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`International filing date: 28 January 2013 (28.01.2013)
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`2 9 JAN. 2013
`'ffl>A'1ID,'!n)Wff:QM£'11Uias.� �BJE·SlE�� �. �McEm
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
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`No. 2001-1956
`Attorney Docket
`RNA modulating oligonucleotides with improved characteristics for the treatment of
`Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy.
`neuromuscular more specifically 5 The invention relates to the field of human genetics,
`disorders. The invention in particular relates to the use of an oligonucleotide with
`improved characteristics enhancing clinical applicability as further defined herein.
`Background of the invention
`Neuromuscular diseases are characterized by impaired functioning of the
`muscles due to either muscle or nerve pathology (myopathies and neuropathies). The
`myopathies include genetic muscular dystrophies that are characterized by progressive
`weakness and degeneration of skeletal, heart and/or smooth muscle. Duchenne
`most dystrophy (BMD) are the 15 muscular dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular
`common childhood forms of muscular dystrophy. DMD is a severe, lethal
`neuromuscular disorder resulting in a dependency on wheelchair support before the
`age of 12 and patients often die before the age of thirty due to respiratory-or heart
`failure. It is caused by caused by reading frame-shifting deletions (~67%) or
`20 duplications (~7%) of one or more exons, or by point mutations (~25%) in the 2.24
`is also caused dystrophin. BMD Mb DMD gene, resulting in the absence of functional
`frame, yield the open reading by mutations in the DMD gene, but these maintain
`semi-functional dystrophin proteins, and result in a typically much milder phenotype
`and longer lifespan. During the last decade, specific modification of splicing in order
`25 to restore the disrupted reading frame of the transcript has emerged as a promising
`therapy for DMD (van Ommen et al., 2008; Yokota et al., 2007; van Deutekom et al.,
`2007; Goemans et al., 2011; Cirak et al., 2011).Using highly sequence-specific
`antisense oligonucleotides (AONs) which bind to the exon flanking or containing the
`mutation and which interfere with its splicing signals, the skipping of that exon can be
`Despite the resulting of the DMD pre-mRNA. 30 induced during the processing
`truncated transcript, the open reading frame is restored and a protein is introduced
`which is similar to those found in BMD patients. AON-induced exon skipping
`provides a mutation-specific, and thus personalized, therapeutic approach for DMD
`patients. As the majority of the mutations cluster around exons 45 to 55, the skipping
`ft 1n1n11•m1'>
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`of one specific exon may be therapeutic for many patients with different mutations.
`Attorney Docket No. 2001-1956
`The skipping of exon 51 applies to the largest subset of patients (~13%), including
`those with deletions of exons 45 to 50, 48 to 50, 50, or 52. The AONs applied are
`chemically modified to resist endonucleases, exonucleases and RNaseH, and to
`are AON chemistries stability .. Two different and duplex 5 promote RNA binding
`currently being developed for exon 51 skipping in DMD: 2' -O-methyl
`phosphorothioate RNA AONs (2OMePS, GSK2402968/PRO051) and
`phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers (PMO, AVI-4658) (Goemans et al., 2011;
`Cirak et al., 2011). In two independent phase I/II studies, both were shown to
`dystrophin expression and at least partly restore 10 specifically induce exon 51 skipping
`at the muscle fiber membranes after systemic administration. Although AONs are
`typically not well taken up by healthy muscle fibers, the dystrophin deficiency in
`DMD, resulting in damaged and thus more permeable fiber membranes, actually
`promotes uptake. In studies in the dystrophin-deficient mdx mouse model, 2' -0-
`an up to 10 times RNA oligonucleotides have demonstrated 15 methyl phosphorothioate
`higher uptake in different muscle groups when compared to that in wild type mice
`(Heemskerk et al., 2010). Although the recent phase I/II results with both 2'-O-methyl
`phosphorothioate RNA and phosphorodiamidate morpholino AONs in DMD patients
`confirm this enhanced uptake in dystrophic muscle, the different chemical
`through uptake by and distribution 20 modifications seemed to result in a differential
`muscle. The levels of novel dystrophin in both studies after 3 months of treatment
`were promising but still moderate and challenges the field to investigate next
`generation oligochemistry.
`the chemistry at least in part affects 25 The particular characteristics of a chosen
`delivery of an AON to the target transcript: administration route, biostability,
`biodistribution, intra-tissue distribution, and cellular uptake and trafficking. In
`addition, further optimization of oligonucleotide chemistry is conceived to enhance
`binding affinity and stability, enhance activity, improve safety, and/or to reduce cost
`30 of goods by reducing
`length or improving synthesis and/or purification procedures.
`Multiple chemical modifications have become generally and/or commercially
`available to the research community (such as 2' -O-methyl RNA and 5-substituted
`pyrimidines and 2,6-diaminopurines), whereas most others still present significant
`effort to obtain. Especially preliminary encouraging results have been
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`Attorney Docket No. 2001-1956
`on the RNA containing modifications phosphorothioate obtained using 2' -O-:methyl
`pyrimidine and adenine bases as identified herein ..
