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`\J©!i[!_~~) fo'iift 1/\:r
`[~Q!JAfu[I:'II[~: 111,
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`MOLECULAR ANO CELLULAR OIOLOGY, Nov. 1994, p. 7445-7454
`0210. 7306/94/$04.oo +o
`Copyright r!) 1994, American Society for Microbiology
`Vol. 14, No. 11
`Identification and Characterization by Antisense Oligonucleotides of
`Exon and Intron Sequences Required for Splicing
`Department of Plumnacology and Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Cente,;
`Unive1:1·ity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599
`Received 8 June 1994/Returned for modification 15 July 1994/Accepted 17 August 1994
`Certain thalassemic human J3-globin pre-mRNAs carry mutations that generate aberrant splice sites and/or
`activate cryptic splice sites, providing a convenient and clinically relevant system to study splice site selection.
`Antisense 2'-0-methyl oligoribonucleotides were used to block a number of sequences in these 11re-mRNAs and
`we~e tested for their a~ility to inhib_it splicing in vitro. or to affect the ra_tio between aberrantly and correctly
`spliced products. By tins approach, 1t was found that (1) up to 19 nucleotides upstream from the branch point
`adenosine are involved in proper recognition and functioning of the branch point sequence; (ii) whereas at least
`25 nucleotides of exon sequences at both 3' and 5' ends are required for splicing, this requirement does not
`extend past the 5' splice site sequence of the intron; and (iii) improving the 5' splice site of the internal exon
`to match the consensus sequence strongly decreases the accessibility of the upstream 3' splice site to antisense
`2' -0-methyl oligoribonuclcotides. This result most likely reflects changes in the strength of interactions near
`the 3' splice site in response to improvement of the 5' splice site and further supports the existence of
`communication between these sites across the cxon.
`Pre-mRNA splicing takes place within a large ribonucleo(cid:173)
`protein complex termed the spliceosome. The specificity and
`accuracy of splicing are determined by the interactions of small
`nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles and protein components of
`the spliceosome with a number of pre-mRNA sequence ele(cid:173)
`ments in pre-mRNA, such as the branch point sequence, the
`polypyrimidine tract, and the 3' and 5' splice sites (reviewed in
`references 15, 21, and 29). In addition, exon sequences seem to
`contribute to the specificity of splicing (references 35, 41, and
`49 and references therein). However, besides identification of
`a regulatory element in the female-specific exon of the dou(cid:173)
`blesex pre-mRNA (17, 19, 30) and characterization of purine(cid:173)
`rich motifs in exons from some other spliced transcripts (7, 12,
`27, 45, 47, 49, 51), the involvement of exon sequences in
`splicing remains unclear.
`In this work, we have used antisense 2'-O-methyl oligoribo(cid:173)
`nucleotides (see reference 43 for a review) to study the
`function of several intron and exon sequences in pre-mRNA
`splicing. This approach stems from our recent report which
`showed that the binding of 2' -O-methyl oligoribonucleotides to
`the branch point or aberrant splice sites leads to the restora(cid:173)
`tion of correct in vitro splicing of mutated [3-globin pre(cid:173)
`individuals with various forms of
`[3-thalassemia (11). These oligonucleotides form strong du(cid:173)
`plexes with RNA which are resistant to RNase H and RNA
`unwinding activities. In consequence, they remain stably asso(cid:173)
`ciated with the complementary regions in RNA, efficiently
`inhibiting the function of the targeted sequences. Antisense
`2' -O-methyl oligoribonucleotides were originally used as se(cid:173)
`quence-specific probes to study the structure of small nuclear
`ribonucleoproteins and their interactions with the pre-mRNA
`substrate (43). They were also used to search for novel
`cis-acting sequence elements and possible scanning mecha(cid:173)
`nisms during the splicing reaction (28).
`* Corresponding author. Mailing address: University of North Caro(cid:173)
`lina, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, CB#7295, Chapel
`Hill, NC 27599. Phone: (919) 966-1143. Fax: (919) 966-3015.
