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`“ E The Engineering Society
`For Advancing Mobility
`“Land Sea Air and Space®
`I N T E R N A T I 0 N A L
`SAE Technical
`Paper Series
`Current Development Status of HFC-134a
`for Automotive Air Conditioning
`D. J. Bateman
`Du Pom, Wilmington, DE
`International Congress and Exposition
`Detroit, Michigan
`February 26 — March 2, 1990
`Page 1 of 14
`Arkema Exhibit 1113
`Dim nlnzult-(l l'rum S \l~Z lIlIl'l'll2llil|ll:ll h_\ Riulical llauniltun. \\'t-(lm-~(|:t_\. .I;|nu;u‘_\ 20. 2(II(-
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`“H\\ll]H;l(l(‘(| [rum \ \li lllIl‘l'll:IliHll;lI h_\
`Iii-.inr-.1 llulnillnn. \\ (‘(lll(‘\(|:l}. .l;inu:ir_\ Ill. lllllu
`Current Development Status of HFC-134a
`for Automotive Air Conditioning
`D. J. Bateman
`Du Pont, Wilmington, DE
`HFC-134a is the refrigerant of choice to replace
`CFC-12 in automotive air conditioning. The
`purpose of this bulletin is to communicate the
`current test status of HFC-134a for use in new
`automotive air conditioning systems. It expands
`on the SAE Technical Paper (#890305)—“Per-
`formance Comparison of HFC-134a and CFC-12
`in an Automotive Air Conditioning System" pre-
`sented by Du Pont at the 1989 SAE International
`Congress and Exposition. Topics covered in this
`paper include:
`- Environmental Impact
`- Refrigerant Properties
`- Heat Transfer
`- Refrigeration Performance
`- Materials Compatibility
`— Hoses
`— Elastomers
`— Desiccants
`— Metals
`- Lubricants
`— Solubility
`— Lubricity
`Based on the test work completed, HFC-134a is
`not a “drop-in" replacement for CFC-12 in most
`existing systems. Depending on the system,
`certain design modifications may be required to
`achieve optimum performance and durability.
`The significant conclusions from this study are
`listed on page 12.
`Chlorofluorocarbon 12 (CCIZFZ) is included
`among the compounds regulated under the
`Montreal Protocol, with the possibility of nearly
`Page 3 of 14
`complete production phase-out by the turn of the
`century. Extensive searches in the 1970s and
`again in 1986-1988 for alternative compounds
`having lower ozone depletion and necessary
`product properties have resulted in industry con-
`sensus that HFC-134a (CH2FCF3) is the most
`suitable replacement for CFC-12 in new automo-
`tive air conditioning applications.
`Environmental Impact
`Because of its chlorine content and atmospheric
`lifetime of approximately 120 years, CFC-12 has
`been assigned a relative ozone depletion poten-
`tial of 1.0. In addition, due to its ability to absorb
`light rays of certain wavelengths, CFC-12 has an
`estimated global warming potential of 3.0.
`In contrast, since HFC-134a contains no chlorine
`it has an ozone depletion potential of zero. Due
`to its different chemical structure and much
`shorter atmospheric lifetime (about 16 years), it
`also has a much lower global warming potential
`of 0.3. Because of the large volume of CFC-12
`currently used by the automotive industry, replac-
`ing it with HFC-134a provides a significant envi-
`ronmental improvement.
`Refrigerant Properties
`Thermodynamic properties for HFC-134a have
`been developed by a number of organizations.
`Recently, the National Institute of Standards and
`Technology (NIST) has conducted extensive
`experimental work‘ in developing what many
`consider to be the most accurate set of thermo-
`dynamic properties for HFC-134a. Copies of this
`information are available through NIST.
`l)U\\llll|:I(l(‘(l [rum \ \l-L llll(‘l'Il:Ilil|ll;ll h_\ Hizinczi Humillnn. \\ (‘(lll(‘\(|:I). .l;inu:ir_\ III. III]!-
`Transport properties (liquid and vapor viscosity,
`heat capacity, and thermal conductivity) are still
`being developed for HFC—134a. Heat transfer co-
`efficients for evaporation and condensation are
`also being determined. These data, along with
`the thermodynamic properties are required by
`the industry to help in redesigning systems to
`optimize the performance of HFC-134a. These
`properties will impact many of the system operat-
`ing parameters such as:
`— Coefficient of performance (energy
`— Cooling capacity
`— Heat exchanger capacities
`— System temperatures/pressures
`— Pressure drop in hoses, tubing, heat
`exchangers, etc.