`In conclusion, to enhance the therapeutic applicability of AONs for DMD, there
`5 is a need for AONs with further improved characteristics.
`Description of the invention
`10 In a first aspect, the invention provides an oligonucleotide comprising a 2'-O-methyl
`RNA monomer and a phosphorothioate backbone or consisting of 2' -O-methyl RNA
`linked by phosphorothioate backbones, and comprising a 5-
`methylpyrimidine and/or a 2,6-diaminopurine base preferably for use as a medicament
`for treating Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy or Becker Muscular Dystrophy.
`Preferably, an oligonucleotide is an oligonucleotide with less than 34 nucleotides.
`Said oligonucleotide may have 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
`24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, or 33 nucleotides. Such oligonucleotide may also be
`identified as an oligonucleotide having from 10 to 33 nucleotides.
`An oligonucleotide of the invention comprises or consists of a 2' -O-methyl
`phosphorothioate RNA. Such oligonucleotide comprises a 2' -O-methyl RNA
`monomer connected through or linked by a phosphorothioate backbone or consists of
`2' -O-methyl phosphorothioate RNA. Preferably, such oligonucleotide consists of a 2'-
`25 O-methyl
`phosphorothioate RNA. Such chemistry is known to the skilled person.
`Throughout the application, an oligonucleotide comprising a 2'-O-methyl RNA
`monomer and a phosphorothioate backbone may be replaced by an oligonucleotide
`comprising a 2' -O-methyl phosphorothioate RNA. Throughout the application, an
`oligonucleotide consisting of 2' -O-methyl RNA monomers linked by or connected
`30 through phosphorothioate backbones may be replaced by an oligonucleotide
`consisting of 2'-O-methyl phosphorothioate RNA.
`a base modification that of the invention may comprise In addition, an oligonucleotide
`increases binding affinity to target strands, increases melting temperature of the
`duplex of said oligonucleotide with its target, and/or decreases
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`immunostimulatory effects, and/or increases biostability, and/or improves
`Attorney Docket No. 2001-1956
`biodistribution and/or intra-tissue distribution, and/or cellular uptake and trafficking.
`In a more preferred embodiment, an oligonucleotide of the invention comprises a 5-
`methylpyrimidine and/or a 2,6-diaminopurine base. A 5-methylpyrimidine is selected
`5 from a 5-methylcytosine and/or a 5-methyluracil and/or a thymine, in which thymine
`is identical to 5-methyluracil.
`'Thymine' and ' 5-methyluracil' may be interchanged throughout the document. In
`analogy, 2,6-diaminopurine is identical to 2-aminoadenine and these terms may be
`interchanged throughout the document.
`An oligonucleotide of the invention comprising a 5-methylcytosine and/or a 5-
`methyluracil and/or a 2,6-diaminopurine base means that at least one of the cytosine
`nucleobases of said oligonucleotide has been modified by substitution of the proton at
`ring with a methyl group , i.e. a 5-substituted the 5-position of the pyrimidine
`said oligonucleotide has one of the uracil nucleobases of 15 cytosine, and/or that at least
`been modified by substitution of the proton at the 5-position of the pyrimidine ring
`with a methyl group (i.e. a 5-methyluracil), and/or that at least one of the adenine
`nucleobases of said oligonucleotide has been modified by substitution of the proton at
`the 2-position with an amino group (i.e. a 2,6-diaminopurine), respectively. Within
`a methyl of a proton with the expression "the substitution 20 the context of the invention,
`group in position 5 of the pyrimidine ring" may be replaced by the expression "the
`substitution of a pyrimidine with a 5-methylpyrimidine," with pyrimidine referring to
`only uracil, only cytosine or both. Likewise, within the context of the invention, the
`expression "the substitution of a proton with an amino group in position 2 of adenine"
`of an adenine with a 2,6-''the substitution 25 may be replaced by the expression
`diaminopurine." If said oligonucleotide comprises 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or more
`cytosines, uracils, and/or adenines, at least one, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9 or more cytosines,
`uracils and/or adenines respectively have been modified this way. Preferably all
`cytosines, uracils and/or adenines have been modified this way or substituted by 5-
`respectively. No need to 30 methylcytosine, 5-methyluracil and/or 2,6-diaminopurine,
`say that the invention could only be applied to oligonucleotides comprising at least
`one cytosine, uracil, or adenine, respectively, in their sequence.
`Copy provided by USPTO from the IFW lmaqe Database on 10/01/2012


`Attorney Docket No. 2001-1956
`We discovered that the presence of a 5-methylcytosine, 5-methyluracil and/or a 2,6-
`diaminopurine in an olignucleotide of the invention has a positive effect on at least
`one of the parameters of said oligonucleotides. In this context, parameters may
`include: binding affinity and/or kinetics, exon skipping activity, biostability, (intra-
`5 tissue) distribution, cellular uptake and/or trafficking, and/or immunogenicity of
`said oligonucleotide, as explained below.
