`|PR2019-00884 (US 8,539,047)
`Exhibit 2080
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`PayPal Inc. v. IOENGINE, LLC
`IPR2019-00884 (US 8,539,047)
`Exhibit 2080
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`OVER 500. 000 SOLD 3
`The Authoritative Resource for
`Telecommunications, Networking,
`the Internet and Information Technology
`by Harry Newton
`’I8:“Updated and Expanded Edition
`|PR2019-00884 (US 8,539,047)
`Exhibit 2080
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`PayPal Inc. v. IOENGINE, LLC
`IPR2019-00884 (US 8,539,047)
`Exhibit 2080
`Page 2 of 5
`copyright © 2002 Harry Newton
`email: Harry@HarryNewton.com
`personal web site: www.HarryNewton.com
`business web site: www.Technologylnvestor.com
`All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions, including
`the right to reproduce this book or portions thereot in any term whatsoever,
`Published by CMP Books
`An imprint of CMP Media LLC.
`12 West 21 Street
`New York, NY 10010
`lSBN Number 167820-1047
`February 2002
`Eighteenth Eolition
`For InclIVIcluol orders, and tar mtormatlon on spectal discounts For quantity orders,
`please contact:
`CMP Books
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`This book is also sold through wwthmazonLom, www,Fatbrain.com and
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`' We Off
`I 19 BI
`- How 11
`WHY 1
`-1l18 l
`_ Chew
`— Howt
`— How 1
`' Hurry;
`' ROY H1
`o ,
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`Exhibit 2080
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`PayPal Inc. v. IOENGINE, LLC
`IPR2019-00884 (US 8,539,047)
`Exhibit 2080
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`Table of Contents
`- We offer a real reward ............................................................. V
`- How To Save on Telecom, PC, Internet and Airline Expenses and Best Investment Tips ................... Vll
`- The logic of call centers, customer cares, and buying on the Internet .............................. XV
`- Cheaper, faster and more reliable are obvious trends but there are other less obvious important ones also.
`— How to Make Sure Your Computing and Telecommunications Still Run ............................. XlX
`— How to figure our ordering of terms and our spellings ....................................... XXl
`- Harry Newton does hove a life outside this dictionary ....................................... XXV
`-Ray Horok teaches, consults and lives in Paradise ......................................... XXVll
`~ Industry Standards Organizations and their contact information ................................. 850
`- International Calling Codes ......................................................... 856
`- Standard Plugs and Connectors ..................................................... 858
`Dictionary begins with Numbers then goes onto Letters ......................................... 1
`|PR2019-00884 (US 8,539,047)
`Exhibit 2080
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`PayPal Inc. v. IOENGINE, LLC
`IPR2019-00884 (US 8,539,047)
`Exhibit 2080
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`involves numbering each cell associated with a seg—
`( PD)
`ion. Partial Packet Discar
`mentecl packet as it enters t e ATM domain through the inbound buffer of the ingress
`switch. ltanyceliisdro pe ,
`esubseauent celisassociated with the packet are dropped,
`with the exception of the cell indicating the end of the data packet. PPP enhances the per-
`ormance of the ATM network by dropping those cells, which serve no purpose as the entire
`acket will be transmited in either case.
`PPP is an earlier, and less sophisticated, tech-
`nigue that largely has been re aced by Early Packet Discard (EPD). See also ATM, Classical
`Pover ATM, EPD, and LAN .
`PPDN Public Packet ata
`PPI Pixels Per Inch, See
`PPl Pioneer Preference iceasees. A PES wireless term. Three US companies were awarded
`icenses before theAan
`an auctions begani eyall adopted PCS-1900, at ieastin art.
`PPM i. Pulse Position Mo uiation. Also known as Pulse Phase Modulation. A form of
`pulse time modulation in wrich the position in time of a light pulse is varied; signal ampli-
`ude and frequency both remain constant. The typical implementations are known a34 PM
`and ioPPM, as a pulse a
`i h is emitted in one of 4 or i6time slats, respectively. For
`example, 4PPM is a
`co ing scheme whici allows two bits of information to be
`irnpressedanasingleiigt ulse, with the exact
`it pattern he, 00, 01,1 oriiiindi-
`coted by the specific post ion in time in which t e pulse appears in a synchronized ight
`stream. PPM can be used in
`ath analog and digital transmission systems; it is particular-
`y useful when power re uirements must be her)
`law and when the transmission medium
`may he pulse easilyP M commonly is used in infrared (IR) transmission sysems, in oth
`wireless LAN (WLAN) an Siot-iiOUl networking applications; itaisa is used in deep-s ace
`aser communications sys ems.
`2. Periodic Puse Meterin .
