 9‘. Seaman.
`Associate Director.
`international Regulatory; Ms. R. Tiehen. Senior Regulatory Affairs
`International Regulatory;
`.and Ms.
`J. Sayre. Senior Operations Manager,
`Dexmedetomidine Venture. The FDA requested that the paragraph pertaining to~“Perioperative
`Studies” on page 5 of the annotated package insert be revisedto remove all references to study
`Dex-96-012. The references deleted or modified‘include the following items:
`- Evaluated in‘7” studies; Total of "1 199’"patients; With "761” receiving tM
`Target concentrations of "0.15"; Infusions of 15 minutes( 002:004, Oil-2..."); “1-hour (012)"
`Dr. Hartwell further requested that a caveat be added to the last sentence of the paragraph
`mentioning that although the drug is ‘Well tolerated." an increase in hypotension may be seen
`with dexmedetomidine, as stated in other sections of the package insert. Per FDA request, the
`paragraph entitled “Perioperative Studies” has been revised and now reads as follows:
`i“; . has been evaluated in 6 clinical trials involving a total of 1165 patients. with 752
`receiving 'T“\_.A loading dose followed by a maintenance infusion was administered
`to achieve target concentrations of 0.3 or 0.6 ng/mL using continuous infusions of
`15 minutes (002. 004, 014, 015, 016. and 021) prior to induction of anesthesia and
`continued until determination of MAC response (016), the end of surgery (002). 2 hours (014
`and 021), 6 hours (004). or 12 hours (015) postoperativety.
`X was well tolerated
`during pre-, intra-. and postoperative administration." However. reports of hypotension have
`been associated with \—-—~( infusion.
`We recognize that the Agency has not accepted a brand name for this product and we will
`update the package insert once that occurs.
`If you have any additional questions. please do not
`hesitate to telephone me.
`Thomas F. Willer, Ph.D.
`Associate Director. Regulatory Affairs
`Hospital Products Division
`Phone: (847) 937-6845
`(847) 938-7867
`lnternet: WlLLETF©


`CA We?”
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`F979 '
`59/ ~4/¢/3~ 7oé£~
` E i“ We A
`(847) 938-7867 (fax)
`I. NO. Of, Pages:
`3 ‘
`Date: ' ?/é /& '
`.(inoilioing coverpage)
`From: Dr. Tom Wilier
`Regulatory Affairs
`(847) 937-6845 (telephone)
`VQQ v_c~:~cz Ihf:\ cg?“ ‘V _"_, 5—3; paa- .. .LA .-.—.
`F) H-


`_ Hospital Prodiicis Division ' {05/ M .
`. Ffiflk
`3a/—- 7%— J’éfa.
`Datezl 9 /a/92
`NO. Of. Pages:
`’2 é
`(inciyding cover page)
`From: D'r.Tom Willer
`Regulatory Affairs
`(847) 937-6845 (telephone)
`(847) 938-7867 (fax)
`-- '~- .-
`mouccérwm amt-UN a?! 6880 ”89968 66. at £5


`Hos ital Products Division
`Abbott Laboratories
`D689, Bldg. Apao
`209 Abbott Park Road
`Abbott Park, lllinoh scoot-0157
`September 10, 1999
`5600 Fishers Lane
`Rockville, Maryland 20857-1706
`ATTENTION: Cynthia McCormick, M.o.
`NDA 21-038 Dexmedetomldine Hydrochloride Injection
`Abbott Laboratories hereby amends the above-referenced new drug application for the subjgt
`drug product. We are responding to a teleconference on September 9,1999 between FDA
`Patricia. Hartwell and Dr. Susmita Samanta and Abbott Laboratories. Ms. Patricia Seaman, NE.
`Rita TIehen and Dr Thomas. WiIIer The FDA requested a translated copy of a Case Rep
`Form— Adverse Event lnforrnation for Patient No. 9, dated August 9.1995. We were able
`telephone Japan late yesterday and the requested translation was faxed to Abbott tod
`Please see Exhibit I.
`We trust that this submission is complete“ If additional information or clarification is needefl.
`please telephone me at your earliest request.
`2%.... am '
`Thomas F. Willer, PhD.
`Associate Director. Regulatory Affairs
`Hospital Products Division
`Phone: (847) 937-6845
`(847) 938-7867
`Internet: WILLETFthdabbothom
`66: BI CBS'
`’°°’-°°C'19°‘ gfiTt‘iid 933 SBEG UU93168
`‘_ _.


