`REVISED 10/15/86
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`Arkema Exhibit 1139
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`R0: TSCA So::::- :'c; x:t:!::a:.:: :1 S.bs:a::;a2 ?:sk
`boa: Sir:
`in :ne : arse :1 :5: ::;a;n; revzev :2 zcxzcclogical data
`under the Tcxzc Substances ::::::: Ac:
`:?S:A3 Sec:3=n 8(2)
`C: plzance &:-;t Proqran 1C$P}. we hecaxe awa:c on December
`:. 299:.
`:1 a study wt;:: was :a:::c: 7:: ;:i:: := :h
`e:ac:n¢:: :1 7525 en: utzch ;:csc::
`zsfcrzaticn which nay be
`indicatzvc :1 a pctcztzal substantial risk to hunan health.
`in a:::::a::c wzth the prcrzsicns of Sccticn 8(e)
`at 7 CA. as intcrprctct in the statement 9! Interpretation
`an: Enicrccxesz F::ic" 7:: FE 211:3. xa:ch :5, 197a). Dow
`Car:':; Ccrporatzcn is sutmitzing the following flozitication
`ct S:ts:a::ia1 Risk within the r quire: fitzeen day reporting
`Chcnical substance:
`Z-Pfspefle. 3.3.3-::i£1u:ro-
`CASPJE 677-22-4
`Dow Corning Corporation
`2200 Rest Salzburq Road
`fiidland, xichigan 48656-0994
`Subnitted Study:
`Executive sunnaty:
`An acute vapor inhalation toxicity study was conducted with
`3.3,3— trifluoropropene (CASRN 677-21-4)
`in Swiss nice. Five
`groups of four nice each (two nales and two females) were
`oowoonunocoom=oaAnou.|mc.uco.IucucAu uus—o9u
`December 17,
`Page 2
`exposed in a multiple inhalation chamber designed for
`simultaneous exposure to atmospheres saturated and
`fractionally saturated with vapor of the test material at
`26'C. At the end of the one—hour exposure period, surviving
`animals were observed for 14 days prior to sacrifice. Gross
`pathologic examinations were conducted upon all animals.
`No significant reactions were observed on the test animals
`exposed at 0.62 g/L air while mild generalized inactivity and
`mild excitation were observed in the test animals exposed at
`1.24 g/L air, with all animals in both test groups surviving
`exposure. while three out of four test animals survived
`exposure at 1.66 g/L air, generalized inactivity,
`loss of
`righting reflex, excitation, ataxia, and,
`in the animal which
`died during exposure, anesthesia, were observed. All animals
`in the 2.08 g/L and 2.49 g/L test groups succumbed during the
`one—hour exposure period.
`The acute vapor inhalation mean lethal concentration (LC
`and the acute vapor mean effective anesthetic concentratign
`) of the test material was found to be 1.75 g/L air
`basgg on a one—hour exposure period.
`Necropsy-of the animals which succumbed during the test
`period as well as those sacrificed after the fourteen—day
`observation period did not disclose any significant gross
`pathologic alterations in the tissues and organs examined.
`The observed effects occurred at very high dose levels: an
`exposure to 1.66 q/L air of the test material, equivalent to
`423,000 ppm,
`is sufficient to reduce the oxygen content on
`the exposure chamber to 11.4%. It is generally accepted that
`oxygen levels below 12% produce anoxia, which then could
`result in the effects noted in this exposure group.
`If you require further information concerning this
`notification of substantial risk, please contact Dr. Rhys G.
`Daniels, Regulatory Compliance Specialist, Dow Corning
`Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance Department, at the
`address provided below or by telephone at 517-496-4222.
`7r:»:.«..../ 5%
`Dr. Forrest 0. stark
`U.S. Area Vice—President
`Director of Health and Environmental Sciences
`no-:23: .’.-.~..«......a.a-
`II»! ‘J:.‘D:If-5 ~§-3!]
`3".§J‘a-7 TC
`333’ (‘JO-G.\'_‘iKG -'JCo‘c7L?".':"A.o\'."J'~2..‘».
`AC"TZ ‘n‘);PCtT\
`:‘~7'..o\-LA7335 7.‘. E237‘? 3-5‘
`3), 3 - ‘.'13r..'a:nca3:z'zJz
`TX- 52
`3.3.3-trifluoropropene (TFPJ
`1. L-.'..'a£;c zia.-.
`A sa::‘.pZe ideazificd as TX-52 was received from Dow Corning
`— _
`C.->:;o:a:io:*. :'
`:- ::-.e p-.::po:e of conducting an acute vapor inhalation
`,:a.xi:i'.y -:-.;d-,- employing Swiss white mice as teat animals.
