`JANUARY 15, 1937
`Big? L"
`111M .3 g
`VOLUME 262 .
`ISSN aim-9253
`JBCHA3 262(3501-935-(19qn
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`Vol. 262, No. 2
`The Journal of
`January‘12, 1937
`Biological Chemistry
`Copyright {C‘- 1987 by the American Society of Biological Chemists, Inca. 4‘23 East Preston St., Baltimore, MD 21202 US A
`501 Proteolysis of apoproteinli dunng the transfer of
`very low density lipoproteln from hens‘ blood to egg
`Anthonyo’. Evans and Ralph W. Hurley
`505 The human multidrug resistance [mdrfl gene.
`cDNA cloning and transcription initiation.
`Kazumitsu Urdu. Douglas P. Clark. Chang-fl? ('hcn, Igor
`B. Roninson, Michael M. Gottesman. and fro Pastor:
`509 Purification and characterization of the dihydro-
`pyridine-sensitive voltage-dependent caicium chan-
`nel from cardiac tissue.
`Chrisly l... Cooper,
`l‘iyllflt’ Vanda-rig Jacqm’s’ Barhonin.
`Michel Fossrt. Michel Lazdunsti. and M. Marlene Hoxcy
`513 Synthesis of 7-mercaptohcptanoylthrconine phos-
`phate and its activity in the methylcoenzyme M
`methylreductase system.
`Kenneth M. Nail. Mark E. Dunninlly. and Ralph .s‘.
`516 Oxygen binding and subunit interaction of hemoglo-
`bin in relafiiocgi to the two-state model.
`ibson and Stuart J. Ed lat
`521] Glucocorticoid-regulated expression from the 5'-
`flankingregion of the rate: -acid l co rotein one.
`Requirement for ongoing plroteingsgfntlliesis.
`0 Elliott S. Klein. Rosemary Heinke. Philip Fcigclson. and
`O o" M ngold
`524 Non-historic chromosomal protein HMGI modulates
`the histone Ill-induced condensation of DNA.
`Dig? géwKohtstocdt. Eric C. Sung, Amy Funshige. and R.
`527 Occurrence of an endogenous inhibitor of
`acflvating factor in rat liver.
`asao Miwu. Ceredwyn Hill Raj Kumar Junlw Sugae
`tom, Merle S. Olson. and Donald J. Hamhan
`531 Productio
`gflnadfltrollivigilrclggziliilgilegmznatiiagnrgcfe3::erms to
`Eli Hozum. Iris Schuartz. and Malta: Popliher
`Identification of a possible nucleotide binding site
`in Chew. a protein required for sensory transduc-
`tinn in bacterial chemotaxis.
`SAl'm Stock. James Matronen. Thorium Chm, and Jeff
`Identification of
`factor from Whoa? Eggnlfim-em Synthesis Inmatlon
`Karen S. B
`‘ D‘
`Joanne M. Rggmng
`tone M' Mam' Sandra R' Lox. and
`Pituitary. ant-l1rtlluiifol‘iiil”iiimacfinoirieailtibeilcilibtififiysmm'
`:filated Eleptide, and partial amino acid Sequefgenfi-l
`e s in
`JOSE, 3‘ 3:93,,”an Walter Eur
`J ,
`Jan A. Fischer
`n. ”by“ Chang. and
`546 Amino acid sequences of
`frfim Saccharomyces eel-23:53:01. mating peptides
`iclwrd Beta, John W.
`Wittig, and woflgang Dugé?b' Hem“ 3- Mel-“er. Rwhard
`. 42
`5-19 Complete amino acid sequence of human seminal”.
`(Jimmie Lochridge, Cynthia F. Bartels Theresa ,1
`Vaughan. Cassandra K, Wong, Sheila E. Norton and Limi-
`L. Johnson
`:08 Functions of Isolated domains of methionyl-tRNA
`synthetase from an extreme thermophile, Them“
`thermophitns H38.
`Uatsulec Ktilido, Shiget'ulri Yoleuyum.
`and Tm”
`SU‘UCWTRI CharaCtefizatiOfl 0f the Mr = 55.000 an-
`tiger! (3P3) 0f Dol’cme 00!:th zona pellucida. Puri-
`fication and characterization of o- and B-glycopm-
`telns following qigestion oflactosaminnglycan will:
`Edward C. anenricz. Anthony G. Sacco. and Marappa
`G. Snbramanian
`llVEI‘ NAD(P)thumon_e reduttase “unhoflde
`5:2 Rat
`sequence analr‘ms of a qumone reductase cDNA
`clone and prediction of the amino acid sequence of
`the correSponding protein.
