September, 1994
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`Technical Committee
`ATM Physical Medium
`Dependent Interface
`Specification for 155 Mb/s
`over Twisted Pair Cable
`INTEL EX. 1238.001


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`September, 1994
`The ATM Forum Technical Committee ATM Physical Medium Dependent
`Interface Specification for 155 Mb/s over Twisted Pair Cable
`ATM Physical Medium Dependent Interface Specification for 155 Mb/s over Twisted Pair
`Version 1.0
`September, 1994
`(C) 1994 The ATM Forum. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be
`reproduced in any form or by any means.
`The information in this publication is believed to be accurate as of its publication date. Such
`information is subject to change without notice and the ATM Forum is not responsible for
`any errors. The ATM Forum does not assume any responsibility to update or correct any
`information in this publication. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, neither The ATM
`Forum nor the publisher make any representation or warranty, expressed or implied,
`concerning the completeness, accuracy, or applicability of any information contained in this
`publication. No liability of any kind shall be assumed by The ATM Forum or the publisher
`as a result of reliance upon any information contained in this publication.
`The receipt or any use of this document or its contents does not in any way create by
`implication or otherwise:
`• Any express or implied license or right to or under any ATM Forum member company’s
`patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret rights which are or may be associated with the
`ideas, techniques, concepts or expressions contained herein; nor
`• Any warranty or representation that any ATM Forum member companies will announce
`any product(s) and/or service(s) related thereto, or if such announcements are made, that
`such announced product(s) and/or service(s) embody any or all of the ideas, technologies,
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`• Any form of relationship between any ATM Forum member companies and the recipient
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`Implementation or use of specific ATM recommendations and/or specifications or
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`participation in the ATM Forum.
`The ATM Forum is a non-profit international organization accelerating industry cooperation
`on ATM technology. The ATM Forum does not, expressly or otherwise, endorse or
`promote any specific products or services.
`INTEL EX. 1238.002


`September, 1994
`A F - P H Y - 0 0 1 5 . 0 0 0
`The ATM Forum Technical Committee ATM Physical Medium Dependent
`Interface Specification for 155 Mb/s over Twisted Pair Cable
`Since the publication of The ATM Forum ATM User-Network Interface Specification,
`Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0), the ATM Forum Technical Committee has completed the
`specification of additional physical layer interface agreements. These additional interfaces
`• ATM Physical Medium Dependent Interface Specification for 155 Mb/s over Twisted
`Pair Cable
`• Mid-range Physical Layer Specification for Category 3 Unshielded Twisted Pair
`• DS1 Physical Layer Specification
`This document contains the ATM Physical Medium Dependent Interface Specification for
`155 Mb/s over Twisted Pair Cable.
`The assistance of Bill Stephens who provided source material for this document is
`appreciated. Without his efforts this document could not have been assembled.
`The material submitted is based upon documents that have been edited at various times by
`Daun Langston, Ken Brinkerhoff, Moshe DeLeon, Stanley Ooi, and David Foote. Their
`assistance as well as all the members of The ATM Forum who have brought contributions
`towards, discussed and reviewed the enclosed information is appreciated.
`Greg Ratta, Chief Editor
`INTEL EX. 1238.003


`INTEL EX. 1238.004
`INTEL EX. 1238.004


`September, 1994
`A F - P H Y - 0 0 1 5 . 0 0 0
`The ATM Forum Technical Committee ATM Physical Medium
`Dependent Interface Specification for 155 Mb/s over Twisted
`Pair Cable
`1. Introduction
`This specification describes the Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer for a 155.52
`Mb/s private User Network Interface (UNI) over twisted pair cabling. The remaining
`Physical layer functions as required by a Transmission Convergence (TC) sublayer are
`referenced in this specification to existing or in-progress documents from ANSI, ITU-T, or
`the ATM Forum.
`1.1. Scope
`The PMD provides the digital baseband point-to-point communication between ATM user
`devices and ATM network equipment. The PMD shall provide all the services required to
`transport a suitably coded digital bit stream across the link segment. This PMD sublayer
`specification assumes an accompanying 155.52 Mb/s SONET/SDH based ATM TC
`sublayer. Operation of other TCs with this PMD is beyond the scope of this specification.
`The PMD sublayer specified in this document has the following general characteristics:
`Provides a means of coupling the SONET/SDH TC physical sublayer to the twisted
`pair line segment by way of the Active Interface.
`Provides for driving twisted pair cable between two active electrical interfaces.
`Supports the topology and distance requirements of the building and wiring
`standards, specifically as described in EIA/TIA-568-A[1] and ISO/IEC DIS
`11801[2] .
`1.2. Transmission Convergence Sublayer Specification
`The Transmission Convergence (TC) sublayer deals with Physical Layer aspects which are
`independent of the transmission medium characteristics. Most of the functions comprising
`the TC sublayer are involved with the generating and processing of overhead bytes
`contained in the SONET/SDH frame. Unless otherwise described in this specification, the
`requirements for the TC functions are as defined for the private UNI in the ATM Forum
`Technical Committee ATM UNI Specification, Version 3.1, Section 2.1[3].
`INTEL EX. 1238.005


