Presentation of Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent No. 7,496,854
`IPR 2014-00206 (Ex. 2005)
`IPR 2014-00207 (Ex. 2004)


`Independent claims of the ‘854 patent


`The patent contemplates word processing, information
`management, and database programs for its
`“application programs”
`‘854 patent, col. 9, line 64-col. 10, line 10
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 12
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 13


`Claim 1 –“document created using a first
`application program”
`‘854 patent, col. 5, line 58-col. 6, line 3
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 12
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 13


`• Examples 2-6 also use the WORD™ word
`processor as their starting point
`– Example 2: col. 6, lines 6-17
`– Example 3: col. 6, lines 40-51
`– Example 4: col 6, line 61-col. 7, line 6
`– Example 5: col. 7, lines 25-37
`– Example 6: col. 8, lines 9-21
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 12
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 13


`Examples in the patent include other
`independently executable “application
`‘854 patent, col. 8, lines 52-63
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 12
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 13


`Common features that define
`application programs
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 14
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 15


`Subsidiary programs do not execute independently
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 14
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 15


`Petitioners’ evidence presented to
`construe “application program”


`Petitioners’ expert finds correspondence
`between second application program and
`database program
`IPR 2014-00207, Declaration of Daniel Menasce, PhD


`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 42


`IPR 2014-00206 and IPR 2014-00207:
`Prior art issues
`• U.S. Patent No. 6,085,206 to Domini
`• All independent claims challenged in these
`IPRs require first and second application
`– Domini fails to disclose a second application
`– Therefore all claims are patentable over Domini
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, Table of Contents
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, Table of Contents


`“The present invention satisfies the above described needs by providing
`an improved system and method for spell checking and grammar checking
`an electronic document.” Col. 3, l. 15-17
`“The step of checking the spelling of the words in the sentence also can
`include calling a spell checker program module …” Col. 3, l. 62-64
`“The CSAPI is designed to make it easy for programmers to write
`applications that can utilize the spell checking program module while
`being independent of the underlying spell checker program module.” Col.
`9, l. 13-16
`• Claim 1. “In an electronic word processing system for creating and editing
`a document…checking the spelling…checking the grammatical


`Domini’s preferred application program
`“…a computer-implemented process that is carried out by the computer
`in response to input from the user and instructions provided by the
`preferred application program module, the preferred spell checker
`program module, and the preferred grammar checker program module.”
`Col. 15, l. 25-30
`“The preferred application program module then sends a word of the
`sentence to the spell checker program module.” Col. 17, l. 4-6
`“Preferably, the spell checker program module verifies the accuracy of the
`spelling of the word at step 715 in response to a CSAPI function from the
`preferred application program module.” Col. 17, l. 38-41
`“The preferred application program module receives the spelling data
`from the spell checker program module.” Col. 17, l. 49-51


`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 27
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 32


`The Petition
`IPR 2014-00207, Petition, page 30


`The Petition equates a spell checker program
`with the second application program
`IPR 2014-00207, Petition, page 30


`Domini describes a unitary word processing
`environment with functional submodules


`Independently executable application programs are
`distinct from subsidiary programs
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 12
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 12
`Declaration of John Levy PhD


`Independently executable application programs are
`distinct from subsidiary programs
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 25
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 31
`Declaration of John Levy PhD


`Independently executable application programs are
`distinct from subsidiary programs
`Declaration of John Levy PhD
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 25


`Independently executable application programs are
`distinct from subsidiary programs
`Declaration of John Levy PhD
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 25
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 35


`Independently executable application programs are
`distinct from subsidiary programs
`Declaration of John Levy PhD
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 25
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 35


`Domini’s “stand alone” spell checkers cannot
`perform other functions required by the claims
`Domini, col. 1, lines 56-66
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 29
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 35


`Domini’s “stand alone” spell checkers cannot
`perform other functions required by the claims
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 30
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 36


`Domini’s “stand alone” spell checkers cannot
`perform other functions required by the claims
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 30
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 36


`Domini describes the word processor with its
`program modules in unitary and distributed
`computing environments
`Domini, col. 5, lines 12-22
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, pages 27-28
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, pages 33-34


`On a personal computer, the module is activated
`from within the word processor
`Domini, col. 16, lines 12-18
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 28
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 33


`In a distributed computing environment, the
`word processor still controls the module
`Declaration of John Levy PhD
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 28
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 33


`In a distributed computing environment, the
`word processor still controls the module
`Declaration of John Levy PhD,
`paragraph 20
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 29
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 34


`In a distributed computing environment, the
`word processor still controls the module
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 28
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 34
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD


`Claims of the ‘854 patent
`Claims of the ’854 patent
`1. A method for information handling within a document
`created using a first application program comprising the step s
`entering a first information in the firs—
`rnarking Without user intervention the first information to
`alert the user that the first information can be utilized in
`a Second— and
`responding to a user selection by inserting a second infor-
`mation into the document, the second information asso-
`ciated with the first information from a second-
`1 The method of claim 1, wherein the step of inserting the
`second information into the document further comprises the
`steps of:
`initializing the second—
`searching, using the second— for the
`second information associated with the first informa-
`tion; and
`retrieving the second information.


