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`© 2012 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
`Polaris Innovations Ltd. Exhibit 2028
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`IPR2017-00116, Kingston Tech. Co. v. Polaris Innovations Ltd.


`Julio Sanchez
`Maria P. Canton
`Boca Raton London New York
`CRC Press is an imprint of the
`Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
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`Polaris Innovations Ltd. Exhibit 2028
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`IPR2017-00116, Kingston Tech. Co. v. Polaris Innovations Ltd.


`CRC Press
`Taylor & Francis Group
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`Polaris Innovations Ltd. Exhibit 2028
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`Ta ble of Con tents
`Pref ace
`Chap ter 1 – Real-Time Com put ing
`1.0 De fin ing the Em bed ded Sys tem
`1.1 Em bed ded Sys tems His tory
`1.2 Hard ware Com plex ity
`1.2.1 Pro ces sor
`1.2.2 Microcontrollers
`1.2.3 Hard ware and Soft ware
`1.3 Ex e cu tion in Real-Time
`1.3.1 Hard and Soft Real-Time Sys tems
`Chap ter 2 – Cir cuit Fun da men tals
`2.1 Elec tri cal Cir cuit
`2.2 Cir cuit Con cepts and Com po nents
`2.3 Dig i tal Elec tron ics
`2.4 Di ode
`2.4.1 Light-Emit ting Di ode (LED)
`2.5 Tran sis tors
`2.5.1 Bi po lar Tran sis tor
`2.5.2 MOS Tran sis tor
`Chap ter 3 – Logic Gates and Cir cuit Com po nents
`3.1 Logic Gates
`3.2 Power Sup plies
`3.3 Clocked Logic and Flip-Flops
`3.3.1 RS Flip-Flop
`3.3.2 Clocked Cir cuits
`3.3.3 D Flip-Flop
`3.3.4 Edge-Trig gered D Flip-Flop
`3.3.5 Pre set and Clear Sig nals
`3.3.6 D Flip-Flop Wave form Ac tion
`3.3.7 Flip-Flop Ap pli ca tions
`3.4 Dig i tal Clocks
`3.4.1 Clock Wave forms
` 1
` v
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` vi
` Em bed ded Sys tems: Cir cuits and Pro gram ming
`3.4.2 TTL Clock
`3.4.3 555 Timer
`3.4.4 Microcontroller Clocks
`3.5 Coun ters and Fre quency Di vid ers
`3.5.1 Fre quency Di vid ers
`3.5.2 JK Flip-Flop Coun ter
`3.5.3 Rip ple Coun ters
`3.5.4 De cod ing Gates
`3.5.5 Syn chro nous Coun ters
`3.5.6 Coun ter ICs
`3.5.7 Shift Reg is ters
`3.6 Multiplexers and Demultiplexers
`3.6.1 Multiplexers
`3.6.2. Demultiplexers
`3.6.3 Multi plexer and Demultiplexer ICs
`Chap ter 4 – In put and Out put De vices
`4.1 Ob tain ing In put
`4.2 Switches
`4.2.1 Switch Con tact Bounce
`4.2.2 Keypads
`4.3 Out put De vices
`4.3.1 Seven-Seg ment LED
`4.3.2 Liq uid Crys tal Dis plays
`4.3.3 LCD Tech nol o gies
`Chap ter 5 – From Cir cuit Sche mat ics to PCB
`5.1 Cir cuit Di a gram
`5.1.1 Sym bols
`5.1.2 Tools for Elec tronic Cir cuit De sign
`5.2 Cir cuit Board De sign
`5.2.1 Board De sign Stan dards
`5.2.2 Gerber File For mat
`5.3 De vel op ing the Cir cuit Pro to type
`5.3.1 Bread board
` Lim i ta tions of Bread boards
` Breadboarding Tools and Tech niques
`5.3.2 Wire-Wrap ping
`5.3.3 Perfboards
`5.4 Printed Cir cuit Boards
`5.4.1 PCB Lay ers