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`September, 1994
`Physical Media
`HEC Generation/Verification
`Cell Scrambling/Descrambling
`Cell Delineation (HEC)
`Path Signal Identification (C2)
`Frequency Justification/Pointer Processing
`SONET Scrambling/Descrambling
`Transmission Frame Generation/Recovery
`Bit Timing, Line Coding
`Physical Medium
`Figure 1-1 Physical Layer Functions (U-plane)
`1.3. Acronym Glossary
`Active Input Interface
`AOI Active Output Interface
`Asynchronous Transfer Mode
`Bit Error Rate
`Electromagnetic Compatibility
`International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication
`Standardization Sector
`MICMedia Interface Connector
`Near End Crosstalk
`Non-Return to Zero
`Printed Circuit
`Physical Medium Dependent
`Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
`Synchronous Optical NETwork
`SRLStructural Return Loss
`STSSynchronous Transfer Signal
`Synchronous Transfer Mode
`STPShielded Twisted Pair
`Transmission Convergence
`UNIUser Network Interface
`Unshielded Twisted Pair
`2. Transmission Requirements
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`2.1. Line Rates and Bit Timing
`(R) The bit stream of this PMD interface has an external frame based upon the SONET
`STS-3c frame as defined in ATM Forum UNI Specification 3.1, Section 2.1[3].
`(R) The encoded line rate shall be 155.52 Mbaud +/- 20 ppm for ATM network
`(R) The transmitter at the ATM user device uses a transmit clock which is derived from its
`received line signal.
`(R) In the absence of a valid clock derived from the received line signal, the transmitter at
`the ATM user device shall use a free-running transmit clock that operates at 155.52 MHz
`+/- 100 ppm.
`2.2. Line Code
`(R) The line coding shall be binary Non-Return to Zero (NRZ).
`2.3. Bit Error Rate
`(R) The Active Input Interface shall operate with a bit error rate not to exceed 10-10 when
`provided with a signal transmitted through the channel reference model described in Section
`5 with the worst-case crosstalk noise characteristics as specified in Section 5.
`3. Active Output Interface (AOI)
`(R) The PMD sublayer shall provide transmit functions in accordance with the electrical
`specifications of this Section.
`The transmitter transforms the bit stream that is presented from the TC sublayer to the
`equivalent differential voltage signal to be placed onto the media. The active output
`interface is defined to operate with two cable types as defined in Section 5; 100 ohm
`category 5 Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP), and 150 ohm Shielded Twisted Pair (STP).
`(R) A logical ONE from the TC shall be represented by a positive voltage on the TX+ pin
`with respect to the TX- pin. A logical ZERO shall be represented by a positive voltage on
`the TX- pin with respect to the TX+ pin.
`3.1. Test Load
`(R) Unless otherwise specified, all measurements in this Section shall utilize the reference
`test load.
`3.1.1. UTP Test Load
`(R) The test load shall consist of a single 100 ohm +/- 0.2% resistor connected across the
`transmit pins of the AOI. For frequencies < 100 MHz, the series inductance of the resistor
`shall be less than 20 nH and the parallel capacitance shall be less than 2 pF.
`3.1.2. STP Test Load
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`September, 1994
`(R) The test load shall consist of a single 150 ohm +/- 0.2% resistor connected across the
`transmit pins of the AOI. For frequencies < 100 MHz, the series inductance of the resistor
`shall be less than 30 nH and the parallel capacitance shall be less than 1.5 pF.
`3.2. Differential Output Voltage
`(R) When TX+ and TX- are terminated in the test loads of Section 3.1, the peak-to-peak
`differential output voltage between TX+ and TX- shall be:
`940 mV < Vout < 1060 mV
`'for UTP test load'
`1150 mV < Vout < 1300 mV
`'for STP test load'.
`3.3. Waveform Overshoot
`Overshoot is defined as the percentage excursion of the differential signal transition beyond
`its final adjusted value (Vout) during the symbol interval following the preceding 50%
`voltage crossing.
`(R) The overshoot shall be less than 10%.
`(R) Any overshoot shall settle to its final adjusted value within 3.2 ns from the beginning
`of the preceding 50% voltage crossing.
`3.4. Return Loss
`(R) The UTP and STP Active Output Interfaces (AOI) shall be implemented such that the
`following return loss characteristics are satisfied for the specified reference impedance
`(UTP - 100 ohms +/- 15%, STP - 150 ohms +/- 10%).
`Table 3-1 Return Loss Characteristics
`Return Loss
`> 16 dB
`Frequency Range
`2 MHz - 30 MHz
`> 16 dB - 20*log(f/30 MHz)
`30 MHz - 60 MHz
`> 10 dB
` 60 MHz - 100 MHz
`3.5. Rise/Fall Times
`The AOI signal rise is defined as a transition from logical ZERO to logical ONE. Signal
`fall is conversely defined as a transition from logical ONE to logical ZERO. The rise and
`fall times of the waveform is the time difference between the 10% and the 90% voltage
`levels of the signal transition excluding overshoot and undershoot of the waveform.
`(R) Measured rise and fall times shall be between the limits:
`INTEL EX. 1238.008


