Luropean Journa of
`nca Pharmacoogy
`ure34 1988
`anag ig Ed
`Ft de
`Bakke Bor ci
`or or
`Bi oF
`auo Ge
`Ba ii
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`etor Flar bu
`von Ha fn berg
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`La do
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`Nette Wrbu
`EOirhiut KaJ
`Ma Icy DubOn
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`di bu oF
`Rarray SFoThe
`Poos Uppsala
`F-.W ybe
`udd go
`yr Thraen
`Vette Zr
`Va ko toc io
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`Copy and
`Lang age Edito
`eldt Ha de
`er ationa
`44 11
`1PR2016-00204- Exhibit 1022

`iuthor agree to aut
`riatle tranter of
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`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1022

`Cli Pharmacol
`1985 34 js
`European Journa
`Cnca Pharmacogy
`es ir
`ii ai Drug
`opw ent
`sW cs Th
`stud is
`of ci ut th
`he the Ipeutic
`tim durition of
`the cr cci
`rose lTnd
`to croon
`dosag chedul
`rr inda
`tI at
`cc it
`st dy sxws tie cpt
`it or
`st conta
`cis in
`ii niic
`cs 1rg
`vmn ii
`procc lure
`ge cr
`ho to
`poor okra iii
`cx eed
`WI eli ci hea hy
`icc cd dcpc
`ds arc
`or pa cents xr
`lcrai utic dosc
`dcv lopinen
`gc pro osed rr cedric
`isa or
`tie th
`ci mcal developmcnt of
`id di
`ew drug is usually
`deso ed
`cat on
`m- die eval
`te Of
`Ph ts
`or ear
`ied at
`xl efica
`ie atended
`ing lini
`and to Iefnc the do gc aid dosagc
`Control cci
`are perforif ed subse
`cw drug
`tIre St
`il ar pcr
`ci Ily to compare the
`hase III
`lions In
`large se.r
`mcd to confirm tie. cmcicy
`in the targct population
`the dosag mci dseg sc
`Dc in
`in of
`Ikvot stor
`rg ci
`so allcd dose
`ye of
`1c th
`iffic ally ye ii
`pccif cally mentioncd
`tIre 1915 Tokyo
`Dcc cration of Filelsrn
`drugs to ieatthy vo untecr
`saon for it
`un rics
`in the Guide
`Ira cc
`dm strat
`or bcs
`adi art ages
`Itly Vi
`rs las thc
`iflo mw
`They arc
`show or
`no variation due to disease
`no dffcrcnt
`sy to se cci
`st gc
`tor ige ac
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1022

`conditions climate food
`tcstcd undcr
`no taking con
`cd cltir
`olin vriting
`re to
`condition in which the test can be rcpcated
`ii Cf
`Iose ranging studics can be only performed um
`test mod
`hcrapcutic 4fet
`vith hiti
`prese it
`rg in ci
`tamine flare tnt for antihis amanes
`Thc disadvantagcs of trcating hcalthy volunteers
`cr cf
`pt ni 11
`icy carrot
`udes that
`of gharira dyrar
`do not sho
`lo icc
`tachy rrdai
`rg nr
`at or
`In this nay the new suhst
`ince can be
`thcr and to wh extcr
`Ft gokl
`aim RI
`mding St
`hc mon in
`the clii
`invcsti ator
`fined but also its giavity and stac
`drug the iir
`dma to sckct
`id stage paticnts ra
`his na result
`in an carly stage of tie diseasc
`the recommendation
`dosige for the
`too high
`study population in Phases II and Ill
`the involve 11 nt of patients with different but
`nd dcfincd
`us cn ial
`sages ci
`ntcrgre ilion of
`se 11
`su ts
`ike rot
`ic in
`Tv thai
`roup dc
`should be chosen depends on the ii sture of
`essc an on thc
`tic paticiits Only
`the dis
`11 fl
`sleep es ok by classic ml
`cL55 LUI
`intadepress ants
`disc ase process can be chosen
`aim open design rim my
`SW 111 ILi
`identif at inon tests
`thusc Lcst
`ihove only
`As miientioned
`should tic uscd whosc prcdmcta
`Definition of the Optimal Dosage
`tIm optimal dc sc
`cc iv
`Since ills
`th re
`The pert mm nice of dosc rinprig
`udies an pan ohs
`ours Si
`valid test mode an healthy volunteers
`tom scnic dcmcntia parkmnsonism ctc
`hal at
`hr mdi
`taicly and quantatitrvelv
`Id hi
`qu ala
`Not only the dIsease for
`ni ni
`the goal with most deve pmentai druUs
`to paoducc
`activity amid
`rt.snondcrs than cornoctitor diurs
`er nronnrtion of
`of choo irti
`ima Ic ci
`co iarcndat
`mc ita
`shine th selection of severely disrbed or end
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1022