`5.4.2 PCB Con nec tors
`5.5 Mak ing Your Own PCB
`5.5.1 Draw ing the CPB Cir cuit
`5.5.2 Print ing the PCB
`5.5.3 Trans fer ring the PCB Im age
`5.5.4 Etch ing the Board
`5.5.5 Fin ish ing the Board
`5.5.6 Back side Im age
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`Ta ble of Con tents
`5.6 Sur face-Mount Com po nents
`5.6.1 SMT Adapt ers
`5.6.2 Sol der ing SMT Com po nents
`5.7 Trou ble shoot ing the Cir cuit Board
`5.7.1 Cir cuit Test ing Tools
`Chap ter 6 – In tro duc ing the Microcontroller
`6.1 A Com puter on a Chip
`6.2 PICMicro Microcontroller
`6.2.1 Pro gram ming the PIC
`De vel op ment Boards
`6.2.2 Prototyping a PIC Cir cuit
`6.3 PIC Ar chi tec ture
`6.3.1 Base line PIC Fam ily
`PIC10 De vices
`PIC12 De vices
`PIC14 De vices
`6.3.2 Mid-Range PIC Fam ily
`PIC16 De vices
`6.3.3 High-Per for mance PIC Fam ily
`PIC18 De vices
`Chap ter 7 – Ar chi tec ture and In struc tion Set
`7.1 Mid-Range PIC Ar chi tec ture
`7.1.1 Har vard Ar chi tec ture
`7.1.2 CISC ver sus RISC
`7.1.3 Sin gle-Word In struc tions
`7.1.4 In struc tion For mat
`7.1.5 Mid-Range De vice Ver sions
`7.1.6 Arith me tic-Logic Unit
`7.2 Data Mem ory Or ga ni za tion
`7.2.1 w Reg is ter
`7.2.2 Data Reg is ters
`Mem ory Banks
`7.2.3 In di rect Ad dress ing
`7.3 Mid-Range I/O and Pe riph er als
`7.3.1 Ports
`7.3.2 Tim ers
`7.3.3 Cap ture and Com pare Mod ule
`7.3.4 Mas ter Syn chro nous Se rial Port
`7.3.5 USART Mod ule
`7.3.6 A/D Mod ule
`7.4 Mid-Range PIC Core Fea tures
`7.4.1 Os cil la tor
`7.4.2 Sys tem Re set
`7.4.3 In ter rupts
`7.5 Mid-Range In struc tion Set
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` viii
` Em bed ded Sys tems: Cir cuits and Pro gram ming
`7.5.1 STATUS and OPTION Reg is ters
`7.6 EEPROM Data Stor age
`7.6.1 EEPROM in Mid-Range PICs
`Chap ter 8 – Em bed ded Sys tems Pro gram ming
`8.1 As sem bly ver sus High-Level Lan guages
`8.1.2 Em bed ded Sys tems
`8.2 In te grated De vel op ment En vi ron ment
`8.2.1 In stall ing MPLAB
`8.2.2 MPLAB Pro ject
`8.2.3 Pro ject Build Op tions
`8.2.4 Build ing the Pro ject
`8.2.5 Quickbuild Op tion
`8.3 Sim u la tors and Debuggers
`8.3.1 MPLAB SIM
`8.3.2 MPLAB Hard ware Debuggers
`8.3.3 Im pro vised Debugger
`8.4 Pro gram mers
`8.5 En gi neer ing PIC Soft ware
`8.5.1 Us ing Pro gram Com ments
`Pro gram Header
`Com mented Ban ners
`Com mented Bitmaps
`8.5.2 De fin ing Data El e ments
`cblock Di rec tive
`8.5.3 Bank ing Tech niques
`banksel Di rec tive
`Bank Se lec tion Mac ros
`Dep re cated Bank ing In struc tions
`8.5.4 Pro ces sor and Con fig u ra tion Con trols
`Con fig u ra tion Bits
`8.5.5 Nam ing Con ven tions
`8.5.6 Errorlevel Di rec tive
`8.6 Pseudo In struc tions
`Chap ter 9 – I/O Cir cuits and Pro grams
`9.1 Sim ple In put and Out put
`9.1.1 16F84A Pro gram ming Tem plate
`9.2 Tem plate Cir cuits
`9.2.1 MCLR and Os cil la tor Tem plate
`9.2.2 Power Sup plies
`Volt age Reg u la tor
`9.3 Sim ple Cir cuits and Pro grams
`9.3.1 Sin gle LED Cir cuit
`LED Flasher Pro gram