`Richard M. Bag-nay John A. Roclkcy. Carl D. Benneli.
`Anthony Y. H. Lu. and Cecil B. Pickett
`3T6 Use of directed mutagenegls to probe the role at
`tyrostlf'lie 19: in the catalytic mechanism 0‘ L‘Bl'lm'
`“ED 1 359
`Stephen J. Cordell. Donald Hiluerl. Jennifer Barnett. E.
`T1 Raise" and Wlllmm J— Rutter
`. .
`583 Accessibility and multivalency of
`Clbacr‘?“ blueFSGA.‘
`Yin—Chang L!“ and 1111?l? bir’fllb‘flé'm
`589 The presence of freeG protein [ah subunitsin human
`neutrophils results in suppresswn of adenylate ca»
`913* flaw“?-
`GEE" M- Ballot”
`395 The reaction of cytochrome oxidnse wit
`c3311 .‘
`Preparation of Hui ralpidly r?act£.ng form and us
`conversion to the s ow y reacting arm-
`0‘1".“ M. Baker. Mosaic Noguchi. and Graham Palmer
`505 Nerve growth factor enhances thesyntiheseiifigi'
`Dhorylation, and metabolic stabillty o n
`ment proteins. m PC12 cc 5.
`b m and mi.
`M395“?! H‘ L‘".denb“”m' baluotore Car one
`”'15- Mushynsk:
`611 Characterization of' a cDNtl} liar fumingfrigtfiiim
`inhibitor: A new member 0 t e l! 35:11
`wage ingibitfr Sgpirffim‘lfi-
`Junji My“
`as Euro
`cyan t
`Katolw Karachi, Micltiakl Akin], Shir}: Yamomolo. all
`Senichlro Hashimoto
`‘ m.
`617 Butyrnte kinase from €193” "1mm metabutyh‘"
`Maris G. N. Hartmams
`622 Structural and catalytic characteristics of En
`rtclu’a coli adenylate lunase.
`D telli’ Mar-
`Isabel? Sainfiizienl‘f. Angel/{Gm Egg! agent? Fer
`garl'm.‘ usan
`Windham. Antoine Dammit. and Ottoman. Barzu
`630 Phoephorylation state ofacctyl-coenzyme A “a
`rinse. 1. Linear inverse relationship '50 “tun”
`ties at different citrate concentrations-
`Him‘s Jamil and Neil B. Madsen
`Pfizer Ex. 1011
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`Pfizer Ex. 1011
`Page 3 of 18


`her lation state of acetyljcoenzyme A carbon-
`P1133211. ilariation with nutritional condition_
`y Hurls Jamil and Neil B. Mods-en
`Crystallization and structure determination of an
`autoimmune anti-polfld'l‘)
`immunoglobulin Fab
`fragment at 3.0 A resolution.
`Mlmslaur Cygler. Amer-hand Bnodhoo. Jererny S, Lee,
`and Wayne F. Andersen
`Identification of the 37-kDa protein displaying a
`variable interaction with the erythroid cell mem-
`brane as glyceraldehyde-B-phosphate dehydrogem
`”fisher! W. Allen. Kathleen A. Trash. and James A. Hock
`research on oogenesis. Binding of
`“WA to the nucleoprotein particles of Xenopos lac-
`uis previtellogenic oocytes.
`Marc ls Moire and Herman Denis
`The function of catalasc-hound NADPH,
`Heng'N. Klrlimon, Silvano Gallant], and Gian F, (Iaetanf
`The enzyme defect in bovine protoporphyria. Stud-
`ies with purified ferrochelatase.
`Joseph R. Bloomer. Hazel D. Hill. Kathleen O. Morton.
`LoriA. Anderson—Humhom. and James G. Stroke
`The binding of Ca”, Mg“. and Cd2+ to tryptic frag.
`ments of skeletal muscle troponin C. Cadmium-113
`and proton NMR studies.
`Torb‘rirn Drohcnbcrg. Slur! Fol-sen, Eva Thalia, and
`. Vogcl
`The mechanism of activation of heart fructose 6-
`phoephate. 2-kinase:fructose—2.6-bisphosphatase.
`Kama Klmmum and Kosolm llycclo
`Ethanol-induced mobilization of calcium by activa-
`tion of phosphoinositide-Specific phospholipase C in
`Intact hepatocytes.
