`Exhibit 1031

`To our parents,
`I Abo[f:1z1Parsae1' and Barat Arabaki,
`Wtflzam H. Suilman and Kathleen A. Glassmne
`Concurrent Engineering
`Contemporary iggugg and
`modern design tools
`Ediml by
`Hamid R. Parsaei
`.4:\‘.\‘t':c'i:‘lw Pr:‘g)'l°s.s*(Jr
`fenwrjiar ("'ma1p1m'rvz:i¢!m' Errgiawerirrg
`[hn'z:erst'r_1' of Loui.s‘l‘:'H£'
`William G. Sullivan
`Deparmwm qf Indu.-urial and S_3.‘.\*mnx Engirwerfaug
`I-‘Trgillia P¢'2lyrn‘hr1i:t I nstfrum and Smrc L'm'ver.w‘I_'s'
`London ~ Glasgow - New York - Tokyo - Melbourne ‘ Madras
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1031
`|PR2016-00204- Ex. 1031 P.2

`fibula '7! Chillllfl 5 Hill. 3-6
`ROW. London SE! flllt"\‘
`Chapman & Hall. 2-6 Boundary Row. London SE1 RH N. UK
`Blacitie Academic & Professional. wearer Clcddens Road, Bishuphriggs.
`Glasgow G64 ZNZ. UK
`Chapman & Hall lnc.. 29 ‘West 35:11 Street. New York NYIIJOOI, USA
`Ch???” 3‘ lull-l‘W'i1n.Thomson Publishing Japan. Hiritkawalt’.‘hu Ncmoto
`Building. SF. I-T-H Htrakawaaflto. Chiyoda-ku. Tokyo I02. Japan
`Chapman & Hall Australia. Thomas N t
`A «
`South Melbourne. Victoria 3105, Anstraliason mm “L I _ Dndds mm!‘
`Setortd Main Road. (‘IT East.
`ISBN 0 412 46510 3
`Apart from any lair treat‘
`L (T r C '3)‘
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`mmsmmud‘ incmy to ctjsrrialubtrcatron may not be reproduced. stored. or
`in writing of tht! Publishers. til ia:lh:“=m5. Wuhan‘ mg ‘ml p“"'l§5l"“
`in mmdmm with U“: mm at the |‘i»‘:::c:: réprzdsrgphg; wfimduetion nnl!‘
`Liccnm‘.-gg As”,
`1‘ 1 0 Copyright
`Hm” imod keg :i!1lctt;i:,:lt,c[;r.i:;-'.i:nF;:eocoOr'r1tanou unit the terms of
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`'-"-“W” FIRMS Organization outside
`5'-‘Pmducnon outside the terms stated hen:
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`olr is available from the British Library
`Library of Congress C 1
`5" °E*flE'|n-Pubttcanon data 4‘.lV8ilahig
`Lin‘! of contributors
`Part One
`l’riru.:iples of concurrent engineering
`H rt-oil H. Jo. Hantiri R. Ptlt'.$'(lt’i turd Wr't'l'ictm G. Stillirrtrr
`Q-J Concurrent engineerings roots in the World War II era
`M. Cctr! Zimrtke and M'zrry 5. Spam:
`Implentcntationz common failure modes and success factors
`SIt’ph(’I'J Emits
`4. Overcoming barriers to the implementation of concurrent
`Gary A. Mrtddux anal Wtllimn I2’, Sander
`Improving interpersonal communications on multifunctional
`Mtrhnci E. Form and Roy A. Drriey
`Scheduling of concurrent manuiacturing projects
`Arledeji B. Badirtr
`Part Two
`7. Models of design processes
`Alt’ Bahrumi arid Cihrm H. Dugii
`A decision-based approach to concurrent design
`Fm-rokir Mistree, Warren Srnith mu! Bert Bras
`9. Concurrent optimization of product design and manufacture
`Masrzmkrr Yoshimuru
`ll). Computer-based concurrent engineering systems
`Mielrael J. 0'Ft'_wttt and M. Munir Ahmad
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1031
`|PR2016-00204- Ex. 1031 P.3

`Canton rs
`Multiattribule design optimization and concurrent engineer-
`Deborah L Thurszon and Angela Locascio
`Concurrent cell design and cell control system configuration
`F. Frank Chen
`A generalized methodology for evaluating rnanufacturability
`Sriniuasa R. Shankar and David G. Jansson
`Evaluating product rnachinability For concurrent engineering
`Dana S. Nan, Guangming Zhong, Sotyandra K. Gupta and
`Raghu R. Karinrhi
`Concurrent optimization of design and manufaciuring toler-
`Chm: Zhang and Hsu-Pin (Ben) Wang
`Automating design for manufzzcturability through cxpcrl sys-
`tems approaches
`.-LR. Vcnkarachalarn. Joseph M. Mellichamp and Darid AL
`Modeling the design process with Petri nets
`.4na're*w Ku.-flak and Hsu-Hon Yang
`Ncuro-computing and concurrent engineering
`Cflmn H. Dayle‘. Piparpong Poshvanmlda. and All Bahrami
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1031
`|PR2016-00204- Ex. 1031 P.4
`Design for human factors
`Farilzarz Tayyari
`Designing to cost
`Mam-udra S. Hundal
`Economic design in concurrent engineering
`James S. Noble
`d “
`Application of expert systems to on mac "
`Gary P. Moynihan
`""3 cstgn
`? k”°w1°d5°"b35°d aPP1'°a¢h ‘0 design for manufacture using
`Evin Mofloy and J. Browne
`accumulauon of knowledge. a new of concurrent
`R059" 15- Douglas, Jr. and David C. Brown
`Integrated. knowledge
`Sm“ H. Km
`systems for adaptive, concun-em design

