`Docket No. H0003965US
`In re application of: R. Singh, et al.
`Examiner: A. Khan
`Application No.:
`10/694,273 (Conf. 2796)
`Group Art Unit: 1751
`October 27, 2003
`Docket No.: H0003965-4510
`Commissioner for Patents
`P. O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`This is in response to the non—final Office Action mailed August 29, 2007,
`having a period for reply set to expire November 29, 2007.
`Amendments to the claims appear on page 2.
`Remarks begin on page 8.
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`Arkema Exhibit 1039
`Arkema Exhibit 1039
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`Application No. 10/694,273
`Docket No. H0003965US
`The following listing of claims replaces all prior versions:
`1. — 53. (Canceled)
`54. (Currently Amended)
`(b) at least one adjuvant selected from the group consisting of lubricants,
`compatibilizers, surfactants, solubilizing agents, dispersing agents, cell
`stabilizers, cosmetics, polishing agents, medicaments, cleaners, fire
`retarding agents, colorants, chemical sterilants, stabilizers, polyols, polyol
`premix components and combinations of two or more of these.
`(Original) The composition of claim 54 having a Global Warming Potential
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`Docket No. H0003965US
`(GWP) of not greater than about 150.
`(Original) A heat transfer composition comprising the composition of claim
`54 wherein said adjuvant includes at least one lubricant.
`(Original) A heat transfer composition comprising the composition of claim
`54 wherein said adjuvant includes at least one compatibilizer.
`(Currently Amended) The heat transfer composition of claim
`.— wherein
` said
`is present in an amount of at
`least about 50% by weight and said lubricant is present in an amount of at
`least about 30% by weight.
`(Currently Amended) A blowing agent comprising the composition of claim
`54 wherein said adjuvant includes 5
` 54 wherein said .,,,,
` amount of
`(Original) A sterilant composition comprising the composition of claim 54
`wherein said adjuvant includes at least one chemical sterilant.
`— 68.
`(Previously Presented) The composition of claim 54 wherein said
`composition is non-flammable.
`70. — 75. (Cancelled)
`(Previously Presented)
`The composition of claim 54 having a Global
`Warming Potential (GWP) of not greater than about 100.
`(Previously Presented)
`The composition of claim 54 having a Global
`Warming Potential (GWP) of not greater than about 75.
`(Previously Presented)
`The composition of claim 54 having an ODP of
`not greater than about 0.02.
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`Application No. 10/694,273
`Docket No. H0003965US
`(Currently Amended) The composition of claim 54 wherein said
`composition is a refrigerant compositions and said
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`(Currently Amended) The composition of claim ‘
`wherein said compatibilzer
`pro pan e_.___‘
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`(Currently Amended) The composition of claim
`compatibilzer in amounts of from about 0.5 to about 5 percent by weight of
`the composition.
`(Currently Amended) The composition of claim
`wherein said sterilant is selected from the group consisting of
`ethylene oxide (EO), formaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide,
`ozone, and combinations of these.
`87. — 90. Canceled
`(Currently Amended) The composition of claim 54 wherein said _§;;_
`-5;-x .~\-\ ;~ - M .-
`; »-x .-\-
`- -4- \. .-\ -.- mu .
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`is present in the composition in an amount
`of at least about 50% by weight.
`(Currently Amended) The composition of claim 54 wherein said
`iiwis present in the composition in an
`amount of at least about 70% by weight.
`(Previously Presented) A refrigerant comprising the composition of claim
`54, said refrigerant comprising lubricant in an amount of from about 30 to
`about 50% by weight.
`(Previously Presented) The composition of claim 54 comprising a
`surfactant and a solubilizing agent.
`(Previously Presented) The composition of claim 54 comprising lubricant
`wherein said lubricant is selected from the group consisting of polyol
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`Application No. 10/694,273
`Docket No. H0003965US
`esters, poly alkylene glycols and combinations of these.
`(Previously Presented) The composition of claim 95 wherein said lubricant
`comprises at least one polyalkylene glycol.
`(Previously Presented) The composition of claim 95 wherein said lubricant
`comprises at least one polyol ester.
`(Previously Presented) The composition of claim 95 wherein said
`composition has one liquid phase at at least one temperature between
`about -50 °C and +70 °C.