`Heat Transfer
`As mentioned previously, heat transfer coeffi-
`cients for HFC-134a are required by the industry
`to help understand what changes will be required
`in heat exchanger design to optimize the per-
`formance of HFC—134a. Du Pont has sponsored
`a research project at Iowa State University to
`develop certain heat transfer data. A portion of
`this work has been completed and will be pub-
`lished? in the International Journal of Refrigera-
`tion later this year.
`In-tube heat transfer coefficients have been
`experimentally determined for HFC—134a and
`CFC-12 at Iowa State. For evaporation at similar
`mass fluxes, HFC-134a heat transfer coefficients
`were 35% to 45% higher than those for CFC-12;
`see Figure 1 for the comparison at 10°C. For
`condensation at similar mass fluxes, HFC-134a
`heat transfer coefficients were 25 to 35% higher
`than those of CFC-12. Figure 2 is a plot of this
`data at 40°C. In both cases, the increase in heat
`transfer coefficient for HFC-134a is probably due
`to its higher liquid thermal conductivity. Tests
`were also conducted at other temperatures; this
`data will be included in the published paper.
`Comparisons were also made for equivalent
`cooling and heating capacities by multiplying
`mass flow rates and enthalpies of vaporization.
`This comparison is based on the fact that the
`enthalpy of vaporization is higher for HFC-134a
`compared to CFC-12, and therefore lower mass
`flow rates are required for HFC-134a to provide
`equivalent heat transfer rates. As the mass flow
`rate of HFC-134a is reduced, the in-tube heat
`transfer coefficient is also reduced. Even when
`the heat transfer coefficient is reduced because
`of lower mass flow rates, it is still higher for
`HFC-134a. The preceding discussion is appli-
`cable when considering using HFC-134a in a
`heat exchanger designed for CFC-12. For
`equivalent cooling, HFC—134a heat transfer
`coefficients were 5 to 15% higher than CFC-12.
`At equivalent heating capacity, HFC-134a heat
`transfer coefficients were 10 to 20% higher.
`Refrigeration Performance
`Performance comparison of HFC-134a and
`CFC-12 in automotive air conditioning has been
`reported in several papers“ 5 presented at
`various industry association meetings. Most of
`the tests have been conducted in vehicles de-
`signed for CFC-12. As more knowledge is gained
`about HFC-134a and designs are modified, per-
`formance deficiencies noted in these tests
`will most probably be reduced and possibly
`The theoretical performance of CFC-12 and
`HFC—134a in a typical automotive system is
`compared in Figures 3 and 4. In this example,
`the data indicate that CFC-12 is about 6% more
`energy efficient and has about 4% greater capac-
`ity. Another key system operating parameter is
`compressor discharge pressure. The pressure
`with HFC-134a is about 25 psi higher than with
`CFC-12. Although the compressor discharge
`pressure is higher, the discharge temperature for
`HFC-134a is about 14°F lower due to its higher
`specific heat.