`llnwmuu gr
`Mmh (3 Q1 ‘ft-,_§-M,‘ pr(J(,m_S,"S
`Kuhn. T.SA (I970;
`‘rim '\'H'm'rur.- r1’
`-‘’'‘’¢'"|'lhl' K¢'r'nluli:ul\
`PFt‘«‘5-5. Ch|'c.'u2u,
`Lansd mu 1.
`Lm:kn::1n.J‘ ;}qa7§';7”L':[,'," '‘".'f"‘,';''‘‘’ "3" "“ M
`]_ [3 ‘I937? iI,—!{»Tk&n|.' l;,‘::.’“"" Q""”"t."r I814}. 3'15-SS
`N” 7'
`mumrl ("mm
`mm uf .\.gfm,m. g;ny,Mm
`Simon. I-L-\_ |l9(w9In Tiw S1-rm:-r at H -
`Suh. NJ‘, Bc|l_ A.('. and Cituswrd ]r‘;(; n:'g‘1"|4-’. M1] ]>m‘.5_>(';1rnbrit|g:. MA.
`Tnm_‘m.”im5 "I ASHE.
`I-WV in «M J:mrnm' uf !;ng::mxriu:,»_(i.; [MW
`‘”'W" U"r""'
`T511; A. ‘I984
`Yt)sll1‘-ikaufax H 1 fr:aT’:v::”::!L\A»1‘/‘I'[I—“ “um f'‘‘‘’’"- N‘'‘‘'' “Wk
`H"nrk:1m ('¢;,-,fi.,.m(.“=
`I I937] I‘rm'¢':‘:li::y.v uf flu“ H"lP M 1.
`' W).
`. nrih-Holland.An1s[¢:n1;m1
`i’n:.5s. 1\‘c'u‘1u:«',
`(_‘H»\P'I'l>-‘R :4
`‘“ “"—'—7‘~— Tl" "11 ' ‘ii " T V " j"
`b I
`f"arrukh Mi.\'rr('('. Wurrmr snmh and Bar! Bras
`.\|c>dcrn. cnmpulcr~|a;isu:d cuncurrcnl dcsign requires at l‘mIis1|c :1ppr(\a1ch lhiil
`1n1cgm1c.~ tin: rcprcscntution.
`ImiI1;1gcr1Icr1l uml 11ruccssir1g ul 1'nl}zrmul|nn.
`lr1icgr:uim1 1s pnssihlc through the ‘.s‘tz':m1ardI2;1non' 0|" mfnrm.'1ti¢_m manage-
`mcm mthin :1 dcslgn prm;cs.~a. Wu: appmucl1 sIund:1rdIz:tli0n |'rnIn lhc
`pcrspcciiw nfdccisinn—busud ¢|c:.ig_n IDHDJ. muncly. that ‘the prim.-up.-:1 rule uf
`an engineer,
`In Ihc design of an urllfacl.
`is to Ink»:'. (iivcn lh;|l
`ducisions are fuundulimml. we an:-lb}: CDIICLIFICIII dcsigll processes lhruugh lhs:
`S'[TlH1JII1I‘It':0l|‘-&il'1Ll]jv'\i*i. synllvzsis and rcmluliun nf mulliplc dccix'mn.»;.
`In this c}1:1pIcr. Wt‘: énlruducc 1hr.‘ FLmd:m1L'n{ul puI'.'u|igI11s 0|" DB0 and
`:1 dcci~'inn-based L|C>I_1,'l'| mcllmdnlngy rallied thc dcci:+im1 support
`pmhlcm 1cc11nir.|uc [[38]-"H. Spcci1i::uI1_\.; wc start by presiding .~um1c hack-
`fifnund and hy .~atuIing lhc ;mnn15 needed In cliitrzlclcri/n:
`dt‘t‘i*mn suppurl pI“olalcrz1sIDSPsI, IntmdJ.u:v.:d nuxl is lhcD.»rn1ul »;).'nl.'1.\ and
`.<CFT1ElI1l1I‘.‘5- nf DSPS, This gcilcrlu protocol cnsurcs the aI[‘|[1|iC£1hlHl)' of the
`DEPT ucrwzs v.1r_\nng domain.» of applicutimx by pmvidixlg uniform and
`saruclurcd muppiI1g.s bclwccn the dc2u_grmr$' View of the kvnrld and the
`Particular syntm. nccdcd to facilitate nvnlution. Finally. aw present surm-
`'-"‘**11”“I3les [rum marine dnsign ln cxpliuztlc nur ;1ppm;u:h_
`H.I SHIP DESIGN (‘ASE S'fl,.I'D|I’.S NUM[iN(']l_ATl'Rii
`— —— — — ——
`length h-stwccn pcrpcmliculalrs 1n nwtcrs
`or LBP
`-)1‘ BL-‘AM Ship design beam In nmlcrs
`(W DRAFT ship design draft in mctcrs
`01’ l?}‘:PTH ship design depth in nn:1x:r:;
`Displilccd mlunm
`cat LB
`block cocflncnunl I,s|np‘s
`-.—r_— VL><BxT
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1031
`|PR2016-00204- Ex. 1031 P.5

`0|’ 0’
`0! CW
`32K HT
`A cIer'isiiiit-brim! app]-nm.h
`prismiitit: eneilicicni
`: fi
`(Shiny; hulll
`ldshm mum mm
`wuterplanc cocflieicnt
`= ?fi
`lship’s hull)
`ii‘ —i
`m:jiihiiiPSin.i ccntcr of hunyiincy in meters lllfliazfi.-:
`longitudinal center of flotation in mciersimmiti
`siundard heightibctwecn deck; in "mm
`muxiniuni sustained speed in km-,5
`endurance speed in tmms
`Other parameters:

`uimbinution oi diesel engine lfor Vl-{CR} or gi‘lSlu1’b11ic|iir
`VKJ : [3nl:l[JUl5I0fl pliint
`cornbinatiun cit’ diesel an
`gine and gas turbine iftir VKCRW
`K3 " Pmpulsion plant
`‘\3[0l'l'|bmaI1('.||'l at‘ gas turbine and _as turbine llnr Vl(CRiii:
`Kl ' P¥"_°Pulsion plant
`vertical distance between the center of gravity and tiietite
`Verse metucenter
`economic return on investment
`It is our contention that to in
`crease both the efliciency‘ and effiactivitnizsfil
`°‘P1'00ess ofdcsign u come'“P°l'3|‘)’ Paradigm for design is needed. WFW
`whic; pammgm fmm ‘he P¢T$P<‘!ctivc of decision-based desigIt.T?1c
`mgine:I'_;:°'::’:55¢S Systems thinking and embodies the ideas til’ cniiciirrw
`ithe primig 1 ' ‘3" r°' “"3 “Tc Cycle is based on the foundational prcntittillli
`dam . pa “'1” °f an engineer.
`in the design of an artifact. is iomtil
`onstratc concurrency by the simultaneous stiluiiotitl
`design anal},
`5 “id fhmugh the integration and holistic tretitmcattitl
`Rmjmunifiaris and ‘Sy’l’llh8SlS. B)‘ choice. we focus on the early Sta?”
`and it]-ig
`F5 the greatest potential I) affect the design Wm
`E3“ ‘“‘°° “"5 Phase dramatically sha;)c5 what is In rciuoi-.
`pmms Pmfiresses and decisions accumulate the lrecdflm”
`make ch“8:, -
`0" design incl? r°d“°°d- M the same time. the knowledge uboui the CW
`‘}"*.'1~‘*l'0rtni1tion»of -,:h,T.hi3 l“°"_?a8c in knowledge is characterized bl '
`rt l
`‘lien. we ref:
`mr°"'|1fllton into ‘hard’ information. By soil ifllfllm’
`“ ‘he heuristic and qualitative information than stems M“
`Our _i‘l'lJHlt’ til" rtflerciitw
`.lc5igni.‘|”'S judgment and experience whereas hard infnrmaitinn tends in be
`based tin scicntilic principles and to he more qtiuntiiutive in nature. Given
`this nature of design iiilnrntailion. whtit
`ii ctmcurrcnl design ztpproucli
`iiicilitalcs is ‘to l;iinw' more about
`the design early on. ilizii
`is. iitcreuse in
`qualitative ratio of hard to soft inlurniaition. This reiniive imprtwcmctil in
`the quality ulinfnrniutimi is expected it! lead [0 ctiuivztlcni or better clcsigns
`llllll iirc icuiiipleli-d in less time and at less cost thzin those designed using a
`ti';idi1'u’ii1:1I sequential process.
`in which synthesis; of the
`Cnmrrured tn lradiiioiiiil cngiiiecring ilcsigit
`product pliiyei the central role. the d0t1‘Imz.ll1l icutui'c in concurrent ciigiticcr-
`ing is the synthesis of the |'.‘IfDI.3E.‘i1i ii.i'l1ii;lt includes design. mun ulucluri: und
`wppfltl aspects]. With the synilicsis of the pt‘t.‘it’.'CSti.
`is expected that the
`\)'l‘llllt.’$i$ til the product will follow n:3.turail|_i.'. Ci‘:rtuinl3.' sonic HSDCCIS til the
`design arc by necessity pursued sequcntitilly. For example. the preliminary
`design event will generally lullnw the cunceptuzil design event. What we
`mt-iiii ripeciticully by the synthesis of the process and concurrent design is
`that ilii: tlt.'t.'isiun5 that can bc .~.in1ul1:iiicnu.~sly resolved airc siniuliuiicmisly
`rcsnlwd. Indeed. what we seek is it holistic integrated model that yields a
`solution to all of the relcv-.inl dccisinns §l['l‘Il1lllu1CtlLISl)'.
`Given this argument and as cvidcnccd by the host of design research
`initititivcs being undertaken worldwide. design science is an emerging
`diseipiiiie tiricl the attitudes tmvurd design art’: ciianging. The lundamcniul
`rcasuns for this can be 3l.U”ll}UlL‘Ll in two singtilur events; at new cmph:isi.s on
`systems thinking and the pervasive presence nl computers. l~luwevcr_ inde-
`pendent of the iipproaclics or nicilmds used to plun. establish goals and
`model systems; desigiiurs tire and will cniitiiiue In be involved in two
`il.Cll'l-'l!lt:S. namely. processing sytiitmls and making decisimis. So.
`wlirii characterizes at decision‘?
`The characteristics 0|’ decisions tire governed by the characteristics of
`design of real-life enginecriiig systcnts. "I'hc:ic characteristics may. in part. be
`summarized by the following dciscriptivc sciitericcs:
`0 Dccisiiins involve inlurmution that comes fft)l'l'l diilcrciit sources and
`0 Dccisiuns are governed by multiple measures of merit and perfurmuiicu:
`' All the iniarma.1inn required to niuki: ti decision iiiiiy not he ':!\v’illl':lblCI
`0 same of the inlorniation used in making it decision may be hard and
`some inlnrtnuiion may be soft; aind
`The problem for which at decision is being made is invuriubiy loosely
`defined and open.
`V'””F‘"I~‘ none of the dccisinns are characterized by 21 singular. unique
`50l_UlI0n. The decision solutions tire less than optimal and art: culled
`Saitislicing solutinns.
`“Om a di:eision~basei:l design perspective. decisions help bridge the
`Sal? bctwcctt an idea and rciility. They serve as markers and units ol
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1031
`|PR2016-00204- Ex. 1031 P.6

`.4 tlet'i.virJ;i-iigised “pp,-0m.h
`.’ >-
`communication to identify the progression of
`it design [:9
`thmflgh lmnlcmcntation to termination and in
`9!’ exhibit
`dependent and domain-independent features. Focusin
`to a description of the design processes written i gum“ dmm,“b-"
`for teams from the various disciplines V
`.1 languageuugzmfinm _.PM
`of designing. Our formal dip
`I h
`mama!‘ 6’ “L I987: Mismw :'lt‘:Jl!l-lU[II9g(;].t
`term designing is asiullw
`in '
`uuprcifiess oil: comcriing information that charactcrinmg
`ents or 3 product into kflfiwlcdgg abomamm
`In this defi
`'1' I011. we use the ILTITI product in its most genera};-flu.