`9.3.2 LED/Pushbutton Cir cuit
`9.3.3 Mul ti ple LED Cir cuit
`9.4 Seven-Seg ment LED
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`Ta ble of Con tents
`9.5 I/O Demo Board
`9.5.1 TestDemo1 Pro gram
`9.6 Com par i sons in PIC Pro gram ming
`9.6.1 PIC Carry Flag
`Chap ter 10 – PIC In ter rupt Sys tem
`10.1 Interrupts
`10.1.1 16F84 In ter rupts
`10.1.2 In ter rupt Con trol Reg is ter
`10.1.3 OPTION Reg is ter
`10.2 In ter rupt Sources
`10.2.1 Port B Ex ter nal In ter rupt
`10.2.2 Timer0 In ter rupt
`10.2.3 Port B Line Change In ter rupt
`Mul ti ple Ex ter nal In ter rupts
`10.2.4 EEPROM Data Write In ter rupt
`10.3 De vel op ing the In ter rupt Han dler
`10.3.1 Con text Sav ing Op er a tions
`Sav ing W and STATUS Reg is ters
`10.4 In ter rupt Pro gram ming
`10.4.1 Pro gram ming the Ex ter nal In ter rupt
`RB0 In ter rupt Ini tial iza tion
`10.4.2 Wake-Up from SLEEP Us ing the RB0 In ter rupt
`SleepDemo Pro gram
`10.4.3 Port B Bits 4-7 Sta tus Change In ter rupt
`RB4-7 In ter rupt Ini tial iza tion
`RB4-7 Change ISR
`10.5 Sam ple Pro grams
`10.6 Dem on stra tion Pro grams
`10.6.1 RB0Int Pro gram
`10.6.2 SleepDemo Pro gram
`10.6.3 RB4to7Int Pro gram
`Chap ter 11 – Tim ers and Coun ters
`11.1 Con trol ling the Time Lapse
` 11.1.1 16F84 Timer0 Mod ule
` 11.1.2 Timer0 Op er a tion
` Timer0 In ter rupt
` Timer0 Prescaler
`11.2 De lays Us ing Timer0
`11.2.1 Long De lay Loops
` How Ac cu rate Is the De lay?
`11.3 Timer0 as a Coun ter
`11.4 Timer0 Pro gram ming
`11.4.1 Pro gram ming a Coun ter
` Timer/Coun ter Test Cir cuit
` TimerCounter Pro gram
` Code De tails
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` x
` Em bed ded Sys tems: Cir cuits and Pro gram ming
`11.4.2 Timer0 as a De lay Timer
`De lay Timer Cir cuit
`11.4.3 DelayTimer Pro gram
`Code De tails
`11.4.4 Vari able Time Lapse
`11.4.5 Vari able Lapse Timer Pro gram
`Code De tails
`11.4.6 In ter rupt-Driven Timer
`11.4.7 TimerInt Pro gram
`Code De tails
`11.5 Watch dog Timer
`11.5.1 Watch dog Timer Pro gram ming
`11.6 Dem on stra tion Pro grams
`11.6.1 Tmr0Counter pro gram
`11.6.2 Timer0 Pro gram
`11.6.3 LapseTimer Pro gram
`11.6.4 LapseTmrInt Pro gram
`Chap ter 12 – LCD Hard ware and Pro gram ming
`12.1 Liq uid Crys tal Dis play
`12.1.1 LCD Fea tures and Ar chi tec ture
`12.1.2 LCD Func tions and Com po nents
`In ter nal Reg is ters
`Busy Flag
`Ad dress Coun ter
`Dis play Data RAM (DDRAM)
`Char ac ter Gen er a tor ROM (CGROM)
`Char ac ter Gen er a tor RAM (CGRAM)
`Tim ing Gen er a tion Cir cuit
`Liq uid Crys tal Dis play Driver Cir cuit
`Cur sor/Blink Con trol Cir cuit
`12.1.3 Con nec tiv ity and Pin-Out
`12.2 In ter fac ing with the HD44780
`12.2.1 Busy Flag or Timed De lay Op tions
`12.2.2 Con trast Con trol
`12.2.3 Dis play Backlight
`12.2.4 Dis play Mem ory Map ping
`12.3 HD44780 In struc tion Set
`12.3.1 In struc tion Set Over view
`Clear ing the Dis play
`Re turn Home
`En try Mode Set
`Dis play and Cur sor ON/OFF
`Cur sor/Dis play Shift