`Based on theoretical calculations, performance
`tests and information gained from other tests,
`such as those reported in this paper, HFC—134a
`is not a “drop-in” replacement for CFC-12 in most
`automotive systems. As stated earlier, it is the
`replacement of choice but design modifications
`will be required to optimize performance and
`durability. Development work is well underway
`throughout the industry in the following areas:
`compressors, condensers, evaporators, desic-
`cants, hoses and elastomers. There is also work
`underway to determine if the cycling clutch orifice
`tube system is acceptable, or if the use of a
`thermal expansion valve will provide better
`Page 4 of 14
`l)n\\ l]Il|;I(ll‘(I Irum .\ \E IIlI('l'll2llIIIll:lI h_\ ltiaulcu llumillun. \\ ('(IIl(‘\(I1l). .l:u1u:rr_\
`lII_ llllfu
`? 3
`8 2
` 2
`Temp - 40°C
`o ' I
`Mass Flux (kg/m2-Sec)
`Mass Flux (kg/m2-Sec)
`— — CFC-12
`— — CFC-12
`Operating Conditions:
`T (condenser exit) = 150°F:
`Liquid sub-cooled to 140'°F:
`Compressor (isentropic)
`efficiency = 0.7
`Pressure drop at compressor inlet = 5 psi
`T (evaporator exit) = 40°F
`Suction superheated to 50°F
`Operating Conditions:
`T (condenser exit) = 150°F:
`Liquid sub-cooled to 140°F:
`Compressor (isentropic)
`efficiency = 0.7
`Pressure drop at compressor inlet = 5 psi
`T (evaporator exit) = 40°F
`Suction superheated to 50°F
`_V____ __(Etu/l_I_3_)_ _ ____P_(psla)
`Condenser inlet
`Condenser exit
`Evaporator inlet
`Evaporator exit
`51 .61
`Compressor inlet
`Compressor exit
`Refrigeration Performance
`Compression Ratio
`Net Refrigeration (Btu/lb)
`Net Condenser Heat (Btu/lb)
`Refrigerant Circulated (lb/min)
`Compressor Heat (Btu/lb)
`Compressor Power (Btu/min)
`Compressor Displacement (cu ft/min)
`Refrigeration Load (Btu/min)
`C.O.P. for Cooling
`1 ,327.21
`Condenser inlet
`Condenser exit
`Evaporator inlet
`Evaporator exit
`Compressor inlet
`Compressor exit
`P (psia)
`Refrigeration Performance
`Compression Ratio
`Net Refrigeration (Btu./lb)
`Net Condenser Heat (Btu/lb)
`Refrigerant Circulated (lb/min)
`Compressor Heat (Btu/lb)
`Compressor Power (Btu/min)
`Compressor Displacement (cu ft/min)
`Refrigeration Load (Btu/min)
`C.O.P. for Cooling
`T (°F)
`Based on a fixed compressor displacement of 3.50 cu ft/min
`Based on a fixed compressor displacement of 3.50 cu ft-‘min
`Page 5 of 14
`I)n\\l1ln2l(|(‘(| lruin .\ \l-L lllll‘l‘Il;llilIlliIl h_\ “i:lll(':l llumiltun. \\('(lll(‘\(|:l_\..lilllll1lI'} lit, Juli‘.
`Hose Permeation
`Since HFC-134a will replace CFC-12 for automo-
`tive air conditioning, it was necessary to deter-
`mine if permeation rates through existing hoses
`are acceptable.
`Permeation Rate
`The studies were run with an initial 80 volume 0/0
`liquid loading of refrigerant at 80°C in 5/8" l.D. x
`about 30" length air-conditioning hoses. The tests
`included: CFC-12 as a base line, and HFC-134a.
`The hoses were:
`- Nylon-lined
`- “Nitrile-1"
`- “Nitrile-2"
`and nylon hoses would have permeation loss
`rates of 0.05-0.08 pounds per year.
`After leak testing the hoses by pressurizing with
`400 psig of nitrogen and immersing in water, the
`hoses were dried, evacuated, and charged with
`refrigerant to give an 80 volume % liquid fill at
`80°C. These hoses were laid horizontally in an
`80°C oven along with control hoses with no
`refrigerant contained in them so that the weight
`losses of these control hoses could be subtracted
`from the hoses with refrigerant to get the true
`weight loss due to permeation. These weight
`losses are shown graphically in Figure 5.
`Hose construction was:
`Elastomer/Plastic Compatibility
`HYPALON-‘A 48 (1 & 2)
`Inner liner
`Second layer
`Outer cover
`HYPALON *1 48 Nitrile
`2 braids
`2 braids
`Elastomers and plastics are used in all automo-
`tive systems as seals. gaskets. O-rings and for
`construction of hoses. Tests of several commonly
`used elastomers and plastics with CFC-12/
`mineral oil and HFC-134a/polyalkylene glycol
`The permeation rates were calculated in units of
`lbs/ft — yr for the 5/8" l.D. hose. The results were
`as follows:
`Permeation Rate (lbs/ft — yr)
`Nylon HYPALON“ 48 “NitriIe-1" “Nitrile-2”
`At the end of the tests, the hoses were sectioned
`to permit internal examination. All of the inner
`surfaces appeared and felt acceptable for con-
`tinued use. Based on permeation rate tests,
`nylon-lined and HYPALON-‘~ 48 hoses appear
`to be suitable for use with HFC-134a.
