`yea ds
`ra ati
`11 Di
`aibis oth
`nt fluff
`ott rdm 1S

`Bureau ot Standards Journal
`dOlfltLOliS 01
`the ifldiVldUiL 510111 CILdflifl
`lL aonne roufiguranon is
`by its mirror flange Vant
`Hod illustaterl
`this nde quite plainly
`its application to the carho
`However at hat time the
`hydrate field as will be discussed below
`pcrimenl al data were lacking to establish its
`alid ty in the sugar
`io9 the deeolopmeni of experimental carloh
`die in-try wa sufficient or Hudson
`io apply the superposition rub
`by us method of CoItsldefiiig only the rotations of
`the first nsyni
`mc iii
`carbon and the rest of
`the molecule and to determine the
`the first carbon atom and the rotation of he re3t
`aptical rotation of
`lie compared all kinds of derivatives by his method
`of the molecule
`tnd by this way of compar1on showed that
`the principle of optical
`to make comoarisoll
`UpL.IpOSIC ion bORIS app oximn telv
`in ordci
`bet eeen substences whose structure differs considerably he ixiade
`rules isoiotation or approximations
`The corrcla
`number of
`of rot ation in lie sugar group by hini and others showed
`exist many devielionsi
`from his rides which intricate Ihat
`the various aym
`given group on the rotatory power of
`influence of
`toms is manifested
`iie carbon
`the sugar molecule
`was alilicipa led
`the theoiy of optical superpo itioti
`test of
`cant Hoff4 in 1t94 who .taees
`that when there are evera
`at oins then
`be added
`ot- subtracted
`the lout- pciiose tvpcs OH CHOI-I3 we should have
`lhus for
`die following rotation
`jual ABC
`and No
`ilne the 5110 01 No
`khe oiation of aralinosc probably tile higbst shoula he equal
`rthese nod the cia eted fourth type taken
`tahions of vyloac
`idet airy be pu in the farm of four simultaneous eqim
`thi cc voriahks and
`ions w-lnoll
`contain oi ily
`the experimental
`ron any three of
`xaiue if
`the equal ions
`ho burl ci equanori
`apahed in lie given eas
`II one had
`imiPr series of coinpount1 ih rh
`wouLd bo strong eindenc that all
`the compounds in he
`.rc cii sioihir
`r1S11 ealnoitio
`lie experimental
`roa.suning has not been posibe beeauae of he lack of
`of Liii
`rxlein and sulb-irn expermen tel data The prbiem is far more
`thu vent
`cmhl cat innate at
`early dale
`Li .r cr in the litbt
`of modern kiiovlecigc
`the ring .trUctP1C
`i_ tr it should now he possible to rear-li
`the desired goid
`data wc avoilublo
`ho p-
`.1 ru VI
`1.O ICr .flCStIli
`ru rn .1 c.
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1023