`Func tion Set
`Set CGRAM Ad dress
`Set DDRAM Ad dress
`Read Busy Flag and Ad dress Reg is ter
`Write Data
`Read Data
`12.3.2 A 16F84 8-Bit Data Mode Cir cuit
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`Ta ble of Con tents
`12.4 LCD Pro gram ming
`12.4.1 De fin ing Con stants and Vari ables
`Us ing MPLAB Data Di rec tives
`12.4.2 LCD Ini tial iza tion
`Func tion Set Com mand
`Dis play Off
`Dis play and Cur sor On
`Set En try Mode
`Cur sor and Dis play Shift
`Clear Dis play
`12.4.3 Aux il iary Op er a tions
`Time De lay Rou tine
`Puls ing the E Line
`Read ing the Busy Flag
`Bit Merg ing Op er a tions
`12.4.4 Text Data Stor age and Dis play
`Gen er at ing and Stor ing a Text String
`Dis play ing the Text String
`12.4.5 Data Com pres sion Tech niques
`4-Bit Data Trans fer Mode
`Mas ter/Slave Sys tems
`12.5 Sam ple Pro grams
`Chap ter 13 – An a log-to-Dig i tal and Real-Time Clocks
`13.1 Clocks and the Dig i tal Rev o lu tion
`13.2 A/D Con vert ers
`13.2.1 Con verter Res o lu tion
`13.2.2 ADC Im ple men ta tion
`13.3 A/D In te grated Cir cuits
`13.3.1 ADC0331 Sam ple Cir cuit and Pro gram
`13.4 PIC Onboard A/D Hard ware
`13.4.1 A/D Mod ule on the 16F87x
`ADCON0 Reg is ter
`ADCON1 Reg is ter
`SLEEP Mode Op er a tion
`13.4.2 A/D Mod ule Sam ple Cir cuit and Pro gram
`13.5 Real-Time Clocks
`13.5.1 NJU6355 Real-Time Clock
`13.5.2 RTC Dem on stra tion Cir cuit and Pro gram
`BCD Con ver sion Pro ce dures
`13.6 Dem on stra tion Pro grams
`13.6.1 ADF84 Pro gram
`13.6.2 A2DinLCD Pro gram
`13.6.3 RTC2LCD Pro gram
`Chap ter 14 – Data EEPROM
`14.1 EEPROM Pro gram ming
`14.1.1 Data EEPROM
`14.2 EEPROM Pro gram ming
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` xii
` Em bed ded Sys tems: Cir cuits and Pro gram ming
`14.2.1 Read ing EEPROM Data
`14.2.2 EEPROM Data Mem ory Write
`14.3 EEPROM Pro gram ming Ap pli ca tion
`14.3.1 EECounter Pro gram
`Code De tails
`14.4 Dem on stra tion Pro grams
`14.4.1 EECounter Pro gram
`14.4.2 Ser2EEP Pro gram
`14.4.3 I2CEEP Pro gram
`Chap ter 15 – Step per Mo tors
`15.1 Description and Op er a tion
`15.1.1 Step per Mo tor Types
`Vari able Re luc tance
`Per ma nent Mag net
`Hy brid
`15.1.2 Uni po lar Step per Mo tors
`15.1.3 De ter min ing Uni po lar and Bi po lar Wir ing
`Four-Wire Mo tor
`Six-Wire Uni po lar Mo tor
`Five-Wire Uni po lar
`15.1.4 Bi po lar Step per Mo tors
`15.2 Step per Mo tor Con trols
`15.2.1 Step ping Modes
`Wave Drive Mode
`Full Step Mode
`Half Step Mode
`Chap ter 16 – Step per Mo tor Cir cuit Com po nents
`16.1 Cir cuit El e ments
`16.1.1 In put, Out put, and Feed back
`16.2 Trans la tor
`16.2.1 PIC Microcontroller as a Trans la tor
`16.3 Trans la tor/Driv ers
`16.3.1 UCN 5804
`16.3.2 L297
`16.3.3 EDE1204
`16.3.4 SLA7060 and SLA7024
`16.4 Power Driver
`16.4.1 Uni po lar Driv ers
`PIC Microcontroller as a Driver
`TIP 120
`16.4.2 Bi po lar Driv ers
`16.4.3 Tran sis tor ized H Bridge
`Snub ber Di odes
`16.4.4 H Bridge ICs
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`Ta ble of Con tents