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`1.5 ns < Trise/fall < 3.5 ns.
`(R) The difference between the maximum and minimum of all measured rise and fall times
`shall be < 0.5 ns.
`3.6. Duty Cycle Distortion
`Duty cycle distortion is measured at the 50% voltage crossing points on rise and fall
`transitions of the differential output waveform.
`(R) The 50% voltage crossing times at three successive NRZ transitions for a 0101 bit
`sequence shall be used.
`(R) The deviations of the 50% voltage crossing times from a best fit to a time grid of 6.43
`ns spacing shall not exceed +/-0.25 ns.
`(R) This measurement shall be made under the conditions that the baseline wander at the
`output of the AOI shall be less than 5% of the nominal value (Vout).
`3.7. Jitter
`The transmit jitter is determined by measuring the variation of the NRZ signal transitions at
`the 50% voltage crossings. For this measurement, the output of the transmitter is properly
`terminated in the reference load (Section 3.1). For all measurements in normal loop time
`applications, the network equipment transmit clock is used as the reference trigger.
`(R) Total transmit jitter at the network equipment shall not exceed 1.5 ns peak to peak.
`(R) Total transmit jitter at the user device shall not exceed 2.0 ns peak to peak.
`3.8. Baseline Wander
`Active output waveform droop is the decay of output voltage following a signal transition.
`Baseline wander tracking by a receiver is dependent on the worst case droop that can be
`produced by a transmitter. Worst case baseline wander bit sequences vary the transformer
`bias which causes the droop to change with data content. This variation must be accounted
`for by the receiver to track the baseline wander over long bit sequences.
`(R) Output waveform droop shall be defined as the decrease in output voltage at the end of
`the sequence with respect to the differential transition voltage (neglecting overshoot)
`measured at the beginning of the transition.
`(R) For the measurement of output waveform droop, the AOI shall be configured such
`that 100 bits of logical ONE are transmitted. The preceding bit pattern shall consist of an
`alternating sequence resulting in negligible (<1%) baseline wander.
`(R) The output voltage droop shall not exceed 10% of the differential transition voltage
`INTEL EX. 1238.009


