`2070 Ringwood A
`an Jose, CA 95131
`(408) 434-0800
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 001
`NEC Electronics Inc.
`Single-Chip Microcontroller
`Data Book
`May 1990
`Document No. 50053
`@1990 NEC Electronics lnc./Printed in U.S.A.
`No part of this document may be copied or reproduced In any form or by any means without the prior written consent
`of NEC Electronics Inc. The Information In this document Is subjectto change without notice. Devices sold by NEC
`Electronics Inc. are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in NEC Electronics Inc.
`Terms and Conditions of Sale only. NEC Electronics Inc. makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by
`description, regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent
`Infringement. NEC Electronics Inc. makes no warranty of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. NEC Electronics
`Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear In this document. NEC Electronics Inc. makes no
`commitment to update or to keep current the Information contained In this document.
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 002
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 003
`Selection Guides a
`Reliability and Quality Control fJ
`µPD7500 Series: 4-Bit Microcomputers El
`µPD75000 Series: 4-Bit Microcomputers II
`µPD7800 Series: 8-Bit Microcomputers El
`µPD78K2 Series: 8-Bit Microcomputers II
`µPD78K3 Series: 16-Bit Microcomputers Bl
`µPD722x Series: LCD Controller/Drivers EJ
`Development Tools m
`Package Drawings Im
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 004
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 005
`Section 1
`Selection Guides
`Single-Chip Microcomputers
`µPD75XX Series Development Tools
`µPD75XXX Series Development Tools
`µPD78XX Series Development Tools
`µPD782XX Series Development Tools
`µPD783XX Series Development Tools
`PG-1500 Programming Adapters
`V-Series MicroprocessorS and Peripherals
`Intelligent Peripheral Devices (IPD)
`DSP and Speech Products
`V-Series Development Tools
`DSP and Speech Development Tools
`Section 2
`Reliability and Quality Control
`Built-In Quality and Reliability
`Technology Description
`Approaches to Total Quality Contrc:>I
`Implementation of Quality Control
`Reliability Testing
`Life Distribution
`Failure Distribution at NEC
`Infant Mortality Failure Screening
`Long-Term Failure Rate
`Accelerated Reliability Testing
`Failure Rate Calculation/Prediction
`Product/Process Changes
`Failure Analysis
`NEC's Goals on Failure Rates
`Summary and Conclusion
`Figure 1. Quality Control System Flowchart
`Figure 2. New Product Development Flow
`Figure 3. Electrical Testing and Screening
`Figure 4. Reliability Life (Bathtub) Curve
`Figure 5. Typical ReliabiHty Test Results
`Figure 6. NEC Quality and Reliability Targets
`Appendix 1. Typical QC Flow
`Appendix 2. Typical Reliability Assurance
`Appendix 3. New Product/Process Change
`Appendix 4. Failure Analysis Flowchart
`Section 3
`"PD7500 Series:
`4-Bit, CMOS Microcomputers
`4-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers
`With LCD Controller/Drivet
`4-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers
`4-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers
`,iPD7527 A/28A/75CG 28E
`4-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers
`With FIP Driver
`4-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers
`With AID Converter
`,iPD7537 A/38A/75CG38E
`4-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers
`With FIP Driver
`4-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers ·
`With Serial 1/0
`4-Bit, Single-Chip, One-Time Programmable
`(OTP) CMOS Microcomputers With Serial 1/0
`4-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers
`With Comparator
`4-Bit, Single-Chip, One-Time Programmable
`(OTP) CMOS Microcomputers With
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 006
`Section 4
`"PD75000 Series:
`4-Bit, High-Integration· Microcomputers
`General-Purpose 4-Bit Microcomputers
`With Multiple I/Os
`General-Purpose 4-Bit Microcomputers
`With AID Converter
`General-Purpose 4-Bit Microcomputers