`ths. motel significant design products ttlcllltlhg:
`:3? :":f[:m”:‘o‘:‘;:9"h0f deciston-biised design can take dilierent ll3|'l'l!$,‘ii’:
`being dcvelffpedti
`‘file decision support problem technique lDSl'l'tlii
`supper‘ for h
`«In ‘Implemented. at the Llnivcrsity of Houstunlfipmiit
`‘hm princi 3:151‘!!! judgment in dcstgning systems. The DSPT wttsimrl
`an appmacl; R’-Zflflllgoncntsz a design philosophy rooted in syttemstliitiiitt
`mspsl and ‘her i Eflfllylng and formulating decision support
`' 5“PP0fllflg sol'twai'c. DSIDES. The DSFT compttstsfl
`s‘ name 3- 3 meta-dcsigtt phase and a computer-based design phat:
`iglr’-11:1‘-idttsitgn is at metaievel process of designing systems that iriciiitltt
`— a W tfrnénciigilfniystegi for Function. partitioning ttie design prourtinw ‘
`will be made‘
`3” Planning the sequence in which these tlnastm!
`For meta-,d¢si
`E0 to represent dynamic
`pirtitionmg an
`!?i::rtlt::su::a:% Pia“ “I1 meta is derived from‘ the work of Klir [Klih 1'”
`meta can have three meanings;
`W -‘met:
`u ¢;,,,,,w ‘mil: °°°“"5 dilfil‘ X: thus X is :1 prerequisite afmettt ill
`E. and
`X indicates that X changes and is at general namettlfl“
`.0 I7bGBE~
`i;.»g,;-Emmi”: “ ‘“’°"'-' lwperior mi X in the sense am it is monhtfl‘
`(mngnfimm high“ ‘°83C3| type or viewed from an enlarged P=“i‘°“"'
`I m!‘ "1"?! meaning. This notion oi‘ higher has 11190”
`Wmputcr scientists.
`in terms like mm’
`for exam is:
`‘]T3u’m‘geii"””“*“l°main. etc.
`P '
`1' (m”“‘”d“'5l8Cfll.. the detailed product specific decisinfiw‘
`"""“°‘l- Rather. What
`is designed is the process wit
`Tlic rlivrisiiiri SHpfJ()l‘l' prrilvi‘cnt tet'litiii;tre
`implemented in Pliiisc 1!. in l’lia.~i: ll ldcsigiit. iniijor dccisitins arc nmdclcd
`as DSl’.s and wlutiotts to thcse DSPS are sought. Phase I of the DSPT is
`lniscd on the primary axioms of DH[). These axioms map the particular
`dcsicn tasks to eliaraetcristii: decisioiis and provide :1 domain-independent
`l1':tIllt.'M't)l'l". for the rcprcscnttttioii and pi'()ccs.~“.ing of domain rclcvatit design
`iiihiriiiation lliamai.
`.-\itiorn—| Existciice of decisions in the DSPT
`The application of the DSPT results in tht: identification of decisions
`aswcititcd with this system (and substystcms that niay be rclcvantl.
`.'\.!.lfl!TI 2 Type of dccisiom in the DSPT
`All dccisioiis identified in the DSPT are categorized as Selection,
`(omprnmisc. or :1 combination of these.
`Selection and coniproniise are referred to as primary decisions. All other
`decisions which are rcpresicnted as a ctnmbiniiticm of these are idcntilicd as
`domed dcctsioiis. The aielc-stiiin decision.
`in the context of the DSPI. is
`defined as follows.
`Definition-l The selection decision
`The selection decision is the process of milking :1 cltoicc between a
`number of possibilities taking into account a number of measures of
`merit or attributes.
`The crnpltusis in selection is on the acccptarice of certain alternatives
`through the rejection of others. The goal of selection in design is to reduce
`tlic alternatives to :1 realistic and managcahic number based on dilTcrcnt
`measures of merit. These measures. called attributes. represent the iunctiontil
`requirements and may not all be oicqual intpnrtuncc. Some of the attributes
`may bi: quantified using hard information and others may be quantified
`using soft information. Siinilzirly. the compromise decision. in the context of
`the DSPT. is defined as follows.
`Dctinition—I‘. The compromise decision
`The compromise decision requires that the ‘right’ values (or combina-
`tion) oi design variables be found to describe the best satisiicing systcnt
`design with respect to constraints and multiple goals.
`_ The emphasis in compromise is on modification and change tc.g.. dimen-
`"“““' Sllfllhcsifil by making appropriate triideolTs based on criteria relevant
`In the feasibility and Dcrformttncc of the systcm.
`The second aitiorn is explained using set mutation. The set of all primary
`tltiL‘15lt)l'l5 in thc DSPT is given by. Det*isieiii=={S.C:" where 5 denotes
`Sclocttttn and C denotes Coniprnmisc. All derived decisions result from
`operations on this set. Some derived decisions are iilustratcd in Fig. 3.1. The
`coupled selcctiun-compromise dccisiion ll-”ig. 8.121]
`rcpresiciitcd by the
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1031
`|PR2016-00204- Ex. 1031 P.7