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`September, 1994
`0 V
`0.1 (Vout)
`Balanced Sequence
`1286 ns
`(200 bits)
`643 ns
`(100 bits)
`Increasing Time
`Figure 3-1 AOI Signal Droop
`4. Active Input Interface (AII)
`(R) The PMD sublayer shall provide a Receiver with functions in accordance with the
`electrical specifications of this Section.
`(R) The Receiver shall transform the incoming differential voltage signal to an equivalent
`bit stream that is presented to the TC sublayer.
`4.1. Differential Input Signals
`The differential input signals RX+/RX- are defined at the output of the channel reference
`model with worst case electrical characteristics (described in Section 5) when the
`differential signals TX+/TX- at the input to the channel reference model are as specified in
`Section 3 (AOI).
`(R) A positive voltage on the RX+ pin with respect to the RX- pin shall be decoded as a
`logical ONE. A positive voltage on the RX- pin with respect to the RX+ pin shall be
`decoded as a logical ZERO.
`Figure 4-1 Differential Input Signals
`4.2. Differential Return Loss
`(R) The differential return loss from the differential receiver input signals RX+ and RX-
`shall be as listed in Table 4-1.
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`The requirement is specified for any reflection, due to differential signals incident upon
`RX+ and RX- from the media having any impedance within the range specified in Section
`(R) The return loss shall be measured when the receiver circuit is powered.
`Table 4-1 Return Loss Characteristics
`Return Loss
`Frequency Range
`> 16 dB
`2 MHz - 30 MHz
`> (16- 20*log (f/(30 MHz)) dB
`30 - 60 MHz
`> 10 dB
`60 - 100 MHz
`4.3. Common-Mode Rejection
`(R) The Receiver PMD shall deliver the correct data signal to the TC interface with a less
`10-10 Bit Error Rate when Ecm is applied as shown in Figure 4-2. Ecm shall be a 1.0 V
`peak-to-peak sinusoid from 0 to 155 MHz.
`75 W
`Figure 4-2 Common Mode Rejection
`4.4. Input Jitter Tolerance
`Specification of receiver jitter tolerance is not commonly done. This section is for
`informational purposes. Differential attenuation over the transmission band
`introduced by the cable severely distorts the signal. The amount of distortion
`differs with the length of cabling between the transmitter and receiver. Measuring
`jitter before the signal is equalized is meaningless. Furthermore, specifying a
`measurement point embedded within an implementation (i.e., at some point after the
`receive equalizer) is inappropriate since determination of compliance can not
`achieved. Investigations have shown that the amount of jitter remaining in the
`recovered NRZ signal that can be attributed to the channel is approximately 1.5 ns,
`INTEL EX. 1238.011


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`September, 1994
`although the sophistication of the equalizer can affect this number. Given the worst
`case AOI jitter as specified in Section 3, a receiver should be able to tolerate up to
`3.5 ns of jitter in the NRZ data transitions. This leaves nearly 3.0 ns of worst-case
`eye-opening in the NRZ signal.
`5. Copper Link Segment Characteristics
`The copper link segment consists of one or more sections of twisted pair copper cable
`media containing two or four pairs along with intermediate connectors required to connect
`sections together and terminated at each end in the specified electrical data connector. The
`cable is interconnected to provide two continuous electrical paths which are connected to
`the interface port at each end. The AOI and AII requirements are specified for the media
`defined below. The implementation specified is for the horizontal distribution of the cable
`plant and extends from the telecommunications closet to the work area.
`5.1. 100 Ohm Copper Link Segment
`This section describes the link segment specifications, a channel reference model, and the
`Media Interface Connector (MIC) specifications for a 100 ohm link segment.
`5.1.1. 100 Ohm UTP Link Segment SpecificationsSince the signals provided by
`the PMD contain significant high frequency energy, it is imperative to specify a high
`bandwidth channel which introduces negligible distortion in terms of both noise and
`dispersion. The electrical parameters important to link performance are attenuation, near
`end crosstalk loss (NEXT loss), characteristic impedance, and structural return loss (SRL).
`(R) All components comprising a link segment shall meet or exceed all of the requirements
`for category 5 as specified by EIA/TIA-568-A[1 and ISO/IEC DIS 11801[2].
`(R) The composite channel attenuation shall meet or exceed the category 5 attenuation
`performance limits defined in Annex E of EIA/TIA-568-A[1].
`(R) The composite channel NEXT loss shall meet or exceed the category 5 NEXT loss
`performance limits defined in Annex E of EIA/TIA-568-A[1].
`5.1.2. Channel Reference Model Configuration for 100 Ohm UTP Systems
`The channel reference model for a category 5 UTP system is defined to be a link consisting
`of 90 meters of category 5 UTP cable, 10 meters of category 5 flexible cords, and four (4)
`category 5 connectors internal to the link.
`5.1.3. Examples of 100 Ohm UTP Compliant ChannelsSince the link segment
`requirements for attenuation and NEXT loss are derived from the electrical performance of
`the channel reference model, the channel reference model (properly installed) defines a
`compliant link. Additionally, properly installed link segments consisting of no more than
`90 meters of category 5 UTP cable, no more than 10 meters of category 5 flexible cords,
`and no more than 4 category 5 connectors internal to the link are examples of compliant
`links. However, any installed link consisting of category 5 components and meeting the
`link attenuation and NEXT requirements of Section 5.1.1. is compliant.
`INTEL EX. 1238.012