`With EEPROM and A/D Converter
`High-End 4-Bit Microcomputers
`4-Bit Microcomputers
`With FIP (VF) Controller/Driver
`4-Bit Microcomputer
`With FIP (VF) Controller/Driver
`,iPD7530X/31 X/P308/P316
`4-Bit Microcomputers
`With LCD Controller/Driver
`4-Bit Microcomputers
`With LCD Controller/Driver and AID Converter
`Section 6
`p.PD78K2 Series:
`8-Bit, Advanced Microcomputers
`Advanced, 8-Bit Real-Time Control
`Microcomputers With AID Converter
`Advanced, 8-Bit Real-Time Control
`Microcomputers With Analog Comparators
`Advanced, 8-Bit Real-Time Control
`Microcomputers With ND and D/A Converters
`Section 7
`"PD78K3 Series:
`16-Bit, Advanced Microcomputers
`,iPD7831 xA/78P31 xA
`16/8-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers,
`Real-Time Control Oriented
`Advanced, 8/1S:Bit, Real-Time Control
`Microcomputers With A/D Converter
`4-191 Memory Extender and Port Re-Creation Logic
`(Turbo Access Manager)
`Section 5
`"PD7800 Series:
`8-Bit, General-Purpose Microcomputers
`,iPD78C1 x/78C1xA/CG14/CP14
`8-Bit CMOS Mic~ocomputers
`With AID Converter
`Section B
`1,tPD722x Series:
`Intelligent LCD Controller/Drivers
`CMOS, Intelligent, Alphanumeric
`LCD Controller/Driver
`CMOS, Intelligent, Dot-Matrix
`LCD Controller/Driver
`CMOS, Intelligent, Dot-Matrix
`LCD Controller/Driver
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 007
`Section 9
`Development Tools
`4-Bit; pPD7500 Series
`For the µPD7500 Series
`Absolute Assembler for the µPD7500 Series
`4-Bit; pPD75000 Series
`Relocatable Assembler Package for the
`µPD75000 Series
`Structured Assembler Preprocessor for the·
`µPD75000 Series
`B-Bit; p.PD7800 Series
`Evaluation Board for the µPD78CXX Series
`In-Circuit Emulator
`Micro:Series"' C Compiler Package for the
`µPD7800 Series
`Relocatable Assembler Package for the
`µPD7800 Series
`B-Bit; pPD78K2 Series
`µPD782XX Designer Kits
`µPD782XX Evaluation Kits
`µPD782XX In-Circuit Emulator Kits
`Evaluation Boards for the µPD782XX Series
`Evaluation Board for the µPD78213
`Evaluation Board for the µPD78220
`B-Bit; pPD78K2 Series (cont}
`In-Circuit Emulator
`In-Circuit Emulator
`C Compiler Package for the µPD782XX
`Relocatable Assembler Package for the
`µPD782XX Series
`Structured Assembler Preprocessor for the
`µPD782XX Series
`8/16-Bit; pPD7BK3 Series
`Evaluation Board for the µPD78310A
`Evaluation Board for the µPD78320
`In-Circuit Emulator
`In-Circuit Emulator
`C Compiler Package for the µPD7831X/
`µPD7831XA Series
`C Compiler Package for the µPD7832X
`Relocatable Assembler Package for the
`µPD7831 X/7832X
`Structured Assembler Preprocessor for the
`µPD783XX Series
`PG-1500 Series
`EPROM Programmer
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 008
`Section 10
`Package Drawings
`Package/Device Cross-Reference
`20-Pin Plastic Shrink DIP
`20-Pin Plastic SOP
`24-Pin Plastic Shrink DIP
`24-Pin Plastic SOP
`40-Pin Plastic DIP
`40-Pin Plastic Shrink DIP
`40-Pin Ceramic Piggyback DIP
`42-Pin Plastic DIP
`42-Pin Plastic Shrink DIP
`42-Pin Ceramic Piggyback-DIP
`44-Pin Ceramic LCC (w/Window)
`44-Pin Plastic QFP
`44-Pin PLCC
`52-Pin Plastic QFP (1.8-mm leads)
`52-Pin Plastic QFP (3.S:rnm leads)
`64-Pin Shrink CERDIP (w/ 350-mil
`64-Pin Shrink CERDIP (w/ 300-mil
`. 10-12
`64-Pin Ceramic LCC (w/Window)
`64-Pin Ceramic Piggyback Shrink DIP
`64-Pin Ceramic Piggyback QUIP
`64-Pin Ceramic Piggyback QFP
`64-Pin Plastic QFP (2.55 rnm thick)
`64-Pin Plastic QFP (1.5 mm thick)
`64-Pin Plastic QFP (2.7 mm thick)
`64-Pin Plastic QFP (2.05 mm thick)
`64-Pin Ceramic QUIP (w/Window)
`64-Pin Plastic QUIP
`68-Pin PLCC
`74-Pin Plastic QFP
`BO~Pin Ceramic LCC (w/Window)
`80-Pin Plastic QFP (14 by 14 mm)
`BO-Pin Plastic QFP (20 by 14 mm;
`1.8-mm leads)
`80-Pin Plastic QFP (20 by 14 mm;
`2.35-mm leads)
`84-Pin PLCC
`94-Pin Ceramic LCC (w/Window)
`64-Pin Plastic Shrink DIP
`94-Pin Plastic QFP
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 009
`Numerical Index
`Device, µPD
`Page Device, µPD
`. 3-19
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 010
`Numerical Index (cont)
`Device, µPD
`Page Device, "PD
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 011
`NEC Electronics Inc.