`Iotewn cad iio aflOlVre
`Supii so
`uuihor is attcrnjttng to piepare those eolnpokmd ncceaaty
`the calculation am sic eJn of
`of all
`the optical
`different asymmetric carbon etomr in the bco
`.oars and nwihv
`tiP in
`ioie of c.dirIilosc
`ifs if at
`1110 optisa
`been leLerinIneO iiec aloe so mpk-te
`3methy1 dgulosides hwt
`the conipu Lotion of he aptied tota 1on of cncli
`the data ne-essurv lot
`.hc several asynina vie eni bun othms in the hexoso .ntgan and in
`The values obtained for the iotvorv pm of
`the methyl glycosides
`ie of particoro
`the different asymmetric c.nbon
`glvtosidee ma be
`the normal aldolsexoc sugar end iwtiut
`of all
`The numerical values for the at preriit mincm norinel
`form of 1idose dtaoe daliotc and da1tr
`sc ano the- cot-respond
`An ottenpi
`is hein made to
`ing methyl gyco-adca arc predicttoi
`the i1ttiiai
`one at
`ii a--e
`fl501i 1.0
`racy be found tn tb
`he optical
`rotnLcwo whoit
`values IL will be .tiong evidncc
`the predicted
`sugars involved in the calculations ha inuIar rn structures
`hccaue they are the PY alues flail
`the jtI
`c-il ml
`ia hcn cant
`.rj3 prcaenfsd i.hc 1he.iy
`the red iewf sugiis
`Inis heefl
`fe uvt dis
`ia 11
`-numetnc cvbor
`heel st
`the rc inctirii
`the educipa sgar bitt disorcrv ri
`tritu SC lu
`hr. OLL of
`The opth ii
`moderii eoncpL
`si ructre of the sugnl
`roru tioji
`torn wa t-terinuc-i
`lhOti b-
`the aeuoakielr.dc
`of brilliant ree cles di-veltpci
`Jiudrer who b- C1i
`of oprh 01 siipe position into the mc
`the theor
`oil at 11w
`1511 of
`hsh 141lOfl n-
`the 11 IIO dP. 1.101 ugns
`the .c
`the cta sugars tid tue rolt
`the or eleeule
`the adforin
`the so La lit
`antI the rotation
`fl of
`the diierenre bet eon the molecular rctaums of
`cb.ta first
`si-cars and hi-ir derivatie- 2a is
`/3 hoLIS of
`ci On
`ill Tile olidehvde
`nearh constant quari ii tv and secourfly that
`forns of
`in witic mjy the first carbon is
`hose derii ati
`IUI- aldow siaat
`es of
`affected hi molecular jO Latjoiw whose 411.111
`1sii1ma1elv cs.juoii
`to LIce suns 26 of
`the inulcuI
`fat ma of
`otations of
`are found to the
`tic sugar Certain in.eeptiour
`rides pa
`any in tile mnnse i-barn nose
`ad lxeic ei
`it ili
`led to
`t_ ii
`021 13
`Pr .15
`2-In aJ3
`iLtatory lower ijd S0atj.c
`5r -un
`mm ii 0-Sd
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1023

`buceeii of Stooda Jr ioucnat uf Resea c/i
`that among hi 1nown derivative
`TiO L3pI
`.mis tIere occur sthsthncc
`of priou rilig types which ac
`ouni to the observod osceptienal
`rotations end that
`tances belonging to the ank ring type slow normal eoinpuiii lie
`The Itvpothesis
`ottiojia which accounts fat
`the nornial
`id uPbeat
`arious nihtances
`-cries which
`ion of
`to the d.ilfernt
`uav goro Lisly attacked ly Tiiii orth and ITirst
`he iostuia ed
`and /3mannosc as being not necessariiy dissimilar in img
`the dtvrgence in ork ci rotation may ho
`ore and beievo the
`aucd by tie spcial ansngemaritof hvdIo\v
`groups jr
`coal tl
`cola ted sugars rhamnose arid lyxost
`IVXISO ivllose rotation 70 also exceptional
`their studies they
`ddt lonal sup
`hypot hsis has recently received
`ii udsiiri
`oct in tim preparation by Daic 12 of
`caiciuiir ehloide double corn
`new form of ad--manncse whose jotation agrees with the
`ooiind of
`I-i rdrn foi
`1uhi ted
`of /drmrnriosi-
`in ui
`fllR ii
`the sugars ant
`corn pa rison of the optical rotations ot
`given series cf eomlioPilciS have or have not
`imlitntes that
`-incr Form Tim cilig sti-ucture
`to be
`said ser
`c-c cuuiuiou
`same as
`the rag stniLure of any iubstancr-
`in the sndcs whose
`-crur tore i_s ctabiishe-l by othiec nu-iliods Tin ring structures
`1cc-v substances
`die results obtained
`are dnrii cii
`showed that
`in lfOS Pirdie and Ti-vine
`rhe hvciroxvl
`groups iii
`.thyl ghcoside roiild he replaced by nethrc-zi1
`reaps by recalls of
`vi ldide and cult oc ohdc
`Since a11 Pie hi dccxvi giounS in the
`alucese aic ihoched the iiin struhurc is as
`icatiharl penlaaic-ftvl
`The normal
`and ct pentarnthvi gin
`when hydrol sed Lv roads are coot cited nte tetramcthc
`the terramethvl glucose exhiL-t nutarotattan
`an.1 give the sniec
`pon er whroh shows thee
`lunal rotatort
`thi giucore hree the carrie ring st.uctur-e
`hecen tl Wcrlfi-oiu
`have siroan iiat
`be uairs
`rorind Lv dilul
`alkalies dii ceth
`to tetramcihcT macinose which
`Lis flait
`glucose have simi
`tetrrmathI mennose and tetrainethyl
`idcnce on the locai non of
`the ring
`cincr st u-act
`Iv ox ha loll of
`tin inethi
`la.ted sugars to the COrrC-
`ticlds Charlion .hirwortheml Pent
`found that
`no icctone pu-op--i rid from 11.1- normal forms et slii.ose gahuc tose
`noumo.arhriurc and
`lose bt
`into Lyle ti
`fl4 the aldose- coil
`ilL bi
`to O\id
`ied li
`carrre1 uriluccte tb-it
`e.c lonuecl
`st sugar
`nt.1 .urncd
`Ii u-st
`ibis cOflClUIOfl
`Ji -i
`i_ Ar li
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1023