`Th!’ r1‘m‘ixinn .m_r=;mr'r przihiwii r¢'('hniqm"
`in Table 3.! arc the |;cj.\\'url.1v-. and dcscriplnr~e &i*i‘wu}l.‘iEtE4’.’(i
`with Ihc sclccuun and mmpmmisc [)Sl’~:,
`llic kL‘}'\.'.0l‘ds am:
`the ‘u:rh~.'
`that cl;;ssif3.- dumaiin rL’iL‘\:1I'Il
`inI'mnmIiun. and iilcnlily the r|.'i.'.Jl1L)[‘lS.l'll[‘J:>
`mM¢,1ih;u in[prn1;i:j«;m,
`In l|':L'
`l)SI’s lislcd Ill Tulalc H11.
`the lxcyxsurd
`‘fiiuclf is u heading under \‘~ hicli the h;Io;kgm11nd or knmm inl\\1'I11;ilic,ii1 is
`L,mup._-tj‘ Kcywurds uiiihmly in tlicnaxulws tho Li|.!l"l'lili['l
`inulcpcudcnt ‘pm-
`icdurui l-mowlcdgc" for DS§’s.
`|.)C\'C['l[7I(_lI'.\ urc tlbjccis org.-'unizcd under the
`:'CiL)\’;lI‘ll kc3.'\wrcis within the DST‘
`l'nrmu|;llium. Again.
`lhc) also help
`the pruhlum [mm ilk klir-L'l[3illlL' apccilic alescriplimi
`in :-i diari-
`piinc lmlcpcndcnl rcprcscnlzilimi. Fur cmnipic. to Sclcul
`l‘l'Ii.l'[L‘t'l;1i lusing
`[hr smclin‘-rl l)SPl t‘|‘ElSC‘ti nn mrengih. color and C‘(|~‘»!.
`(ha: mziluriail L‘i‘l0Il3l:‘.\
`:m'ii.~'.tr:d RES ‘::1h:rm1livv::<' and Elan:
`\'L’iCL'lln'I1 criteria 2»:
`inn represent 'I.'iC‘Ci:lriIliVI: knnu.'lcdgv:"‘ lRich.
`Table 8.! DSI“ i.'cuu1:'d~ «ml clcwtipltirs
`) i
`Kvi mania
`R uni.
`Um: riplxrn
`l;‘:smli¢i.'iIv .Iilk'rl1'.ill\‘{"~‘
`Rclulixc in1pnrl;mL“c
`Al1s:rn;un-cs u r.l. ;mnhi.riL~s
`()1'L'k'l' of prull-rciicc
`S}'.'~EI."ll‘l iuruihlcs
`[)c\:ulImi vuriuhlcs
`5}'.<[L'm i.‘ull.\ll".li!1l.\
`Sgitcrn gnuls
`Uiiiimi/L‘ l)mi.'ltmn fllncllmi—
`~‘\.!I£>m -4 mil} xccm ~ac1l-cmidcnt as m:ui_v solution lL'Chl'l1L|L1l.!§ n:.g..
`l"L‘.£’Tfl|11"1mI,-E Imnlincar Llpllmillllinll
`:md cxpcrt saystenisl urn: applicable
`W Plvblcms
`from ulillbrcnt dumuina.
`lilifi cmidiliun supple-
`T”5“‘5 5|-‘IIIVVI11 3 by sialing [hill dccisimi support nmiicls using domain-
`mdclkndcni constructs xhould
`an dnmaiin-independent
`To iaciiilzltc the design of cngiiiccring systciiis. our ;-ippmacli is; [0 rnakc
`available mols {analogous in ms palette of an. puintcrl
`a human
`difilgnur can use in ‘varinus events of the design Iimclinc.
`‘Flu: decision
`sllpporl Ilmhleni
`technique pulctic was first puhlishcd in IMi.~:ircc yr ul'..
`NH-‘JV Stink’ rciincmcnl and cxpnnsmn ml the concept occurred and mu
`f“F|’i!!_!l palcllc is fully described in |Bra:'. and Mistrec,
`|S'J9l|. The pulclur
`llglnllalini lhrcc dificrcnl classics ol'cmi1ics. nanicly. pulcnlial suppuri prob-
`Cl‘lilIlL‘I\‘ _'.Ind .irLll1Smll5i.\‘I(1In cntilics. Fha: icons reprcsxzntlnug
`L: are shown in Fig. 8,3.
`.=\ rrmclcl or network of :1 process JS
`"°‘“°d 53)’ connecting entities
`in a
`systcinalic Ihshmn. An c.‘\'tr:Il5i\'t:
`A dc:'.'.min-I:-axed’“pp;-,,m—;,
`Cfiulfilecl seIect:on;‘comprorm,se
`Corinllary to Axiom —l and Axiurn "
`Decisidn suppg
`the gecisians id
`Cm‘ are LllIiIlLd In prnudc. du.mnn gupporl Eu.
`cnlificd [within the DSPTJ,
`c6:s!t£é[:,i::;:-salpgmglry and derived] arc rCS(‘Ii\~‘I?(i using srfcizilm-d
`scléclion-compromls ecN°'T "”fiP0rt riroblenis. For imlancc. lhc couplrfi
`decision shown’!-n F?” D39 15: ulscd to prmidc decision support
`for the
`pmhlgms is uarfi lg 8.12:. Within the DSPT the nature ufdcrisiuti Suppl‘?-
`I ed lhmugh lhl: following two axioms lKamul. TWITL
`main independence nf DSP dcscripzors and keywords
`Words used to mode] D5 Ps. nced to he dflfi1llI!'l-
`_ Rllargccl and disciplipefl
`° P70665505 lc.g.. design. munul.u,Iurv.. mall!
`“'3 “T~E—. mechanics. engineering managemcnll.
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1031
`|PR2016-00204- Ex. 1031 P.8