`4-Bit, Single-Chip
`CMOS Microcomputers
`With FIP® Driver
`The µPD7527A, µPD7528A, and µPD75CG28E are 4-bit,
`single-chip CMOS microcomputers with the µPD7500
`architecture and FIP direct-drive capability.
`The µPD7527 A contains a 2048 x 8-bit ROM and a 128 x
`4-bit RAM. TheµPD7528A contains a 4096 x 8-bit ROM
`and 160 x 4-bit RAM.
`The µPD7527A/28A contains two 4-bit general purpose
`registers located outside RAM. The subroutine stack is
`implemented in RAM for greater depth and flexibility.
`The µPD7527A/28A typically executes 67 instructions
`with a 5 µs instruction cycle time.
`The µPD7527A/28A has one external and two internal
`edge-triggered hardware-vectored interrupts. It also
`contains an 8-bit timer/event counter and an 8-bit serial
`interface to help reduce software requirements.
`Thirty-one high-voltage lines are organized into the 3-bit
`output port 2, the 4-bit output ports 3, 8, and 9, and the 4-
`bit 1/0 ports 4, 5, 10, and 11.
`The low power consumption CMOS process allows the
`use of a power supply between 2.7 and 6.0V. Current
`consumption is less than 3.0 mA maximum, and can be
`further reduced in the halt and stop power-down modes.
`The µPD75CG28E is a piggyback EPROM version of the
`compatible with the final, masked versions of the
`µPD7527A/28A, the µPD75CG28E is used for prototyp(cid:173)
`ing and for aiding in program development.
`□ 67 instructions
`□ Instruction cycle:
`Internal clock: 3.3µs/600 kHz, 5 V
`- External clock: 3.3 µs/600 kHz, 5 V
`□ Upwardly compatible with the µPD7500 series
`product family
`□ 4,096 x 8-bit ROM (µPD7528A/75CG28E)
`2,048 x 8-bit ROM (µPD7527 A)
`□ 160 x 4-bit RAM (µPD7528A/75CG28E)
`128 x 4-bit RAM (µPD7527A)
`□ 351/0 lines
`□ 31 high-voltage output lines that can directly drive a
`vacuum fluorescent display (FIP)
`□ Can select either a pull-down resistor or open-drain
`output per 31 high-voltage outputs (mask optional)
`FIP is the registered trademark for NEC's fluorescent Indicator panel (vacuum
`fluorescent display).
`50275 (NECEL-509)
`□ Vectored interrupts: one external, two internal
`□ 8-bit timer/event counter
`□ 8-bit serial interface
`□ Standby function (HALT, STOP)
`□ Data retention mode
`□ Zero-cross detector on P0o/lNT0 input (mask
`□ System clock (µPD7527 A/7528A/75CG28E): on-chip
`RC oscillator
`□ CMOS technology
`□ Low power consumption
`□ Single power supply
`-µPD7527 A/7528A: 2. 7 to 6.0 V
`-µPD75CG28E: 5.0 V
`Ordering Information
`µPD7527 AC/ 28AC
`,-.PD7527ACU / 28ACU
`Package Type
`42-pin plastic DIP
`42-pin plastic shrink DIP
`42-pin ceramic piggyback DIP
`of Operation
`Pin Configurations .