`UpUeoi d.ja ici Tha.j
`10 So G11
`ia ben confir.ried
`of th various moth In ted
`the detrrodation
`5uga acids by mt
`the epecred pcoouco
`from the norma
`erratnethi 0f0flIC acid
`prepd ed
`uoe on it cu atid
`70 p.r vent
`ieid ol
`hch in h.n to thai
`me iIiO\yg1U nile avid
`rityIa ted rnar
`ring struoure
`the third neth
`The fooiiiitioa of
`tire dhtilic bta so
`nod other cindar coïnpounci
`-forin of Pisdter
`rugar solrticn an cquiiibriam nioc vh1 between
`that mn
`ring- fonns
`.A pointed out
`hc1p anci PLrve the
`of differeni
`iated suit ii which might be prepvroi
`ring sti
`iteture of
`suh soluijon would not dotermine the tiler stracture of he origixial
`uJtnhtha roahon atom
`Ji0fl subsntiitjon
`on the
`tue o.vgen ming is nor stqbls
`end 1ud.aL1y it
`as in the glacosides
`dae not
`uoa fru cr mthv
`oh tuned froni
`tie of al vcodcs
`he cornet
`aslc.Iried that
`ring struct
`triothiatnin triios but
`no nng stuel
`ires of
`the svgars arc
`hv nictbvaton
`iL G-nicthvl
`au WU iv neI hI Itioii sr1pa tiitt
`iino liv
`iethvi galnctosid
`wncsc rtha.Ions were ustd cuìt wich be
`not hero
`alien SIUQWs
`to ltnoea
`i-rng atiijrh-tp
`arid moth
`rep01 od
`uiosides it
`in bra ant
`the other crvstaIitheirivcoedc
`01 th 5iCr
`crc alenand be
`urn of
`rlPg trictureI
`gar ui
`to in
`Iire ccur
`in dct
`cmpu ad
`The rotal cii of each suir
`the corrcpondhig
`rotation of
`glveoside Fee Wears of
`by l.ulrthv
`il1rts nov.y
`ith the
`irh ish.L
`IWCiifli ter
`the valuet oi
`on substances have smu1er ring tricIirns
`Thee only encep
`or ii
`tions as pieviousiv found by
`umen ii Va UC elmows
`3w oj
`uP1 odii mD
`is usumed
`31 iO 11 Ojil arueth% cLinuririosde
`-- Oj and hence
`.U Pr
`Lvrrth tSr sn Iiiil
`.o ri
`iy .rijin-rii
`u.n Sx
`rart ti-at
`in SiC
`ci.n S.c
`Slit in
`1352 1951 P5
`plsn.iid Tn aathvat
`o.o ipuiiyi uisIi1
`iuilShed TI thi
`hue b.iusc il
`CrC iOflhik.tli
`Itrnnse .nr prch3S Tin irucrurr
`he s. i_linT before
`th mtL Ci in tudi-
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1023