`A dt‘t't'.x‘itii1-Imst-‘cl apgirtimh
`The it't'r't',Vr‘nn xtimiiirr pr-nhl:-iri
`A girl of uttrttlidaitc £lllL‘l’l‘l1tIl\'('I.\‘.
`The |'.|l'|I'1Cl[JHl ultrihtiltrx tittlttt-mitt; 'sl.'liL'lJlIU!‘l.
`The l'L’lttli\t: intpnrtaincc til’ 1IllrlhLllL‘$.
`Thi: :illCl’I}ilU\"t;.s wtllt respect ln Il'lL‘il‘ ;tttt'ibtitc~;.
`in urtlcr tif prcl”cn:ttt‘i;-
`The ttltcrnzttivcs
`ntcrit function values.
`l't£i.~£L‘U an the mmptitcd
`\it1til;irl\< tht: tsnnt
`rutnisc DSI’ is .\EillL‘tl
`in \'ittI'd& Eh lkilltiwrti
`’\n altcmutttc to ‘n: trnprmrcd thrntigh ntndihc:ttimi_
`~\SS11l'l1]'lllUII':l ust-tl tn mndcl thu tlunitiin of interest.
`The S_\'?'€ltt11'l p:tr;imv:tcr.~' tilirmd varittblusi.
`The constraints and gnals fur thz: IJ£.'-hlgll.
`DSPT palette entities
`P°‘°“l*3' SUDDOFI
`Base entities
`problem entities
`’ System
`Information +
`Inlunnati-tin -
`Energy +
`matter _
`Jnfarmatiori '
`energy -
`‘~'.IlL.lC§ [they tlcscrihc tltt‘. ;tt'1tl:ti.'t'.~'
`The tntlcpctttlunt .~:ysli:nt
`pl1_\sii::il aittrihtitcsi.
`Thu LlL‘V'lLlll0I1 \'ill'l;il7lc".“.\'
`goals are tit;htc\'ctl I.
`The system ctntstrttittts that must bu stttislicd lot the mltiliott In hc
`\Lllllt.‘~i llltc) tnilicntc Iltu cttlcnt to which the
`'3’ 3-3 Th? DSPT pttlettc for nindcling [Vl"0S..‘C.\‘.H‘L’.\ lflrklti and Mixtrcc.
`example using the
`Paleilc in the design of at frigtttc is giwn in tMisI.rct'.i:t :11.’
`A designer working within the DSPT l‘lil:'5 the lrcctluin to use subrnudtia’
`Elflfgsgvofks ‘fr 9 design process created and stored by others lprtbifll“
`[desmpmfij ‘mdmr 1° °‘°f“° Wlginttl models ml the intended plain of ttctimk
`and cullureSm°:‘!°l5l- The ICCIDS can easily aiccntnntodate tlificrcnt tradttitittt
`herein Furtha-n ‘ gmuld "|0|'bt: cuinsitlcrcd limited to the examples prs'5€"l“l
`are digcu5sed'-£1 ‘$105 associated with designing ntodcls of tllfilgll ]'lvl'W.’t.’r"\57-"‘
`In Phat-will of hms MN" I990)’
`that “mes Rd 1 6 the fntrus is on structuring and snltintl ll“ 95?’
`imnmaticrwithli The decisions itlcnttlicd in F'l1El\'t.! 1. Thu: 0FE3i“l"‘”"’” Ur
`rcprescnlmm sch =YWUr_ds and descriptnrs results in :1 general kiiowlctlfi‘
`“me with an associated sense: of tlzttzi athstrstctitin.
`ascfoltlhgzfds and descflptors frarri Tahiti 8. l. the selection D5? is rcileratfit-‘F
`The system goals that must £'tCl1lC\’L‘. tn the extent pmxihlc. Li spctrilictl
`ttirgct valmr.
`The l(Wl‘L‘l‘ and upper htitiitds tin Ila»: sy.-«'tt'na \’El|‘lEIblt'3S tind htiuttds. on
`llll? d¢\‘lZ1lll‘M'|
`l"l]I.‘:!SLlfC (if the dC\'l1I|lOl1 til this
`is ;i
`The dcvt:tt1t:in function that
`fiyatcm pcrformzinct: from that intplicd by the .\'L‘l nl goztls and their
`i1S‘i0CllllL’d priority levels. or rcltttivc wcigltls.
`ITASI’. the
`3inL\' the 3«'t.‘l.CL'llUl'l USP can be rcfnrmtiltitcd .t.~2 it
`‘“l“l"l‘"'HS¢ 1351’ he c<.itt.~tid<:rcd the prittcipul ntatltuntztticatl DSPT furmu|;t-
`l|l.'1|'i[Bé,££-C;’lJ‘i1ll at ul..
`llléifli. Tltts trmtslnrnuititin of xclcmion In cumpmmisc
`““‘k‘*5 ll Possible to f('Il'IT1l1l;1tt: and §L|l‘i'LE cnuplcd sclcctinti sclcctiuri I)SP.<.
`‘l1';;lqF“UPlUd sclcctitin cnntprtvtxitw DSl’.~'tSnti1h. or m’..
`l‘~Jt<.7: Katrundilmr.
`ll)‘-Jill. lnductl, an atigtnctttcd CUl1'lpI’DI‘l1l.‘s'l.‘ DSP is ttsctl
`;l':"'~""l")r'ii€=r1"«'cd decision. Tltcrclurc. let us cxzintini: the tintlcrpittnings For
`Tztétlitcmutical lnrnitilzilttin til th-.-A cuntprtirtiisc l_)!’.
`mOdc|w|?"l;?fLil:tt|SC t)3P lnrniiiltititin ts
`inultitibjgctivc Pfttgfalniflllllg
`mmpnmltv \-‘Ii. C0l"lSldL‘l’1U-lJL'i:l l‘l}.'b1'IL[_l"t.\|'l‘I1l.1l&1I!O!'l (Mt:-;tri:c if! itl..
`l9‘?.=.I_. It
`‘5 Wflwpts fl'CII‘|'1 htttlt
`trttdtttcirtul m£tIhcm:ittt:;tl pmgrmnmittg
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1031
`|PR2016-00204- Ex. 1031 P.9

