United States Patent
`US 6,909,443 B1
`(10) Patent No.:
`Robertson etal.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Jun. 21, 2005
`Inventors: cee Robertson, Seattle, WA
`(US); Mary P. zrwins®
`Woodinville,WA (US); Kenneth P.
`Hinckley, GethellWA(US stem
`C. Robbins, Seattle, WA (US);
`Maarten R. van Dantzich, Seattle, WA
`(73) Assignee: Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA
`F thi
`Subjectto any disclaimer, the term of
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`US.C, 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/540,069
`oo °
`Mar.31, 2000
`(*) Notice:
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Provisional application No. 60/128,003, filed on Apr. 6,
`aangProvisional application No. 60/127,997, filed on
`(SL) Ute C0 eeececccseeseeseeseereereeseeseeneesees G09G 5/00
`(52) U.S. Ch. ee eeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeenenees 345/782; 345/848
`(58) Field of Search eee 345/757, 752,
`345/848, 852, 850, 836
`References Cited
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`veesessseesseeesessees 395/152
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`.......... 345/782
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`WO 97/41506
`WO 97/45782
`How to user Microsoft Windows NT 4 Workstation, Copy-
`right 1996.*
`Y'g_ Appl. No. 09/541,133, filed Mar. 31, 2000, Robertson
`et al
`US. Appl. No. 09/540,744,filed Mar. 31, 2000, Robertson
`et al.
`Primary Examiner—Kristine Kincaid
`Assistant Examiner—Thanh T. Vu
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Theodore M. Magee;
`Westman, Champlin & Kelly, P.A.
`The present invention provides a three-dimensional user
`interface for a computer system that allows a user to
`combineandstore a group of windowsas a task. The image
`of each task can be positioned within a three-dimensional
`environment such that the user may utilize spatial memory
`in order to remember where a particular task is located. In
`further embodiments of the invention, the three-dimensional
`environment includes a stage, which is used to display the
`task with the current focus. When a user selects a new task
`in the gallery, the task is movedto the stage and given focus.
`If a previous task was on the stage, an image of the previous
`task is captured. This image is then moved into the task
`gallery away from the stage. This process allows users to
`switch between multiple window configurations with a
`simple action.
`4 Claims, 40 Drawing Sheets
`APPLE 1016
`APPLE 1016