`Jan 3. Hock. Andrew P. Thomas. Raphael Robin. and
`Emanuel Robin
`Concentration and partitioning of intermediates in
`lhe_fructose bisphosphate aldolase reaction. Com-
`parison of the muscle and liver enzymes.
`[mm A. Rose. Jen-sic 't" H. Worms. and Donald J. Kim
`Low-angle neutron scattering analysis of Naili-
`ATPase III detergent solution.
`James M. Poetical-e. Isidore .‘3'. Edelmoo. and Hmno P,
`The effects on 4—aminoantifolates on 5—formyltet-
`fallydrcfolate metabolism in [.1210 cells. A bio-
`:lllemical basis of the selectivity of leucovorin res-
`. Lam“ H. Mnlhf'rly. Charla»; K. Harlow, Volcslo M. Phil-
`lips. and 1. David Goldman
`“55!“! factor (coagulation factor 111) inhibition by
`apollpoiirotein A-lI.
`Stolen D. Carson
`The energy utilized in protein breakdown by the
`t‘flP'denendem protease (La)
`from Escherichia
`.4. Salish MEHUR, Lloyd Wuxmon, and Alfred L. Goldberg
`{flrultlhorrnonal regulation of transcription of the
`tuiDtODhan 2.3-dioxygenase gene in primary cul-
`es of adult rat hepatocytes with special reference
`'3 presence of a transcriptional protein mediat-
`"JE the action of glucocorticoids.
`Chlflshlhozu Nohqmura, Shingo Niimi. Kotsuhiho Nawor
`A ”film Node. 42m n-hshm. Yasuyuhl Tohagl. Moreno
`not. and Yoshiyuhi Sokohi
`:figctiol' 0‘ rat testis protein. TR with nucleic
`tiltin ”1 Ultra. Fluorescence quenching. UV absorp-
`' and thermal denaturation studies.
`minnow Singh and Manchonoholll R. Satyanaroyarw
`cum in “fewer activation elevates cytosollc cal
`pinealocytes by increasing net influa.
`Loom A. Sweden David Sugden. and David C. Klein
`The ATPase core of a clathrin uncoating protein.
`Thomas G. Che
`all 8
`B. K
`Schmid, and Jomsp'lh‘. Bathing}:
`onforti. bondro L.
`The effect of activating ligands on the intrinsic
`fluorescence of guanine nucleotide-binding regula-
`tory proteins.
`Tsulomu Htgashljlma. Kenneth M. Ferguson, Paul C.
`Slernwcis. Elliott M. Ross. Murray I). Smigrl. and Alfred
`G. thmon
`The effect of GTP and Mg2+ on the GTPase activity
`and the fluorescent properties of G...
`Tectonic ngoshiiimo, Kenneth M. Fergtwon. Murray D.
`Smtgel, and Alfred G. Gllmnn
`Effects of Mg“ and the flat-subunit complex on the
`interactions of guanine nucleotides with G proteins.
`Teutonic ngoshijimo, Kenneth M. Ferguson, Paul C.
`Sternwets, Murray D. Smigel, and Alfred G. Gllmon
`Regulation of polypeptide chain initiation in
`Chinese hamster ovary cells with a temperature-
`sensmve leucyl-tRNA synthetase. Changes in phos-
`phorylation of initiation factor eIF—2 and in the
`33$??in of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor
`Michael J. Clemens. Angela Galplrte. Sara .4. Austin.
`Richard Panniers. Edgar C. Hem-how. Roger Duncan. John
`W. 8. Hershey. and Jeffrey W. Pollard
`The influence of basic residues on the substrate
`specificity of protein kinase C.
`KColin House. Richard E. H. Wottcnhall. and Bruce E.
`Chromatin structure and methylation state of a thy~
`roid hormone-responsive gene in rat liver.
`Donald B. Jump. Norman C. W. Wong. and Josh H.
`Deamidation. isomerization. and racemization at as-
`paraginyl and aspartyl residues in peptides. Suc-
`cinimide-linked reactions that contribute to pro-
`tein degradation.
`Terrence Geiger and Sleocn Clot-ho
`0n the active sites of the [NiFe] hydrogenase from
`Desulfouibrlo glgas. Mossbauer and redox-titration
`Bot" chh Hnynh, Doulot S. Peril. Isobel Monro, Miguel
`Teixeira, Jose' J. G. Monro. Donfel V. DerVortanian. Mel—
`vin H. Czechowsln, Benet C. Prickril. Harry D. Peck. Jr_.
`and Jean LeGoll
`Isolation. complementary DNA sequence, and reg-
`ulation of rat hepatic lactic acid w-hydroxylase (cy-
`tochrome 13-450mm). Identification of a new cyto-
`chrome P-450 gene family.