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`CFC Clinic
`555.23% GP: 95 05
`Study No.
`smelt??- : In t
`Subject No.
`Subjeu Initlnl:
`geek (1)
`Adverse Event
`max -;-— ;‘j ;
`Slucly Period
`Any Advene Event Observed ?
`5E! a
`I '3 015%? it li'FOlFElIZEA'TZ:
`If Yes Complete One Column Per Event.
`Subject Admission
`~ Follow-u §l
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`the completion or blood temple collation
`Event Conunuing
`Event Continuing
`l. [jaw 2.
`1. [Jam 2. [jams
`D tezztrrnetIztxo-osmmse D t-emz'rmmumsaa .2 all
`Event Resolved at End of Study
`Event Resolved at End ofS‘t
`-y j
`Event Contse
`l. D Yes
`2. [a No
`No when: E‘J— WNW t
`. If No. Number of Episodes
`t. D Yes
`2". [3 No
`No 0mm: 2' y- Foam
`If No. Number of Episodes
`rszzI-agecm: {m 4. gm;
`Physician'in Charge
`1!! (yr)
`,5] (mtlt)
`El (db l
`3|] 3
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`— Page48-
`Adverse Event (1)
`Study No.:CP095-05
`Subject Initials:
`Any AdVerse Event Observed? Yes
`Onset Date: 08:08, 24 August, 1995
`’ Observed Events.
`Drowsiness was observed during the period from 8 minutes (08:08) after the start of
`mMWMmmwaaMeuompleflm of the study drug
`infusion" The subject was able to open his eyes easily when instructed to verbally but
`began falling asleep again in the absence of such instructions
`Grade: 1. Slight, Outcome: Event Continuing
`2. No
`Event Course: Continuous
`2. No
`ll No. Number of Episodes
`Onset Date: 11:05, 24 August. 1995
`Event Observed:
`The subject complained of nausea at the completion of blood sample collection and
`vital sign monitoring (immediately after removing the used to monitor vital signs), 2
`hours 50 minutes (11:00) after completion of the Infusion. The subject’s posture was
`changed from semi-supine to one where the upper limbs were allowed to hang
`vertically with the lower extremities raised.
`Blood pressure at
`this time was
`67/27mmHg. After l.v. administration of 0.5mg atropine sulfate, blood pressure.
`increased and the nausea disappeared. Bradycardie (minimum 23 bpm) was also
`observed when the blood pressure decreased, however the subject’s pulse rate
`gradually increased after receiving the atropine sulfate. Blood pressure and pulse rate
`had almost reverted to baseline values at 11:22.
`Grade: 3. Severe, Outcome: Event Continuing
`2. No
`Event Course: Continuous
`2. No
`It No. Numberot Episodes
`AQBA-BESQVB) 5816.136 538 6880 ”645268 66. 8T :85


`fiaafi (2)
`~ Adverse Event
`, CFC Cliflic
`763(21 i-‘J I
`7gsxfig. : CFC 95 _ 05
`Study Period
`Swdy No-
`m5£¥$%:- \ :9» p
`Subjcm Admissicn
`~ Follow-up Stud
`.FS/ 13
`3' f.
`i if
`E5253 5 n7; . :Dnnwxigéu dun-1am; wad: nu may drum.
`x. _.
`Event Observed
`End Due andfl'ime
`4i (yr)
`5 (mm)
`B (dz-y)
`fF- (yr)
`F! (mih)
`E (day)
`L [31mm L(Notrclaxed)
`1. DEWE’Z Lmotrelatcd)
`mkmcnafimfi z [jamawaswiaw
`Relation to
`(Pmbably not related)
`Inyestigalional Drug
`3. Dfifi. 50535 b
`(Probably rclaled)
`4..%9t1t2567’="35 9(Relared)
`2.Ejmfl&wt$wi&w f
`(Probably net related)
`3. Dana. [figfi '9
`(Probably rclarcd)’
`IZIQBfif‘ZHil-Ié UCReIared)
`gamma: Lt».
`Prcscnt Eden: Dosing
`Acxion Taken on
`Snudy Drug Dosage
`Corrective Thampy
`Dcse Changed
`.. L2}
`Dos: Changed
`3. D
`Drug Wilhdrawn
`. 3'
`l g
`_ A
`- 3‘
`“ .‘
`“xm 31" 3
`1 9-“
`Physician in Charge ‘-
`5F (yr)
`)3 (mm)
`E1 (day)
`ABBA—Besuve) SHIUJJU 332! 6880 ”65:68 66. at 5135;,


`- Page49-
`Onset Date: 13:30, 24 August,

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