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`In many situations it is also possible to trade off attenuation for NEXT loss and derive links
`which may differ from the topology of the channel reference model but still have acceptable
`performance. The number of potential tradeoffs is quite large and this subject is beyond the
`scope of this document.
`5.1.4. 100 Ohm UTP AttenuationAttenuation describes the loss in signal level as a
`signal propagates along a homogeneous medium such as a cable or cord.
`(R) The category 5 cable used in constructing a link shall meet or exceed the horizontal
`UTP cable attenuation requirements of Chapter 10 of EIA/TIA-568-A[1] and Chapter 7 of
`ISO/IEC DIS 11801[2].
`(R) The category 5 cordage used in constructing flexible cords and patch cables shall meet
`or exceed the attenuation requirements for flexible cordage specified in Chapter 10 of
`In general, the per unit length attenuation limits for cordage are 20% higher than those
`allowed for horizontal cables.
`5.1.5. 100 Ohm UTP NEXT LossNEXT loss defines the amount of unwanted
`signal coupling between distinct pairs of a multipair cable. It is the result of parasitic
`capacitive and inductive coupling between the various conductors comprising a cable.
`(R) The category 5 cable and cordage used in constructing a link shall meet or exceed the
`horizontal UTP cable NEXT requirements of Chapter 10 of EIA/TIA-568-A[1] and Chapter
`7 of ISO/IEC DIS 11801[2].
`5.1.6. Characteristic Impedance and Structural Return LossCharacteristic
`impedance is the ratio of voltage to current of a wave propagating along one direction in a
`uniform transmission line. When a transmission line is not completely uniform in
`construction, the characteristic impedance may exhibit slight variations as a function of
`length. This variation is measured by a quantity defined as structural return loss (SRL). It
`is a measure of the deviation of characteristic impedance from a nominal value in a
`transmission line which is not perfectly homogeneous.
`(R) All measurements for these quantities shall be done in accordance with ASTM D 4566
`method 3[4].
`(R) Under these conditions both the characteristic impedance and SRL of category 5
`cables and cords used in construction of a link shall meet the requirements specified in
`Chapter 10 of EIA/TIA-568-A[1] and chapter 7 of ISO/IEC DIS 11801[2].
`5.1.7. 100 Ohm Connecting HardwareThe electrical performance of connecting
`hardware can be critical to the overall performance of a transmission channel. In general,
`the electrical parameters specified for connecting hardware are attenuation, NEXT loss, and
`return loss. Inadvertent use of the wrong category of connecting hardware can seriously
`degrade performance including the emission characteristics for a category 5 link.
`(R) All connecting hardware used within this PMD channel (outlets, transition connectors,
`patch panels, and cross-connect fields) shall meet or exceed the category 5 electrical
`INTEL EX. 1238.013


