`Basket’ N0; HU{3€339aS5 DIV 1E
`111 re. Patent Application of:
`Rajiv R". Sifigh at 3}.
`App3i{:.at.i»;:«n NC»; Nat Yet. Assigneri
`CcInf1m1a.tim1 No;
`Fiietfi: C‘.0ncu11’e11f.}3-*Herewith
`Examiner: Not Yet Assigned
`FIRST PREvL}?.\~'IE‘*3AR‘i"
`UNDER 37 C.F.R. 1.115
`{3u31u11issi0I1s1' fur Parents
`30. Bax 1450
`Aiexandzia, VA 32313-l==15£)
`Dem‘ Madam:
`Prior I0 exaniiuation can the mefits, pi:':as:': anlend the aimxfe-idemified
`patrzm appiicatiuzl
`Amendments to the Specification beghl o11page 2 (ref fi1i,s pape.r.
`Amendments to the Claims are reflected in the iisting Uf claims wiiich begi11».<; on page $9 of \*his
`Remarks.fA1‘gu111ents begin on page 2% of This paper.
`ACTIVE» 3 S213490\-'1 CV3«.e’26«"l=L‘: 1 4 1024? A331 '1" ’
`1 of 7
`Arkema Exhibit 1047
`Arkema Exhibit 1047
`1 of 7
`App§icatic.=n N4}. N0: Yak”; Assigzxed
`First Pre}imin;3Ij«‘ .A_1n.&n2i1neni
`Docket Ni). : HGOi}39iԤ5DI\="IijE
`Please: repiace: file curtain‘ specifica.ti0n with the S‘11bsiifu¥e SP8-rC.ifiCi}‘§i0Ii. Marked up ccxpias
`eaf the Substiiuie Specificariozl. as W613
`a.s:}em1cGpy 0f the Sxzbstimteé Speciflcafion, are stlbixfitted
`conc1I1‘1'enfly herewith.
`11~:':W 31132131‘ is afidsadt.
` ACTIVE 3 S213¢§E30‘.-'1 §33./‘1.(1«‘"1IL‘r}4 191%‘? AIVEJ L‘ '
`2 of 7
`App§icatic.=n N4}. N0: Yak”; Assigzxed
`First P3'f.‘}iI31ii)3Ij«‘ Ainensilneni
`Bucket Ni). : HGOi)3955DI\="IijE
`A3\»fijN]}:‘!e{ENTS TO THE CI.vAl3\\'i_S
`Ii. — Iii}. {Canceled}
`2}. {New}
`A znetixerd f01’px"0d3u':“:»iI}g an auicsnmbiie 3i1‘cc:nditi01u'ng system fo1‘use with
`3, 3-tetraflum'op1'0pe11e {EEC}-11‘34§,=‘f} compiisingze
`{ab} prm-“idiilg an a,um111Ubi}e \-'a.p0r c.0mpre.<;si0n ai1‘c:011ditioning 5}-‘stem usable with
`1‘ef1‘ige2'ant L1,1,2-tet1’afl1101'0etha11e {HFC-1343.) and1'1a.1~=ing at iea.s:o11e ccsmpresscr and at
`ieaat Um‘: cmgdensmg and
`(1)) p1'mridi11g a heat t1‘ansfe1' enmposimwn in said systeln, said heat f1‘a11sfer compasition
`ccansistmg essentialij.-' of:
`(i) at least about 50% by weight. ofa.1'efi'ige1'311tem1sisting essentiafly nf BIPO-
`L’-l34:.\'f ; and
`(ii) }11b1'ic.ant eonsismig esse11n'ai1:»'0fp»0I}FaZ}sj;le11e gijgcofifsb), and
`wherein (1) s.aidem1dense1' is Qperable with s.aid1‘efrigera11t in 3 temperamre range that
`mckudezs 150‘? and (3) saifi system when 0pe1'atiI1g at E1 comienser ten1pe1‘am1‘e 015° l5{}°F
`a:ei1iew-:-5 3 ca.pac.itj_; 1‘eEative £0 ILEC-1343. of about 1 and a: Coefficient UfPe1'f0m1ance (COP)
`relative m HFC-13421 of about 1.