`Please note that these permeation rate tests
`provide a comparison of the various hoses in a
`laboratory oven at 80°C and are not an indication
`of the actual permeation losses from an operat-
`ing automotive air conditioning system. The
`actual permeation losses will be much lower
`because the system does not operate continu-
`ously at 80°C. It has been estimated (based on
`typical operating time and temperatures) that
`permeation losses from a system containing
`CFC-12 and nitrile hoses is about 0.2 pounds per
`year per vehicle. For further comparison, it has
`been estimated that systems containing CFC-12
`Page 6 of 14
`PermeationLoss(grams) A0':OO
`Time (hours)
`j 12/Nylon
`—o— 12/HYPALON?'48
`—E}— 12/Nitrile-1
`—A— 12/Nitrile-2
`—)(~ 134a/Nylon
`-9- 134a/HYPALor\F’48
`—I-— 134a/Nitrile-1
`—.A.—_ 134a/Nitrile—2
`”H\\llllI:I(l(‘(l [rum \ \l-L I111;-rnulimml h_\ Ilium-;i llumilfnn. \\ 1-(lm-~(|:r\. _l:inu:ir_\ III. 101(-
`(PAG) have been performed to determine relative
`compatibility. The following materials were
`with CFC-12. This is not consistent with
`other results for this material and may be
`Neoprene W
`TEFLON-'-‘ (~15%)
`Paraffinic mineral oil
`Each material was exposed to CFC-12/mineral
`oil and HFC—134a/PAG at two temperatures
`(176°F and 268°F) for a period of 14 days in
`sealed Pyrexii compatibility tubes. At the end of
`the 14 days, the test specimens were removed
`from the tube and immediately checked for
`change in length and weight (temporary change).
`The materials were then stored at room tem-
`perature for an additional 14 days and the final
`changes in length and weight were determined.
`Although additional testing will have to be done
`for specific application requirements, these tests
`provide a general understanding of the relative
`compatibility with HFC-134a/PAG compared to
`CFC-12/mineral oil. Figure 6 graphically shows
`the temporary and final length change of the
`materials when exposed to the two refrigerant/oil
`mixtures at 176°F and 268°F. For example: the
`temporary length change for Neoprene W (CFC-
`12 at 176°F) was 2.7%, and the final length
`change was -1.4%. In the case of nylon, the
`temporary and final length changes were the
`same for CFC-12 at 176°F and HFC-134a at both
`temperatures. Figure 7 provides similar informa-
`tion for change in weight. Some basic conclu-
`sions can be drawn from this work:
`- VITON9 A shows excessive temporary
`weight and length change with both CFC-12
`and HFC-134a, and is probably unaccept-
`able in this application with CFC-12 or
`- The temporary and final length changes for
`the other five materials are within plus or
`minus 5% of original, and are similar for
`CFC-12 and HFC-134a. The one exception
`is the graphite-filled TEFLON~‘i' at 176°F
`- The temporary and final weight changes for
`the nylon and graphite-filled TEFLONE is
`very similar for CFC-12 and HFC-134a.
`These materials should be suitable for use
`with either refrigerant/oil mixture.
`- The temporary and final weight changes for
`HYPALON5 48 and Neoprene W are within
`plus or minus 10% of original. However,
`the changes are in opposite directions and
`these materials might require further evalu-
`ation. Neoprene W is currently being used in
`many HFC-134a test systems and does not
`appear to present any problems.
`- The temporary weight change for epich|o-
`rohydrin and HFC—134a was higher than the
`other materials (except VlTON-’“- A), espe-
`cially at 268°F. Further testing will be re-
`quired for specific applications to determine
`if this is a valid concern.
`Desiccant Compatibility
`UOP (formerly Union Carbide Molecular Sieve)
`is a major supplier of molecular sieve deslccants
`for automotive air conditioning. They have been
`doing a great deal of work to develop suitable
`deslccants for use with HFC-134a. The data in
`this section have been supplied by UOP. Figure
`8 summarizes compatibility tests of HFC-134a/
`PAG oil with two commercially available desic-
`cants, 4A-XH-5 and 4A-XH-6; and a develop-
`mental molecular sieve (XH-7). Compatibility of
`CFC-12/Suniso 3G8 with 4A-XH-5 is also pro-
`vided for comparison. The water capacity, crush
`strength, and attrition data are reported as per-
`cent or multiple of fresh values so that a compari-
`son can be made. Chloride, fluoride, and water
`content are also given.
