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`Honeywell Announces Mq'or lnveslmenls To Increase HF[H134yI Production In The
`Unilled Slates
`Newpbnfirl Gellsrrlllar, t.orn‘s.ranlll, wflhelV.Imeeigrorwhgglhbarde.7rar1dfm'erMinr'rrrler'rtall)'-
`firendiermmnnfierefi.-yerardwfiflgbbalwwrrrinjmtemnatollesstrun 1', e.9.9.9%
`MORRIS TOWNSHIP, N_.l_, Dec. 1:}, 21313 — Honeylrrel (NYSE: lrorl) ermuneed today thaI
`irveslrnenls of afimlllirnellely SIIIII miion nlil In nlade Iryllle r:orr|;ra1y and luey srmflizs In
`ilcreaaa production nmacily for HFD-l234yf, a new refigelantfor IIIIEITIZIIES Ilittl a global-
`llllarrnilg polenlial (sure; of lesslllarl I. TllisG'W'Pis9B.9 percent lolrrer lhen Illat o[HFE‘.13-Ila,
`Ilre l:urrentrefl'igera'lt huse, fl'I‘.I even lorllerlllan Ihatof carbondiouide.
`Arrrlrg lllem iwedrnenls, l-hnwlrrell lrlil l:u'e:Inr:l a hfli-llohllre rrranuflacluling plant usig new
`procas Ielzrnnlogy ailrle r:onlpa'l_lfs alislirlg Geismer, Louisiana, refiigararls n1arI.rfal:ILI'i1g
`siIe,vlll1il:l'l isexpecledllobelulyoperalionel i'l 2lJ16.'I'he erllaetsize oflileplarltlrlildepenclon
`sqrply agreernerlzs Ilret Honeywel is polling in place IIIIII major customers.
`‘Demand for HFD-1234yI is 'nl:l'easing HIIII1 the world in response In concerns HIIII
`greenllouse gas erriseions and Ihe need Ilo corrply IIIIII lire lllloble A": Concilioniig (MAC)
`Dieclilre in Europe and CorporaIeAverage Fuel Economy (CAFE) reglaiions in lile U.S.,‘ said
`Andeas l(l1rnwis, president and chiei exleculive oficer of Honey1rleIlPerhm1ance Materials and
`Telzrrrliujes. ‘Afier many years ufanalysis hyllle alrlomliive industry, pricyrrlioers a'rl:l
`enrlironrnenlfl groups, I is our that HFO—1234yr E a fife, efieetilre and mtI.lsI airninn In
`address global lrrurring and fuel eficiency. Honeyrllel's iwaimenls wil ensure adeqnlle apphr
`Io meet growing demand.
`‘A significant |)ll'I'l?I'I of El.l1x:I3fi'I demand for me l:u1ent fi.l.I£I'rIJbie refrigerant, HFCr‘l34a, is
`l:I.rrenIIy suppied from Ihe U.S., in our new production plant in Lou'siana vllil nirror Ilis
`arra1gen'lenI.,' Krarrrlris slid. ‘However, Horleyrlrel is alsolooling at lhe possbily oi buidirg a
`pIa'l‘ti1 Europe, I111 Iii: lrril be ltiwen by delni1\:landIl'lereq.iremerlIsoflI1drrladoeI.'
`HFO-1234-yf "B behg admin‘! byalltcmallers il parlln rneellie EU MAC Direclive. alarlirlalk
`place oflegislalinn Ihat airs In rerl.l:e grea1rnl.lse gas arisstrls Iiair-condiioning syaerrs in
`passenger cars 3111 liyrl eorrrneruid vehicla. The oieciiwe requies Ilrat refligeranlzs in al new
`\rel'I'c|e types sold i1 Europe afller Jan. 1, 21113, IIIIIE a glcbal-llllarrn'rlg poIel1Iifl(GWP}beIolrr
`15D. GWP "Ba rBHi.IIVErIB2iE.I'EI]‘IIIJ|rl much Ileatageladnluaagaslnaps 'nlhe allrnspllere,
`Wih carbon lioxide fiiflfl the :ornpar'aJnllrih a GWF N1. l-F0—1234y'ro1rersa GWP tllatis
`las lhan 1, g'ving I even less ofa1 enuironmenbi irpalzt Ihar l:H'I2I]'l riollride. (See
`‘cornparhnn ofGreenIlouse lmpsnf lable below.) All cars wld in El.I'ope aiIer2{l17 must meet
`IlrenelrrGll'|lP lequiernentoilesslhan 150. HFO-123-lyf, lrlillr aGWPbelolrr1,noior1lyrneets
`Ilris requi'a'rrl:'rI bid is rrnzlre lI'la'l B9 pl:I:a'rI belolrr Ilre new, sllieler reg.laIil:l|.
