( 12 ) United States Patent
`Milbrand , Jr . et al .
`( 10 ) Patent No . : US 10 , 381 , 767 B1
`( 45 ) Date of Patent :
`Aug . 13 , 2019
`( 71 ) Applicant : Amphenol Corporation , Wallingford
`Center , CT ( US )
`( 72 ) Inventors : Donald W . Milbrand , Jr . , Bristol , NH
`( US ) ; Prescott B . Atkinson ,
`Nottingham , NH ( US ) ; Brian Kirk ,
`Amherst , NH ( US )
`( 73 ) Assignee : Amphenol Corporation , Wallingford ,
`CT ( US )
`Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 0 days .
`( 21 ) Appl . No . : 15 / 065 , 683
`( 22 ) Filed :
`Mar . 9 , 2016
`( * ) Notice :
`Related U . S . Application Data
`( 63 ) Continuation of application No . 13 / 683 , 295 , filed on
`Nov . 21 , 2012 , now Pat . No . 10 , 122 , 129 , which is a
`( Continued )
`( 51 ) Int . CI .
`HOIR 13 / 658
`HOIR 13 / 26
`( 52 )
`( 58 )
`( 2011 . 01 )
`( 2006 . 01 )
`( Continued )
`U . S . CI .
`CPC . . . . . . . . . HOIR 13 / 26 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; HOIR 12 / 75
`( 2013 . 01 ) ; HOIR 13 / 6585 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; HOIR
`13 / 6587 ( 2013 . 01 )
`Field of Classification Search
`CPC . . . . . . . . . HOIR 13 / 65807 ; HOIR 13 / 6587 ; HOIR
`13 / 6586 ; HOIR 13 / 6585 ; HOIR 13 / 658 ;
`HOIR 13 / 646 ; HOIR 13 / 6471
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`( 56 )
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`A cable connector with improved performance and ease of
`use . The connector has staggered ports to reduce crosstalk
`and to prevent incorrect insertion of a plug into a receptacle .
`The plug may be constructed with subassemblies , each of
`which has a lossy central portion . Conductive members
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`32 Claims , 12 Drawing Sheets
`- 612C
`- - 6100
`/ 660B
`Page 1 of 34