`The water content was determined by Karl Fisher
`titration. In the tests with HFC-134a the initial
`water level on the activated samples was less
`than 1.0%. Any additional water comes mainly
`from refrigerant/oil/desiccant reactions. In smaller
`amounts it also comes from handling in the
`atmosphere and from water contained in the
`refrigerant and oil charged. The molecular sieve
`contained 0.02 to 1.7% fluoride and 0.05 chloride
`after conditioning at 550°F in nitrogen purge to
`remove residual refrigerant, water, and oil. The
`Page 7 of 14
`I)u\\IlIn;u|(~«I lrum \ \I, Illit-I’Il;iliul1;1I|I\
`I’-inn: :1 Hzllllillull. \\ l‘(lIll‘\lI;l_\. ,I.IIllI;II’\ I0. 301(-
`(°/o Length Change vs. initial)
`Neoprene W
`Filled TFE
`14-DayExposure }
`14-Day Drying
`CFC-12/M.O. -7”; _
`HFC-134a/PAG $71111 %i23!32§
`1 76°
`Page 8 of 14
`I):-u l||II;II|(‘ll [rum \ \l
`lIIIvI‘II;IlinII;II I-\
`I’-i;IIII;I l|;IInilluII. \\ l‘||ll(’\|I£L‘. .I;IIIII;II’\ 20. 20!!-
`Nylon {
`Neoprene W
`Filled TFE
`I we I
`I: I III.
`E1 1
`14-Day Exposure }
`14-Day Drying
`CFC-12/M.O. ‘V///. ‘
`Page 9 of 14
`l)n\\llllI:I(I(‘(l I'rnm .\ \l£ lnlurnuliunail h_\ Rium-at llumillnn. \\ ('(lll('\(|:I_\. _l:mu:ir_\ lll. ZIIN.
`HFC-134a, PAG OIL
`Residual Water, Wt. °/o (init)
`Conditioned Samples:
`Water Capacity, °/o of Fresh
`Crush Strength, % of Fresh
`Attrition, Multiple of Fresh
`Fluoride, Wt. %
`Chloride, Wt. %
`Exposure Conditions: 180°F, 14 Days
`Molecular Sieve Sample Conditioning: 550°F in Nitrogen purge for at least 2 hours
`source of chloride and fluoride is HCI and HF
`from decomposition of the refrigerants. Excessive
`amounts of these acids are produced by reaction
`on the adsorption surfaces of incompatible
`molecular sieves. The molecular sieve removes
`acids from the system by reaction with the zeolite
`crystal. This reduces the water capacity of the
`desiccant as shown in the data.
`The 4A-XH-5 took up 1.7% of its weight in fluo-
`ride and suffered some damage in the compati-
`bility test with HFC-134a and PAG. Its water
`capacity was reduced to about 91% of fresh
`water capacity. The crush strength was reduced
`by 23%; the attrition tendency was unaffected.
`Attrition is the relative mass of fine particles
`produced in a shake test. The damage was done
`by HF produced as a result of decomposition of
`the refrigerant in contact with the molecular sieve
`surfaces. Type 4A-XH-5 is not compatible with
`HFC—134a and should not be used with this
`Both 4A-XH-6 and developmental molecular
`sieve (XH-7) took up negligible amounts of
`fluoride in the test (0.02—0.04 wt. °/o). There was
`minimal loss in water capacity with these molecu-
`lar sieves. There were minor losses in physical
`properties that are seen as a result of any expo-
`sure to refrigerant and oil. Types 4A-XH-6 and
`XH-7 are appropriate for evaluation in refrigera-
`tion systems. However, type XH-7 is recom-
`mended for applications where superior physical
`properties are required; i.e., automotive air
`HFC-134a Compatibility with
`CFC-12 and existing mineral oils have proven to
`be very stable mixtures when in contact with
`typical metals found in automotive air condition-
`ing systems—copper, steel and aluminum.