`James P. Hardwlch, Eyeing-Joan Song, Eliczer Huber-
`mon, and Fronh J. Gonzalez
`Differentiation of human promyleocytic HL 60 cells
`by retinoic acid is accompanied by an increase in
`the intracellular pH. The role of the Na‘lH‘ ex-
`change system.
`Annie Lodonx. Edward J. Crogoe. Jr. Blondlrte Gerry.
`Jean Pierre Abito. and Christian Frelin
`Transcriptional analysis of tyrosine hydroxylase
`gene expression in the tuberomfundibular dopami-
`nergic neurons of the rat arcuate nucleus after es-
`trogen treatment.
`Mariano Blunt. Bruce 3. McEwen, and James L. Roberts
`Molecular cloning and characterization of cDNA for
`androgen-repressible rat liver protein. SMP»2.
`Bondono Chollcrjee. Deb Mojumdor. Oyo Ozbilen. C. V.
`Ramona Marty. and Aron X. Roy
`A correlation between phorbol {Hester-induced pro-
`tein phosphorylation and superoxide anion genera-
`tion in HL-60 cells during granulocytic maturation,
`James R. Gaul and Richard A. Corrhman
`Production of procollagenase by cultured human
`Marlo J. Petersen. David T. Woodley. George P. Strick—
`lin. and Edward J. O'Keefe
`Pfizer Ex. 1011
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`Pfizer Ex. 1011
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`841 Heteroiogous desensitization of the inhibitory A.
`adenosine receptor—adenylate cyclase system in rat
`adipocytes. Regulation of both N. and Ni.
`William J. Parsons and Gary L. Stiles
`84-8 Characterization of sulfated glucuronic acid_ con-
`taining glycolipids reacting with IgM M-proterns In
`patients with neuropathy.
`Toshio An'ga, Totsuo Kohriyamo. Lorenzo Freddo. Nor-
`man Lotus. Megumi Suite, Kezuo Kan. Susumu Amie,
`Mlnom Suzuki, Mark E. Hemling. Kenneth l... Rinehort.
`Jr., Susumu Kmunoki. and Robert K. Yu
`854 Heparan sulfate proteoglycans of human lung fibro-
`blasts. Structural heterogeneity of the core proteins
`of the hydrophobic cell-associated forms.
`Veerle Lortes. Htide De Boeck. Guido David. Jean-
`Jocques Cassiman. and Herman Van Den Berghe
`860 Covalent modification of the renal Na*fll+ exchan—
`ger by N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide.
`Peter Igaroshi and Peter S. Aronson
`869 Affinity labeling of a novel cholecystoltinin-binding
`protein in rat pancreatic plasmalemma using new
`short probes for the receptor.
`Randall K. Pearson and Laurence J. Miller
`877 Scanning transmission electron microscopic study
`of a—ketoglutarate dehydrogenasc complex from
`Escherichia coli.
`Terence Wagenlznecht. Noreen Francis, David J. De-
`Rosicr. James F. Hainfeld, and Joseph S, Wall
`833 A yeast plasmid partitioning protein is a karyoske-
`letal component.
`LingPChuan Chen Wu. Paul A. Fisher. and James R.
`892 DNA functional groups re uimd
`for flInflation of
`open complexes between qE h
`so err'chl'a colt RN
`polymerase and the h Pg promoter.
`via base analog substitutions
`John W. Dubendorfl', Pieter L,
`deHaseth, Mary 3. RE
`sendohi. and Marvin H. Coruthers
`Induction of tissue-specific proline-rich
`multrgene families in rat and mouse parotidpgfafl:
`by rsoproterenol. Unusual strain differences of
`lmesrrcb protein mRN As.
`David K. Ann. Scott Clements, E
`dword M. Joining”.
`and Don M, Carlson
`905 Nearest neighbor analysis for brain synapsinl
`Evidence from in vitro reamiation assays for as:
`sociation with membrane protein(s) and the M =
`63.000 neurofilament subunit.
`Joseph P. Steiner. Eleanor Ling, and Vonn Bennett
`91:3 Chroma“in cell calcium channel kinetics measured
`rsotoprcally through fast calcium, strontium. and
`barium fluxes.
`Cristina R. Artolejo. Antonio G. Gareth. and Dominique
`92'? Developmental regulation of tryptmosome mito-
`chondrial gene expression.
`Emil F. Micheiotti and Stephen L. Hajdulz
`933 Serine incorporation into the selenocysteine moiety
`of glutathione peroxidase.