`Amornaloers i1 lrle us. areelso adopfrlg Hl=cL123aryrln llelp l:ol'rfly lrriIl1 CAFE and vehicle
`greenllouse gas sIa'rdan:Is, lrliieh a'm Ilo improve Ilre average fuel eeononry wltl reduee
`greenllcuse gas errI'sa'u1s associated IIIIII cars and lyit lrLl:lrs. Ba:e.l.rse HFO-123-Iyf has an
`ertlr'el'l'dylonler'wiI:l1'rler'l1alim|xal;t[a GWF lilessIllen1 l:ll1'|)fi'H1\liIIlfiG'WPDf1,3CIJfol
`Iile current rel'n'gerenl, HFC—134a), the us. Erlui-unmenlal Pmleeliun Ageney [EPA] allawe
`aullornfloers Ilo receive cletils Iorusilg HFCe123-llyi.
`Nearly Ilalfa miim his are on lI1e road lbday usig HFCI-1234-yf. Thi'd-pally IIHB sllolrls llrat
`HFO-123-lyfs lrll'I!=.spread artlptin golflly llllouli have the greenrllmse gas equivalent li
`per1nanenIlyrer'noui'lg moreIIlan3l] miion easlrornllreroao Irorldlrride, orahout 3 pereenloi
`Ilre llclfl global leet.
`Eaier Illls year, Honeywell fl'I'I:llIn:a‘I IIle launch Df |)al:I€£.g'ng opereliorls hr HFO-1234yrin
`Jqran to better serve the madoel in Asia.
`HFO-1234-yl Ila: lire prolllen abily In perfonn as an elfeciilre al.llorno‘liwe reirigerant in al regions
`oflie lrnzlrld, and Hlzneyvlrel I:onI'n.es In develop a gable] iin:strI.rl:Iilre In suppui is gbbal
`l:l.rsin'rIar Inse.
`For more infonnelion ol1 HF0-123IIyf, please visii www.123-Ifal:Is.l:orn.
`l3ornpa'ison ofGleenl1ouselnpar:t HFO-1234yfIl'& HF013-Ia V5. 002
`Honeylrrel PH'rorrnanl:e Illarerifls and Tecrrflogia; is a grin bajerin lhwehprg and
`m advanced materials and process llechnologia. Thew mailerifls entl IleeII'lolog'es
`are used by people every day in a wide range dinduslries fl'I‘.I appiI:aiions,1rorn pdnieum
`reliing In H ffendier reFl"gela'rb In hulei-rfiklanl Ilesls. Ow al:Ivanl:ed rrnifiials
`are eriicd "II Ille lrIi'I.rbl:Il.I'e Dffl'|:I1ll:IS Ifllgiu torn nylon lo compuller l:h'|:B In
`our UOP business form lhe
`Arkema Exhibit 1095
`1 of 2
`foundation for Innst uflhe world's refiners, eliicienlly producing gaeaine, riesel, jetfuel and
`pelmchemicala. UOP is now pinneerhg teclnclogy to pmduce real fuel: from renewable energy
`HoneyweI(urww.l1uneywel|.ccm}is a Fortune tllll niversified technology 311 manufacturing
`leaden serving cuslwurners worldwide Irrih aerospace products H11 services; conhnl technologies
`for buidigs, h|:lne5a1d i1d|§lry, lurtlxhaigere, and peflurmance mzrl1eriis.Baaad i1Mu'ris
`Taluri.-Jip, N,.I,_ Hnneywurs shale; He haded m the New York, Lu11r|,and China}: Slnclc
`Em:ha1ges.Fur more news and infonnaliun an Huneywel, please vial unu-u.l1uneyIrelI1o|rr cum
`Thhi release cmt.ai'rs cerhin statenrenlzs thel rnay te rherned “fowrard-lnuldng ' vrilin
`the rreanig nl sectirr 21E dire Securities Exclangemzl rl'1934,AlIs1alerr|arIs, riflarlinn
`aatemenls oi historical fact, that addrees actinilia, events or developmentsthal we or our
`management intends, expects, projects, heleum uranlicintes uril crmay occu in he future ae
`fannard-lonlting shl1er11erls.3.|ch shlerrierrts are bmed upon cerleh assumptions and
`a nflk bymlrrrsanagerrem i1lig'|toftlIeiexnerier'I:ear'I1Iheiper'ceptiu1o1
`historical trends, current ecunurric and 'I11rslry cumilinns, expected future develuprnenls and
`olherfe.cbrstl1ey believe to be mpruprialze. The forward-loul<i1g slelzernerrls included in this
`release are also subject In a number afrndzerial risks and I.ncerlei1‘lit:s, 'ncI.rdi1g but nut Irrited
`In econorric, competitive, gmemmerrlfl, and technological laclnrs affecting or: operations,
`maflrels, pmduzts, servica and pita, Such mrwarli-lnnlring staterrlarls ere nu garmteesm
`future performance, and actud ruulh, develnpmerls and hcrshessdecisiona may diferfmm
`those envinged by such farwzlrd-laalsing slaterner1ts_ We identfi the pr'I1c'pd risk: and
`uncerhinlies that afiect our perlnmiance in nu: Farm 1D-K and crther ling: will the Secunl'fi
`and Exchange Ccrrrnlnsinn,
`Media Contacts:
`Nha Kraues
`I3 973-455-4253
`Marlin Oreag
`B +4 2024 244 2279
`marlin Drsagmnneywellcom
`Jdia an
`6 +86 21 2394 5054
`jllia zl1u1@noneyIne|IctI'n
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