`We have targeted these oligonucleotides against human
`[3-globin pre-mRNAs carrying mutations responsible for a
`number of [3-globin thalassemia variants. The mutations gen(cid:173)
`erate new splice sites and/or activate cryptic ones, leading to
`aberrant splicing pathways (reviewed in reference 40). In the
`experiments described below, we took advantage of the fact
`that changes in the accumulation of the correctly spliced
`products relative to that of the aberrant ones provide a
`sensitive and internally controlled assay for monitoring inter(cid:173)
`ference with the activity of the sequence targeted by the
`antisense oligonucleotide. Using this approach, we have found
`that sequences upstream from the conserved branch point
`sequence as well as those within the exons are required for
`splicing and play a role in splice site selection. The experiments
`also showed that improving the 5' splice site of the internal
`exon affects interactions at the upstream 3' splice site.
`Plasmid construction. Previously described pSP64H[3~6
`(22) and its thalassemic derivatives cloned in the pSP64 vector
`were used in all studies. The plVSl-[3 110 clone, carrying an
`A-to-G mutation in position 110 of the first intron, was
`constructed by subcloning an appropriate fragment from the
`original thalassemic clone (14a). The pIVS2-[3705 clone was
`obtained by introducing a T-to-G mutation at position 705 of
`the large [3-globin intron in the pIVS2 clone, as previously
`described (11, 25). A C-to-T mutation at position 654 and a
`TA-to-GT mutation at positions 657 and 658 of the large
`[3-globin intron in the pIVS2 clone were introduced to create
`pIVS2-f3654 and pIVS2-[3 654co n clones, respectively. The struc(cid:173)
`tures of all mutated constructs were confirmed by sequencing.
`In vitro transcription and splicing. 32P-labeled transcripts
`were synthesized as previously described (20) with SP6 RNA
`polymerase (Promega) and DNA templates cleaved within the
`second exon at either the BamHI site ( clones Hf3~6 and f3 110),
`thePvull site (clone [37 05 ), or the Asel site (clones pIVS2, [3 654 ,
`and f3 654c 0 "). The preparation of nuclear extract from HeLa
`TABLE I. Oligonucleotides used in this study
`Sequence (5'-3')
`% GC
`3'ss 579/14
`3'ss 579/18
`5'ss 705
`5'ss 652/18
`5'ss 652con/18
`5'ss 652con/14
`cells and in vitro splicing were performed as previously de(cid:173)
`scribed (11 , 22).
`Synthesis and purification of oligonucleotides. 2' -O-methyl(cid:173)
`ribonucleosicle phosphoramiclates (Glen Research, Sterling,
`Va.) were used for oligonucleotide synthesis in an Applied
`Biosystems synthesizer at the Lineberger Comprehensive Can(cid:173)
`cer Center. Oligonucleoticles were purified by thin-layer chro(cid:173)
`matography (SurePure kit; U.S . Biochemicals), a~d their con(cid:173)
`centrations were determined spectrophotometncally at 260
`nm. To ascertain the quality of oligonucleotides, the 5'-32P(cid:173)
`labeled compounds were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel elec(cid:173)
`Oligonucleotide treatment. In all experiments, 2' -O-methyl
`o ligoribonucleotides were added to the reaction mixture to(cid:173)
`gether with the other components of the splicing reaction. The
`prcannealing of oligonucleoticles with transcript in the absence
`of nuclear extract has been shown not to increase their overall
`effect on splicing ( 11, 28). The extent of unspecific effects for
`each experiment was controlled by using oligonucleotides with
`no complementarity to the RNA substrate. O ligonucleotide
`3'ss 579/14 was used to control unspecific effects during the
`splicing of pre-mRNAs containing the first [3-globin intron,
`whereas oligonucleotide 13Pa was used during the splicing of
`pre-mRNAs containing the second intron. In some experi(cid:173)
`ments, a mixture of randomly synthesized oligonucleotides was
`also used.
`Sequences of oligonuclcotides. The oligonuclcotides used in
`this study are listed in 5'-to-3' orientation in Table 1.
`Data processing and analysis. All autoradiograms were
`captured by a DAGE MTI CCD72 video camera (DAGE,
`Michigan City, Ind.), and images were processed with NIH
`Image 1.47 and MacDraw Pro 1.0 software. The final figures
`were printed out on a Sony dye sublimation printer. Results
`were quantitakd with NIH Image 1.47 software and expressed
`as percentages of correct product relative to the sums of
`correct and aberrant products. Values were adjusted to ac-
`MOL CELL- 8101..