`16.5 Mod ules in Cir cuit Sche mat ics
`16.5.1 Ex am ple 16F84 Trans la tor Mod ules
`Chap ter 17 – Uni po lar Mo tor Cir cuits and Pro grams
`17.1 Step per Mo tor Con trol Cir cuits
`17.1.1 Step per Mo tor Cir cuit Sche matic Con ven tions
`17.2 Mo tor Speed Con trol
`17.2.1 Speed Con trol from Dig i tal In put
`17.2.2 An a log In put Speed Con trol
`17.3 Uni po lar Mo tor Con trol Cir cuits
`17.3.1 Match ing Cir cuit to Mo tor Power
`17.3.2 16F84 Uni po lar Cir cuit
`Sam ple Pro gram SMU_PIC16F84.asm
`17.3.3 5804 Uni po lar Cir cuit
`Sam ple Pro gram SMU_5804.asm
`Gen er at ing the Mo tor Pulses
`In ter rupt-Driven Mo tor Puls ing
`17.3.4 16F686 PIC Cir cuit
`17.3.5 16F686 Pro gram ming
`Sam ple Pro gram SMU_PIC16F684.asm
`Sam ple Pro gram SMU_PIC16F684_INT.asm
`17.3.6 Step per Mo tor Po si tion Con trol
`Sam ple Pro gram SMU_POSITION.asm
`17.4 Dem on stra tion Pro grams
`17.4.1 SMB_297_293D.asm
`17.4.2 SMU_PIC16F84.asm Pro gram
`17.4.3 SMU_5804.asm
`17.4.4 SMU_5804_INT.asm
`17.4.5 SMU_PIC16F684.asm
`17.4.6 SMU_PIC16F684_INT.asm
`17.4.7 SMU_POSITION.asm
`Chap ter 18 – Con stant-Volt age Bi po lar Mo tor Con trols
`18.1 Uni po lar ver sus Bi po lar
`18.1.1 Bi po lar Drive Cir cuits
`18.2 Sim ple, L293 Bi po lar Cir cuit
`18.2.1 L297- and L293-Based Cir cuit
`18.2.2 Min i mal L297- and L298-based Cir cuit
`18.3 Dem on stra tion Pro grams
`18.3.1 SMB_L293D.asm
`18.3.2 SMB_297_293D.asm
`18.3.3 SMB_297_298.asm
`Chap ter 19 – Ad vanced Mo tor Con trols
`19.1 Chop pers and Microstepping
`19.2 Chop per Cir cuit Fun da men tals
`19.3 L297/298 Chop per Cir cuit
`19.3.1 Set ting the Ref er ence Volt age
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` xiv
` Em bed ded Sys tems: Cir cuits and Pro gram ming
`19.4 A Chop per-Based Demo Board
`19.4.1 Mo tor Cir cuit Power Re quire ments
`19.4.2 Chop per Demo Pro gram
`19.5 Microstepping
`19.5.1 Microstepping Fun da men tals
`Microstepping The ory
`Pulse Width Mod u la tion (PWM)
`19.6 Pro gram ming PWM
`19.6.1 CCP Mod ule
`19.6.2 PWM Cir cuit and Soft ware
`19.6.3 Microstepping by PWM
`19.6.4 Microstepping Sam ple Pro gram
`19.7 Microstepping ICs
`19.7.1 Al le gro 3955 IC
`19.7.2 3955-Based Cir cuit
`19.7.3 3955 Mo tor Driver Pro gram
`19.8 Dem on stra tion Pro grams
`19.8.1 PWM_DEMO_873.asm
`19.8.2 PIC_Chop per.asm
`19.8.3 PWM_Micstep.asm
`19.8.4 PIC873_3955.asm
`Chap ter 20 – Com mu ni ca tions
`20.1 PIC Com mu ni ca tions Over view
`20.2 Se rial Data Trans mis sion
`20.2.1 Asyn chron ous Se rial Trans mis sion
`20.2.2 Syn chro nous Se rial Trans mis sion
`20.2.3 PIC Se rial Com mu ni ca tions
`20.2.4 RS-232-C Stan dard
`Es sen tial Con cepts
`Se rial Bit Stream
`Par ity Test ing
`Con nec tors and Wir ing
`Null Mo dem
`Null Mo dem Ca ble
`20.2.5 EIA-485 Stan dard
`EIA-485 in PIC-based Sys tems
`20.3 Par al lel Data Trans mis sion
`20.3.1 PIC Par al lel Slave Port (PSP)
`20.4 PIC “Free-Style” Se rial Pro gram ming