`US 6,909,443 B1
`Page 2
`“Moving Objects in Space: Exploiting Proprioception in
`Virtual—EnvironmentInteraction,” Computer Graphics Pro-
`ceedings, Annual Conference Series, XP—000765798, pp.
`19-26 (1997).
`“Wayfinding Strategies and Behaviors in Large Virtual
`Worlds,” Conference on Human Factors in Computing Sys-
`tems, pp. 142-149 (1996).
`“Practical 3D User Interface Design: Siggraph °96,” Orga-
`nizer: Daniel C. Robbins, Microsoft Corporation, 30 pages.
`Summary of Video Entitled “CHIMP System,” by Mark
`Mine, University of North Carolina, 1 page (1996).
`Benjamin B. Bedersonet al., “Local Tools: An Alternative to
`Tool Palettes,” User Interface Software and Technology,pp.
`169-170 (1996).
`Mark Billinghurst et al., “3D Palette: A Virtual Reality
`Content Creation Tool,” Virtual Reality Software and Tech-
`nology, pp. 155-156 (1997).
`Jeff Butterworth et al., “3DM: A Three Dimensional Mod-
`eler Using a Head—Mounted Display,” Symposium onInter-
`active 3D Graphics, pp. 135-138 (1992).
`Brookshire D. Conneret al., “Three—Dimensional Widgets,”
`Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, pp. 183-188
`T. Todd Elvins et al., “3D Thumbnails for Wayfinding in
`Virtual Environments,” User Interface Software and Tech-
`nology, pp. 21-30 (1997).
`Ken Hinckleyet al. “Passive Real-World Interface Props for
`Neurosurgical Visualization,” Conference on Human Fac-
`tors in Computing Systems, pp. 452-458 (1994).
`Randy Pauschetal., “Navigation and Locomotion in Virtual
`Worlds via Flight Into Hand—Held Miniatures,” ACM SIG-
`GRAPH Conference Proceedings, pp. 399-400 (1995).
`Abigail J. Sellen et al., “The Role of Visual and Kinesthetic
`Feedback in the Prevention of Mode Errors,” INTERACT
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`in Computing Systems, pp. 265-272 (1995).
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`on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 37-42
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`ings of Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, pp. 131-138
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`Web Page Retrieval in 3D,” Proceedingsof Interact *99,pp.
`163-170. (1999).
`Kandogan E., et al., “Elastic Windows: Evaluation of Mul-
`ti-Window Operations,” CHI’97, ACM, pp. 250-257
`Morris, J., et al, “A Distributed Personal Computing Envi-
`ronment,” CACM, 29(3), pp. 184-201 (Mar. 1986).
`Robertson, G., et al., “Data Mountain: Using Spatial
`Memory for Document Management,” UIST °98, ACM,pp.
`153-162 (Nov. 1998).
`Feiner, S., et al., “Windows on the World: 2D Windowsfor
`3D Augmented Reality,” Proceedings of ACM UIST °93
`Symposium on UserInterface Software & Technology, pp.
`145-155 (Nov. 1993).
`Henderson, A., et al., “The Use of Mulitple Virtual Work-
`spaces to Reduce Space Contention in a Window-—Based
`Graphical User Interface,” ACM Transactions on Graphics
`5, 3, pp. 211-243 (1986).
`Robertson, G., et al., “Information Visualization Using 3D
`Interactive Animation,” CACM,36, 4, pp. 57-71 (1993).
`* cited by examiner


`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 21, 2005
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` SP|0s|1YOdWIYASYSayNVads


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`_— 216
`FIG. 2


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`200 \ors


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`FIG. 6


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`ROOM 251
`STAGE 254
`TASK 268
`[ WINDOW 276|[WINDOW 278
`LEFT SIDE eaersc]
`|CIELING 260)__
`ROOM 252
`[TASK262][TASK262|[TASK2264]||[TASK |[ TASK |
`LEFT SIDE WALL __270__|


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`FIG. 10A
`FIG. 10B |


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`FIG. 11A
`FIG. 11B


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` FIG. 12F


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`FIG. 14B
`FIG. 14D
`FIG. 14F


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` FIG. 15B
` —/
`FIG. 15C
`FIG. 15D


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` FIG. 16


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` FIG. 17


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`S442 ale 442
`FIG. 18A
`FIG. 18B
`FIG. 18C
`FIG. 18D


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`ay a FIG. 20A
`FIG. 20B
`FIG. 19C
`FIG. 20C


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`474 472
`FIG. 22B
` FIG. 21C
`FIG. 22C


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`FIG. 23A
`t FIG.23B
`SSOe .


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`506 oF
`FIG. 24A
`FIG. 25A
`FIG. 24B
`— FIG. 25B
`510 °°
`= S
`FIG. 24C
`FIG. 25C


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`FIG. 26B
`/ /
`518 520
`ST 518
` 7, FIG.26E
`Ss 522
`FIG. 26D


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`550 FIG. 28B
`oT 550
`FIG. 28C
`FIG. 28D
`FIG. 27


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`FIG. 29C
`FIG. 29B
`FIG. 30C


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`LA© FIG. 32B
`FIG. 32A
`FIG. 32C


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`FIG. 33B
`FIG. 33C


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` FIG. 35C
`= “Fe
`FIG. 35B


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`FIG. 36B
`FIG. 36C


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`@ @(
`x 6
`FIG. 37D


`FIG. 37A
` FIG.37C


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`FIG. 38A
`FIG. 38B
`FIG. 38E
`FIG. 38F