`I b I , 1 C nucleotides in
`count for the higher number of -r- a e ec
`l t'iined from
`the longer, aberrantly splic~d r rod uct. Aven~gt ~: 'osures arc
`several independent expenments and multip e P
`f nctional domain
`f. I
`Mapping the upstream boundary o t 1~ 10u
`RNA sub-
`near the branch point sequence with ~ . P[fci"1 f the first
`· · 0
`strate. A G-to-A point mutation at pos1tion
`( vs ·1 A' ih. F' I 13) creates a new
`nc located
`intron in the [3-glob1? _gene I .
`. . '·
`3, splice site at pos1t1on l 09 m add1t1on to the O
`'bl f
`ns1 e or
`·. , .
`. ..
`at position 130 of this intron. This mutatH)n is_ respo
`, scs 111 southe<1stern
`h 1
`. .
`· .. IVSl-[3' 10
`a s1gmhcant number of [3-t a assemia ed. : .
`Europe, Cyprus, and Lebanon ( 40) .. The spllcmg _of el 90% )
`. 1
`mutant pre-mRNA leads to predominant (approximatddY. .
`t· · 1•11g •m a
`. )
`accumulat10n of a sphced pro uct con <1m
`19 nucleotides of the intron sequence (Fig. 2A, lane 1. ·
`RNA occurs via
`• •
`Remarkably aberrant sphcmg of [3
`94 of the
`.· ·
`selection of the regular branch pomt at positwn
`tely 10% of the
`. .
`mtron, whereas correct sphcmg approx1ma
`f tl1c· cryptic branch
`. , .
`resultant mRNA) occurs via se ec 1011 o
`point at position 107 (54). As a result, mutatwns mactiv,1~mg
`the regular branch point (38) or antisense ol_igonucleotides
`blocking it (11) stimulate the cryptic branch pomt and restore
`correct splicing in the [3 uo background.
`In these studies we used 2' -O-methyl oligoribonucleotides
`to determine the importance of sequences located _up5t~e~m
`from the branch point region in the function of this sphcmg
`element. We have designed a series of 14-mers complementary
`to the region extending up to 32 nucleotides upstrea~ from the
`branch point sequence (Fig. lB). The abili~y of_ ohgonucleo(cid:173)
`tides to inhibit splicing at the aberrant 3' sphce sit~ anc~ at the
`same time to promote splicing at the correct 3' sphce site was
`taken as the measure of the function of the upstream se(cid:173)
`quences during the splicing of [3 110 pre-mRNA (11). Note that
`a concomitant switch in selection between the regular and
`cryptic branch points can be directly determined on autorad_io(cid:173)
`grams because of the variable mobility of the correspondmg
`lariats (54).
`The results of in vitro splicing of [3 110 pre-mR~A earned
`out in the presence of 0.5, 2.0, and 10.0 µM ohgonucl~o(cid:173)
`tide BPa, blocking all seven nucleotides of the branch pomt
`sequence, are shown in Fig. 2A. Consistent with the r~sult_s of
`a previous report (11 ), the antisense 2 ' -O-methyl ohgonb?(cid:173)
`nucleotide targeted to this site leads to a change in the ratio
`between correct and aberrant products. A splicing react(on
`carried out at a 2 µ,M concentration of this oligonucleot1de
`results in the accumulation of approximately 55% of the
`correct product (Fig. 2A, lane 3; see Fig. 2C for quantitation).
`Although 10 µ,M oligonucleotide BPa results in a marked
`decrease of the overall efficiency of the splicing reaction, it
`does not significantly modify the ratio between correct and
`aberrant products achieved at a 2 µM concentration (Fig. 2A,
`lane 4).