`20.4.1 PIC-to-PIC Se rial Com mu ni ca tions
`PIC-to-PIC Se rial Com mu ni ca tions Cir cuits
`PIC-to-PIC Se rial Com mu ni ca tions Pro grams
`20.4.2 Pro gram Us ing Shift Reg is ter ICs
`74HC165 Par al lel-to-Se rial Shift Reg is ter
`74HC164 Se rial-to-Par al lel Shift Reg is ter
`20.5 PIC Pro to col-Based Se rial Pro gram ming
`20.5.1 RS-232-C Com mu ni ca tions on the 16F84
`RS-232-C Trans ceiver IC
`PIC-to-PC Com mu ni ca tions
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`Ta ble of Con tents
`RS-232-C TTY Board
`16F84A UART Em u la tion
`LCD Scroll ing Rou tine
`20.5.2 RS-232-C Com mu ni ca tions on the 16F87x
`16F87x USART Mod ule
`USART Baud Rate Gen er a tor
`16F87x USART Asyn chron ous Trans mit ter
`16F87x USART Asyn chron ous Re ceiver
`PIC-to-PC RS-232-C Com mu ni ca tions Cir cuit
`16F877 PIC Ini tial iza tion Code
`USART Re ceive and Trans mit Rou tines
`USART Re ceive In ter rupt
`20.6 Dem on stra tion Pro grams
`20.6.1 SerialSnd Pro gram
`20.6.2 SerialRcv Pro gram
`20.6.3 Serial6465 Pro gram
`20.6.4 TTYUsart Pro gram
`20.6.5 SerComLCD Pro gram
`20.6.6 SerIntLCD Pro gram
`Ap pen dix A – Re sis tor Color Codes
`Ap pen dix B – Es sen tial Elec tron ics
`B.1 Atom
`B.2 Iso topes and Ions
`B.3 Static Elec tric ity
`B.4 Elec tri cal Charge
`B.4.1 Volt age
`B.4.2 Cur rent
`B.4.3 Power
`B.4.4 Ohm’s Law
`B.5 Elec tri cal Cir cuits
`B.5.1 Types of Cir cuits
`B.6 Cir cuit El e ments
`B.6.1 Re sis tors
`B.6.2 Re vis it ing Ohm’s Law
`B.6.3 Re sis tors in Se ries and Par al lel
`B.6.4 Ca pac i tors
`B.6.5 Ca pac i tors in Se ries and in Par al lel
`B.6.6 Inductors
`B.6.7 Trans form ers
`B.7 Semi con duc tors
`B.7.1 In te grated Cir cuits
`B.7.2 Semi con duc tor Elec tron ics
`B.7.3 P-Type and N-Type Sil i con
`B.7.4 Di ode
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` xvi
` Em bed ded Sys tems: Cir cuits and Pro gram ming
`Ap pen dix C – Nu meric Data
`C.1 Num bers in Com put ing
`C.1.1 Count ing
`C.1.2 Tally Sys tem
`C.1.3 Ro man Nu mer als
`C.2 Or i gins of the Dec i mal Sys tem
`C.2.1 Num ber Sys tems for Dig i tal-Elec tron ics
`C.2.2 Po si tional Char ac ter is tics
`C.2.3 Ra dix or Base of a Num ber Sys tem
`C.3 Types of Num bers
`C.3.1 Whole Num bers
`C.3.2 Signed Num bers
`C.3.3 Ra tio nal, Ir ra tio nal, and Imag i nary Num bers
`C.4 Ra dix Rep re sen ta tions
`C.4.1 Dec i mal ver sus Bi nary Num bers
`C.4.2 Hex a dec i mal and Oc tal
`C.5 Num ber Sys tem Con ver sions
`C.5.1 Bi nary-to-ASCII-Dec i mal
`C.5.2 Bi nary-to-Hex a dec i mal Con ver sion
`C.5.3 Dec i mal-to-Bi nary Con ver sion
`Ap pen dix D – Char ac ter Data
`D.1 Char ac ter Rep re sen ta tions
`D.1.1 Elec tronic-Dig i tal Ma chines
`D.2 Char ac ter Rep re sen ta tions
`D.2.1 ASCII
`D.2.2 EBCDIC and IBM
`D.2.3 Unicode
`D.3 Stor age and En cod ing of In te gers
`D.3.1 Signed and Un signed Rep re sen ta tions
`D.3.2 Word Size
`D.3.3 Byte Or der ing
`D.4.4 Sign-Mag ni tude Rep re sen ta tion
`D.3.5 Ra dix Com ple ment Rep re sen ta tion