`(Previously Presented) The composition of claim 54 comprising lubricant
`and being stable when in contact with aluminum, steel and copper under
`the conditions of use in refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
`100. (New) A composition having no substantial acute toxicity comprising:
`(a) 1,1,1,2,3 pentafluoropropene (HFO-1225ye); and
`(b) at least one adjuvant selected from the group consisting of lubricants,
`compatibilizers, surfactants, solubilizing agents, dispersing agents, cell
`stabilizers, cosmetics, polishing agents, medicaments, cleaners, fire
`retarding agents, colorants, chemical sterilants, stabilizers, polyols, polyol
`premix components and combinations of two or more of these.
`(New) The composition of claim 100 having a Global Warming Potential
`(GWP) of not greater than about 150.
`(New) A heat transfer composition comprising the composition of claim
`100 wherein said adjuvant includes at least one lubricant.
`(New) A heat transfer composition comprising the composition of claim
`100 wherein said adjuvant includes at least one compatibilizer.
`(New) The heat transfer composition of claim 102 wherein said HFO-
`1225ye is present in an amount of at least about 50% by weight and said
`lubricant is present in an amount of at least about 30% by weight.
`(New) A blowing agent comprising the composition of claim 100 wherein
`said adjuvant includes polyol, plyol premix components and combinations
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`Application No. 10/694,273
`Docket No. H0003965US
`of these.
`(New) A blowing agent comprising the composition of claim 100 wherein
`said HFO-1225ye is present in an amount of at least about 5% by weight.
`(New) A blowing agent comprising the composition of claim 100 wherein
`said HFO-1225ye is present in an amount of at least about 15% by weight.
`(New) A sterilant composition comprising the composition of claim 100
`wherein said adjuvant includes at least one chemical sterilant.
`109. (New) The composition of claim 100 wherein said composition is non-
`110. (New) The composition of claim 100 having a Global Warming Potential
`(GWP) of not greater than about 100.
`111. (New) The composition of claim 100 having a Global Warming Potential
`(GWP) of not greater than about 75.
`112. (New) The composition of claim 100 having an ODP of not greater than
`about 0.02.
`113. (New) The composition of claim 100 wherein said composition is a
`refrigerant compositions and said HFO-1225ye comprises at least about
`70 % by weight of the composition.
`114. (New) The composition of claim 100 comprising compatibilzer and
`wherein said compatibilzer is selected from the group consisting of
`propane, butane, pentane and combinations of these.
`115. (New) The composition of claim 100 comprising compatibilzer in amounts
`of from about 0.5 to about 5 percent by weight of the composition.
`116. (New) The composition of claim 100 comprising sterilant and wherein said
`sterilant is selected from the group consisting of ethylene oxide (EO),
`formaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, ozone, and
`combinations of these.
`(New) The composition of claim 100 wherein said HFO-1225ye is present
`in the composition in an amount of at least about 50% by weight.
`(New) The composition of claim 100 wherein said HFO-1225ye is present
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`Application No. 10/694,273
`Docket No. H0003965US
`in the composition in an amount of at least about 70% by weight.
`(New) A refrigerant comprising the composition of claim 100, said
`refrigerant comprising lubricant in an amount of from about 30% to about
`50% by weight.
`(New) The composition of claim 100 comprising a surfactant and a
`solubilizing agent.
`(New) The composition of claim 100 comprising lubricant wherein said
`lubricant is selected from the group consisting of polyol esters, poly
`alkylene glycols and combinations of these.
`(New) The composition of claim 124 wherein said lubricant comprises at
`least one polyalkylene glycol.
`(New) The composition of claim 124 wherein said lubricant comprises at
`least one polyol ester.
`(New) The composition of claim 124 wherein said composition has one
`liquid phase at at least one temperature between about -50 °C and +70 °C.
`(New) The composition of claim 100 comprising lubricant and being stable
`when in contact with aluminum, steel and copper under the conditions of
`use in refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
`(New) The composition of claim 100 wherein said HFO-1225ye comprises
`(New) The composition of claim 100 wherein said HFO-1225ye comprises
`(New) The composition of claim 100 wherein said HFO-1225ye comprises
`a combination of cis-HFO-1225ye and trans-HFO-1225ye.
`(New) A blowing agent comprising the composition of claim 54 wherein
`said HFO—1234yf is present in an amount of at least about 15°/oby weight.
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`Application No. 10/694,273
`Docket No. H0003965US
`Reconsideration of the present application in view of the above
`amendments and the presently filed declaration is respectively requested.