`Yo-.-.—.- adult Swiss white mice with an ave:-awe bod wci ht of
`5 ;:a:-..s Irc:e employed as test animals. All animals were kept
`-.;.-.de.- ohsc.'va:ion fox five days prior to experimental use, during
`out-.-1 1-. period zhey we.-e checked for genenl physical well-being
`Tad homage.-.¢i:y. The animals were housed individually in stock
`cages and pe.-x:-.'::ed a standard laboratory mouse diet* plus water
`g libi:u.. . The animals were not fasted prior to the inhalation
`cxposu :e.
`' Wayne Lab Blox. Allied Mills, Chicago, Illinois.
`hdautubl BIO-TEST 1ab:.:bu‘¢,9.2-_
`Five group: of four mice each (two males and hero iemaiu} v:.'t
`employed in the study. The inhalation experiment was co.-.d.-c:¢: -..-z
`a multiple inhalation chamber designed for si::‘.t:l:a.-.e:>-.1 ¢x;->s-.':e ::
`atmospheres saturatcd° and frac:-zonally saturated w-.'.1~. u;-an :5 ::-.¢
`test material at rear“ temperature {Z$'C). The :no'. use c‘.-4..--.ce :0
`run {or a one-hour period. At the end of the one-hon: capes.-.:e ;¢:~.:4.
`surviving animals were returned to their stock cage: and 0': ac.-vcc. to.-
`thc succeeding 14 days. Gross pathologic exarr-.-L:-.a:‘.o.-.1 were :o.'.e';<:¢:
`upon all animals that succumbed during the tea: perioc as we}; at °.:-.ose
`Wsacrificed at the end of the 14-day observation _:be.".oc'.
`At the end at the 14-day 0bse:va:iO:'. pe:iod all ca:.a \-Ic:c :o‘.:e::ec'.
`_ and arrangements made to calculate the acute vapor ‘.:-.':'.a‘.a:*.e: .-near.
`-’ lethal concentration (LCSO) of the test material employing :'.-.e':¢:.*..-.ique
`' of Litchfield and wucoxonu,
`Special attention was focused on behavioral signs of ar.e=°.Z-.es-La
`r"during the exposure period and the data collected for calcul.-t:-;o.-. o! :.'-.c
`acute vapor inhalation mean effective anesthetzc co.-.ce::'.:a'.:
`:'. (.-..C5o
`using the technique of Litchtield and Wileoxor-.¢°).
`An outline of the test conditions is presented in Tahle 2.
`¢‘ "Saturateci" refers to the maximum vapor concentration achieved
`under the experimental conditions employed.
`‘W Litchfield,
`J’. T. , Jr. , and Wilcexon, F.,
`"A Simplified 3-let1".o<'. 0!
`Evaluating Dose-Effect I-Zxperimenta, "J. Pharm.
`In 1- Then.
`Vol. 96, No, 2. PP. 99-113 (1949).
`.-_-...- .2 ; o - '; 2 s 7 .-...»A-'
`...»~-- -..a.A'. 1..-.
`III. Results
`A. Mortality
`The mortality data. are presented in Table II.
`SIO-TEST 1=.4.>:.«-.‘.>:a'u, fins.
`B. Reactions
`The reactions ex-‘sibited by mice exposed to a vapor of the
`:-.-<: maze:-ial at various concentrations are summarized in Table III.
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`_z’.:.£>:a‘oa4'¢-.1, he.
`C. Gross Pznthdlogic Findings
`Necropsy oi the animals which succumbed during the test
`period as well as those sacrificed at the end of the 14-day observation
`period did not disclose any significant gross pathologic alterations in
`the tissues and organs examined.
`8 '
`12 of 16
`/'u.-.{.-0-551 .310 - T E 5 T .L’¢-.v.>«;.:£v.-a‘a.1, 74.:
`IV. Summar Y
`The acute vapor inhalation mean lethal concentration (LC:-,0) and
`the acme vapor inhalation mean effective ancsthrtlc concentration
`(EZC5o)o{'1'X-5?. for Swiss white mice was found to be 1. 75 g/L air
`bancd on a one-hour expo-urn period.
`Respectfully submitted.
`Report prepared by: Richard .T. Palazzol , 'B.S.
`Departmental Director
`Acute Tmdcity Department
`- C. @cZorz%/4’
`. C. Calandrn, Ph. D. , M..D.
`rReport approved by:
`September 2 Z, 1965
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`THIS IS To CERTIFY that the microlmages appearing on this mlcmllcho an assume
`and complain reproducflona of the record: at U.S. Envltonmenlal Protection Agency
`_ documents as delivered In the tegular course 0! business {or mlcrolflflaf.
`Dam Pfoducoq
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`Camera Qporawr
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