`Roger A. Sunde and Jacqueline K. Evenson
`938 Three cDNA sequences of mouse type I keratlns.
`Cellular localization of the mRNAs in normal and
`hyperproliferative tissues.
`Bernhard Knapp, Martin Rentrop. Jurgen Schwinn
`and Hermelito Winter
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`Pfizer Ex. 10? 1
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`Pfizer Ex. 1011
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`The Journal of Biological Chemistry
`January 15, 1987
`CONTENTS Arranged by Subiect Categories
`Occurrence of an endogenous inhibitor of platelet-
`niivating factor in rat hirer.
`Home Millie, Ceredwyn Hill. Ray Kumor. Janka Suga-
`lnni. Merle 3. Olson, and Donald J. Hamilton
`Characterization of sulfated glucuronic acid con-
`taining glycolipids reacting With IgM M-proteins in
`patients with neuropathxi
`Toshio Arigu, Tolsuo Kohrlyomo, Lorenzo Freddo, Nor-
`man Lam. Megumi Sarto, Karim Kan, Somme dado.
`Minoru Suzuki, Marl; E. Hemline. Kenneth L_ Hinehort,
`Jr, Sutumu Kusunoht, and Robert K. Yo
`The presence of free G protein [Sf-y subunits in human
`ueutrophils results in suppression of adenylate cy-
`clase activity.
`Gary M. Bokoch
`Nerve growth factor enhances the synthesis, phos-
`phorylation, and metabolic stability of neurofila-
`went proteins in PCI 2 cells.
`Michael H. Lindenboum, Salvatore Carbonelto, and Wolv
`ler E. Mushym'lii
`Phosphorylation state of acetyl-coenzyme A cal-box-
`ylase. I. Linear inverse relationship to activity ra-
`tios at different citrate concentrations.
`Horis Jamil and Neil B. Modsen
`Phosphorylation state of acetyl-coenzyme A carbon-
`ylaserll. Variation with nutritional condition.
`Hans Jamil and Neil B. Modsen
`The mechanism of activation of heart fructose 6—
`lllloslihate. 2-kinase: fructose-2,6—bisphosphctase.
`Kczuo Kuomuro and Kosaku Uyeo'a
`The effects on 4-aminoantifolates on 5-formyltet-
`Ffihytlrofolcte metabolism in L1210 cells. A bio-
`:fiemmal beets of the selectivity of leucovorin res-
`tan-y H. Motherly, Charles K. Borlowe. Volesio M. Phil—
`lips, and l. David Goldman
`The energy utilized in protein breakdown by the
`flip-dependent protease (La)
`from Escherichia
`livStItish Merton. Lloyd Waxrnon. and Alfred L. Goldberg
`fl‘rhdi'enOccptor activation elevates cytosolic ca]-
`01151;]: rat pinealocytes by increasing net infinit-
`Lose A. Sueden, David Sugclen. and David G Klein
`The ATPase core of a clathrin uncoating protein.
`Thomas G (“ha
`u 8
`' PM .
`ovum: B. Kori om, Sandra L.
`Schmid, and James E. Roth-inert
`Tie effect 01’ activating ligands on the intrinsic
`l a
`tonne of guanine nucleotide—binding regula-
`011? proteins.
`autumn nga-shu‘fmo, Kenneth M. Ferguson, Paul C.
`film: Sam“ M— Ross. Murray 1). Smigel, and Alfred
`3:: effect of GTP and Mg2+ on the GTPase activity
`the “acreage-m properties of Gm
`Tfifltomu H ' cshi"
`limo, Kenneth M. Fer £13011, Murray D.
`Smrgfl' and Alfimd G. Gilman
`it?“ of Mg" and the fiy-suhunil complex on the
`”“033 of guanine nucleotides with G proteins-
`Tsutamu H‘
`“gashlllma. Kenneth M. Ferguson, Paul C.
`Ski-”mm MW”? D. Smigel, and Alfred G. Gilmon
`n Cmmmication
`Regulation of polypeptide chain initiation in
`Chinese hamster ovary cells with a temperature-
`sensltivc‘leucyl-tRNA synthetase. Changes in phos-
`phorylation of initiation factor eIF-2 and in the
`Ecfitigvity of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor
`.34le J. Clemens, Angelo Golplne, Sara A. Austin.
`Richard Panniers. Edgar C. Henshnw, Roger Duncan. John
`W. B. Hershey. and Jeffrey W. Pollard
`Differentiation of human promyleocytic HL 60 cells
`by retina“: acid is accompanied by an increase in
`the intracellular pH. The role of the Na’ffl‘ ex-
`change system.