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`660 FIG. 381
`FIG. 38]


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`FIG. 39B
`FIG. 40B
`FIG. 40C


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`FIG. 441A
` FIG. 42B
`FIG. 41C
`FIG. 42C


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`FIG. 43A
`FIG. 44A
`FIG. 44B
`FIG. 44C
`- 712
`FIG. 43B
`FIG. 43C


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`FIG. 45C
`FIG. 45D
`FIG. 45E


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`J |
`— US
`FIG. 46B
`— —_
`FIG. 46C
`FIG. 46D
`— 7
`| et
`FIG. 46E


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`FIG. 47A
`FIG. 47B


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`770 “2
`FIG. 48
` 3-D


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` -810
`FIG. 49


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`<— 801
`— 803
`— 805
`a T
`g12 —S
`FIG. 50


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`FIG. 5 l
`SET 2-D


`US 6,909,443 B1
`The present application claims priority from U.S. Provi-
`sional Applications having Ser. Nos. 60/128,003 and 60/127,
`997, both filed on Apr. 6, 1999 and entitled METHOD AND
`The present applicationis also related to three US. patent
`application owned by a commonassignee with the present
`application and filed on even date herewith. The three
`applications are identified by Ser. Nos. 09/541,133, 09/539,
`817, and Ser. No. 09/540,744 and are entitled “METHOD
`The present invention relates to computer interfaces. In
`particular, the present invention relates to three-dimensional
`computer interfaces.
`Many computer systems display images produced by
`different applications within different windows on a com-
`puter monitor. Examples of operating systems that generate
`such windowsinclude Windows 95®, Windows 98®, Win-
`dows NT®, and Windows® 2000 from Microsoft Corpora-
`tion. In such systems,usersare able to interact with multiple
`applications. For example, a user may have one window
`open for Word 97 from Microsoft Corporation and a second
`window open for Excel from Microsoft Corporation.
`It has been observed that computer users open different
`windowsfor different tasks and organize the display of their
`windowsdifferently for different tasks. For example, when
`a user performsthe task of writing a computer program, they
`may have two windowsopen in a split screen format, with
`one window containing a program editor and the other
`window containing the interface generated by the program.
`However, whenthe user is performing a task such as sending
`e-mails, the user may have the mail window opensothatit
`takes up most of the screen and a scheduling application
`open in a small part of the screen.
`Since each task may be associated with different windows
`in different layouts, one system of the prior art has allowed
`the user to associate the layout of particular windows with
`particular tasks. In this prior art system, such layouts were
`referred to as rooms, even though the layout provided a
`two-dimensional view of the windows as seen on most
`current two-dimensional displays. The user could select one
`of the rooms to work with by picking the room from a grid
`of icons representing each of the available rooms. In this
`prior art system, the rooms are placed in the grid by the
`system. This forces the user to scan the grid in orderto find