`µPD7527A/2BA, 42-Pin Plastic DIP or Shrink DIP
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 012
`µPD7 527A/28A/ 7 5CQ28E
`Pin Configurations (cont)
`µPD75CG2BE, 42-Pin Ceramic Piggyback DIP
`VooO 1 2eQVoo
`NCO 2 270MSEL
`As9 4 259Ae
`A5Q 5 240Ag
`A49 6 239A11
`A39 7 229vss
`A2Q 8 21QA,o
`A10 9 200CE
`Ao010 19017
`10011 1eo16
`1,912 11915
`12013 160'4
`-,_;;,;__ __ __ __:::.J-' ~
`3-10, 21,
`24, 25
`11-13, 15-19
`Connection to pin 21 of l'PD75CG28E
`No connection
`EPROM address output
`Data read input from the EPROM
`Connection to EPROM GND pin
`Chip enable output
`Supplies EPROM OE signal
`Program counter MSB output
`Supplies Vee to the EPROM
`Mode select input
`Supplies high-level signal to MSEL
`(1) Output drivers on ports 2-5 and 8-11 are mask-optional. Accordingly,
`either an open-drain output or a pull-down resistor can be selected.
`VLOAD is suitable for an output driver with a pull-down resistor.
`(2) Ports 2-5are suitable as FIP segment signal outputs, and ports 8-11
`are suitable for FIP digit signal outputs.
`(3) Ports 8-11 have high-current drive capability and can drive an LED
`Pin Functions, µPD7527Al28A and
`System reset (input).
`Connection to the RC oscillator. CL1 is the external
`clock input.
`Negative power supply for high-voltage output pre(cid:173)
`drivers (for ports 2-5, 8-11).
`Negative power supply for optional load resistors (pull(cid:173)
`down resistors) of high-voltage output drivers (for ports
`2-5, 8-11). This pin is only on the µPD7527A/28A.
`4-bit, high-voltage 1/0 port 5.
`3-bit, high-voltage output port 2.
`Pin Identification
`µPD7527A/2BA and µPD75CG2BE
`CL1, CL2
`P23, P22
`Reset input
`Clock pins
`High-voltage predriver supply
`High-voltage option resistor supply
`7527 A/ 28A only
`High-voltage I /0 port 5
`High-voltage output port 2, and output
`port from timer/ event counter (PTOUT)
`High-current, high-voltage I/ O port 10
`High-voltage, high-current I/ O port 11
`Positive power supply
`High-voltage, high-current output port 9
`High-voltage, high-current output port 8
`High-voltage I IO port 4
`High-voltage output port 3
`4-bit input of port O; or serial data input
`(SI), serial data output (SO), serial clock
`1/0 (SCK), and external interrupt input
`(INTO) or zero-cross detect input (POo).
`10, 12
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 013
`Output port from the timer/event counter.
`4-bit, high-voltage, high-current 1/0 port 10. Capable of
`bit set/reset by SPBL/RPBL instructions.
`4-bit, high-voltage, high-current 1/0 port 11. Capable of
`bit set/reset by SPBL/RPBL instructions.
`Positive power supply.
`4-bit, high-voltage, high-current output port 9. Capable
`of bit set/reset by SPBL/RPBL instructions.
`4-bit, high-voltage, high-current output port 8. Capable
`of bit set/reset by SPBL/RPBL instructions.
`4-bit, high-voltage 1/0 port 4.
`4-bit, high-voltage output port 3.
`4-bit input port 0. P0o is also used as the zero-cross de(cid:173)
`tection input.
`Serial data input.
`Serial data output.
`1/0 serial clock.
`External interrupt input.
`Pin Functions, µPD75CG28E EPROM
`Changes the addressing area of the external EPROM
`and the on-chip RAM (with a pull-down resistor). Con(cid:173)
`necting a jumper between socket pins 27 (MSEL) and 28
`(Yoo) selects µPD7527 A mode (2-Kbyte EPROM, 128 x 4-
`bit RAM). Leaving MSEL open selects µPD7528A mode
`(4-Kbyte EPROM, 160 x 4-bit RAM).