`Annie Ladouz, Edward J. Cragoe, Jr, Blandine Geny,
`Jean Pierre Abita, and Christian Frelin
`A correlation between phorhol diester-induced pro»
`tein phosphorylation and supcroxide anion genera-
`tion in HL-60 cells during granuiocytic maturation.
`James R. Gout and Richard A. Corchrnon
`Heterologous desensitization of the inhibitory A,
`adenosine receptor-adenylate eyelase system in rat
`adipocytes. Regulation of both N. and N..
`William J. Parsons and Gary L. Stiles
`Affinity labeling of a novel cholecystokinin-binding
`protein in rat pancreatic plasmalemmn using new
`short probes for the receptor.
`Randall K. Pearson and Lamence J. Miller
`Nearest neighbor analysis for brain synapsin 1.
`Evidence from in vitro rcassociation assays for as-
`sociation with membrane proteinls) and the M. =
`68,000 neurofilament subunit.
`Joseph P. Steiner, Eleanor Ling, and Venn Bennett
`Serine incorporation into the selenocysteine moiety
`of glutathione peroxidase. ‘
`Roger A. Sande and Jacqueline K, Evenson
`Synthesis of '7-mercaptobeptanoylthreonine phos-
`phate and its activity in the methylcoenzyme M
`methylreductase system.
`Kenneth M. Noll, Mark I. Donnelly, and Ralph S.
`Use of directed mutagenesis to probe the role of
`tyrosine 198 in the catalytic mechanism of carbon:-
`ypeptidase A.
`Stephen J. Cordell, Donald Hiloerl, Jennifer Barnett, E.
`T. Kaiser, and William J. Rutter
`Accessibility and multivalency of
`Cibacron blue F3GA.
`Yianhong Lin and Earle Stellwagen
`Butyrate kinase from Clostridium acetobutylicum.
`Maris G. N. Hartmartis
`Structural and catalytic characteristics of Esche-
`richia coll adenylate kinase.
`lsnbelle Suinl Girons, Anne-Marie Gilles, Danielle Mor-
`gorita. Susan Michelson, Monique Mpnmi: Serge Fer~
`mandjian, Antoine Danchin. and Ottoman Barzu
`Th function of catalase-bound NADPl-I.
`germ; N. Kirkmort, Silvano Goliano. and Gian F. Goetam'
`Concentration and partitioning of intermediates in
`the fructose bisphosphate aldolase reaction. Com-
`parison of the muscle and liver enzymes.
`l'rwin A. Rose, Jessie V. B. Warm, and Donald J. Koo
`Tissue factor (coagulation factor III) inhibition by
`apolipoprotein A-II.
`Steven D. Carson
`Pfizer Ex. 1011
`Page 6 of 18
`Pfizer Ex. 1011
`Page 6 of 18


`772 The influence of basic resigues on the substrate
`ificit of
`rotein inase
`51,335” [$1.52.kath E. H. Wettenhall. and Bruce E
`835 Production of procoliagenase by cultured human
`Marta J. Petersen. David T. Woodie-y. George P. Strick-
`lin. and Edward J. O'Keefe
`~50!) Purification and characterization of the dihydro-
`pyridine-sensitive voltage-dependent calcium chan-
`nel from cardiac tissue.
`Chrisry L. Cooper. Sylvie Vandaelc, Jacques Barhanin.
`Michel Fossel. Michel Lozdunski. and M. Marlene Hocev
`-531 Production and characterization of antibodies to
`gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor.
`Eli Hazum, Iris Schirartz. and Malta Poplikcr
`595 The reaction of cytochmme oxidase with cyanide.
`Preparation of the rapidly reacting form and its
`conversion to the slowly reacting form.
`Gary M. Baker. Macaw Nogachi. and Graham Palmer
`Identification of the 37—kDa. protein displaying a
`variable interaction with the erythroid cell mem-
`brane as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogen-
`Robert W. Allen. Kathleen A. Truth. and James A. Hath
`682 Ethanol-induced mobilization of calcium by activa-
`tion of phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C in
`intact hepatocytes.
`Jon B. Hock. Andrew P. Thomas. Raphael Rubin. and
`Emanuel Rubin
`860 Covalent modification of the renal Na‘lI-P exchan-
`ger by N,N’-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide.
`Peter Igorashi and Peter S. Aronson
`915 Chromaffin cell calcium channel kinetics measured
`isotopically through fast calcium, strontium. and
`barium fluxes.