`Claims 54, 55, 60 — 65, 69, 76 — 79, 81, 82, 85, 86, 91 -129 are now
`pending in the present application. Claims 1 — 53, 56 — 59, 66 — 68, 70 -75, 78,
`80, 83 — 84, and 87 — 90 have been canceled. Claims 54, 62 — 64, 81, 82, 85, 86,
`91, and 92 have been amended. New claims 100 — 129 have been added.
`Support for the amendments and for the new claims can be found
`throughout the present specification and more specifically as follows.
`Support for the amendment to claim 54 relating to the absence of
`substantial acute toxicity in compounds such as HFO-1234yf is found on page 6,
`lines 25 — 31.
`Support for the amendment to claim 64 relating to the preferred
`compound(s) being present in amounts of at least about 5% by weight is found
`on page 9, lines 13 -18.
`Support for the amendment to claim 81 relating to the preferred
`compound(s) being present in amounts of at least about 70% by weight is found
`on page 8, lines 19 — 24.
`Support for the amendment to claim 82 relating to compatibilizers being
`propane, butanes and pentanes is found on page 9, lines 1 — 3.
`Support for new claim 129, which depends from claim 54, is found on
`page 9, lines 13 -18.
`Support for the new independent claim 100, which is directed to HFO-
`1225ye, is found throughout the application as originally filed and in particular on
`page 6, lines 25 — 31.
`Support for the new dependent claim 101 directed to GWP is found on
`page 8, line 8 and elsewhere throughout the application as originally filed.
`Support for the new dependent claims 102 -104 directed to lubricants and
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`Application No. 10/694,273
`Docket No. H0003965US
`compatibilizers is found on pages 8 and 9, and elsewhere throughout the
`application as originally filed.
`Support for the new dependent claim 105 directed to polyols and polyol
`premixes is found on page 12 and in the original claims, including original claim
`28, and elsewhere throughout the application as originally filed.
`Support for the new dependent claims 106 and 107 relating to the
`preferred compound(s) being present in amounts of at least about 5% by weight
`and 10% by weight is found on page 9, lines 13 -18.
`Support for the new dependent claim 108 relating to sterilant is found on
`pages 15 and 16, and elsewhere throughout the application as originally filed.
`Support for the new dependent claim 109 relating to the composition being
`non-flammable is found throughout the application as originally filed.
`Support for the new dependent claims 110 — 112 directed to GWPs and
`ODPs is found on page 8, line 4 -16 and elsewhere throughout the application
`as originally filed.
`Support for the new dependent claim 113 relating to the preferred
`compound(s) being present in amounts of at least about 70% by weight is found
`on page 8, lines 19 — 24.
`Support for the new dependent claim 114 and 115 relating to
`compatibilizers and percentages is found on page 9, lines 1 — 3.
`Support for the new dependent claim 116 relating to sterilants is found on
`pages 15 and 16, and elsewhere throughout the application as originally filed.
`Support for the new dependent claims 117 and 118 relating to
`percentages is found on page 8, lines 19 — 24, and elsewhere throughout the
`application as originally filed.
`Support for the new dependent claims 117 -125 relating to various
`aspects of compositions including lubricants and solubilizers and related
`properties is found at page 8, line 25 — page 9, line 9 and in Examples 2 and 3 on
`pages 18 and 19.
`Support for the new dependent claims 126 — 128 relating to isomeric forms
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`of HFO-1225ye is found at page 6, lines 25 — 30.
`In the outstanding office action, the Examiner rejected the pending claims
`under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over Smits et al. (US 4,945,119)
`or over Smits in view of Nimitz et al. (US 5,674,451).
`In making this rejection,
`the Examiner took the position that the previously submitted Declaration under
`37 CFR 1.132 filed on June 25, 2007 was insufficient to overcome the rejection
`based on Smits et al. alone or in view of Nimitz et al.
`It was the Examiner’s
`positions that the declaration was not commensurate in scope with the claims
`pending in the application at that time.
