`Oral Argument Demonstratives
`Case IPR2017-00116
`Patent 7,334,150
`Kingston v. Polaris


`• Introduction to the Claimed Technology
`• The Claims are Obvious in View of Dodd
`• The Claims are Obvious in View of Lee




`The ’150 Patent is About A Registered Memory Module
`• DRAM Memory Chips 4
`• One Common Chip Packing 11 (including a Clock
`Regeneration Circuit 12 and a Register 13).
`‘150 Patent, Ex. 1001, Fig. 1


`The ’150 Patent is About A Registered Memory Module
`• External Clock Signal 61 and Command/Address
`Signal 71 Received by Chip 11
`• Clock Signals 62 and Command/Address Signals 72
`generated by Clock Regen Circuit and Register
`‘150 Patent, Ex. 1001, Fig. 1


`The ’150 Patent is About A Registered Memory Module
`‘150 Patent, Ex. 1001, Fig. 2, 4:56-62


`Independent Claim 1
`Independent Claim 1
`1. A memoryr module. comprising;
`a plurality of memory chips arranged on the memory
`lines operable to supplyr an
`a plurality of bus signal
`incoming clock signal and incoming command and
`address signals to at least the memory chips;
`a clock signal regeneration circuit configured to generate
`a plurality of copies of the incoming clock signal and
`to supply the copies ofthe incoming clock signal to the
`memory chips; the copies of the incoming clock signal
`having a same frequency as the incoming clock signal;
`a register circuit arrange on the memory module in a
`common chip packing with the clock regeneration
`circuit and configured to receive one of the copies of
`the incoming clock signal from the clock regeneration
`circuit; the register circuit being further configured to
`temporarily store the incoming command and address
`signals and to generate a plurality of copies of the
`incoming command and address signals and supply the
`copies of the incoming command and address signals to
`the memory chips; the copies of the incoming com-
`mend and address signals having a same frequency as
`the incoming command and address signals.
`Memory module haying chips
`CIOCk and C/A 111168 “3 module
`831116 fi'fiq. COPIES 0f incoming
`CIUCk signal 11) memory ChipS
`Register circuit that iS
`GunfigHI-Ed t0 IECEIVE 3- copy 0f
`incoming clock signal
`Same freq 0013168 0f C/A
`Slgnals to memory ChlpS
`Ex. 1001


`All Instituted Claims of ’150 Patent Are Obvious
`Claims Obvious
`in Light of References
`Dodd and Dodd/Keeth
`1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8-11
`Lee and Lee/Keeth
`1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8-11
`PO Resp. at 3




`Dodd & Keeth
`Dodd, Ex. 1003
`Keeth, Ex. 1016
`Fig. 5


`Dodd Renders Claim 1 Obvious
`• Dodd discloses an ADDR/CMD Buffer 122 located on the Memory Module
`Ex. 1003, Fig. 3


`Dodd Renders Claim 1 Obvious
`Ex. 1001, Fig. 1
`Ex. 1003, Fig. 3


`Dodd Renders Claim 1 Obvious
`Ex. 1003, Fig. 3
`Ex. 1003, 6:3-11


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Dodd discloses “configured to temporarily store”
`’150 Patent describes buffering C/A signals:
`• Dodd discloses the ADDR/CMD Buffer 122:
`Ex. 1001 at 4:57-58


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Dodd discloses “configured to temporarily store”
`• There is no basis to differentiate Dodd based on the buffer 122.
`’150 Patent describes temporary storage as “buffered.” Ex.
`1001 at 4:57-58
`• Dodd describes the ADDR/CMD buffer 122 as being “buffers
`or registers”:
`Ex. 1003, 2:65-67


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Dodd discloses “configured to temporarily store”
`• Even if Dodd is held to be limited to the use of buffers based on
`latches, Dodd still discloses temporary storage:
`• “Holding” is temporary storage.
`• Dr. Subramanian testified that an “RDIMM that buffers control
`signals” would have “a storage location where it store the digital
`representation of the incoming signals.” Ex. 2018 at 23:2-14


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Dodd discloses a Register Circuit that receives a same frequency
`copy of the clock signal.
`• Patent Owner alleges:
`• But Dodd explained that delay was a principal problem in the
`prior art:
`POR at 21
`Ex. 1003, at 1:57-62