`22. (New)
`The method nf Ck-iiill 21 wherein said iub1‘ic.amt is p1'e:sen5t in file hem. :1'm'1sfe2'
`COIflpOSifi011il'1 an ammlm of from abom 3€)% is about 5{}% by ws-:-ight.
`The method of c-Eaim 21 wherein said HFK)-1234}-“f is preseem i11thehea’r,
`tlmlafel‘ ccamp0sitio11in an 31131131111’: ofat least about ?€)% by Weig}1t.
`E {New}
`The method of c-Eaim 21 wherein said 1<ef1‘ige1‘ant hm; nee stibatamial acute
`tzs:-zicity as n1eas111'edby inhaiatiml expastzre to mice and rats.
` ACTIVE 3 S213490\-'1 {V3«.e"16«"2=L‘: 1 4 1024? A331 ‘ ‘ '
`3 of 7
`App§icatics11N::s.Noflfiflt Agsigzxed
`First Pre}imin;3Ij«‘ .A_111.eIi2i1neni
`Docket Ni). : HGOi}39iԤ5DI\="IijE
`T§1e§11eYixm‘i0fcEain1 2-A-“I; w.he1'ei'n said ref1‘ige1‘ant has 3 GEnha}_Wa1111iz1g
`Pmesmiai {GNP} of net g1‘eaf.e1‘i}m1e1b011i ESQ.
`26. aw}
`A method 0feo21a;fiii01§ing ihe air in an ax1t0mobiEe'1x.sing an 3.ut01'n0biie air
`c.0.11ciin"oning systein inciuding at {east Que c.0mp1'es—sm'_, at}ea,:sim1e’ cendenses‘ and 3? §e.a.s¥
`me evapozatol‘, said method comp1‘isi11g:
`{3} utiiizing in said 53-=sf.e111 3. heat t1’ansie2' eornpesiiion eensisfing esszeiltistiiy of:
`6) at least about 58% by weight ofa.1'ef1igeI':mtem1sis§ing ESSE‘-lliifiifl}-“ ef
`3, 3, 3-
`tet1‘aflu01'op1'0pe11e {HFO-1234}-‘£3; and
`(ii) }11b1'ic.ante0nsis’r,i11g essezxtiailjvv of;J»oE}Fa§x"y1e11e gE_3-'c01{5}; and
`{b} renimrixig heat f1‘m11 said HFO-1234yf by conariensijlg sa.i€i1‘efrige1’a31t
`in s‘£:.i€icm1densee1‘
`when said cmdense1‘is 0pe1'ati11g m'e1'a tempve1'atm’e range \:i1a.tt31a.ti:1c}11{§es abmn‘ i5G“F.
`37. {New}
`The n1eth0d of ciaim 26 whereiii saiai 1'ef1'ige1‘ant achieves in said sysiezn 3.
`eeapacity 1‘e1a:tive to HFC-1343 of about 1 and a Ceefficiem of Pe1‘fo1‘mance {(§IOP»} 1'e1e,tive to
`HFC-13451 caf about 1.
`28. {New}
`The mefhod ofclaim 26 wherein S?!idhlli)1‘iCa:11TiS present in the hem: t1'a:11.sfe2’
`mnlpcssitioxl in an 2111101111? of fiorn abmn 3{}% to abmit 50% by weight.
`29. (New)
`The method ef ciaim 2.7 wherein said }]IC3-1234351‘ is p1'€‘S€I1T
`in the heat
`tlmlafel‘ ccamp0sitio11in an 31131131111’: ofat least about ?€)% by Weig}1t.
`30. {New}
`The method of c-Eaim 29 wherein said 1<ef1‘ige1‘ant hm; nee stibatamial acute
`tzs:-zicity as n1eas111'edby inhaiatim e);p0su1‘e to mice and rats.
`31. {New}
`The n1eth0d of ciaim 38 wherein said 1’ef1'ige1‘a11thas 3.610133} Wannmg
`Potemiai{GWP)0f2mtg1‘eate1'tha11 about 150..