`Output the low-order 11 bits of the program counter
`(PC0-PC10). Used as EPROM address signals.
`When MSEL is high level, A11 outputs high-level signals.
`When MSEL is open, A11 outputs the MSB of the PC,
`which is used as the most significant address signal of
`the 4-Kbyte EPROM 2732.
`Input data read from the EPROM.
`Outputs the chip enable signal to the EPROM.
`Pin 26 is electrically equivalent to the bottom Voo pin
`and is used to supply Vee to the EPROM. Pin 28 is elec(cid:173)
`trically equivalent to the bottom Voo pin and is used to
`supply the high level signal to MSEL. Pin 1 connects to
`pin 21 of µPD75CG28E.
`Pin 14 is electrically equivalent to the bottom Vss pin in
`voltage, and is connected to the EPROM GND pin. Pin
`22 is electrically equivalent to the bottom Vss pin and is
`used to supply the OE signal to the EPROM.
`Instruction Set
`Refer to the User's Manual. The instruction set appears
`also as subset A4 in the data sheet for the µPD7500 se(cid:173)
`ries of single-chip microcomputers.
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 014
`Block Diagram, µPD7527A/28A
`P00 /INTO
`Program Counter (11/12)
`General Registers
`Stack Pointer (8)
`Data Memory
`128 • 4 Bits tPD7527A)
`160 • 4 Bits PD7528A)
`Pn,gram Mammy
`2048 • 8 Bits <,,PD7627A)
`4086 • 8 Bits (j,PD7528A)
`t Voo
`t Vss
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 015
`Block Diagram, µPD75CG28E
`A11 ~ . Address OP7C
`h ht
`Yoo Vee Vss Vss RESET
`Absolute Maximum Ratings
`Power supply voltage, Voo
`Power supply voltage, VLOAD (µPD7527A/ 28A)
`Power supply voltage, VPRE
`Input voltage, except ports 4, 5, 10, 11, V1N
`Input voltage, ports 4, 5, 10, 11, V1N
`Output voltage, except ports 2-5, 8-11, Vo
`Output voltage, ports 2-5, 8-11, Vo
`Output current high, per pin: P01, P02; Iott
`Output current high, per pin: ports 2-5, 8-11; Iott
`-0.310 +7V
`Voo-40VtoVoo +0.3V
`v00-12 V to Voo +0.3 v
`-0.3 v to v00 +0.3 v
`Voo-40 v to Voo +0.3 v
`-0.3 V to Voo +0.3 V
`v00 -40VtoV00 +0.3V
`General Registers
`Stack Pointer (8)
`Address Decoder
`Data Memory
`Output current high, ports 3, 4, 8, 9 total, Iott
`Output current high, ports 2, 5, 10, 11 total, Iott
`Output current low, per pin, loL
`Output current low, all ports total, loL
`Operating temperature, ToPT
`Storage temperature, TsTG
`-10°C to +70°C
`-65°C to + 150°C
`Comment: Exposing the device to stresses above those listed in Abso•
`lute Maximum RaUngs could cause permanent damage. The device is
`not meant to be operated under conditions outside the limits de(cid:173)
`scribed In the operational sections of the specification. Exposure to
`absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect
`device reliability.
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 016
`Output leakage
`current, low
`Output leakage
`current, high
`Symbol Min
`Supply current, 1001
`normal operation
`Supply current, 1002
`HALT mode
`Supply current, 1003
`STOP mode
`On-chip pull-
`down resistance
`µA Vo=OV; P01, P02
`µA Vo=Voo-35V;
`ports 2-5, 8-11
`µA Vo= Voo; except
`ports 4, 5, 10, 11
`µA Vo=Voo; ports 4,
`5, 10, 11
`mA Voo=5V±10%,
`mA Voo=3V,
`µA Voo=5 v ±10%,
`R=39kQ (Note 4)
`µA V00 =3V,
`R=82kQ (Note4)
`µA v00=5 v ±10%,
`R=39kQ (Note 5)
`µA v00=3V,
`R = 82 kQ (Note 5)
`µA Voo=3V (Note 4)
`µA Voo=5V±10%
`µA Voo = 3 V (Note 5)
`kQ Voo-VLOAo=35V
`(1) VPRE = Voo-9V ±1V. The circuit In figure 5 is recommended.