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Dodd discloses a Register Circuit that receives a same frequency
`copy of the clock signal.
`• Dodd’s Register is setup the same as the ’150 Patent:
`In both, the register resides on a chip that receives (a) an
`external (incoming) clock, and (b) uses a clock regeneration
`circuit to generate the clocks for the C/A buffer and the memory


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Dodd discloses a Register Circuit that receives a same frequency
`copy of the clock signal.
`• Dodd explicitly states that
`Ex. 1003 at 6:7-11
`Ex. 1003 at 3:9-12


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Dodd discloses a Register Circuit that receives a same frequency
`copy of the clock signal.
`• Dr. Subramanian testified:
`Ex. 1011 at ¶45


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Dodd discloses or renders obvious a central position


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Dr. Subramanian’s provides reasons why a POSITA would use a
`central position:
`Ex. 1011 at ¶58


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Dodd teaches an improved RDIMM
`• RDIMM stands for “Registered Dual Inline Memory Module”
`• Term is used twice in the specification and never defined.
`• No disclaimer of having data buffers & no “consisting of”
`• Petitioner proposed “a Dual In-Line Memory Module that has
`circuitry to buffer control signals, addresses, or data.”
`• Board elected to not construe the term in the Institution
`• Patent Owner did not argue a competing construction in its


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Dodd teaches an improved RDIMM
`• Dodd shows a DIMM module that uses a C/A register:
`Ex. 1003, 2:65-67
`Ex. 1011 at ¶62




`Lee, Ex. 1008
`Lee, Ex. 1008
`' RCLK(0)
`FIG. 4
`FIG. 4 illustrates in
`reater detail a memo
`2:, which asNH. m
`phase lock loop which provides the respective WCLK
` n a
`Ex. 1008 at 7:26-34
`slgna s
`1tlon,t e
`. RCLK(8} are shown as coming off the bus
`RCLKfll} .
`having been generated by the FIG. 3 RCLK regenerator
`circuit 43 connected to line 21.
`EX. 1008 at 7:26-34


`Lee Renders Claim 1 Obvious
`Ex. 1008, Fig. 4
`Ex. 1011 at ¶80


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Do Not Stand
`• Lee discloses a register circuit “configured to receive one of the copies
`of the incoming clock signal…”
`• Claim language is directed to the configuration of the “register
`circuit” rather than the operation of the “clock signal
`regeneration circuit.”
`• Claim language does not require the copy of the clock signal to
`“have the same frequency” unlike the claim language used for
`the memory chips and the command and address signals.


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Do Not Stand
`• Lee discloses a register circuit “configured to receive one of the copies
`of the incoming clock signal…”
`Ex. 1011 at ¶77


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`It would be obvious to place Lee’s PLL and Register in a single package
`or common chip
`Ex. 1011 at ¶75


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`It would be obvious to place Lee’s PLL and Register in a single package
`or common chip
`Ex. 1011 at ¶76


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`It would be obvious to place Lee’s PLL and Register in a single package
`• Dr. Bernstein does not assert that Dr. Subramanian’s description
`of the industry trend consolidating circuits, but rather argues that
`the a common chip packaging was too technically difficult.
`• BUT, the ’150 Patent describes no technical solution or innovation
`that enables combining a PLL and a register in a single package –
`it simply declares that it should be done.
`• AND, the Dodd patent evidences that combining a PLL and a
`register into a single package was known in art before the ’150
`patent – making any results of the combination eminently
`predictable to a POSITA.
`• AND, Lee describes its DIMM as a memory device, which Polaris
`has argued means a single packaged chip. Reply at 17.


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Lee discloses multiple copies of the Command and Address Signals
`Reply at 19


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Lee renders obvious placing the common chip packing in a central
`• As well as obvious for all of the reasons described in regard to Dodd.
`Ex. 1008


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• Lee discloses an RDIMM:
`• Lee does not describe data buffers and Patent Owner identifies no
`difference between Lee and an RDIMM other than Lee not being
`• No basis in law to argue that Lee must affirmatively state that it does
`not include unclaimed data buffers.


`Patent Owner’s Arguments Cannot Stand
`• There is no legal precedent finding
`IPRs to be unconstitutional.

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