`IPR 2014-00206: Prior art issues
`• U.S. Patent No. 6,085,206 to Domini
`• Claims 23-24, 29-30, 61-62, and 77-78 dependent on claims
`22, 28, 60, and 76
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, pages 34-35


`IPR 2014-00206: Prior art issues
`• U.S. Patent No. 6,085,206 to Domini
`• Domini fails to disclose or teach the operation
`of “entering additional data into a database”,
`subject to the requirements of the
`independent claims
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, pages 34-35


`IPR 2014-00206: Dependent claim 22,
`with independent claim 19
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, page 35


`IPR 2014-00206: “first information”, “second information”,
`and “operation related to a second information”
`IPR 2014-00206, Petition, page 31


`IPR 2014-00206: “first information”, “second information”,
`and “operation related to a second information”
`IPR 2014-00206, Petition, page 32


`IPR 2014-00206: “operation related to a second
`information” -> adding data to a database
`• Adding misspelled word relates to the “first
`information” (e.g., words entered into the word
`processor), not the “second information” (e.g.,
`suggested corrections for misspelled words)
`IPR 2014-00206, Petition, page 33, and Patent Owner Response, page 36


`The ‘854 Patent
`The ’854 Patent
`33 ”MW Contact's Address
`The contact: Hadley, Alte
`already exists in the acute at register with the fattening address:
`Home address:
`222 222 5'“ Ave.
`New York, NY tfiflzfl
`This is another eantaet. I will:
`I Add a new eentact with the same name
`This is the same eentact. I will:
`0 Qhange the eunent address in the eantaet register
`I use the above address in my Ward {tenement
`I Edd a new address to the enntsct
`Use address type: —I: 54
`FIG. 9


`IPR 2014-00207: Prior art issue
`• U.S. Patent No. 6,377,965 to Hachamovitch
`• All independent claims challenged in this IPR
`require first and second application programs
`– Hachamovitchfails to disclose a second
`application program
`– Therefore all claims are patentable over
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, pages iii, 41, and 44


`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 42


`In Hachamovitch, word completion may be a utility module
`integrated into a host application program
`Hachamovitch, col. 7, lines 62-67
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 42


`The Petition omits Hachamovitch’s
`discussion of the role of the utility
`IPR 2014-00207, Petition, page 38


`In Hachamovitch, word completion may be a utility module
`integrated into a host application program
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 43, referencing
`paragraph 31 of the Declaration of John Levy, PhD, which cites this
`figure in Hachamovitch


`In Hachamovitch, word completion may be a utility module
`integrated into a host application program
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD,
`paragraph 28
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 42


`In Hachamovitch, word completion may be a utility module
`integrated into a host application program
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD,
`paragraph 28
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 42


`In Hachamovitch, word completion may be a utility module
`integrated into a host application program
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD,
`paragraph 28
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 42


`In Hachamovitch, word completion may be a utility module
`integrated into a host application program
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD,
`paragraph 29
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 42


`In Hachamovitch, word completion may be a utility module
`integrated into a host application program
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD,
`paragraph 29
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 42


`In Hachamovitch, “stand-alone” word completion systems
`are capable of integrating with any number of application
`programs, not independently executable
`Hachamovitch, col. 7, lines 62-67
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, pages 42-43
`Hachamovitch, col. 8, lines 6-14


`In Hachamovitch, “application independence” is the ability
`to execute within any number of application programs, not
`the ability to execute independently of the same
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD,
`paragraph 30
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 42


`In Hachamovitch, “application independence” is the ability
`to execute within any number of application programs, not
`the ability to execute independently of the same
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD,
`paragraph 31, referring to col. 8,
`lines 6-14 of Hachamovitch
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 43


`Hachamovitchfails to describe how “stand-alone” word
`completion systems would insert words into a document
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, page 44


`Construction of “The second information associated with the
`first information from the second application program”
`• “associated” requires “an association
`between” the first information and the second
`information such that the second information
`can be found as the result of a search using
`the first information


`Claims 1 and 3 inform the meaning of the
`term “associated”


`Claims 57 and 64 inform the meaning of
`the term “associated”


`Claims 85 and 96 inform the meaning of
`the term “associated”


`What the POSITA would understand from claims 3,
`64, 85, 96, which include the “searching” step
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD,
`paragraph 48


`The specification supports this meaning of
`the term “associated”
`‘854 patent, col. 5, line 58-col. 6, line 3
`See also, Examples 2-7


`The specification supports this meaning of
`the term “associated”
`FIG. 1


`Domini uses Word and a spell checker that
`operates from within
`Domini, col. 8, lines 12-18


`Domini’s spell checker module operates
`within the word processing application
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, Paper No. 16, page 27
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, Paper No. 16, page 32


`The patent contemplates separate
`application programs
`‘854 patent, col. 2, lines 14-34
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, Paper No. 16, page 25
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, Paper No. 16, page 30


`In a distributed computing environment, the
`word processor still controls the module
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, Paper No. 16, page 29, and IPR 2014-
`00207, Patent Owner Response, Paper No. 16, page 34 –both referencing paragraph
`50 of the Declaration of John Levy, PhD, which cites to this figure in Domini


`In a distributed computing environment, the
`word processor still controls the module
`Domini, col. 17, lines 58-67
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, Paper No. 16, page 29, and IPR 2014-
`00207, Patent Owner Response, Paper No. 16, page 34 –both referencing paragraph
`50 of the Declaration of John Levy, PhD, which cites to this passage in Domini 65


`In a distributed computing environment, the
`word processor still controls the module
`Declaration of John Levy, PhD
`IPR 2014-00206, Patent Owner Response, Paper No. 16, page 29
`IPR 2014-00207, Patent Owner Response, Paper No. 16, page 35


`meme IIIHAT
`U.S. Patent No. 7,496,854
`U.S. Patent No. 7,496,854
`mm A
`AA i
`AA ..
`23 i
`FIG. 1

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