`Binding affinity and kinetics depend on the AON's thermodynamic properties. These
`are at least in part determined by the melting temperature of said oligonucleotide (Tm;
`10 calculated with e.g. the oligonucleotide properties calculator
` for single stranded RNA
`using the basic Tm and the nearest neighbor model), and/or the free energy of the
`oligonucleotide-target exon complex (using RNA structure version 4.5 or RNA mfold
`but increases, activity typically the exon skipping 15 version 3.5). If a Tm is increased,
`when a Tm is too high, the AON is expected to become less sequence-specific. An
`acceptable Tm and free energy depend on the sequence of the oligonucleotide.
`Therefore, it is difficult to give preferred ranges for each of these parameters.
`from RNA isolated total 20 Exon skipping activity is preferably measured by analysing
`AON-treated muscle cell cultures or muscle tissue by reverse transcriptase
`polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using DMD gene-specific primers flanking the
`targeted exon as described (Aartsma-Rus et al., 2003). RT-PCRproducts are analyzed
`on 1-2% agarose gels or with the Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies,
`25 The Netherlands). The ratio of shorter transcript fragments, representing transcripts in
`which the targeted exon is skipped, to the total of transcript products is assessed
`(calculated as percentage of exon skipping induced by an AON). Shorter fragments
`may also be sequenced to determine the correctness and specificity of the targeted
`exon skipping.
`Biodistribution and biostability are preferably at least in part determined by a
`validated hybridization ligation assay adapted from Yu et al., 2002. In an
`embodiment, plasma or homogenized tissue samples are incubated with a specific
`capture oligonucleotide probe. After separation, a DIG-labeled oligonucleotide is
`Copy provided by USPTO from the IFW lmane Databiiis,.. o� Ar11r1A ,.,r,


`ligated to the complex and detection followed using an anti-DIG antibody-linked
`AttomeyDocketNo. 2001-1956
`peroxidase. Non-compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis is performed using
`WINNONLIN software package (model 200, version 5.2, Pharsight, Mountainview,
`CA). Levels of AON (ug) per mL plasma or mg tissue are monitored over time to
`5 assess area under the curve (AUC), peak concentration
`(Cmax), time to peak
`lag time (t1ag). Such a preferred
`concentration half life and absorption (T max), terminal
`assay has been disclosed in the experimental part.
`receptors the Toll-like response by activating 10 AONs may stimulate an innate immune
`(TLR), including TLR9 and TLR7 (Krieg et al., 1995). The activation ofTLR9
`typically occurs due to the presence of non-methylated CG sequences present in
`oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs), by mimicking bacterial DNA which activates the
`innate immune system through TLR9-mediated cytokine release. The 2' -O-methyl
`effect. TLR 7 has such possible reduce to markedly 15 modification is however suggested
`been described to recognize uracil repeats in RNA (Diebold et al., 2006).
`Activation of TLR9 and TLR 7 result in a set of coordinated immune responses that
`include innate immunity (macrophages, dendritic cells (DC), and NK cells)(Krieg et
`al., 1995; Krieg, 2000). Several chemo-and cytokines, such as IP-10, TNFa, IL-6,
`d in this et al., 2006) have been implicate20 MCP-1 and IFNa (Wagner, 1999; Popovic
`process. The inflammatory cytokines attract additional defensive cells from the blood,
`such as T and B cells. The levels of these cytokines can be investigated by in vitro
`testing. In short, human whole blood is incubated with increasing concentrations of
`AONs after which the levels of the cytokines are determined by standard
`in the a preferred assay has been described 25 commercially available ELISA kits. Such
`experimental part. A decrease in immunogenicity preferably corresponds to a
`detectable decrease of concentration of at least one of the cytokines mentioned above
`by comparison to the concentration of corresponding cytokine in an assay in a cell
`treated with an oligonucleotide comprising at least one 5-methylcytosine compared to
`30 a cell treated
`with a corresponding oligonucleotide having no 5-methylcytosines.
`Accordingly, a preferred oligonucleotide of the invention has an improved parameter,
`such as an acceptable or a decreased immunogenicity and/or a better biodistribution
`and/or acceptable or improved RNA binding kinetics and/or thermodynamic
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`by USPTO from the IFW IMaf"P n,.t ... h ....... "" 1n,n1


`Attorney Docket No. 2001-1956
`properties by comparison to a corresponding oligonucleotide consisting of a 2'-O­
`methyl phosphorothioate RNA without a 5-methylcytosine, a 5-methyluracil and/or a
`2,6-diaminopurine. Each of these parameters could be assessed using

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