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Displaying 969-983 of 1,288 results

2003 Exhibit: Ex 2003 Declaration of Christopher Kyriacou

Document IPR2018-00336, No. 2003 Exhibit - Ex 2003 Declaration of Christopher Kyriacou (P.T.A.B. May. 4, 2018)

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1013 Exhibit: DELL Ex1013 2 of 2

Document IPR2018-00336, No. 1013 Exhibit - DELL Ex1013 2 of 2 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2017)

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1009 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1009 Lilinkamp, J, Mandell R and Padlipsky, M, Proposed Ho...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1009 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1009 Lilinkamp, J, Mandell R and Padlipsky, M, Proposed Host Front End Protocol, Network Working Group Request for Comments 929, Dec 1984 (P...

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1006 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1006 Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Computer Networks, Prentice ...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1006-2 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1006 Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Computer Networks, Prentice Hall, Inc, New Jersey 1996 1 of 2 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 3, 2017)

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2002 Exhibit: Intel Corporation¿¿¿s Motion to Intervene

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 2002 Exhibit - Intel Corporation¿¿¿s Motion to Intervene (P.T.A.B. Nov. 2, 2017)

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1038 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1038 Woodside, C M, Ravindran, K, and Franks, R G The pro...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1038 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1038 Woodside, C M, Ravindran, K, and Franks, R G The protocol bypass concept for high speed OSI data transfer IFIP Workshop on Protocols for H...

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1013 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1013 Stevens, W Richard and Gary R Wright, TCP IP Illustra...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1013-2 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1013 Stevens, W Richard and Gary R Wright, TCP IP Illustrated Volume 2 The Implementation, Addison Wesley 1995 2 of 3 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 3, 2017)

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1075 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1075 Van Meter, Rodney et al, VISA Netstations Virtual Inte...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1075 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1075 Van Meter, Rodney et al, VISA Netstations Virtual Internet SCSI Adapter, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California (P.T....

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1056 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1056 Julian Satran et al SCSI TCP SCSI over TCP February ...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1056 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1056 Julian Satran et al SCSI TCP SCSI over TCP February 2000 Internet Draft, Expires 14 August 2002 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 3, 2017)

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1006 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1006 Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Computer Networks, Prentice ...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1006 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1006 Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Computer Networks, Prentice Hall, Inc, New Jersey 1996 2 of 2 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 3, 2017)

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1016 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1016 Biersack, E W, R¿¿tsche E, Demultiplexing on the ATM A...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1016 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1016 Biersack, E W, R¿¿tsche E, Demultiplexing on the ATM Adapter Experiments with Internet Protocols in User Space, Journal on High Speed Netwo...

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1019 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1019 Padlipsky, M A, A Proposed Protocol for Connecting H...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1019 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1019 Padlipsky, M A, A Proposed Protocol for Connecting Host Computers to Arpa Like Networks Via Directly Connected Front End Processors, Netw...

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1034 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1034 Smith, JA, Primmer, M, Tachyon A Gigabit Fibre Chann...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1034 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1034 Smith, JA, Primmer, M, Tachyon A Gigabit Fibre Channel Protocol Chip, Hewlett Packard Journal, Article 12, Oct 1996 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 3, 2017)

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1015 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1015 Thia, YH, Woodside, CM, A Reduced Operation Protoc...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1015 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1015 Thia, YH, Woodside, CM, A Reduced Operation Protocol Engine ROPE for a Multiple Layer Bypass Architecture, Protocols for High Speed Netw...

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1029 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1029 MacLean, AR, Barvick, S E, An Outboard Processor fo...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1029 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1029 MacLean, AR, Barvick, S E, An Outboard Processor for High Performance Implementation of Transport Layer Protocols, IEEE Globecom 91, Ph...

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