`http://www.intel.com/design/intarch/technote/2153 htm
`Interrupt Latency in 80386EX Based System
`This document will attempt to explain the Interrupt latency and Interrupt Response Time for a 386EX
`based systems in Real Mode of operation. Similar explanations can be used with some modifications for
`the task switch and privilege level verifications, for the Protected Mode of operation, but however, this
`will be covered at a later time. Intel 80386EX CPU core is same as the 386SX core and hence most of
`the Interrupt latency descriptions for the SX core would apply directly.
`As a start, some of the terminology which will be used in the course of this document will be explained
`(may be slightly different from other documentation).
`Interrupt Latency: The time that elapses before an interrupt request is serviced by the CPU (recognition
`of the interrupt by the CPU with an interrupt acknowledge cycle). Also called latency time.
`Interrupt response time: Time that elapses between the occurrence of an interrupt and the execution of
`the first instruction of that Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) by the CPU.
`In response to an interrupt, the following operations takes place in a microprocessor system while in the
`Real Mode of operation as indicated below. However, a very similar procedure would be followed in the
`protected mode except that the Task switch may be necessary and the privilege levels may cause the
`instruction executions to take longer to execute than in normal real mode operation [1].
`·1. Recognition of the INTR by the CPU.
`·2. The processing of the current instruction is completed.
`·3. Micro-code of the CPU Core executes the INTR (1 cycle for 386SX).
`·4. Get INTR vector from the 8259.
`·5. Branching to the ISR+ save the microprocessor state.
`·6. First instruction of the ISR executed.
`·7. Continue with interrupt service routine.
`·8. Restore the saved status of the microprocessor and return to the instruction that follows the
`interrupted instruction.
`The following diagram illustrates the above sequence:
`I I
`3 4
`uP is back
`Time ------->
`In embedded applications, usually the interrupt latency and interrupt response times are very important.
`With the above definitions, Latency time can be sum of the clock cycles from states 1 through 4. The
`Interrupt Response Time would be the sum of states 1 through 6. Following assumptions are made [2]:
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`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 001
`Interrupt Latency in 80386EX Based System
`http://www.intel.com/design/intarch/technote/2153 htm
`·1. Interrupts are not masked (applies to all maskable INTRs).
`·2. Only one NMI is encountered by the CPU at a time.
`·3. The LOCK bus activity or a long DMA transfer is not taking place at the time of INTR.
`With this in mind, the calculations of the number of clock cycles taken for the above steps would be
`(these are only the simulated values and the actual values in a system may be different):
`recognize an INTR.
`assuming 0Wait state code memory, Wc=0 or 48+2*Wc. Here we assume that the instruction was
`pre-fetched in to the processor queue (in about 85% of cases this is true) and that the instruction
`had just started.
`·1. Recognition of the INTR: The 386SX core takes 8 CLK2 cycles or 4 CPU core clocks (c/s) to
`·2. Longest instruction in the Real Mode would be the IDIV (signed, double word) would be 48 c/s,
`·3. Micro-code of the CPU Core executes the INTR (1 cycle for 386SX).
`·4. Get INTR Vector from the 8259. 386EX has TWO 8259's in cascaded fashion. This would
`·5. Branching to the ISR and saving the uP state: Would be similar to INT imm8 and would take 37
`·6. First Instruction of the ISR being executed: Assuming the pre-fetch queue is full, this should be
`·7. Interrupt Service routine: A simple NULL INTR (For USR case) is shown below with number
`require 4+4+2 or 10 c/s (assuming zero wait states for the internal peripheral access, and would
`increase for the external 8259's depending upon the wait states).
`c/s in real mode, again assuming the SRAM memory is 0Wait state , Ws=0, or 37+3*Ws+5*Wc
`(Wc=Code memory wait state).
`equal to 0 c/s, if pre-fetch queue is not full, it would take additional 3 c/s.
`of clock cycles it would take to execute, assuming a 0Wait state memory (Wc=0), if the code
`memory has wait state then that should be added appropriately.
` Instructions 0 Wait 1 Wait
` ISR0: push ax ; save the accumulator 2 c/s 3 c/s
` push dx ; save dx register contents 2 c/s 3 c/s
` mov dx, s0sts ; get the Serial status reg 2 c/s 3 c/s
` in ax, dx ; status word in 12 c/s 13 c/s
` Test ax, imm16 ; check for the Transmit 2 c/s 3 c/s
` Jcc Label ; if not this is RxInt 7/3 c/s 8/4 c/s
` pop dx 2 c/s 3 c/s
` pop ax 2 c/s 3 c/s
` IRET ; Just execute return for TxInt 22 c/s 24 c/s
`Total of 2+2+2+12+2+3+2+2+22 = 49 c/s for branch not taken, in the above case, with 0Wait state
`(Wc=0) or 49+9*Wc+5*Ws.
`8. The processor is back to what it was doing before the INTR occurred. This should again take zero c/s,
`if the pre fetch queue is full else add 3 c/s for the pre-fetch queue to be filled.
`So the total clock cycles would be, for the NULL INTR handling in this case is =
`4+48+1+10+37+0+49+0=149 c/s for a ZERO WAIT STATE system (or 4+
`48+2*Wc+1+10+37+3*Ws+5*Wc+0+49+9*Wc+5*Ws c/s or 149+16*Wc+8*Ws c/s for systems with
`Wait states, again, assuming that the pre-fetch queue is full).
`Interrupt Latency or Latency Time=4+48+1+10=63c/s with 0Wait states.
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`MICROCHIP TECH. INC. V. HD SILICON SOLS. - IPR2021-01265 - Page 002
`Interrupt Latency in 80386EX Based System
`http://www.intel.com/design/intarch/technote/2153 htm
`Interrupt Response Time= 4+48+1+10+37+0=100c/s with 0Wait states.
`Time take to handle the NULL INTR is 49 c/s*
`Time taken for states 3- 8=49+37+10+1=87c/s* ( overhead due to NULL INTR).
`·these times are simulated numbers and may be lesser in an actual system.
`1. K.L Short, Microprocessors and Programmed Logic, Prentice Hill, Inc, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632,
`Second Edition, pp 320.
`2. 386SX Microprocessor, Hardware Reference Manual, Intel, 1990, pp. 3-16, 3-28.
`* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation
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