`Cristina R. Artalcjo. Antonio C. Garcia. and Dominique
`0505 The human multidrug resistance (mdri) gene.
`cDNA cloning and transcription initiation.
`Kazumitsu (Jada. Douglas R Clark. Chang-jig Chen. Igor
`B. Roninson. Michael M. Gottesman. and Ira Pastor:
`.520 Glucocorticoid—regulated expression from the 5’-
`flanking region of the rat alwacid glycoprotein gene.
`Requirement for ongoing protein synthesis.
`Elliott S. Kiein, Rosemary Reinke, Phi" F.’
`Gordon M. Ringold
`”g? m’ and
`'524 Non-histone chromosomal protein HMGI modulates
`the histone ill-induced condensation of DNA.
`Lori A. Kohlstoedt. Eric C. S
`F "
`David Coie
`Mg my Whig?” and R'
`'538 Identification of a new protein synthesis initiation
`factor from wheat germ.
`Karen S. Browning. Diane M. Maia, Sandra R. Lax and
`Joanne M. Ravel
`558 Functions of isolated domains of methionyl-tRNA
`synthetase from an extreme the
`thermophilus H38.
`rmophile. Titer-mus
`Daisuke Kohda, Sh' e we Yo]:
`oyama. and Tatsuo
`‘8 F
`572 Flat liver NAD(I’)H:quinone reductase nucleotide
`sequence:i angliysis of fa quinone reductase cDNA
`c one an pr
`ic ion 0 the amino a 'd
`the corresponding protein.
`sequence or
`Hithard MA Hayney, John A. Bad
`, C
`Anthony Y. H. La. and Cecil B. Picks? ”I D‘ Emma
`- Indicates a Communication
`research on oogenesis B‘
`tI-tNA to. the nucleoprotein particles of Xeiiiidmgiu‘:
`ms prewtellogenic oocytes.
`Marc lc Moire and Herman Denis
`The binding of Caz‘. Mg“. and Cd2+
`t0 triptic n9 .
`ments of skeletal muscle troponin
`C. Cadmiumuga
`and proton NMR studies.
`Torbjorn Urokcnbcrg. Stare Forscn. E
`T '
`Hans J. Vogcl
`huh”. and
`Multihormonal regulation of transcription of the
`tryptophan 2.3—dioxygenase gene in primary cul-
`tures of adult rat hepatocytes with special reference
`to the presence of a transcriptional protein media.
`ing the action of glucocorticoids.
`T‘oshiimzu Nulzamurn. Shiny.) Niimi. Kalsultllto Nan-r:
`Chis-eke Node. .ilkirn lchihom,
`l'hsayuhi Ta
`l M t
`Anni. and Yrishiyulci Snitch!
`keg. Md”
`Interaction of rat testis protein. TP. with nucleic
`acids in vitro. Fluorescence quenching. UV absorp.
`tion. and thermal dcnaturation studies.
`Japmijilmn Singli and Monchmmlmlli ll. Satyanaravana
`Chromatin structure and methylation state ofa thy-
`roid hormone-responsive gene in rat liver.
`Donald 8. Jump. Norman C. W. Wang. and Jack H.
`t. Jppcn hcimcr
`Isolation, complementary DNA sequence, and reg-
`ulation of rat hepatic lauric acid w-hydroxylaselcy-
`tochrome P-450..A..). Identification of a new cyto-
`chrome P-450 gene family.
`James P. Hardwiclz, Biting-Joan Song. Elmer Huber-
`mon. and Frank J. Gonralcz
`Transcriptional analysis of tyrosine hydroxylase
`gene expression in the tuberoinfundibular dopami-
`nergic neurons of the rat arcuate nucleus after es-
`trogen treatment.
`Mariano Blown. Brucc S. Mch‘wco, and James L. Robins
`Molecular cloning and characterization of cDNA for
`androgen-repressible rat liver protein. SMP-Z.
`Bondonc (‘halterjcc Deb Majumdor, Oya Uzbilcn. C.
`Ramona M arty. and Aron K. Roy
`A yeast plasmid partitioning protein is a karyofike'
`letal component.
`Ling-Chum Chan Wu, Paul A. Fishcr. and James R.
`DNA functional groups required for ‘formatlun 'fli
`open complexes between Escherichia coil
`polymerase and the A Pg promoter. Identification
`via base analog Substitutions.
`q R .