` ACTIVE 3 S213490\-'1 {V3«.e"16«"2=L‘: 1 4 1024? A331 ‘ ‘ '
`4 of 7
`App§icatic.=n Ne. Not Yeut Assigzxed
`First Preiiminaxje‘ .?111).t‘:Iii3.1'i1€Ii¥
`Docket Ni). : HGOi}39iԤ5DI\="IijE
`A heat t1‘:~msfe1' coinyosihen fer use in an aiitmnnhfie air cQ11diiiem11g sjistem
`of the type having at C01}dense:z' Operating in a i'em;1era.tu1‘e Image that izlehkdes aholat 1:".«0‘°F,
`said hem tmlasfei‘ a2i'JI}1pOSiT,h}11 cmksmiszg, esse11tia1Ej~,~' of:
`(1') a? ieasi ahmtt 50% by weigh of a 1“ef1'§ge;'a13fsztmlsistihg essentiail}-' of T3, 3, *3, 3-
`f.et1‘afh1m'op1‘ope11e {HFO-1234331} :_. and
`(ii)h1b1'icantc011sistihg essentiaihx cvf polyakyieiie gh-'co§{s),
`whe2'ei1'1 said1'efi’ige1‘a11tunde2'the ceh£iih?0113 hf saidce11de11se1‘0pe1'ating ae aheuf
`i5{3°F in said automobile air s:011dih'0hing S}_2'5'{€m has
`c-a.pa.eity 1‘e}aiiVe to HFCT-134a. of
`about 1 and a Ccaeffzcieht of Pe1‘f01“1'nance= (CQP} 1‘e1atix-‘e to HFC-134a. efa.bcsuf. 1,
`33. {New}
`The heat h’ansfe.r compesitioxx ofeiaini
`whe1"eh1 said heat ‘[1‘flBSfE‘.I
`eompositioll has (me hqzlid phase m»'e1‘the temperahlre Iaiige of from aheut --30°C to abmxt
`34. {New}
`Theheat U‘£inSfE51‘COI11pOSifiU11 efciahn 33 wherein said hlbrieant is p1<esenth1
`fhe heat :1'a.1'1sie2' eornpositiou in an anmunt of from aheui 30% to abouf. 50% by weiglxt.
`35. (New)
`The heat transfer compz3sitim1 015° claim 3;. wherein said HFO—1234yfis
`present in the heat h‘ahsfe.1‘ £20I}1p0Si'{i~U11 in an ammmt Uf at least about '7a0% by weight.
`36. {New}
`The heat h'a11sfer eompositioll of claim 35 w11e1‘ein said 1'efi'ige1‘a11’r,has no
`suhstan5tia.i acute toziieity as n'1ea.su1'ed by inhalatim exposure to mice and rats.
`37. {New}
`The heath’ahsi7erc0111p0siii0n ofeiaim 36 whe1"eh1 said 1‘ef1‘ige1‘a11t has a
`Giehal ‘S.Varh1h1g Potential {{}WP) ofhet greater $31311 ahom 150.
`38. {New}
`The heat U‘£inSfE51‘COI11pOSifiU11 cafciaim 37 wherein said 1"ef1’ige1‘a1‘n: censists of
`39. {New}
`A methnd fm'pmVidi1'1g a system for c0<:sli11g ah‘ in an autcumobile eoznmisingz
`ACTH.-’E» 3 5.213490%’! *CV3«./‘16«"l=L‘: 1 4 1024? A331 ‘I‘.’2 .’2
`5 of 7
`A;)}?iiC€iFiG11N(s.N0{7kr&‘$ Agsigzied
`First Pre}imin;3Ij«‘ .A_111.&Ii2i1neni
`Docket Ni). : HGOi}39iԤ5DI\="IijE
`{as} pZ’0‘%-“i('}i11g1‘1l file z1m,0n10'bile.a V3}J(>1' £Uf}1p_i’€SSiOi'3. air coiiditiimiiig sjrsten1having at least
`one caznpr-rzsser é1flr3.§it.1E£iSt.DIlE c011c§e.i1sez': anfi
`{3}} p1‘c»vidi11_;_:_ in said S}=‘Sfi£I11 3 heat‘ t1‘a21sfe.:‘ E?0'II}pDSfi'iU11 cm13is:i1ig, esseiitiaiiy of:
`{if} at least abouf. 30% by weigh? csfa rt‘.fIige1‘ant C011SiS§iK}g essentiaiijr of 25 3, 3, 3-
`tet1‘£:fl1102’o}J1‘0pe11e ('HFO-'i23«'1yf); and
`{ii} h1b1‘ican’r, emisistiug esseiitiaiha of polyaliqyieiia g1yc0i{fs)_.. and
`wherein {1} said caiids-:-user is eperable with said 1’efi’igai‘a1‘n* in 3. ¥ei_np::-.1’z‘mii‘e rmge that
`iiichides 'l50°F ami {2} said 5),.-‘stem operating
`a s:.m'ide1‘ise1' ‘€€II1_{3€:1’fl§.3.1f€
`of 138°‘? 3.chieVe:s a.