`Certain types of polyalkylene glycols (PAGS) are
`now being considered as lubricants for HFC-
`134a in automotive systems. Several tests have
`been run to determine the stability of HFC-134a
`and PAG oils when exposed to copper, steel and
`aluminum. Figure 9 summarizes tests that were
`run in sealed Pyrex‘ tubes with refrigerant/oil
`mixtures containing about 85 volume % refriger-
`ant in contact with steel 1010, copper and alumi-
`num 1100 tied together at one end with copper
`wire and copper wire spacers between the met-
`als. The tests were run at 268°F for 11.8 days
`to simulate a 10-year life of a car.
`Figure 10 shows the results of a similar test
`which was conducted at higher temperature but
`for a shorter duration. Nylon was included in this
`test to gain data on automotive system exposure.
`Both with and without nylon, the HFC-184a/PAG
`combination showed less halide (CI or F‘) forma-
`tion and equal or less visual change to the liquid
`and coupons than did the CFC-12/paraffin combi-
`nation. As the CFC-12/paraffin combination has
`been proven in actual service, both tests indicate
`that HFC—134a/PAG solutions have acceptable
`chemical stability. In several other tests, results
`have confirmed that the HFC-134a molecule is at
`least as stable chemically as CFC-12.
`Page 10 of 14
`l)0\\llIlI:I(I(‘(I lrum \ \l-L IllI(‘l'Il:llilIll;lI h_\ Ilium-;r llumiltnn. \\ 1-(lm-~(|:r\. _l:mu:rr_\ III. Zilli-
`STEEL 1010/COPPER/A1-1100
`Effect Rating
`Oil (500 SUS)
`Rating Range:
`0 = No Effect
`5 = Severe Effect
`Test conditions: 268°F for 11.8 Days
`(a) Tube broke
`STEEL 1010/COPPER/A1-1100
`Effect Rating
`Oil (500 SUS)
`Rating Range:
`0 = No Effect
`5 = Severe Effect
`Test conditions: 350°F for 3.0 Days
`Although these tests indicate that HFC-134a/
`PAG is stable in the presence of typical air
`conditioning system metals, there has been
`considerable discussion in the industry about
`copper plating or corrosion. Additional tests are
`being run to determine if this is a valid concern.
`The previous section described how testing has
`confirmed that the HFC-134a/PAG combination
`has acceptable chemical stability for use in
`automotive systems. There are other criteria to
`consider when selecting lubricants. These in-
`clude solubility in the refrigerant and the lubrica-
`tion characteristics of the refrigerant/oil mixture.
`Page 11 of 14
`Existing automotive air conditioning mineral oils
`(500 SUS viscosity) are completely soluble in
`CFC-12 over a wide temperature range. This
`ensures that the oil moves freely around the
`system and returns to the compressor at a rate
`sufficient to provide acceptable lubrication. Many
`of the PAGs that are being evaluated for use in
`automotive systems are not completely soluble
`with HFC-134a. One example is shown in Figure
`11 where the PAG shows completely different
`solubility characteristics in HFC-134a compared
`to CFC-12/mineral oils. Whereas the CFC-12/
`mineral oil separates into two phases below the
`solubility curve, the HFC-134a/PAG does so
`])n\\llln;I(l(‘(l lrum \ \l-L lnlurnuliniml h_\
`lfizinczi llumiltnn. \\ (‘(lll(‘\(|:[\. _l:inu:ir_\ III. 101(-
`adequate lubrication for the compressor. CFC-12/
`mineral oils have demonstrated good perfor-
`mance in this area. Recently, a number of labora-
`tory tests have been run on certain PAGs to
`compare their lubricity with mineral oils. Tests
`have been run with oil only and also with oil/
`refrigerant mixtures. Figure 12 summarizes Falex
`Load to Failure testing on a candidate PAG
`versus existing mineral oils (no refrigerant). The
`lubricants were tested with a Falex Pin and Vee
`Block friction and wear testing machine made by
`the FaviIle—LeVally Corporation. AlSl-1137 steel
`vee blocks were used along with #8 steel pins.
`Each lubricant sample was run at 250 lbs of
`pressure for 5 minutes. The pressure exerted on
`the rotating pin by the vee blocks was then in-
`creased to 300 pounds and held at this pressure
`for 3 minutes. The pressure was increased by
`100 lb increments (3 minutes at each pressure)
`until failure. The higher the pressure needed to
`achieve failure, the better the lubricant.