`Figure 2B demonstrates the results of an in vitro splicing
`reaction of [3 110 pre-mRNA carried out in the presence of a 2
`µ,M concentration of oligonucleotides directed upstream from
`the branch point adenosine. Similar to BPa, oligonucleotides
`BPb, -c, and -d restore correct splicing to 50 to 65% (Fig. 2B,
`lanes 2 to 4, respectively, and C). Note that oligonucleotides
`BPc and BPd hybridize immediately outside the conserved
`branch point sequence and four nucleotides upstream from
`this element, respectively. While oligonucleotide BPe, hybrid(cid:173)
`ized 13 nucleotides upstream from the branch point adenosine,
`still has some effect on the splicing pathway, oligonucleotide
`VOL. 14, ]994
`Q. Q.~
`.0 ~
`♦ ♦ ♦ ♦.----,
`__ E_x_o_N_1 _ __,1---62----94-101-110--1Jo ... l __ E_x_o_N_2 _ ___,
`Ollgos BPa-f
`Ollgos Exa-<I
`♦ ♦
`(62)AGAGAAGAcucuuGGGuuucuGAUAGG~;J;~~~cuc~J\1uGGlu:u (114)
`0110 exon 2
`81-'d Pc
`Ill ·"' M
`♦ +1
`-----:::::::: .. E_xc _____ Exd
`0-globln exon 2
`FIG. 1. (A) Structure of human f3-globin pre-mRNA (not drawn to scale) containing the first intron (the line) and two flanking exons (boxes).
`The positions of the regular (BP) and cryptic (bp) branch point adenosines, (3 110 mutation, and the 3' splice site (3'ss) are shown. The regions of
`pre-mRNA used as targets for 2' -0-methyl oligoribonucleotides are indicated by double-headed arrows. Exon 1 contains 154 nucleotides, and exon
`2 contains 210 nucleotides. The exact sequence positions of oligonucleotides BPa to BPf (B) and Exa to Exd (C) are shown. The regular and cryptic
`) and correct 3' splice sites are indicated.
`branch point sequences (shaded boxes) and the aberrant ((3 110
`BPf, targeted 5 nucleotides further upstream, seems to be
`ineffective. Consistently, oligonucleotide BPf, in contrast to the
`other probes tested, does not stimulate the formation of the
`lariat intermediate at the branch point adenosine at position
`107, as indicated by the lack of a band migrating to the top of
`the gel (Fig. 2B, lane 6).
`The involvement of exon sequences in the splicing of 13 110
`pre-mRNA. To survey other regions of f,-globin pre-mRNA for
`the existence of functional domains involved in splicing, we
`designed 14-mers complementary to the correct junction be(cid:173)
`tween the first intron and the second exon ( oligonucleotide
`Exa) or to sequences extending downstream into the second
`exon (oligonucleotides Exb to -d) (Fig. IC). For I-lf3M pre(cid:173)
`mRNA, oligonucleotide Exa partially overlaps with the intron
`sequence; in the case of (3 110 substrate, the same oligonucleo(cid:173)
`tide has its target entirely within the aberrantly spliced second
`exon. Although the upstream end of the duplex formed
`between this oligonucleotide and its target in the r, 110 tran(cid:173)
`script is separated from the predominantly used aberrant 3'
`splice site by 14 nucleotides, Exa oligonucleotide at a 2 µM
`concentration fully blocks splicing (Fig. 3, lane 3). This is in
`agreement with the observation that mutations disrupting the
`AG dinucleotide of the normal 3' splice site inhibit the use of
`the aberrant splice site in (3 110 pre-mRNA (23, 54). An
`inhibitory effect on splicing is also observed in the presence of
`oligonucleotides Exb and Exe, which hybridize further down(cid:173)
`stream into the second exon, and, albeit to a lesser extent, in
`the presence of the most distal oligonucleotide, Exd, which
`hybridizes 44 nucleotides downstream from the r, 110 3' splice
`site (Fig. 3, lanes 4 to 6). The control noncomplementary
`oligonucleotide does not significantly affect the efficiency of the
`splicing reaction (Fig. 3, lane 7). A pattern of inhibition similar
`to that described above was obtained when each of the
`oligonucleotides Exa, -b, -c and -d was added to the splicing
`reaction with normal r,-globin pre-mRNA (data not shown).
`The involvement of exon sequences in the splicing of the
`13105-globin pre-mRNA. The results of Zhuang and Weiner
`(54) suggested that the splicing of r, 110 pre-mRNA may
`a special case in which the AG dinucleotide located inside
`the exon is required for splicing at the upstream 3' splice site.