`ta IaiiLs Jou.rrnd cJ Research
`thl.\ bd ng to ih sonic seOiOs
`.440 from
`The vslue of
`ohio from the methyl glvco
`does not check
`10 .IntIi
`it hie
`ring structure
`The value of
`therefore excluded from he ealculations
`ii 2.000 from 8dJ.vxose 70 does not check
`the value of
`8760 iroiii amethyl dFxosde and so it
`is also excluded from
`the cokulaions
`The values of
`as weli as the data USed in
`re given in Table
`he calculations
`caLL Optical
`lOtion of
`the aldose sajnrs and qlgcosidcs
`t-0.333 0003
`ii 3OI
`--- 4333
`3--i.othvt 0-1-1134-
`I1 333314-
`-f-SO ..j..110IIi.1l400
` ---1 772
`-flu -332.2M
`0- I73Prr_o 533
`HolrOIiI 4.m L.m.Tp1 1q17
`faii -05 37 1073 59
`-tmerCis SwII
`ft--fl31t-I 0.- srsv thins 3.-p
`.1a.o w-c 110_n hc aull ro c-rft wh0h will 53 suiooqIcntlv pulIihc.l Tin rotian
`he eth
`cr 33-d frn
`h1or31c doohic onuoun-f
`of a- d-rolss
`tL 1Cit3f7 5oPl
`The iota- 10
`_n If 4rn1 lOy 113 13 52
`33111cr L31 330r
`101 34
`lyf.33 Sc-c
`10-n 1-
`-c do
`..o4 rrs
`12 304
`51- -no
`.c vs.Ln-
`0mg sti w-t.1re for the sugars the are repre
`c-c diffor
`the stereorner1 orrangeinent
`c3i-hcn ato only one form is givers
`The methyl
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1023

`Vpttcut Rotation ood Rina
`trtena gar Groai
`from thc
`first etl IS roplo ONI by metlIo\y group
`Sugiiri- only in tha
`he vdro on tb4
`T1117 iini
`rI C.C.C.C
`d-I.oc 515
`rn ri
`flJ Oil
`the rot
`the ror
`in the g1ycossdv IlnI
`the ji 1101 earooxi
`lOuis In 1111Cr J-
`1115 SIJiiF
`It ThiN of
`the io1eeuI..r
`The rO id icr0
`111011 oI1ow
`tlvcosnIe are gi-e by eiun t1OiL
`the lWCSLri0S n-ce deiolLIIn ted with
`the variouE cisbon
`II 1XItO5PSN ls toe3
`the capital
`IUI dCS.CiUit0d
`tlie rGIa for
`the Vflr1Oo CUI0JL
`with the small
`to hsrinuih thrn
`in the glcoides
`rirLed wIth nil
`The trm in the lOUOtiOflS
`from th vaies derired iriin the utnr-
`are conjdered to be poiiive when the bydroxyl group in the oiwor
`lies aheve as 505511 iii Foiinuln
`1101 bel.on cifld n-cu.tsve nijon tr
`to VI ncluie
`t2 8c_ii.tcocaic-.JfftTIhRi
`mannoc aHIlL-.H-Ii--l 1700
`-xd-gn1utosc Cp If
`ft --- ft4-4-h
`gi000.4L10 -4ali.7-4--J--
`t-- 30031
`79 3nathvi dgiucnsidni a---I- If1 jI-- lPoOe
`UI fl
`11 0111
`-tn- R- -- Tf --RIR- -4373U
`1fl arncthl
`18-iiwIh1 d-galactosida 4Rft1----It--
`13 atntithyl
`_L_99 000
`igui-u ido
`iguioTidc- -ai..I 2i--R3R-iIf--
`114 amethyl
`ngars qm ci
`Tb 70511 on 04 7IL Iis 044100
`Tb glyo1.hi ci
`701C 5001
`see 11 nee
`rbn at-
`en c1cuLl
`thL ser-LO
`JIudso 10 1905
`io 41 ill
`InC-C 10 rUilion 57 11
`lo 11 OCt75 107 Stud 111 -iOOtflO 10
`4.01 CLI aU07
`Ito TplmriC lif5t
`05 ors rot ikrabis oJ lh
`Us 21
`II WI 75071-
`due to IT
`OiiretOiotjtot of 5-15 TrIletUrcI TI Cot-lOon
`04 th imrlb 7700 710111 nh- puose gIycoirtCs
`1150 resored to ic the some cr0 is
`U..iOfl -57 W75
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1023