`Since the oil/refrigerant mixture (rather than the
`oil alone) will provide compressor lubrication,
`comparative bench tests have been run to deter-
`mine the influence of refrigerant on PAGs and
`existing mineral oils. Tests similar to those de-
`scribed above were conducted to determine the
`load carrying ability of the oils under an atmo-
`sphere of refrigerant gas in the Falex Pin and
`V—B|ock test (Figure 13). The data show the load-
`carrying capability of the PAG is superior to the
`existing mineral oils. Further, the load-carrying
`ability of the PAG is significantly enhanced by the
`presence of an extreme pressure additive.
`at Fall
`Oil (500 SUS)
`‘The larger the numbers, the better
`WITH HFC-1348
`2, 40
`Two Phases
`Above Line
`0)O 6
`75 20
`Two Phases Below Line
`Weight °/o Refrigerant in Refrig./Oil Mixture
`PAG (500 SUS)
`— — Mineral Oi|r’CFC-12
`(No Refrigerant)
`Oil (500 SUS)
`(No additives)
`cst @ 40°C
`Load (lbs)
`1 13
`above the curve. This means that in parts of the
`system that operate above the minimum solubility
`temperature and at certain oil/refrigerant ratios, two
`phases will occur and the oil rich portion might
`collect at these locations. This could cause flow
`restrictions, reduced heat transfer and possibly
`insufficient oil return to the compressor. Individ-
`ual system testing needs to be done to determine
`the impact that partial solubility might have on
`system performance and compressor durability.
`Another key criteria for selecting a lubricant is the
`ability of the refrigerant/oil mixture to provide
`Page 12 of 14
`])n\\llll|iI(l('(l [rum .\ \l£ lnlurnuliunul h_\
`liizim-at llumiltnn. \\ 1-(lm-~(|:r\. _l:inu:ir_\ III. Zilli-
`Lubrication of moving parts under heavy-load
`conditions can be enhanced by the addition of an
`appropriate extreme pressure (EP) additive to an
`oil. Selection of the oil additive is based on its
`miscibility in the refrigerant/oil combination, and
`its performance in screening tests such as the
`four—ball wear test and the Falex V—notch failure-
`load test. Results of the four-ball wear tests are
`described in Figure 14. The use of the EP addi-
`tive with the PAG appears to have increased the
`wear scar (.357 vs .303). But, based on the
`accuracy of the tests, these two numbers are
`considered to indicate similar wear.
`Oil (500 SUS)
`Table key:
`S = ball scar wear in mm
`F = coefficient of friction
`‘The smaller the number. the better
`Based on this testing and knowledge gained
`through contacts with the automotive industry, it
`is believed that certain types of PAGs are cur-
`rently the best available lubricant for use with
`HFC—134a. However, there are some issues
`that still require resolution:
`What is the long-term impact of incomplete
`solubility on compressor durability?
`What is the role of the PAG in copper plating?
`Will the hygroscopic nature of the PAGs
`create unacceptable moisture levels in the
`Certain PAGs exhibit less than desired lu-
`bricity for steel-on—aluminum surfaces. Can
`this deficiency be corrected by additive
`technology or are other lubricant structures
`Other non—PAG materials are being evaluated as
`lubricants for use with HFC-134a. These materi-
`als are in the early development stage and are
`not yet available for widespread testing. As more
`knowledge is gained. they will be made available
`to the industry in limited quantities for specific
`application testing.
`- HFC-134a is the refrigerant of choice to
`replace CFC-12 in automotive air
`- Although the properties of HFC-134a are
`similar to CFC-12, it is not a “drop-in” re-
`placement for most automotive applications.
`Depending on the system design, modifica-
`tions will be required to ensure acceptable
`cooling performance and long-term system
`- Due to its low ozone depletion and global
`warming potentials, the use of HFC-134a
`will provide a significant positive environ-
`mental impact.
`- Heat transfer coefficients for HFC-134a are
`significantly better than those of CFC-12.
`- Based on tests performed, the permeation
`rates for Nylon-lined and HYPALON3 48
`hoses with HFC—134a are very similar to
`those of CFC-12/Nylon and should be
`acceptable for use.
`- Compatibility testing of several commonly
`used plastic and elastomeric materials has
`demonstrated that suitable materials are
`available, or can be developed for seals,
`gaskets and O-r