`the room that they wish to work with. Such a layout makes
`the use of the room system difficult for most users.
`The present invention provides a three-dimensional user
`interface for a computer system that allows a user to
`combine and store a group of windowsas a task. The image
`of each task can be positioned within a three-dimensional
`environment such that the user mayutilize spatial memory
`in order remember wherea particular task is located.
`In further embodiments of the invention,
`the three-
`dimensional environmentincludes a stage, which is used to
`display the task with the current focus. When a user selects
`a new task in the gallery, the task is moved to the stage and
`given focus. If a previous task was onthe stage, an image of
`the previous task is captured. This image is then movedinto
`the task gallery away from the stage. In many embodiments,
`the image of the previous task is sent to the location in the
`gallery where the previous task resided before it was
`selected to move to the stage.
`FIG. 1 is a plan view of a general computing environment
`in which embodiments of the invention may bepracticed.
`FIG. 2 is a top-back perspective view of a task gallery
`display of an embodimentof the present invention.
`FIG. 3 is a side perspective view of the task gallery of
`FIG. 2.
`FIG. 4 is a screen imageof a task gallery user interface
`generated under an embodimentof the present invention.
`FIG. 5 is a diagram of a container object hierarchy under
`an embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 6 is a screen image of the task gallery of FIG. 4
`populated by tasks and windows.
`FIG. 7 is a diagram showing the relationship between
`mouse movement and object movement for objects associ-
`ated with different parts of the task gallery.
`FIGS. 8A-8B show selected frames from the animated
`movementof a task on the right side wall ofthe task gallery.
`FIGS. 9A-9B show selected frames from the animated
`movementof a task on the left side wall of the task gallery.
`FIGS. 10A—-10B show selected frames from the animated
`movementof a task on the floor of the task gallery.
`FIGS. 11A-11B show selected frames from the animated
`movementof a task on the ceiling of the task gallery.
`FIGS. 12A-12I1 showselected frames from the animated
`movementof a task as it is moved betweenthe walls, ceiling
`and floor of the task gallery.
`FIGS. 13A-13E show selected frames from the animated
`movementof tasks when focus is shifted to a new task.
`FIGS. 14A-14F show selected frames from the animated
`movementof the virtual user and tasks when focusis shifted
`to a new task using a menuselection.
`FIGS. 15A-15D show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a virtual user to the home viewing area.
`FIG. 16 shows a movementcontrol in a task gallery of one
`embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 17 showsa focus task from the perspective of the
`home viewing area.
`FIGS. 18A-18D show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window from the primary viewing location
`to the loose stack.
`FIGS. 19A-19C show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window from the ordered stack to the loose
`FIGS. 20A-20C showselected frames from the animated
`movement of a window from the ordered stack to the
`primary viewing location in place of an existing window in
`the primary viewing location.