`D.4 En cod ing of Frac tional Num bers
`D.4.1 Fixed-Point Rep re sen ta tions
`D.4.2 Float ing-Point Rep re sen ta tions
`D.4.3 Stan dard ized Float ing-Point Rep re sen ta tions
`D.4.4 IEEE 754 Sin gle For mat
`D.4.5 En cod ing and De cod ing Float ing-Point Num bers
`D.5 Bi nary-Coded Dec i mals (BCD)
`D.5.1 Float ing-Point BCD
`Ap pen dix E – Dig i tal Arith me tic and Con ver sions
`E.1 Microcontroller Arith me tic
`E.2 Un signed and Two’s Com ple ment Arith me tic
`E.2.1 Op er a tions on Dec i mal Num bers
`E.3 Bit Ma nip u la tions and Aux il iary Op er a tions
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`Ta ble of Con tents
`E.3.1 Bit Shift and Ro tate
`E.3.2 Com par i son Op er a tions
`E.3.3 Other Sup port Op er a tions
`E.4 Un signed Bi nary Arith me tic
`E.4.1 Multi-Byte Un signed Ad di tion
`E.4.2 Un signed Mul ti pli ca tion
`E.4.3 Un signed Di vi sion
`E.5 Signed Bi nary Arith me tic
`E.5.1 Over flow De tec tion in Signed Arith me tic
`E.5.2 Sign Ex ten sion Op er a tions
`E.5.3 Multi-Byte Signed Op er a tions
`E.6 Data For mat Con ver sions
`E.6.1 BCD Dig its to ASCII Dec i mal
`E.6.2 Un signed Bi nary to ASCII Dec i mal Dig its
`E.6.3 ASCII Dec i mal String to Un signed Bi nary
`E.6.4 Un signed Bi nary to ASCII Hex a dec i mal Dig its
`E.6.5 Signed Nu mer i cal Con ver sions
`Ap pen dix F – Mid-Range In struc tion Set
`Ap pen dix G – Printed Cir cuit Boards
`G.1 In tro duc tion
`G.2 Printed Cir cuit Boards (PCBs)
`G.3 Parts Lists
`G.4 Build ing Your Own Cir cuit Boards
`G.4.1 Tools and Ma te ri als
`G.4.2 Sin gle-Sided Demo Board
`G.4.3 PCB Im ages for Demo Board
` Draw ing the Cir cuit Di a gram
` Print ing the PCB Di a gram
` Se lect ing the Pa per
` Trans fer ring the PCB Im age
` Etch ing the Board
` Fin ish ing the Board
` Com po nent-Side Im age
`G.5 Ca ve ats
`Ap pen dix H – Ad di tional Code
`In dex
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`Pref ace
`Em bed ded sys tems are ev ery where in our mod ern world. You can find them in au to -
`mo biles, toys, kitchen ap pli ances, com put ers, air planes, TVs and dig i tal re cord ing de -
`vices, cell phones, gam ing ma chines, nu clear power plants, space tele scopes; in ev ery
`elec tronic de vice that fur nishes an in tel li gent, in de pend ent, or con trol la ble func tion -
`al ity. By def i ni tion an em bed ded sys tem is a com puter de signed to per form one or a
`few spe cialized func tions, most of ten in real-time. The em bed ded sys tem is usu ally a
`part of a hard ware or me chan i cal de vice that in cludes other phys i cal com po nents. For
`ex am ple, a house hold dish washer con tains a cab i net with trays, one or more mo tors,
`spray ers and jets, de pos its for hold ing soap and other chem i cals, and an em bed ded
`com puter sys tem that de ter mines cy cles, modes, and tim ing of the de vice. It is this em -
`bed ded con trol ler that ac tu ally op er ates the ma chine, and what our book is about.