`3. Private Placement Memorandum. A documen thatdescri as a private (ie. non-pa lici
`company’s as irations and attemptsto convince some poor unsuspecting sou (like me) to
`invest their hordearned moneyin the company. Sometimes he investment will he turn out
`good in the long-run. Sometimes it won’t. Mos times, you have no idea.
`4. Parts Per Million. Also known as arts oferror Per Milton, clack slack, drif , skew, sear
`ing rate,aad iE (Tirne nervol Error). PPM isa measurementaf the accuracy at synciro-
`nization ofa cockin source associated with a switching system ora transmission sys em.
`for example, »t sys emsare characterized bycack siucko 50ppm,which ranslates into
`50/1000000 of devia ion, or five percent (5%). Tito means that the occuracyo the
`clocking source is +/—5% accurate. T-S systems are characterized by a cock sack of
`20ppm, meaniagtha u
`here can eavariation of up oi769bits in thesignai between
`anincomin andoutoin T-3facili
`.Ciocksiack excee ing this specifiedp mcaasesaa
`unacceptable evel of do a error.
`PPM Processor Part Network, which is the master control er tie, CPU) 0 a pro rietary
`Avoyo system.
`isaLayer 2, orDato Lin Layer
`PPP Pain -to-PoiritPra ocochsde raed in RFCibfii,P
`(DLL), pro
`col that alows two peer devices (e.g.,
`vo 105 computers, aro host comput—
`er and a bad e or router) to trans art packets overa simpe link. P Pcommoniy is used
`to support
`[P iP traffic between an asynchronous PC on
`on access router tor nternet
`access overa ialup serial link. This generally is the wayt at you connect across the PSTN
`from your
`(athome oyour iSP (internet Service Provider). PPP isaconaectianvorient»
`ed protoco that enca salates packet data using a varia ion on the HM (High level Data
`Link Contra) protoco.
`PP, which largely has repored t e less robust predecessor SLiP
`(Serial Line Internet
`rotocoi), su portsfuilduplex daa ransmission, both syncironous
`and asynchronous. PPP includes error detection on daa rotectioa eatures,aniikeSLtP.
`See also it LC, link Control Protocol, Multiliak PPP, PP 0A, PPPoE, and SLIP.
`PPPoA aint-toPoin Protocol over ATM. A DSL erm,
`etining the use of the PPP pro
`tocoi overa DSL (Di
`ital Subscriber Line) access circuit running the ATM protocol, At the
`customerpreniises, the ATM protocoiis embedded iaan lA (IntegratedAccessDevice).At
`the edged the network, ATM runs in an ATMeriuip e DSLAM (05 Access Matti
`See alsoA M, DSL, 05AM, lAD, PPP, and PPPoE.
`PPPoE oint—to-Point Protocol over Ethernet De ined in the PFC 25i6 irom ie lETE
`(internet Engineering Task force), PPPaE is a means a connecting turn your premises to
`youriaternetService rovidero its main advantage is tltati eiiminatestlteneedtot heISP
`to manage the allocation of iP addresses. According to www.clslre artscom. PP oE is a
`method afencapsala tag your data ior transmission toafar paint.i
`is very similar to PPP
`over ATM.
`n this case though, a DSL modem pum ing ATM is internal to the computer,
`rather than being as an Ethernet cable away. Originaly designed or dialup lines, PPPoE
`is being used by DSLprovideis to solve the prablemsthey get managing an open DSL net-
`work, viz; IP address shortages, broadcasts not meant for you appearing on your local I?
`address (because you are onagioat iS centered virtual net), and other (mainly ISPend)
`difficulties inherent in arge bridged networks. See also Ethernet, PPP, and PPPaA.
`PPS i. Pulses Per Second.
`2. Precise Post ‘oning Service. The most accurate dynamic positioning possible with GPS
`(Global Positioning System), based on the dual frequency Pcode.
`3. Packets Per Secon .Ameasuremen of the throughput ota pocket switchor router, or
`a packet-base
`network. For example, the theoreical limit of 10 Mbps Ethernet, when
`measured in terms at the smallest (i.e., 64-byte)
`ackots, is 14,800 packets
`er second
`(PPS). By cam arison, Token Ring is 30,000 on
`FDDI is 170,000 pps.
`4. Path Prater ion SwitchedAring topalogydetined by Beilcore TA-496. PPS is realiyo
`fancy name for a clap icated SDNET signal traveling over diverse (i.e., difteren i physical
`routes. W on one too e of network cras es, the at er will take over. This enables it to sur-
`vive service ou ages caused by cable cuts, earth aakes, lightning strikes and equipment
`he P 5 tin
`gives a SDNET route a greater degree of survivability ban other
`SONET transmission
`oths the don't
`ave route diversity. Such SONET rin s also are
`known as ”sei healing."