`US 6,909,443 B1
`FIGS. 21A—21C show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window from the loose stack to the ordered
`FIGS. 22A—22C show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window from the loose stack to the primary
`viewing location in place of an existing window in the
`primary viewing location.
`FIGS. 23A—23C show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window from the primary viewing location
`to the ordered stack.
`FIGS. 24A-24C show selected frames from the dragging
`of a window within the loose stack.
`FIGS. 25A—25C show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window within the loose stack.
`FIGS. 26A-26F show selected frames from the dragging
`and animated movement of a window within the ordered
`FIG. 27 shows a set of iconic buttons for controlling
`movement of windows in an embodiment of the present
`FIGS. 28A-28D show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window from the primary viewing location
`to the loose stack using button icons.
`FIGS. 29A—29C show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window from the ordered stack to the loose
`stack using button icons.
`FIGS. 30A-30C show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window from the ordered stack to the
`primary viewing location in place of an existing window in
`the primary viewing location using button icons.
`FIGS. 31A-31C show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window from the loose stack to the primary
`viewing location in place of an existing window in the
`primary viewing location using button icons.
`FIGS. 32A-—32C show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window from the loose stack to the ordered
`stack using button icons.
`FIGS. 33A—33C show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window from the primary viewing location
`to the ordered stack using button icons.
`FIGS. 34A-34C show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window within the loose stack using button
`FIGS. 35A-35C show selected frames from the animated
`movement of a window within the loose stack using a
`second embodimentof button icons.
`FIGS. 36A-36C show selected frames from the dragging
`of a window within the loose stack using button icons.
`FIGS. 37A-37F show selected frames from the dragging
`and animated movement of a window within the ordered
`stack using button icons.
`FIGS. 38A-38]J show selected frames from the animated
`movement associated with adding windowsto the primary
`viewing location.
`FIGS. 39A-39C show selected frames from an animated
`movement associated with glancing at the left tool space.
`FIGS. 40A—40C show selected frames from an animated
`movement associated with returning to a forward view after
`selecting an application from the left tool space.
`FIGS. 41A-41C show selected frames from an animated
`movement associated with glancing at the right tool space.
`FIGS. 42A-42C showselected frames from an animated
`movement associated with returning to a forward view after
`selecting an application from the right tool space.
`FIGS. 43A-43C show selected frames from an animated
`movement associated with glancing at the up tool space.
`FIGS. 44A4-44C show selected frames from an animated
`movement associated with glancing at the downtool space.
`FIGS. 45A-45E show selected frames from an animated
`movementof a dismissed dialog box as it moves toward the
`down tool space.
`FIGS. 46A-46E show selected frames from an animated
`movement of a window from onetask to another.
`FIGS. 47A-47B show selected frames from an animated
`movement of a window boundary during resizing.
`FIG. 48 is a block diagram of software and hardware
`elements of one embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 49 is a flow diagram for redirecting window display
`data generated by an application.
`FIG. 50 is a flow diagram of an animation loop for
`rendering redirected window data.
`FIG. 51 is a flow diagram for redirecting pointing device
`input messages.
`FIG. 1 and the related discussion are intended to provide
`a brief, general description of a suitable computing envi-
`in which the invention may be implemented.
`Although not required, the invention will be described, at
`least in part, in the general context of computer-executable
`instructions, such as program modules, being executed by a
`personal computer. Generally, program modules include
`routine programs, objects, components, data structures,etc.
`that perform particular tasks or implementparticularabstract
`data types. Moreover, those skilled in the art will appreciate
`that the invention may be practiced with other computer
`system configurations, including hand-held devices, multi-
`processor systems, microprocessor-based or programmable
`consumerelectronics, network PCs, minicomputers, main-
`frame computers, and the like. The invention may also be
`practiced in distributed computing environments where
`tasks are performed by remote processing devices that are
`linked through a communications network.In a distributed
`computing environment, program modules maybe located
`in both local and remote memorystorage devices.
`With reference to FIG. 1, an exemplary system for imple-
`menting the invention includes a general purpose computing
`device in the form of a conventional personal computer 20,
`including a processing unit (CPU) 21, a system memory 22,
`and a system bus 23 that couples various system components
`including the system memory 22 to the processing unit 21.
`The system bus 23 may be any of several types of bus
`structures including a memory bus or memory controller, a
`peripheral bus, and a local bus using any of a variety of bus
`architectures. The system memory 22 includes read only
`memory (ROM) 24 and random access memory (RAM)25.
`A basic input/output (BIOS) 26, containing the basic routine
`that helps to transfer information between elements within
`the personal computer 20, such as during start-up, is stored
`in ROM 24. The personal computer 20 further includes a
`hard disk drive 27 for reading from and writing to a hard disk
`(not shown), a magnetic disk drive 28 for reading from or
`writing to removable magnetic disk 29, and an optical disk
`drive 30 for reading from or writing to a removable optical
`disk 31 such as a CD ROM orother optical media. The hard
`disk drive 27, magnetic disk drive 28, and optical disk drive
`30 are connected to the system bus 23 by a hard disk drive
`interface 32, magnetic disk drive interface 33, and an optical