`(2) VPRE=OV. Voo=4.5Vto6.0V.
`(3) Voo=4.5Vto6.0V.
`(4) Without zero-cross detector.
`(5) With zero-cross detector.
`(6) Ports 4, 5, 10, 11' are low level output or low level input.
`DC Characteristics
`TA=· -10"Cto +70"C, Voo= +2.7Vto6.0V
`Input voltage,
`Input wltage,
`s,mi,o1 Min
`V1L3 Voo-35
`V1H2 Voo-0.5
`o.3Voo V Port 0, RESET
`0.3V00 V Ports 4, 5, 10, 11
`V Port 0, RESET
`V Ports 4, 5, 10, 11;
`4.5v..;v00 ..;
`V Ports 4, 5, 10, 11;
`2.1v..; v00 ..;
`Output wltage, VoL
`Output wltage, VoH Voo-2.0
`Input leakage
`current, low
`Input leakage
`current, high
`P01, P02; 4.5 V '-
`Voo'- 6.0V;
`P01, P02;
`loL =400,.A
`V Ports 2-5,
`V PortsB-11,
`V Ports 2-5,
`V PortsB-11,
`(Note 2)
`POj, P02;
`(Note 3)
`P01, P02;
`loH= -100,.A
`µA V1N=OV; P00-P03
`µA V1N=OV; POo
`(Note 5)
`µA V1N=OV; CL1
`µA V1N=Voo-35V;
`ports 4, 5, 10, 11
`µA V1N=Voo;
`P00-P03 (Note 4)
`V1N = Voo: POo
`(Note 5)
`µA V1N=Voo; CL1
`µA V1N=Voo; ports 4,
`5, 10, 11
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 017
`DC Characteristics (cont)
`Input voltage,
`S,mllol Min
`V1L3 Voo-35
`V1H2 v00 -o.5
`Output voltage, Vol
`TA= -10°c to + 70°C, Vee= +5 v ±10%
`~p Mu
`0.3Voo V Port 0, RESET
`V CL1
`0.3Voo V Ports 4, 5, 10, 11
`V Port 0, RESET
`V CL1
`V Ports 4, 5, 10, 11
`PO-i, P02;
`P01, P02:
`V Ports 2-5,
`loH= -4mA (1)
`V Ports 8-11,
`loH= -10mA(1)
`V Ports 2-5,
`loH= -2mA(2)
`V Ports 8-11,
`P01, P02:
`µA V1N=OV
`Input voltage,
`Output voltage, VoH v00 -2.0
`µA V1N=Voo
`Input current,
`Input current,
`high (MSEL)
`Input leakage
`current, low
`Input leakage
`current, high
`Output leakage
`current, low
`Output leakage
`current, high
`Symbol Min ~ Mil UnN
`V1N =0 V; P00-P03
`µA V1N=OV; POo
`µA V1N=OV; CL1
`µA V1N=Voo-35Y;
`ports 4, 5, 10, 11
`µA V1N=Voo:
`V1N = Voo: POo
`µA V1N=Voo: CL1
`µA V1N=Voo: ports 4,
`5, 10, 11
`µA Vo=OV; P01, P02
`µA Vo=Voo-35 V;
`ports 2-5, 8-11
`µA Vo=Voo: except
`ports 4, 5, 10, 11
`µA Vo=Voo: ports 4,
`5, 10, 11
`mA R=39kQ
`µA R=39kQ
`Supply current, 1001
`normal operation
`Supply current, 1002
`HALT mode(3)
`Supply current, 1003
`STOP mode(3)
`(1) VPRE=Vee-9V +1V. The circuit In figure6 ls reco_mmended.
`(2) VPRE=OV
`(3) Ports 4, 5, 10, 11 are output off or low Input.
`Figure 1. Recommended Circuit, µPD7S27A/7S2BA
`Figure 2. Recommended Circuit, µPD7SCG2BE
`VPRE I------_.
`VLOAol---------+---3D V
`Vss 1------.