`Standards Journa oj ResearJl
`ri -- awl
`IS 4-
`18 -d-Ly.üi-c-
`-- Pr-I- 0--I-
`-I- ti -r2-
`r- -r3F
`-I 13800
`r4 120.250
`19 aisiethI 1x looide
`20 3nethvI dxdoside
`1arid 11110101 a.j c2 r3
`2l cinetii
`raimnohle --Qr2- r1
`22 3moth2
`231 c-methyl cilyxosidc a-r2 -5ir4 9740
`Ie CfJUz2t1OIs
`p1st geii mnv he coived for
`the optieal
`the differeBt asynitneti-ic
`or subtracting
`iu t1cidir
`he equanons in such manner as to elmimstc all
`the variables except
`The computations are given below-
`-1 2840
`-f 40200
`24 .c-
`ai1.ucie ficgIlicoiw
`ilpal doshk
`20 vsrih
`r1ciIactmide ---j5--rerivI
`27 ami
`hvt ei-glucosde9merhy1 4-gFaosidc.
`28 umci
`lii dgUlO$ide6nwth
`20 aJgiuaooc
`30 amethyl dmninoide
`31 a-1-gdsec-d-gaiaetose.
`32 unelh ilguloside a--awl Lyl Jgulaei oidc
`ti ui side
`31 asiucosna dga1actoc
`35 2d.-giuenoed i-aiaetose
`tg1leOs1d umel hvl
`.30 aTielhVl
`37 8mti1iyi dsripeodc
`.18 adgiihe I-ailfliO.LIOO6C 2awj
`iguloide-I-asnetnyl dinaiinoidc
`2-0 ixICftii\l
`41 mil hvl
`-12 wl1C10--- udlyxos
`13 amethyl -xyIo$idea-methyl 1-lvxs
`44 81ar 2a
`a-methyl l-arahro-icIi-amethy1 dhywcld6
`46 vcwl
`47 asw h-I ixslocidc
`firiel hvl
`imnhli dxdosideamethvl
`1a raid nosidi-
`10 34O2a11
`880 2a
`37 4002a
`36 0%J-2a
`11 900- 2R
`15 30021
`14 80U2R-
`--- 16 780 21
`Ii 0211
`-.5 9202Th
`220 -21t4
`-- 35 9S0--2a
`--1-37 -420 2-
`12 07522
`15 5002r2
`-10 3702r
`12 S$09r
`12 450
`15 020--
`13 5802
`con cf
`Phrui- ri viii
`lSTIC of is for
`-d-ulasi plus d-ninncaiJhan
`4sdn.rmina Ly eqtioon cu and cr Th.-jc cl .1i
`is oi ion-I
`ly sUltrcthi
`ons of ad -Wriso ai 1r iinc
`ounih r01
`ii frr
`11 so ci d.-s Icons-
`vi d-juise
`i-ian-- nc
`nine DLIi
`I- di Cr cm ion if 2o
`US of ir 0114101 au Hot
`Pet 054 sir hi
`idon hoc s.n ii
`rh-nn ao-n 4t iriiVt Uci4
`no for acia 1.7i wt
`na apI ppc-.s
`lie ro_iüi
`Eu fat
`souU for rie henor
`pt nIT ry ti- nnrncr cn
`1en inc C.UiiCfl 1cr 20
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1023

