How Do You Research PTAB Decisions?

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board, or PTAB, has been steadily gaining momentum since its inception in September 2012. Recognizing the need for lawyers to navigate the ever-growing list of decisions, Docket Alarm has created the first and only dedicated PTAB legal research engine and analytics platform.

Docket Alarm’s database contains every published PTAB decision and features a dashboard with quick links to different categories of recent decisions. To make finding relevant information even easier, Docket Alarm has also created numerous one-click filters that allow users to parse through results by specific criteria. You can filter PTAB search results by outcome, motion, party, judge and more.

Once you find a docket, you can track it with Docket Alarm’s email alert tool. When tracking a docket, you will receive a notification in your inbox when that docket is updated. Alerts can be configured to arrive on a weekly or daily schedule, and you can even elect to receive them continuously. Docket Alarm’s email alerts contain a summary of the docket update along with a PDF attachment of the filing, so there is no need to login to the platform to see what’s new.

In addition to its PTAB search engine and email alerts, Docket Alarm users have access to PTAB predictive analytics on Docket Alarm’s analytics platform. User can view PTAB analytics to help predict outcomes for inter partes reviews or covered business method reviews. Additionally, these analytics can help predict the outcome of individual motions and can also demonstrate judicial decision patterns. For example, a practitioner appearing before a specific PTAB judge can see on average the likelihood that the judge will institute a petition, grant a particular motion, or issue a written decision that cancels all claims in full or in part. Lawyers can use this information to help devise winning litigation strategies.

Docket Alarm is the only research platform that offers patent practitioners a complete PTAB research and analytics platform. Add intelligence to your patent practice today by signing up at

Tara Klamrowski is the director of IP content at One400. She writes about current IP issues, IP trends, and how Docket Alarm can help attorneys and their clients achieve success.

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Docket Alarm is an advanced search and litigation tracking service for the Patent Trial and Appeals Board (PTAB), the International Trade Commission (ITC), Bankruptcy Courts, and Federal Courts across the United States. Docket Alarm searches and tracks millions of dockets and documents for thousands of users.

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