`US 6,909,443 B1
`drive interface 34, respectively. The drives and the associ-
`ated computer-readable media provide nonvolatile storage
`of computer readable instructions, data structures, program
`modules and other data for the personal computer 20.
`Although the exemplary environment described herein
`employs the hard disk, the removable magnetic disk 29 and
`the removable optical disk 31, it should be appreciated by
`those skilled in the art that other types of computer readable
`media which can store data that is accessible by a computer,
`such as magnetic cassettes, flash memory cards, digital
`video disks, Bernoulli cartridges, random access memories
`(RAMs), read only memory (ROM), and the like, may also
`be used in the exemplary operating environment.
`Anumberof program modules may be stored on the hard
`disk, magnetic disk 29, optical disk 31, ROM 24 or RAM 25,
`including an operating system 35, one or more application
`programs 36, other program modules 37, and program data
`38. A user may enter commands and information into the
`personal computer 20 through local input devices such as a
`keyboard 40, pointing device 42 and a microphone 43. Other
`input devices (not shown) mayinclude a joystick, game pad,
`satellite dish, scanner, or the like. These and other input
`devices are often connected to the processing unit 21
`through a serial port interface 46 that is coupled to the
`system bus 23, but may be connected by other interfaces,
`such as a sound card, a parallel port, a game port or a
`universal serial bus (USB). A monitor 47 or other type of
`display device is also connected to the system bus 23 via an
`interface, such as a video adapter 4B. In addition to the
`monitor 47, personal computers may typically include other
`peripheral output devices, such as a speaker 45 and printers
`(not shown).
`The personal computer 20 may operate in a networked
`environment using logic connections to one or more remote
`computers, such as a remote computer 49. The remote
`computer 49 may be another personal computer, a hand-held
`device, a server, a router, a network PC, a peer device or
`other network node, and typically includes manyorall of the
`elements described above relative to the personal computer
`20, although only a memory storage device 50 has been
`illustrated in FIG. 1. The logic connections depicted in FIG.
`1 include a local area network (LAN) 51 and a wide area
`network (WAN) 52. Such networking environments are
`commonplacein offices, enterprise-wide computer network
`Intranets, and the Internet.
`When used in a LAN networking environment, the per-
`sonal computer 20 is connected to the local area network 51
`through a network interface or adapter 53. When used in a
`WAN networking environment, the personal computer 20
`typically includes a modem 54 or other meansfor establish-
`ing communications over the wide area network 52, such as
`the Internet. The modem 54, which may be internal or
`external, is connected to the system bus 23 viathe serial port
`interface 46. In a network environment, program modules
`depicted relative to the personal computer 20, or portions
`thereof, may be stored in the remote memory storage
`devices. It will be appreciated that the network connections
`shown are exemplary and other means of establishing a
`communications link between the computers may be used.
`For example, a wireless communication link may be estab-
`lished between one or more portions of the network.
`Under the present
`invention, a three-dimensional user
`interface is generated that allows a user to manipulate and
`use windows by associating the windows with separate
`tasks. In the description below,this three-dimensional user
`interface is referred to alternatively as a task gallery, a data
`hallway, and a data mine. Generally, the three-dimensional
`user interface gives the user the perception that they are
`within a hallwayorgallery consisting of a numberof aligned
`hallway sections that end with a stage or display area at an
`end wall.
`Task Gallery Layout
`FIG. 2 provides a top back perspective view of a task
`gallery 200 of one embodimentof the present invention with
`the ceiling in the gallery. removed to expose the remainder
`of the gallery. Task gallery 200 includes rooms 202, 204, 206
`and 208 that each have walls forming a portion of side walls
`210 and 212, and floors that form a portion of gallery floor
`214. Room 208 also includes an end wall 216 and a stage
`FIG. 3 provides a perspective view from the side of task
`gallery 200 of FIG.2. In FIG. 3, ceiling 202 of task gallery
`200 is shown connecting side walls 210, and 212. Although
`only four rooms, 202, 204, 206 and 208 are shown in FIGS.
`2 and 3, many task galleries of the present invention are
`indefinitely extendable by the user. In one embodiment, the
`user interface automatically generates additional rooms as
`the user moves objects out of the last existing room or
`creates new objects that necessitate the creation of new
`rooms. In such embodiments,
`the interface also removes
`back-end roomsif they no longer contain objects. Thus, the
`task gallery may consist of as few as one room.
`Whenthe user is using task gallery 200 of FIG. 3, the
`three-dimensional image provided to the user is based upon
`the combination of the location of a virtual body, represent-
`ing the user’s bodyin the task gallery and the orientation of
`a virtual head or camera representing the user’s head in the
`task gallery. The user’s virtual head is able to rotate inde-
`pendently of the direction the virtual body is facing, so that
`the user can glance up and down and to the sides as
`discussed further below.
`FIG. 4 provides a screen image representing the view

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