`Opt fcal
`th trLitrz .a
`Pente eres
`lyS 350
`R7 400
`-S 2113
`rJf- --3 PI 3Th
`-7 150
`cc Ootrit
`tim of
`th rco
`tony 0r
`ti th
`th I-coside sls tha in
`md that
`ho cir IL.If
`the liriponcal
`toe af
`ti-ia atSUflit101
`tho v.rbs as- nmletri
`IO.0 flS 0111
`rot TH If
`To1 ShoWS
`fist hl-e itl
`ihe I-i
`tho same order
`ceies ore of
`the 10-1
`se ie ho
`atoms in the haoMf
`tha rot tioa ci
`01 1-ro ci ps
`-10 dora
`ha haa.c
`01th011 if
`th- T..V
`the hrrt ctin
`-c --
`.o tT
`-5 scrI._s
`th.-rhc rota
`ho didcri Ocr -i
`i1ih0OtOTt Oil
`tuc torts ILStfIII
`rIot he SOS
`ato-ri. ws
`ii- ins
`iS irI11P1C cirt.ion
`mtnpl-rc c-ai
`he Dc-v all
`the ta tmv powei
`IS aoi
`dare -er iiatoi-rii
`is vci-v uno
`is clot
`dc on
`J-lroorth rI-
`t-iLafl -cc he lot
`ore those on to her
`it /iflIC-
`inn th .t.iO Catr1cir
`tstcrv poe of rio hi arm am
`for lie
`it can not ho orphined or
`Ll1 Ic 1v
`-_i1 v-a
`ide of
`cowpsison may now be mddo between
`otolo-.esl-mmatrr carbon atoms ilk
`he o1iioal
`crars and
`lotarions ol
`sp-mding rotations in the nIethl-1 gk ce Tic hot powi
`115 rorat-ir power 01
`wei nv g1ocoside
`the udtvidaI 0svunetrIc CLLIbCll 011115 in the
`tie corre-
` in than tIe rotctoiy 11ovcr of
`the sugals This indnsi Ifs thai tIi s-iilsI 110 liOnel
`N5 000
`Ilrev i1d
`t1- II
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1023

`tanJard Jounwi of 1vaeecch
`122-- Li
`by methyl group afFects the rot ations of all the asvnimetric
`bzi atonis in the sugar Tius c-oncept
`in agreement with
`is riot
`the rigid application of Hudsons second rule of iorotition Accord.
`eg to that rule the rotation of an amethyl glveoside of
`vdi ha
`-- 0M4 and
`that of
`the alpha fouii of
`the parent
`11111 en
`hi ni
`there are several marked exceptions
`alue but
`fairly constant
`which were notcu by Hudson
`hcw deviu.1 ions
`An explanation of
`can be derived from the values for the optical
`rotatory power of
`rums asymmetric carbon atoin in the sugars and glycosidos
`the difference in
` to the theory of optrra superposi1oii
`rotations between the methyl gicosides
`and the
`3p0111iflg sugars is given by the folkwhig ttc1uatiori
`.2 1241 R4
`114 J.
`GOH rI-
`inee the vsjunes of 11 are larger than the values of 11 the value of
`will ai slightly with the structure of
`the sugar
`the case of arabhrose the sugar whjcti differed moei
`the equation
`the values of
`being of
`like oign and the values of
`results in all
`being different tins gives tile maxuiluril deviation from tire true valua
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`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1023

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`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1023

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