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`September, 1994
`requirements for attenuation, NEXT loss, and return loss specified in Chapter 10 of
`EIA/TIA-568-A[1] and Chapter 8 of ISO/IEC DIS 11801[2].
`(R) All measurements on connecting hardware shall be conducted in accordance with the
`procedures described in Annex B of EIA/TIA-568-A[1] and Annex A.2 of ISO/IEC DIS
`11801[2]. These requirements apply to all individual UTP connectors, including patch
`panels, transition connectors, cross-connect fields, and telecommunications outlets.
`The intent of this specification is to minimize the effects of UTP connecting hardware on
`end-to-end system performance. However, it should be noted that the requirements for
`connectors for category 5 UTP cable are not sufficient in themselves to insure system
`performance. Channel performance also depends upon cable characteristics, the care in
`which connectors are installed and maintained, and the total number of connections.
`Extreme care should be given to minimize the amount of untwisting involved with the
`installation of connectors as this is one of the prime sources of NEXT degradation.
`(R) The connector termination practices and UTP cable practices described in Chapter 10
`of EIA/TIA-568-A[1] shall be followed.
`5.1.8. UTP Media Interface Connector (UTP-MIC)(R) Each end of the
`category 5 UTP link segment shall be terminated with Media Interface Connectors specified
`in ISO/IEC 8877[5]. (Commonly referred to as RJ-45.) This connector is an 8-pole
`modular jack/plug and mated combination shall meet the requirements of Section 5.1.7.
`(R) The cable assembly shall connect the corresponding connects of the plugs at either end
`of the link. (i.e. Pin 1 to Pin 1, Pin 2 to Pin 2, etc.)
`This ensures that the cable assembly is a straight through (no crossover) cable and that the
`polarity of the assembly is maintained.
`(R) The UTP-MIC Receptacle (Jack) shall be an 8-pole connector that is attached to the
`ATM user device and ATM network equipment.
`(R) The connect assignment for the UTP-MIC Receptacle (Jack) shall be as listed in
`Figure 5-1.
`Contact #
`ATM User
`ATM Network
`Transmit +
`Transmit -
`Receive +
`Receive -
`Note 1
`Note 1
`Note 1
`Note 1
`Note 1
`Note 1
`Note 1
`Note 1
`Receive +
`Receive -
`Transmit +
`Transmit -
`1 0
`INTEL EX. 1238.014


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`Figure 5-1 UTP-MIC Receptacle (Jack) Contact Assignment Detail
`Note 1: Refer to Part II Annex A for optional termination of these contacts.
`5.2. 150 Ohm Link Segment Characteristics
`The 150 ohm cable system connects the Active Interface on one end of the link segment to
`the Active Interface on the other end of the link segment. The cable system consists of one
`or more sections of shielded twisted pair cable containing two wire pairs, along with
`intermediate connectors required to connect sections together. The media interface
`connector is used to terminate the ends of the fixed wiring. The cable is interconnected to
`provide two continuous electrical paths between the Active Interfaces.
`5.2.1. 150 Ohm STP Link Segment Specifications
`The system can operate with a variety of STP cable types. EIA/TIA-568-A[1] and ISO/IEC
`DIS 11801[2] define STP cables which will meet the performance requirements of this
`system. The channel link requirements are independent of the cable type but have been
`defined using the attenuation and NEXT loss requirements for Category 5 UTP cable. The
`maximum allowable length of the cable system will vary depending on the quality of the
`STP cable, and patch cord.
`(R) The composite channel attenuation for a 150 Ohm STP link shall meet the attenuation
`performance limits defined in Annex E of EIA/TIA-568-A[1] for category 5 UTP cables.
`(R) The composite channel NEXT loss for a 150 Ohm STP link shall meet the NEXT loss
`performance limits defined in Annex E of EIA/TIA-568-A[1] for category 5 UTP cables.
`(R) The characteristic impedance of the STP cable shall be 150 Ohm +/- 10%, from 3 -
`100 MHz.
`5.2.2. Channel Reference Model Configuration for 150 Ohm STP Systems
`A typical cable system includes fixed cable terminated in the media interface connector, and
`attachment cables for both ends. The per unit length attenuation of an attachment cable is
`typically allowed to be up to 150% that of the fixed cable. Refer to ISO/IEC DIS 11801,
`Section 5 for more detailed information[2].
`The channel reference model for an STP system is defined to be a link consisting of 90
`meters of STP-A cable, 10 meters of STP-A patch cord, and 4 STP-A connectors internal
`to the link.
`5.2.3. Examples of 150 Ohm STP Compliant Channels
`Since the link requirements for attenuation and NEXT loss are derived from the electrical
`performance of the channel reference model, the channel reference model (properly
`installed) defines a compliant link. A properly installed channel reference model defines a
`compliant link. Additionally, properly installed links consisting of no more than 90 meters
`STP-A cable, no more than 10 meters of STP-A patch cord, and no more than 4 STP-A
`connectors internal to the link are examples of compliant links. However, any installed link
`1 1
`INTEL EX. 1238.015