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 018
`Zero-Cross Detection Characteristics
`µPD7527A/28A:TA= -10"Cto +70"C, Voo=4.5Vto6.0V
`µPD75CG28E:TA= -'10"Cto +70"C,Voo= +5V±10%
`Symbol Min
`Vzx{P..P) 1
`Vp.p AC coupled,·
`AC Characteristics
`TA= -10"Cto +70°C, Voo = +2.7Vto6.0V
`Cycle time
`Symbol Min
`Ti,p Mlll
`µs Voo=4.5Vto
`±100 mV 50 Hz to 60 Hz sine
`P00 event input
`'foo=4.5 v to
`µs Voo=4.5Vto
`Input; Voo= 4.5 V
`µS Output;
`µs Output
`Input; Voo=4.5 V
`µS Output;
`detection input
`detection input
`POo input rise
`P00 input fall
`POo input pulse
`width, low
`POo input pulse
`width, high
`SCK cycle time
`Zero-Cross Detection Waveform
`AC Input
`VAZx Vzx(P-P)
`ZeroC""'8 nn
`N - In the above-- both o-to-1 and 1-to-O transitions of the zero-cross
`SCK pulse
`width, low
`SCK pulse
`width, high
`SI set-up time
`(to rising-edge
`SI hold time
`edge of SCK)
`SO output delay
`falling-edge of
`INTO pulse
`width, high, low t10L
`RESET pulse
`width, high, low IRSL
`delectlon signal delay from the low-to-high and high-to-low transitions of the AC.
`Input signal, n1t1pectlwly. Howevar, tt Is possible that the zero.cross detection
`lead• low-to-high and/or hlgh..to,.low transltlon(s) ol the AC input signal.
`TA =25"C, Voo=OV, f =1.0 MHz, Unmeasured pins returned to GND
`Symbol Min
`POo, P03
`Port 2
`Ports 3, 8, 9
`P01, P02
`Ports 4, 5, 10, 11
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 019
`AC Characteristics (cont)
`Oscillation Characteristics
`TA= -10"Cto +70oC,Voo= +5V±10%
`Symbol Min
`Cycle time
`POo event input
`POo input rise
`POo input fall
`Pd0 input pulse
`width' high' low tPOL
`SCK cycle time
`,iPD7527 A/28A
`TA = -10"C to +70"C, Voo = 2,7 V to 6.0 V
`Symbol Min Typ Max UnH Condltona
`System olock
`300 400 500 kHz R = 39 kQ :t2'llo
`Voe= 4.5 Vto
`(Note 1)
`150 200 250 kHz R,. 82 kQ :t2'llo
`610 kHz Voo • 4.5Vto
`290 kHz
`/,IS Voe• 4.5 Vto
`µs Output
`System olock
`CL 1 Input
`(Note 2)
`CL 1 Input rise
`time (Note 2)
`CL 1 Input fall
`time (Note 2)
`CL1 Input
`pulse width,
`low (Note 2)
`CL 1 Input.
`pulse width,
`high (Note 2)
`width, IOW
`SCK pulse
`width, high
`SI set-up time
`(to rising-edge
`of SCK)
`Si hold time
`(alter rising-
`edge ofSCK)
`so output delay
`falling-edge of
`INTO pulse
`width, high, low tlOL
`RESET pulse
`width, high, low tRSL
`Data input delay IACC
`time from
`Data input~lay lcE
`time from CE
`Input hold time
`alter address
`(1) tcv = 2/fcc or 2/fc
`AC Waveform Measurement Points (Except CL1)
`o.av0 >Po1n1s<:o.av00
`TA= -10"Cto +70"C,Voo=5V±10%
`Typ Mall
`Symbol Min
`System clock
`System clock
`CU input
`CL 1 input rise
`time (Note 2)
`CL 1 Input faff
`time (Note 2)
`CL1 input pulse
`width, high, low tcL
`(1) R, e (see figure 3),
`kHz R=39kQ:t2%
`kHz R=110kQ±2%
`(2) External clock (see figure 4).
`Figure 3. Recommended RC Oscillator Circuit
`C = 33pf ±5%
`l~CI s 60 ppml'C
`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 020
`Figure 4. Recommended External Clock Circuit
`Data Retention Mode Timing
`~MOS ~
`Stop Mode Low Voltage Data Retention
`TA= -10"Cto +70"C
`Data retent