`The au thors con ceived Em bed ded Sys tems: Cir cuits and Pro gram ming as a ref -
`er ence and a re source kit for en gi neers, sci en tists, and elec tronic en thu si asts who
`need to de velop sys tems and boards that con tain dig i tal com po nents and con trols
`some times com bined with an a log de vices. Our book is also in tended as a tu to rial on
`microcontroller pro gram ming and on the ba sics of em bed ded de sign. The fo cus is
`on the needs of work ing pro fes sion als in the fields of elec tri cal, elec tronic, com -
`puter, and soft ware en gi neer ing.
`Many en gi neered prod ucts re quire the de vel op ment of one or more em bed ded
`sys tems. At the com mer cial fab ri ca tion stage the em bed ded sys tem or sys tems are
`re fined and op ti mized by spe cial ists in or der to fa cil i tate pro duc tion and min i mize
`cost. How ever, dur ing the de vel op ment and prototyping phases, the de vel oper of ten
`needs to cre ate an em bed ded sys tem that dem on strates the op er a tion of the de vice,
`proves its vi a bil ity, or ex er cises its func tion al ity. This ini tial prod uct is of ten called
`a pro to type. The avail abil ity of off-the-shelf com po nents, the abun dance of de sign
`and prototyping tools, and the ease with which dig i tal con trol lers can be pro -
`grammed make it pos si ble for the non-spe cial ist to de velop these boards and con -
`trol lers. In this book we fo cus on the fol low ing de vel op ment tools and re sources:
`• The use of stan dard or off-the-shelf com po nents such as in put/out put de vices, in te -
`grated cir cuits, mo tors, and pro gram ma ble microcontrollers
`• The de vel op ment of cir cuit pro to types and their im ple men ta tion us ing bread -
`boards, fol lowed by the in-house fab ri ca tion of test-time PCBs, and fi nal ized by the
`man u fac tured board
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`Pref ace
`• The avail abil ity and use of de vel op ment tools that fa cil i tate the de sign and
`prototyping of em bed ded sys tems, such as elec tronic de sign pro grams and soft -
`ware util i ties for cre at ing printed cir cuit boards
`• Sam ple cir cuits that can be used as part of the tar geted em bed ded sys tem
`• The se lec tion and pro gram ming of microcontrollers suit able for use in the cir cuit at
`We have aimed at a book that is func tional and hands-on. The re sources fur -
`nished to the reader in clude sam ple cir cuits with their cor re spond ing pro grams.
`The cir cuits are de picted and la beled clearly in a way that is easy to fol low and re -
`use. For some critical cir cuits we pro vide tested PCB files. The sam ple pro grams
`are matched to the in di vid ual cir cuits but gen eral pro gram ming tech niques are also
`dis cussed in the text. There are ap pen di ces with hands-on in for ma tion and the
`book’s on line soft ware pack age in cludes tools, resources, and code list ings. These
`ma te ri als are avail able at
` uct/isbn/9781439879047.
`Julio Sanchez
`Maria P. Canton
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` Chap ter 5
`From Cir cuit Sche mat ics to PCB
`5.1 Cir cuit Di a gram
`Cir cuits are of ten rep re sented in a sim pli fied man ner by means of a cir cuit di a gram,
`also called an elec tronic sche matic. One pos si ble ap proach is a pic to rial rep re sen ta -
`tion of the cir cuit com po nents to a given de gree of re al ism. Fig ure 2-3, in Chap ter 2, is
`an ex am ple of a pic to rial, or quasi-pic to rial, cir cuit rep re sen ta tion. Pic to rial cir cuit
`rep re sen ta tions have some ap pli ca tion in tu to ri als and ed u ca tion but are not very use -
`ful to the cir cuit de signer. Block di a grams are an other sim pli fi ca tion in

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