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`( 51 )
`( 56 )
`Related U . S . Application Data
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`namin 100
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`U . S . Patent
`Aug . 13 , 2019
`Sheet 3 of 12
`US 10 , 381 , 767 B1
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`Aug . 13 , 2019
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`U . S . Patent
`Aug . 13 , 2019
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`Aug . 13 , 2019
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`Aug . 13 , 2019
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`Aug . 13 , 2019
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`US 10 , 381 , 767 B1
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`US 10 , 381 , 767 B1
`the receptacle is positioned near an opening in an exterior
`surface , sometimes referred to as a “ panel , ” of the device .
`The plug may be inserted through the opening in the panel ,
`to mate with the receptacle , completing a connection
`5 between the cable and electronic components within the
`device .
`This application is a continuation of U . S . application Ser .
`An example of a board - mounted connector is the small
`No . 13 / 683 , 295 , filed on Nov . 21 , 2012 , and titled “ HIGH
`form factor pluggable , or SFP , connector . SFP connectors
`have been standardized by an SFF working group and are
`cation is a continuation of U . S . patent application Ser . No .
`13 / 671 , 096 , filed on Nov . 7 , 2012 , and titled “ HIGH PER - 10 documented in standard SFF 8431 . Though , cable connec
`FORMANCE CABLE CONNECTOR , ” which application
`tors in other form factors are known , including connectors
`is a continuation of and claims the benefit under 35 U . S . C .
`made according to the QSFP standard .
`$ S 120 and 365 ( c ) of International Application PCT /
`US2011 / 035515 , with an international filing date of May 6 ,
`2011 , and titled “ HIGH PERFORMANCE CABLE CON - 15
`NECTOR , ” which applications are herein incorporated by
`Improved electrical performance and ease of use of a
`reference in their entirety . This application also claims the
`cable connector may be provided through incorporation of
`benefit under 35 U . S . C . $ 119 ( e ) of U . S . Provisional Patent
`one or more design features . These features may be used
`Application Ser . No . 61 / 332 , 366 , filed on May 7 , 2010 , and
`alone or in combination .
`According to an aspect of the present application , there is
`which application is hereby incorporated herein by reference
`provided a receptacle assembly comprising : a housing hav
`ing a mating face ; a plug - receiving port within the mating
`in its entirety .
`face ; a plurality of conductive elements disposed within the
`housing , each of the conductive elements comprising a
`25 mating contact portion within the port ; a hole in the mating
`This invention application relates generally to electrical
`face , the hole being bounded by at least one wall ; and a
`interconnection systems and more specifically to intercon
`compliant member within the hole , the compliant member
`comprising a segment , the segment being adjacent the wall
`nections between cables and circuit assemblies .
`at a first location and extending toward a centerline of the
`30 hole at a second location , the first location being closer to the
`mating face than the second location .
`Electronic systems are frequently manufactured from
`In some embodiments , the segment of the compliant
`member is a
`first segment ; and the compliant member
`multiple interconnected assemblies . Electronic devices , such
`as computers , frequently contain electronic components
`comprises a second segment .
`attached to printed circuit boards . One or more printed 35
`In some embodiments , the compliant member comprises
`circuit boards may be positioned within a rack or other
`a metal strip bent to form the first segment and the second
`support structure and interconnected so that data or other
`segment .
`signals may be processed by the components on different
`In some embodiments , the compliant member comprises
`printed circuit boards .
`a metal strip .
`Frequently , interconnections between printed circuit 40
`In some embodiments , the compliant member is
`boards are made using electrical connectors . To make such
`J - shaped member .
`an interconnection , one electrical connector is attached to
`In some embodiments , the receptacle comprises at least
`each printed circuit board to be connected , and those boards
`two ports in the mating face .
`are positioned such that the connectors mate , creating signal
`According to an aspect of the present application , there is
`paths between the boards . Signals can pass from board to 45 provided a receptacle assembly , in combination with a plug ,
`board through the connectors , allowing electronic compo -
`the plug comprising : a shell ; a planar member disposed
`nents on different printed circuit boards to work together
`within the shell , the planar member comprising plurality of
`Use of connectors in this fashion facilitates assembly of
`conductive elements , each conductive element having a
`complex devices because portions of the device can be
`mating contact portion , a screw comprising a thread ,
`manufactured on separate boards and then assembled . Use of 50 wherein : the planar member of the plug is positioned within
`connectors also facilitates maintenance of electronic devices
`the plug - receiving port to align the mating contact portions
`because a board can be added to a system after it
`of the conductive elements within the plug with the mating
`assembled to add functionality or to replace a defective
`contact portion of the conductive elements within the recep
`tacle assembly ; the segment of the complaint member has a
`board .
`In some instances , an electronic system is more complex 55 distal end ; and the screw is inserted in the hole with the distal
`or needs to span a wider area than can practically be
`end of the segment engaging the thread of the screw .
`achieved by assembling boards into a rack . It is known ,
`In some embodiments , the combination further comprises
`though , to interconnect devices , which may be widely
`a cable and the plug is attached to the cable .
`separated , using cables . In this scenario , cable connectors ,
`In some embodiments , the combination further comprises
`designed to make connections between conductors of cables 60 a printed circuit board mounted adjacent a panel of an
`and conductors of printed circuit boards within the devices
`electronic device , the panel comprising an opening and the
`may be used . The cable connectors may be separable , with
`plug - receiving port being positioned in the opening .
`a cable end terminated with a cable connector , sometimes
`According to an aspect of the present application , there is
`called a " plug . ” A printed circuit board within the electronic
`provided a method of operating an interconnection system
`device may contain a board - mounted connector , sometimes 65 comprising a receptacle and a plug , the method comprising :
`called a " receptacle , " that receives the plug . Rather than
`inserting the plug into a port in the receptacle ; securing the
`being mounted to align with a connector on another board ,
`plug to the receptacle by pressing a screw coupled to the
`Page 17 of 34


`US 10 , 381 , 767 B1
`FIG . 5 is a partially exploded view of a receptacle
`plug into a hole in the receptacle ; and releasing the plug
`from the receptacle by rotating the screw .
`according to some embodiments of the invention ;
`FIG . 6 is an exploded view of a portion of a receptacle
`In some embodiments , the receptacle comprises a retain -
`according to some embodiments of the invention ;
`ing member and pressing the screw into the hole comprises
`FIGS . 7A and 7B are schematic illustrations of profiles of
`deflecting the retaining member .
`the mating faces of a receptacle and a plug according to
`In some embodiments , the screw comprises a thread ; the
`some embodiments of the invention ;
`retaining member comprises a distal end ; and deflecting the
`FIG . 8 is a sketch of a lead frame of a plug according to
`retaining member comprises deflecting the retaining mem
`some embodiments of the invention ;
`ber such that the thread of the screw passes the distal end of
`FIG . 9 is a partially exploded view of a plug sub - assembly
`the retaining member .
`according to some embodiments of the invention ;
`In some embodiments , rotating the screw comprises slid -
`FIG . 10 is a sketch , partially exploded , of a portion of a
`ing the thread of the screw along the distal end of the
`retaining member .
`wafer according to some embodiments of the invention ;
`FIG . 11 is a sketch of a wafer sub - assembly according to
`In some embodiments , inserting the plug into the port
`comprises making a plurality of electrical connections 15 some embodiments of the invention ;
`between a cable attached to the plug and a printed circuit
`FIG . 12A is a perspective view of a pl

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