`Thu rI'cn.~::.;r! support p:'tI11I'cm [m'hHiqI44"
`the ;,_gpim1:ou1 space) um! {Inn \vhIs.'h can he ;lL3|‘IiL‘.\Cd lax‘ Inudciccl by the
`Jmgut space}.
`(‘m1mm|nis.c D81‘: are wrim:I1. In g_:u|1cI'.':L m Icrnus oi n ~a‘\‘\t«.-nn \‘:ll’l‘.1l"IlL‘\'
`{hr suclur of \'::rr~.:bIu\. X ma}. inclmh‘ uunl|nunu.\ v;|rmblc.~. and hm‘-h‘;m I1
`;{'{'R[;|i_ ll
`if 1'/\l.SEih \:n‘inhh‘!s, S)'.N|CI!1 \;|ri;|hlc.s are inahrpcndclml of the
`n:!1crdcscripturs‘;md um ht L'hum_:ca.1 to alter Ihc stulc of 1h-: system]. $_\-walcnl
`hHi;lhh,'\ that dcfmc thc phj.uc;1l Lt[Il'ihllI\.‘\ n1 .m ;:r:ifuc: muai he pmtmc.
`.\.~;\stcI11 cunslratnl nunh:l~’ .1 Inml that ax pI;u.'L'd on lhu dc~'1gt1. The ac! nlv
`-.\\I‘L'l1'1L‘("!17?lI‘:IlI1l5 musi he ra;'1l1.-Iivztd lnr the 1}:;::s¢hI]It_\ of the design. Hath-
`L"h1J1lL'.lH}'.nj\‘SleIl1 c»m~'.tr.'1:'I1.I- are I'um.:lI-m.~ uf >'_\'.\’lcI'|1 xurnzzlwl-:5 uni}, T|u.'_\
`Mt.‘ maid and no ~.mi.nlJun.~ arc .,nI1mI.'cd, Thcj.
`rc1:4.l:: Ihu Llcnmnd platuxl on
`ma ~.\~.~u:rn.
`l}1XI. In the cnp:Ihiln} n!‘ my ~_\'_~lcm. URI '1 hc wt nlv \_\‘\l’L'l'I1
`-.‘r311nl.I;1111L\ Ina; he ".1 mm HI" Imcgxr am-.1 :1nn|i1ar;LLr
`l‘uncL:un.~. In cnglnccrlng
`pmhls.-m.~ rhc xyslcm conslmmla are inxurmhiy. tnuguuluucx |»lmv.c\cr. num-
`»:-ms rcqumng ::qu.uIil_\' s_\stcm cnmIr;1Jnr~. l'l1&l}' urisc, The: r::g'n.u‘1 ul' t'c;ml‘n|-
`m Llclincd in 111::
`\‘}'3'lL'll‘l cuImr:nnI.~;
`L». culled lhn: Iluslbic dmign .~.p;1L‘c,
`A-\sclnfvi_\,.;lcr11go;1|.- is mud 11: Inndcl the ::sp1r;:tisa|1 :1 designer has fur 111C
`rcl;|lc~' Ihc gnu]. (i,. of mu L1l.“<'1I_.U1L‘T In the ~.:cIu:u| pcr!'nrm-.mcc_
`.1.4_\u_ nf {he S}'SI(‘1Tl with 1'C‘i]1CCl
`rm thc goal. Thu :h'rmlmn xuriuhlc in
`mtmduccci as .1 mu-amm: uf :n.‘lm'\’cn1c-nt since we wuuld hlw tin: m|,uu 1‘-I
`MIX! 10 cquai (3,. C0115! rulnmg the cicvuumn \;trI;1hIu:s in he Imn«ncg~.|li\‘L2
`ll’:-.* s_\.N'l€TT1 guul hccmm-4:
`.-’\,I,\}~d,‘» ml,’ -_[i,. i: I,
`-Li," =lP and Ll,
`.:.1,f 5.9.
`-15,‘ _-£!|cn~.11u-,~rI1;It nl h.‘-"I?-I um-u1‘Ihc du\:;1l'mn
`The pmducl L-unsatruinl Id,
`:~.m:1blr.'-.« for ;1 p'.i1"[IL'li]‘.1f gm] mll 1$1\\':i}'\ he /cm. I1‘ lhn: pmbicm IS >:oh=L‘.(|
`using a wrlcx rmluuun schcnlc an :1 mailcr nfc:»t1r~c than Ihls cunalilmn I5
`BOLlI‘ld>' arc spccific hlflllh pluccd nn ihc n1;I_unIl1ulc 01‘ each :1!‘ the s_\:lt.'lI1
`Mad dc\,-tatiun xuriuhlcs. E:.m;|1 \m'Iuh|:: hm. .'1.~..wcinlcd min '51 a lower and an
`fur mmicling rcnl-xmrld prnblcnh
`lioundx Me.‘ Impurlunl
`}*I'Pt‘r' hound.
`I‘-ecmw: lhc) prnucic :1 mcum to Include thc uxpcrictlu-c-buxcd judgmum of :1
`dcsxgncr in the n1a1|1en\:mc::i fnrmuluuun.
`I” ”'"-’~ 'L'0m[\rUn1i>'z: DSP lhrlntnlmmn the aim is |:.»m1‘n1mI./.1: lha: dil'fc:'c:ncc
`hclwccn lhut which is d:.'si1'cd and thul \\|u'uh can bc ;|L‘1In.'u:L|. This ix dune
`ht-' minimizing the dcvmiun !’um:tn,m. Zn!
`.1." 1. This funclinn is .ul\=-nus
`in l=.'l'l1'I_\ uf lhzr dC\‘lii{iL1Il
`\;tri;1h|c.~‘». All gnuls I11i1_‘«' HUI ht‘
`‘“"i‘<‘rI'.1n1 to u dmglxcr and the fl1H'l‘ILI|£lli11I1\ arc clu.~‘.<nicd as .=\rchirrwr.icuI1
`"V "ft‘Cn1pIi\a:
`huwd rm Ihc mmncr in \vh|u.'h in1p0rt;ms.‘c is .m'ignuo.l In
`“”“'i‘3i"¥ Wt‘ goals. The nmsl general form of the dctialléml ftlnclinn For H!
`x_!u:1ls in the /\rchimcdcam fnrmul;1nun 1»
`?’.(d mu: 5 mg LI;
`.-. ».x';.1,‘;
`I I
`HPR2OI4-01126- Ex 1031
`|PR2016-00204- Ex. 1031 P.10
`£g1‘:]inulu,m:'n‘ ‘ml W‘ “I! -‘.'**li‘m wr2.~tr:.un:«, and two‘
`define lhc
`aspinmnn space [See
`gfiassjr and th: «:2 «.1-1 ~.}zi!€m go-_-E, J-.-vi,
`bcnufids ITPUSI 155 Smsfiedg
`_ gr.
`tn: :}s£cn1 wmrr.-sna.
`which achieves [h,_. S§,Slc'm‘
`:"f[lNf“'“E Svhllmn Ihcn L‘: U141 fcmhlc pdii
`problem reprcscnts a trad‘ f§’OH~3 .4,» far
`L15 pomhlc Thu:
`.~olu1mn h‘- Eh-
`W bcluccn aha: uhich Ls dz-«red ms modcértw
`5‘I"5FEfi1 constraums
`""3" 5Ystem Qoa|§
`‘In thfs case
`ranhiml rc
`Fig. 33 G
`is a5‘”"‘&"' "lat W; = w = w
`D.l'U5i3|'l!.ll1nn of ,5. ;v_.‘_.,_dimcmi“nd! D5 Pl ‘archlmctiull “(mu
`.4 ma:\::Ir:-.?'m‘~rz.’.;f‘,rar._.g;ix
`L ‘
`f.’ 4.‘
`élfid :_w'a.i r»‘f|'I¥‘l"a‘l'nrfilng I.
`.3“ ],_.Mm_m -“K
`; x-rt’?
`._ .
`..‘.. _
`.01”; pmgnmml