`capa.c.itj;1<e1aiivet0 EEC-1343 of abeut 1 and 3 Coefficient Bf Pt31'fQ1"fl}‘c‘511{'.e{CC3i?‘}i’E:i3ii‘.-’EfD
`PECIV-1343 of abmit 1.
`40. {New}
`The niethcsd of ciaim 39 whefiziii (A) Sfiid i'€=§‘§gE1"'3I1§. has ms: substantiiii acme
`toxicity as measured by inhaiatimi EXpQS11i'E ti) mics’: and .mt:§; (B) has 2': (3-Euha} Warming
`Potei1iiai{GWP)0fnotg1‘eate1'tha11 about 150‘, ai1ci(C?} said HFO-1234yfis p1‘E5SE11fi11‘Ch€
`heatfI3:i1sfe1’comp0sitio11 in an imiolini. ofm. Reast abmit 741)‘?!-“ii bf; ‘~.-VEif_2_iY[.
`ACTIVE 3 S213¢§E30‘.-'1 §33./‘1.(1«‘"1IL‘r}4 191%‘? AIVEJ L‘ '
`6 of 7
`App§icatics11N::s.Nofifeut Agsigzxed
`First P3'f.‘}iI31ii)3Ij«‘ Aiikensilneni
`Docket Na: HGOi)3955DI\?'IiE
`The specvifica.iim}_ is amended $0 n1a};;e 1'efe1‘e1“s.ee in the }}1'iQ}fi‘f}’ appi§.eaiim1 from which the
`a1::p}ie.a¥ien otfigixietes, and tr.)
`p§‘iD1‘i{}’ applicatiem:
`film. are
`inempomted by :_‘efe1’em:e. SpecifEie.a3_E};' {he text added 01}. page {S of {be present appiie.atm11.is'based
`on file passage fmm the prieifiy appiieaiim 1{}:3S9:i,3?3 21?. page ‘T, Einea 1 — '7. Ne new ma.i'['er is
`Ciaims 1-20 are canceled without pxtjudice or diseiainlel’. New claims 21-40 are added.
`Support can be found in the originai dise.1ns112’e,
`ilxeluding the text from p1‘im‘it}-' appiiczatioll
`M1.-""594,2?3 whifll has beeni11ee1}:+o1‘a.teLi by 1‘efe.re11ee, as filed, No new matter is added.
`In View of the above ame1'1d11'1e11t,, applicant 1’espeef.fufly requests pffllllpf and f:;wz:)1‘ab1e
`actie11 on The merits.
`Applicant believes no fee is due wiih this response. H{)WE‘l~’€'1‘,
`if a. fee is due, please charge
`0111‘ Depoait Account NU. 50-1943, under Clyde: No. 03964301968 from which the 1mde2’aig11ed is
`au:hm'ized in dmw.
`Dated: Ma1'»:.1‘1 35, 2814
`RESp€‘CI.f1lK')-’ submitted,
`8}’ .-‘Kenneth Ma 63 839.9’
`Kenneth Ma
`Regisvatiou No; 63,339
`100 Park Avenlae
`Suite 1500
`New "elk, New York 100} ".5
`(212) 878-"7900
`{E12} 692-€)94(3 {Fax}
`Atto1‘11eys.-"Agents F01‘ Appiieant
`ACTIVE 3 S213490\-'1 {V3«.e"16«"2=L‘: 1 4 1024? A331 ‘ L '
`7 of 7