`To confirm that exon involvement in splicing is not limited
`to only one type of substrate, we analyzed the effects of a
`series of antisense oligonucleotides (Fig. 4B and C) on the
`splicing of thalassemic 13105 pre-mRNA. A T-to-G mutation
`at position 705 of the large (3-globin intron creates an addi(cid:173)
`tional 5' splice site and activates a cryptic 3' splice site at
`position 579 of this intron (8). The incorrect splicing path(cid:173)
`way resulting from the utilization of both splice sites leads to
`the incorporation of nucleotides 580 to 705 of the intron into
`the accumulation of significant
`the spliced product and
`amounts of the 577-nucleotide aberrant RNA in addition to
`the correct product (Fig. 4A). Changes in the ratio between
`correct and aberrant products provide a sensitive method for
`measuring the sequence-specific effects of the oligonucleotides
`Figure 5A shows the complete pattern of in vitro splicing of
`the 13105 substrate. Quantitative analysis indicates that the ratio
`0 -
`J aberrant
`\ [II]]
`_ .. ... • - -3'Exo
`154 -
`0 w
`J 3'exo
`2 µM
`- a.
`1ii :::
`I +
`FIG. 2. (A) Change in the ratio between correct and aberrant products during the splicing of 13 1 w pre-mRNA in the presence of oli~~nucleotide
`BPa, targeted to the branch point sequence. The concentration of oligonucleotide is shown at the top of each lane. Tl~e control sphcmg patter_n
`for 13 110 prc-mRNA is shown in lane 1. Bands at the top of the autoradiogram correspond to the lariat-exon 2 in~e rmediate, formed _a,t the. cryptic
`branch point at nucleotide 107 (upper) and at the regular adenosine at nucleotide 94 (lower). The 249-nucleotide RNA product vis,_ble m lanes
`3 and 4 is generated by endogenous 3'-to-5' exonuclease (3' Exo) blocked at the site of duplex formation (reference 11 a~d unpubh~he d d ata).
`The structures of splicing products and intermediates are shown on the right, and the ir sizes (in nucleotides) are on the left: An asterisk den otes
`the unusual mobility of the corresponding lariat-containing RNA species. The same designations are used in subsequent f1gur~s. ~B) Effec~s of
`oligonucleotides BPb to BPf, targeted upstream from the branch point adenosine, on the splicing of 13 1 w pre-mRNA. (C) Quant1tat1ve a.nalys1s of
`the reactions carried out in the presence of 2 1.1.M oligonucleotides. Data were calculated as the percentages of the correct product m overall
`splicing (sec Materials and Methods).
`of correct to aberrant products is approximately I :1 (Fig. 5B,
`lane 1 ). Aberrant splicing is almost completely suppressed
`in the presence of 2 µM 14-mer oligonucleotides targeted
`either to the 3' splice site ( oligonucleotide 3'ss 579; Fig. SB,
`lane 2) or to the exon sequence immediately downstream
`from this site (oligonucleotide ExUl; Fig. 5B, lane 3). Oligo(cid:173)
`nucleotides targeted to exon sequences between nucleo(cid:173)
`tides 7 and 20 (ExU2), 16 and 30 (ExU3), and 27 and 40
`(ExU4) also block aberrant splicing, although not as eJTicient(cid:173)
`ly as the first two probes mentioned immediately above (Fig.
`5Il, lanes 4 to 6, respectively). The most distant probe (oligo(cid:173)
`nucleotide ExUS), complementary to nucleotides 37 to 50 of
`the cxon, has only a limited effect on the aberrant splicing
`pathway of [3705 pre-mRNA and delimits the downstream
`boundary of the exon region that plays a role in splicing (Fig.
`5Il, lane 7).
`The involvement of exon sequences in splice site selection
`was further confirmed by using oligonuclcotidcs ExDl and
`ExD2, which hybridize to a region near the downstream end of
`the exon and lead to virtually full inhibition of the aberrant
`splicing pathway (Fig. SC, lanes 2 and 3). As expected (11), a
`strong inhibitory effect is also mediated by oligonucleotide S'ss
`705, targeted to the cxon-intron junction (Fig. SC, lane 4).