`PPSN ’ubiic Packet Switche Network
`PPSS Public
`acket Switched Service. A connec ion-oriented, packet-switche data card
`municatian service that permits users a communicate with data terminals 0 other cus-
`amers and on other acketne
`PPTP oint- a-Poin Tunnelin
`Pro ocol, a new rotocoi that enables virtual
`rivate net-
`working - enabiia
`secure remote access to corporate networks over the internet. he
`rotocoi was first demonstrate at lnteIOp, Spring 1996. According to the press release
`from US No otics and Microsoft which demons rated the protocol, PPTP wii help mm
`antes deploy remote access to empoyees more
`uickly, using fewer resources, byolow-
`them to ake a vantage of existing enterprise network infrastructures such as he
`nternet or remo e access. US. Ra atics developed the Windows NT PPTP
`river, w ich
`wil be integra e
`in o Microso '5 Windows NT Server 4.0. Under an agreement with
`Microsoft,U.S. Noboticswilliicenseavarietyotsof vorecomponentstorPPTP oMicrosott.
`P P wi be ad ed as a stan ord eatare to Microsat's Windows NT Server and
`Po otics’ Toto Contra NETServer remote access server platform. PPTP streamlines access
`in Tnetworkia
`environments, on
`allows NT network clients to take full advantage of
`the services provided yMicroso ’s tAS (Remote Access Service). for remote access, over
`analog or ISD lines,
`PTP crea esa "tunnel" directly othe appropriate departmenta NT
`Server onane ork—eveni
`there are hundreds of NT Sewersthe PPTP specifica 'on
`aids on stun ards such as PPP an TCP/IP. PPTP ’tunnels’ a remote user’s PPP pockets
`root the NETServer a a Windows NT sewer. By terminating the remote user’s PPP caa-
`nectionattheN server, rather
`an atthe remote access hardware, PPTP allows network
`administrators ostan ardizesecuri
`usingt eexistin services and capahiiities builtinto
`be Windows Tsecuritydomain.
`sing PPTP, network administrators can extend avir ual
`rivate network romt eir Win ows NT server throughout the lnternetaad still retain con-
`to at their user passwords on
`accounts. NT provides its own knowledge of enterprise
`users, databases, allowed access and networ
`addressing integrated into its RAS capa ili-
`ies. With PPTP, users accessin their NT—based networ will use these sen/ices,
`inclu ing
`)iCP and WI 5, for access.
`PQFP Plastic Quad
`lot Pack, a ormot used in the
`esigri of PCMCIA devices. Anot er
`ormat is called QEP, which stands for Tliia Quad Flat
`iU-T erm use
`in eraationa ly to mean 23B+IJ and also 30B+20. The
`in emotional version a what Americans call Pitt. See also ISDN and Primary Rate interface
`or longer exp arrations.
`Practice he tec nicoi and installation manuals often used by Bell Operoing
`CompaniesA ooruse oithe war .Abetterword woudbe procedure.
`Pralrle Dogging When someone ye is or drops something loudly ina cube farm
`(an office ma e up of cubicles), and people’s heads pa
`up over the wallsto see what's
`going on.
`PRBS t. Pseudo Random Bit Se aence/pattern. A test pattern having the properties of
`random data (generally5ii or 2047 hits), utgenero ed in sucha manner that another
`circuit, operatingindependently, can synchronize on the ottern and detect individual trans-
`mission bit errors.
`2. A Biuetooth term. Pseudorandam Bit Sequence. pie-paired device A device with which a
`link key was exchanged, and the ink key is stated, before link establishment. See also
`paired device andi
`such as woke (mat
`data must have re
`ed to, travel acro5§
`entatian ot the do
`ierky videoi,
`to modulation inn
`EIUEW modulation
`er ire uency audio
`company is a utiiii
`phone rings. Caller
`the customer Men
`line“ “35“);ng
`from 30 53mm
`retrieved and long
`exam is about ht
`retrieved from a ll
`special need. Prei
`payrol processing
`yearend processiti
`of [9 up]; cyclesn
`"“1”“ Cd
`Em card comesi
`or long distanced
`toca|.You mug;
`card and f
`ares how long yo
`55 Sig 520 g
`chgupfor' short cd
`ditionaiiong dist
`on doing a "tiled
`your offge and
`2, Wiring ingtule
`home. A tiery Sp
`get/g9 to the tac
`the preamble is
`the data bits uq
`lion mmggh g m
`assigned toqphfi
`urgency (thereto
`which the megsd
`tionfoi DTMF.
`Procise Po
`with GPS (Globe
`Precision }
`designed for can
`|PR2019-00884 (US 8,539,047)
`Exhibit 2080
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`PayPal Inc. v. IOENGINE, LLC
`IPR2019-00884 (US 8,539,047)
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