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`September, 1994
`consisting of STP components and meeting the link attenuation and NEXT requirements of
`Section 5.2.1 is compliant.
`In many situations it is also possible to trade off attenuation for NEXT loss and derive links
`which may differ from the topology of the channel reference model but still have acceptable
`performance. The number of potential tradeoffs is quite large and this subject is beyond the
`scope of this document.
`5.2.4. STP Media Interface Connector
`(R) Each end of the fixed cable shall be terminated in the STP media interface connector.
`(R) The STP media interface connector shall meet all the requirements of the
`Telecommunications Connector as defined in EIA/TIA-568-A, Section 11[1].
`(R) The STP media interface connector contact assignments shall be as listed in Table 5-1.
`Table 5-1 STP MIC Contact Assignments
`MIC Contact
`ATM User Device
`ATM Network
`Receive +
`Transmit +
`Transmit -
`Receive -
`Transmit +
`Receive +
`Receive -
`Transmit -
`The STP MIC drawing is included for reference in Figure 5-2.
` Figure 5-2 STP Media Interface Connector
`5.2.5. STP Active Interface Connector
`To allow maximum flexibility in system design, and allow for future connector
`enhancements, an optional Active Interface Connector is specified.
`The patch cord between the wall connector and the terminal device provides interconnection
`capability between any connector and the STP Media Interface Connector. The use of an
`alternative STP connector is optional. It allows STP system designers to use a common
`connector where appropriate.
`1 2
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` Optional STP Active Interface Connector
`The optional connector may be used at one end or both ends of a link segment.
`(CR) The optional STP Active Interface Connector shall be a 9-pole D-Shell connector
`that meets the requirements in EIA/TIA 574:1990 Section 2 as it relates to
`(CR) When the optional 9-pole D-Shell connector is used, the Receptacle (Jack) shall be
`mounted on the equipment (ATM Network Equipment and ATM User Equipment) and the
`Plug connector shall be used on the STP cable.
`(CR) The 9-pole D-Shell Receptacle shall be used with contact assignments as listed in
`Figure 5-3.
`ATM Network
` Equipment
`ATM User
`Receive +
`Not used
`Not used
`Not used
`Transmit +
`Receive -
`Not used
`Not used
`Transmit -
` Chassis
`Contact # Signal
` 1
` Transmit +
`2 Not used
`3 Not used
`4 Not used
`5 Receive +
`6 Transmit -
`7 Not used
`8 Not used
`9 Receive -
`Shell Chassis
`9-Pole D Connector
`5 4 3 2 1
`9 8 7 6
`Figure 5-3 STP 9-Pole D Connector Contact Assignment
`5.3. Noise Environment5.3.1. Self NEXT Channel NoiseIn order for a
`channel to support data traffic at the desired BER performance level, the crosstalk noise
`from all sources must be limited to an acceptable level.
`(R) The time domain crosstalk noise from all data signals in the channel shall be no more
`than 20 mV peak-to-peak.
`The noise environment consists of primarily two contributors; NEXT noise from all data
`signals in the cable (including self NEXT noise) and externally induced impulse noise from
`other office and building equipment. Impulse noise is generally the result of mechanical
`switching transients and common mode coupling phenomena.
`3.2. Electromagnetic Susceptibility and Impulse (Fast Transient)
`NoiseRefer to Annex B for guidelines on electromagnetic susceptibility and impulse noise
`6. References
`EIA/TIA Standards Proposal No. 2840-A, EIA/TIA-568-A, "Commercial Building
`& Wiring Telecommunications Wiring Standard," Draft Ballot, March 29, 1994.
`1 3
`INTEL EX. 1238.017


`A F - P H Y - 0 0 1 5 . 0 0 0
`September, 1994
`ISO/IEC DIS 11801, JTC1/SC25 N106, "Generic Cabling for Customer
`Premises," Draft Ballot, October 12, 1992.
`The ATM Forum Technical Committee, ATM User Network Interface
`Specification, Version 3.1, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1994.
`ASTM Designation: D 4566-90, "Standard Test Methods for Electrical Performance
`Properties of Insulations and Jackets for Telecommunications Wire and Cable,"
`ISO 8877, "Informational processing systems, Interface connector and contact
`assignments for ISDN basic access interface located at reference points S and T.,"
`August 15, 1987.
`88025 / ISO Rev. 2, "Token Ring Access Method and Physical Layer
`Specifications," Letter Ballot 1994.
`ANSI EIA/TIA 574, "9 Position Non-Synchronous Interface between DTE and
`DCTE employing Serial Binary Data Interchange," 1990.
`Solid State Radio Engineering, H. Kraus, C. Bostran, F. Raab, ISBN 0-471-
`03018-X, Jo

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