`Interestingly, oligonucleotidcs Intl and lnt2, targeted to re(cid:173)
`gions located entirely within the intron and almost immediately
`downstream from the 5' splice site, have little, if any, effect on
`aberrant splicing (Fig. SC, lanes 5 and 6).
`Testing the accessibility of 3' and 5' splice sites to 2'-0-
`methyl oligonucleotides in [3654 and J3654
`con pre-mRNAs. It has
`been shown for a variety of pre-mRNA substrates that muta(cid:173)
`tions within the 5' splice site of an internal exon affect the
`splicing of the upstream intron (1, 10, 26, 31, 46). This effect
`suggests the existence of a certain type of communication
`between splice sites across the exon and argues in favor of the
`cxon definition model (36). In order to determine whether an
`improvement of the 5' splice site to the consensus sequence
`increases interactions near the upstream 3' splice site flanking
`the internal exon, we tested the accessibility of these sites to
`antisense oligonucleotides in [3654-globin pre-mRNA and its
`modified version, f3654c
`• [3654 represents another thalassemic
`mutation which occurs in the human J3-globin gene and results
`in the generation of aberrantly spliced product, containing part
`of the second intron (5). The C-to-T mutation at nucleotide
`654 of the intron creates a new 5' splice site at position 652
`(AG/GUAAUA), activates a cryptic 3' splice at position 579,
`and results in the generation of a 73-nucleotide aberrant exon
`(Fig. 6). We improved the aberrant 5' splice site at position 652
`by two point mutations, including a highly conserved G at
`position +5, thereby creating the consensus element AG/
`GUAAGJl (substituted nucleotides are underlined). These
`0 11
`VoL. 14, 1994
`2 fJM
`~ cu .Cu"CC
`: : z :2 :+++++
`r· I:
`--. - .! -o..m
`339"--- ;l--, r ...... - ..
`- !7: . ._. ._..,... .,_ - 1 - pre-mRNA
`i [D-,ill
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`\_ •,·~ ~ -
`363 '
`' · I
`I '
`· I [!]-ill
`; -1 aberrant
`I ,
`·: ~
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`' ; I
`l .
`, I _0..111
`111•- i.' . ~
`,,. ,I
`· •..• ~ ...,:j _OJ
`__ .: ~---- :
`154 - k
`L..J L · - -·---- . , .... __ I
`. '
`FIG. 3. Inhibition of splicing by oligonucleotides targeted to aber(cid:173)
`rant cxon 2. The splicing of 13110-giobin pre-mRNA in the presence of
`2 µM oligonucleotides Exa to Exd is shown in lanes 3 to 6, respectively.
`The splicing reactions of Hl3M and 13 110 pre-mRNAs with no oligo(cid:173)
`nucleotides are shown in lanes 1 and 2, respectively. Lane 7, the
`splicing of 13 110 pre-mRNA in the presence of noncomplementary
`oligonuclcotide (control) (sec Materials and Methods).
`changes increase the base pairing of the 5' splice site to the 5'
`end of Ul small nuclear RNA and result in more eflicient
`selection of this site (32, 52, 53). The full splicing patterns for
`) and improved (f36 54con) pre-mRNAs
`both the original (f3
`are shown in Fig. 7 (lanes 2 and 3, respectively). In addition,
`the pattern for wild-type pre-mRNA, containing no mutation
`in the intron, is presented in lane 1 of Fig. 7. As expected,
`creation of the perfect 5' splice site at position 652 leads to
`complete inclusion of the aberrant exon.
`Consistent with the results of a previous report (11), 18-mer
`oligonucleotides targeted to either 3' or 5' splice sites in (3654
`pre-mRNA inhibit the aberrant splicing pathway with similar
`efliciency. At 0.25 µM concentrations, both oligonucleotides
`lead to a substantial reduction in the amount of the aberrant
`product (Fig. BA, lanes 2 and 5); at 0.75 µM concentrations,
`they lead to full restoration of the correct pathway (Fig. SA,
`lanes 3 and 6). On the basis of these results, we conclude that
`in f36 5 4 pre-mRNA, 3' and 5' splice sites are equally accessible
`to antisense oligonucleotides. The results of a similar analysis
`co n pre-mRNA are markedly different. An 18-mer
`with f3
`targeted to the 5' splice site restore