`_. SHE‘
`,_ .
`.11: wzp. uficd
`la) nndncata: Ins starch for min « ‘mm If
`.I_r /._‘ I9.-2.
`IHM. Hy
`arr‘, H L".
`-_I ~'.c:
`...{ ];~.(.[,,,_~m 1.,
`Impicmcnlcdx. for 5 m35_;,tm_.=
`Ex ;_'n.F?',‘f'«:I':q_fij
`._,[._gd.‘ Hf
`H115 doc‘: um L:prc:,<nt a
`c.1>h:5_:.. hm-gu prai»g:;1mn.:n:_=a, rug;
`Rvrrtsz: ;'€_:‘?t\I.1‘I1‘.J!'.{.
`' ¥ ‘-1:’:
`(JP N0‘
`dU<':S (JP r‘f|'\'d
`fL‘_{‘."..‘V:.'nZ;1[IL‘rfi_ :1
`f(.‘PFC'!'>f.‘!'1h-illinn {has 2,
`..‘,_1;\;U1-mg mi r_.”,uT;_
`i.'!g:{&' C‘?T::»,'E.‘
`real lVL\fl[j pm;-,;L.m__‘
`The mm
`Pfflmtsc D5!”
`5 x!'"'U‘:‘5‘i?t‘*1‘AIt‘?I1‘v':w*“‘
`rmulatcd as ustcm en; hmlhf’ ‘U (JP
`. d 1
`imv Hnu in.-1}». ”~_['»n-_
`and the d‘c\‘:a1I-Jn furrcainn
`V L "‘r‘
`J {up-v .,~
`“““ '
`‘- 33-
`.3031 dcw‘:J!.»»:
`This Is
`In wnxmx!
`so !.r::d1:1nn,;i
`where multlpic oh ~ '

`U ;=.1n“’1 n
`|[ _.v;~‘—
`JLKIISL‘:-. arc n~,.'.dL-g‘_»d J‘
`“__ he .
`h_‘n‘.§bI°J" ""5 The cunc»:}‘°:
`.:-I amen:
`‘ M”
`‘W “ W151»,
`u->n~1:.-um» as
`Bidlliflflifl ennstralntd nrmm
`H’-fiihflfl Iul’mL£].1I1a"n }Lmcu:r, the gumpyn
`Plawi‘ 5P<‘€iaI emphasis
`lhv; but,-nda H:
`,,'\\h_.m Nnahlm
`lradnmnal malhematucul
`pr“3“‘”‘m'"§ am! OF’
`"P:-: ck-mptswmiyc Lb?
`constraints and bound,‘
`zm; hand}-.:d 5.-paratcl} frnfia ihc sf-.\'I:'m

`.-l dvt:r.m;it-fvtmatl uppmm-h
`wlterethc weights W," . Wf. W,‘ . W’; .
`. ‘W
`,; rcllccl thc lL“-'clt11'd¢;_a,§
`to achieve each tvf thc goals. Gent;-rally
`tltcsc 't\'Ulgl'Ils would bctzltmcttm
`sum to unity. However. it may ht:
`tlilllcult tn It‘lcI1l1l_\" truly rrcdibl
`A systctnattc approach for dctcnitttttttg rI:.‘t-lSt'7I!£]l'llC wctglits IS to rm ah;
`schctncs prnscntcd in Ikuppuraju ct al.. 1985: Bttscaran rt uI..
`The most guncral
`.ro;u.:h In ttssignin»
`riorit‘ xx‘ 3 mm l1‘\‘€t3
`where the goals are rzinlt urdcrcd. Muluplc gmils can he assigned the tarrg
`rank or level. in which case. Arcltinwdctm styled weight.» may ht: l.l$€‘d within
`level. This assignment of pI'lll!'ll,}‘
`[‘lI'0bEhl_\r‘ eaxrcr in an lfiduhlmt
`cnvimnrntmt or in the earlier smgcs ufdc$igILTl1z: measure ulacl-i

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