`Applicants do not necessarily agree with the Examiner’s position that the
`declaration filed on June 25, 2007 is not sufficient to support patentability of the
`claims of the previously pending scope, and applicants expressly reserve the
`right to prosecute claims of a similar scope to those previously presented in an
`continuation or divisional application. Nevertheless, in order to facilitate
`prosecution of the present application, applicants have narrowed the scope of the
`pending claims and have submitted a further declaration in support of
`The pending claims comprise two sets of claims. The first set is based on
`independent claim 1, which is directed to compositions having no substantial
`acute toxicity and which include as an essential component 1,1,1,2-
`tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf). The second set of claims is based on
`independent claim 100, which is directed to compositions having no substantial
`acute toxicity and which include as an essential component 1,1,1,2,3
`pentafluoropropene (HFO-1225ye). Each of these compounds share the
`characteristic of having a relatively low toxicity and each also shares the
`structural feature of have having at least one H on the unsaturated terminal
`carbon. As described in the present specification ( see page 5, lines 15 -19), this
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`Docket No. H0003965US
`structural feature has been discovered by applicants to contribute to the low
`toxicity characteristics of the compounds which are essential components of the
`present claims and which therefore contribute to the low acute toxicity of the
`composition. There is no suggestion in the prior art of this feature or its
`With respect to the first set of claims, applicants have found surprisingly
`that HFO-1234yf possesses a desirably low level of acute toxicity relative to
`structurally similar compounds. As described in the present application and as
`supplemented by the Rule 132 Declaration of George Rusch dated October 15,
`2007 ("the Second Rusch Declaration"), toxicological testing of a compound
`known as HFO-1225zc (1,1,3,3,3— pentafluoropropene):
`had been conducted by a third party prior to the filing of the present application.
`This testing revealed that this compound exhibited a relatively high level of
`toxicity. More specifically, the attached Second Rusch Declaration (see
`paragraph 2), revealed that HFO-1225zc had an LC50 or median lethal
`concentration required to kill half the members of a tested population, as low as
`2,000 ppm. Since LC50 represents the concentration at which a measure of
`lethality occurs, the lower the value of LC50, the more toxic the material is
`considered to be, and the higher the value, the less toxic the material is
`considered to be. This toxic compound, which is otherwise structurally similar
`HFO—1234yf and HFO-1225ye, does not have at least one H on the unsaturated
`terminal carbon.
`In contrast, HFO-1234yf, a structurally similar compound which is within
`the scope of claim 1 (2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene):
`11 0f13
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`Application No. 10/694,273
`Docket No. H0003965US
`.__\ H
`was found by applicants to be much less toxic than HFO-1225zc (see, for
`example, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Second Rusch Declaration). More
`specifically, the LC5O of HFO-1234yf, which has two hydrogen atoms on the
`unsaturated terminal carbon, has a toxicity concentration that is at least two
`hundred times greater than that of HFO-1225zc. This difference is dramatic
`and is in no way suggested or expected in view of any of the prior art cited by the
`Examiner or any other art known to applicants. Furthermore, HFO—1234yf has
`the additional advantage of having a relative capacity of greater than 1, which is
`substantially greater than even the tetrafluoropropene isomer 1,3,3,3-
`tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234ze). As seen from Table l on page 18 of the
`present specification, HFO-1234ze has a relative capacity (based on HFC—134a)
`of either 0.36 or 0.7, depending on the stereoisomeric form thereof, whereas
`HFO—1234yf has a relative capacity of 1.1, which is much superior in terms of
`performance as a drop-in replacement for the heretofore commonly used HFC-
`With respect to the second set of claims, applicants have also found
`surprisingly that HFO-1225ye (1 ,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropene):
`which is within the scope of claim 100, is much less toxic than HFO-1225zc
`(see, for example, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Rusch Declaration filed on April 25,
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`2007). More specifically, the LC50 of HFO-1225ye, which is within the scope of
`claim 100 and which has one hydrogen on the unsaturated terminal carbon, has
`a toxicity concentration that is at least one hundred and twenty five times
`greater than that of HFO—1225zc, which is not within the scope of the claim 100.
`This difference is dramatic and is in no way suggested or expected in view of any
`of the prior art cited by the Examiner or any other art known to applicants.
`Applicants believe that the claims as now pending patentably distinguish
`over the prior art of record, and an early notice thereof is hereby earnestly
`solicited. Should the Examiner have any questions regarding this further
`response, she is invited to contact the undersigned at the telephone number
`indicated below.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Date: 10/24/07
`/Joseph F. Posillico/
`Joseph F. Posillico
`Registration No. 32,290
`Synnestvedt & Lechner
`2600 Aramark Tower
`1101 Market Street
`Philadelphia, PA 19107
`Telephone: (215) 923-4466
`Facsimile: (215) 923-2189
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