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Displaying 819-833 of 1,288 results

2042 Exhibit: TCP IP Headers

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 2042-82 Exhibit - TCP IP Headers (P.T.A.B. Feb. 23, 2018)

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2800 Exhibit: Exhibit 2800

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 2800-117 Exhibit - Exhibit 2800 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 10, 2018)

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3002 Exhibit: Ex 3002

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 3002-111 Exhibit - Ex 3002 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 11, 2018)

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1230 Exhibit: Ex 1230

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 1230-98 Exhibit - Ex 1230 (P.T.A.B. May. 15, 2018)

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2027 Exhibit: Almeroth cv

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 2027-70 Exhibit - Almeroth cv (P.T.A.B. Feb. 23, 2018)

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2008 Exhibit: Excerpts of Declaration of Mr Mark R Lanning Regarding Claim Const...

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 2008-54 Exhibit - Excerpts of Declaration of Mr Mark R Lanning Regarding Claim Construction, Case No 216 cv 00693 JRG RSP, Dkt 303 5 ED Tex, July 6, 2017 (P.T.A.B. Se...

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1094 Exhibit: Excerpt of Robert Horsts Declaration in Support of IPR2017 01391

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 1094-48 Exhibit - Excerpt of Robert Horsts Declaration in Support of IPR2017 01391 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 19, 2017)

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1236 Exhibit: Ex 1237

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 1236-103 Exhibit - Ex 1237 (P.T.A.B. May. 15, 2018)

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2026 Exhibit: Expunged

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 2026-69 Exhibit - Expunged (P.T.A.B. Feb. 23, 2018)

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2600 Exhibit: Lin Dep Tr

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 2600-113 Exhibit - Lin Dep Tr (P.T.A.B. Jun. 15, 2018)

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2041 Exhibit: ALA07370910

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 2041-81 Exhibit - ALA07370910 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 23, 2018)

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2001 Exhibit: Excerpts from Prosecution History of ¿¿¿205 Patent

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 2001-49 Exhibit - Excerpts from Prosecution History of ¿¿¿205 Patent (P.T.A.B. Sep. 7, 2017)

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1038 Exhibit: Woodside, C M, Ravindran, K, and Franks, R G The protocol bypass c...

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 1038-31 Exhibit - Woodside, C M, Ravindran, K, and Franks, R G The protocol bypass concept for high speed OSI data transfer (P.T.A.B. May. 9, 2017)

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1006 Exhibit: Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Computer Networks Part 1

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 1006-5 Exhibit - Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Computer Networks Part 1 (P.T.A.B. May. 9, 2017)

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1263 Exhibit: Ex 1263 Petitioners Demonstratives for September 13, 2018 Oral Arg...

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 1263-118 Exhibit - Ex 1263 Petitioners Demonstratives for September 13, 2018 Oral Argument Part 1 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 10, 2018)

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