`John W. Dubcndorfi, Pieter L. deHas-cth. Marin» 5'
`scadahi. and Marvin H. Carnthers
`Induction of tissue-specific proline-ricl‘l‘tillll'l‘lllfnij‘:i
`multigene families in rat and mouse pawl-1 3:
`by isoproterenol. Unusual strain differences 0 P
`line-rich protein rnRNAs.
`David K. Ann. Scott Clements. Edward M. Jflhmtm‘
`and [Jon M. Carlson
`Developmental regulation of trYPanosome mil
`chondrial gene expression.
`Emil F. Micheiotti' and Stephen L. Haiduk
`Pm‘e'flysis of apoprotein B during ““3 "answ-
`very low density lipflprotein from hens’ blood to egg
`Anthony J, Evans and Ralph W. Barley.
`OXYgen binding and subunit interaction “rhemogi
`bin in relation to the two—state models
`Quentin H. Gibson and Stuart J. Edeistem
`Pfizer Ex. 1011
`Page 7 of 18
`Pfizer Ex. 1011
`Page 7 of 18


`:l‘he enzymedefect in bovine protoporphyria. Stud-
`Ies With purified ferrochelatase.
`Joseph R. Bloomer. Hazel D. Hill, Kathleen C. Morton,
`Lorr. A. Anderson-Burnham. and James 6. Stroke
`Low-angle neutron scattering analysis of Naili-
`ATPase m detergent solution.
`James M. Puchence. Isidore S. Edelman. and Benno P.
`Deamidation. isomerization. and racemization at as-
`paraglnyl and aspartyl residues in peptides. Suc-
`cinimide-linked reactions that centrihute to pro-
`tem degradation.
`Terrence Geiger and Steven Clarke
`0n the active sites of the [NiFe] hydrogenase from
`Deoulfovibrt'o gigas. Mosshauer and redox-titration
`Bot‘ Hanh Huynh, Doulot S. Poul. Isobel Monro. Miguel
`Teixeira, José J. G. Maura, Daniel V. Der Vermilion, Mel-
`vin H. Czechowski. Benet C. Prickrtl, Han-y D. Peek, Jr,
`and Jean LeGol!
`Heparan sulfate proteoglycans of human lung fibro-
`blasts. Structural heterogeneity of the core proteins
`of the hydrophobic cell-associated forms.
`Veerle Lories, Hilde De Boeck, Guido David.
`Jocques Cassimon. and Herman Van Den Berghc
`Scanning transmission electron microscopic study
`of a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex from
`Escherichia cok'.
`Terence Wogenknecht, Noreen Francis. David J. De-
`RD-Sfer, James F. Hoinfetd, and Joseph S. Wall
`Three cDNA sequences of mouse type I keratins.
`Cellular localization of the mRNAs in normal and
`hyperproliferative tissues.
`Bernhard Knapp. Martin Rentrop, Jargon Sthweizcr.
`and Hermelito Winter
`tion of a possible nucleotide binding site
`gfieé'fihtlfifa protein requlred for sensor}; transduc.
`tion in bacterial chemotaxm.
`Ann Stock, James Mottnnen, Thoms- (hen, and Jeff
`ation in the human central nervous system,
`[filial-gr, and thyroid of a novel calcitonin gene-
`gelated peptide. and partial amino acid sequence in
`the spinal cord.
`Josef B. Peternmnn, Waiter Born, Jot-You Chang, and
`Jan A. Fischer
`Amino acid sequences of o:f_actor mating peptides
`from Succhoromyces ceremsme.
`Richard Betz. John W. (Trobb, Helmut E. Meyer, Richard
`Witfl'g. and Wolfgang Dunks:
`Complete amino acid sequence of human serum cho-
`Oksano Lockridge. C nthio F. Bortcts. Theresa A.
`Vaughan, Cassandra K.
`(mg. Sheila E. Norton. and Linda
`L. Johnson
`Structural characterization of the M. = 515.000 an-
`tigen (2P3) of porcine oocyte zona pellucida. Puri-
`fication and characterization of a- and fi-glycopro-
`teins following digestion of lactosaminoglycan with
`Edward C. Yurcwicz. Anthony G. Sacco. and Momppo
`G. Suhmmonion
`Characterization of a cDNA for human protein C
`inhibitor. A new member of the plasma serine pro-
`tease inhibitor superfamily.
`Ko'i Suzuki. Yoshtltiro Deyoshiki. Junjl Nfshioho.
`Kora u Karachi. Mtchioka' Akim, Shaft Yomomoto. and
`Senichiro Hoshimoto
`Crystallization and structure determination of an
`autoimmune anti-po

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