`rule th it
`the high
`of side
`re in
`or tde ib
`mud the gene
`the higher the inciden
`ge and toler thu
`rs ly eorr
`he utm ut import
`define the 1osition
`tim ii do
`effective doses Within the optimal
`ranue true uesired therapeutic efteet should be
`iLl goo
`hi ity
`this mean5 LI
`er coup ti
`deli it
`osided tat
`up rionty will Fe
`possible double hhnd
`oritrolied if
`iss II and III
`ue hug
`iv ak
`doshiidui stud
`further des elopnueut of
`tion becomes
`ques ion able
`the drug for the selected in
`thc ha lest VC
`ie tlvcoe
`ieeho should he included to
`tfl 4L
`etc it
`opt nil
`flJ LVJ
`1fltJVSflLV JX
`in the two curves ii Jib it
`is esadent
`and opulatuoui
`In tlu ma 111
`ruE It
`Lw lb
`ii xi
`rniraanu ii
`elf ectus
`utn dost
`euuve Lff
`ii can effectaic
`nab ty eurv
`tam ii er5
`is broad more th in one dos
`tab or it may
`icscv hut only worsen tolera
`further ancra 5c
`Below the minim il effeetase do
`lies the no
`tar IL hat
`is the nane
`and apicity the numbers of dose
`in comparitis
`as possible md should not
`tuaals should be is situ ill
`poss hi
`usually cx eed th cc
`acs it
`Laid tIe
`Ic ul
`or sonue indications the placebo response
`low the 100
`ly st
`at cue
`iw ire
`od ac
`fir dii
`hut or
`tpI In
`it es
`For sonic compounds an igesies
`in endoca1noIoy
`diuretics dop
`single dost or
`tlcr drugs
`il diys or
`ho it
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1022

`Do ag Schedu
`The du anon of act
`iould be dctern
`ied during
`ahoy de mi ion of
`finding st dl
`the dosage schedule Unfortunately for some sub-
`stances nootropics immunoactive
`drugs etc the
`duration of action is rim cult
`to detejininc during
`arly clinical haL
`na odyna
`rr as ira
`par meter Othr
`wli Ii
`dule ifi
`half lives in plasma and urine in man and various
`test .e ies
`prolonged dur thou of action
`is ikeIy to leid to
`ia odxnamre eata ii siso in amm Is
`drawn Turing the day
`ii suit ce to yros de the in
`co eat an fl
`the sam
`cssr er
`ts to rcvel th correlation betwe
`tim pcii
`the zero basal
`lei ci and actisity Usually at
`and the
`iximal concentration
`The results of mc inn
`nouyn level are detenninea
`must ye used to help to
`ietic stu
`de ign Ii
`par of
`the dose-findin
`to hi ns
`The dose-finding
`ke1 position in
`rL dcsgnrd
`Ir ii
`ses Il
`ts equred ltrnuttwdcne call
`the end of
`lb ise
`duirny the clinical studies
`llasc II
`tIe hegmnrir
`or at
`dur eg
`sponsc cum
`ie oft ic
`irieans to dciii
`cf action
`sub ta cc
`tic be
`Blood oncentratlo Rs
`and iliow
`in hcaitly
`ic ts and p1
`era cut
`tnc aCm te
`of it
`lisma concentration measurement
`in healtly
`volu teers and patients correlate the plasma con
`atc with the quah
`and quartity rf desire
`ci fees
`th stu Is popi atmoir
`cic ci
`coc irge
`is the no effect dose or placebo
`is well
`duration of action and dosage schedule
`resi ois
`concntrt or
`fi acy
`uc so
`three doses for corn ama
`the ii
`tive trials ml avoid whenever possible individual
`dose titration
`olcr bili
`gplasiaconcnt ato
`during lose-f
`ig studi
`it at i1
`range to be defined within wi ich the desired effects
`ibis will show whether there is
`or side effects occur
`tor Ic ween
`lIe tive ess ind blood lexel
`diet- respons
`ring of blood
`properly designed plan of the
`sampling and effec measurerients will provide
`liable answ
`few about
`blood simples
`sponse curie
`Iralth Ed catior and \VeIfr
`Ffll u4
`inn 107
`ug Adni ci
`No77 3040 Cencial Considerations
`ror the Clinical Lvaiua
`SH 177
`In Johnson UN and Johnson
`Blackwell Oxford London
`1982 JO crnmcnt
`Ic upic
`Drug Information
`10 17
`ii aboratoryto rincr
`cds Clinical
`siesspoirt of
`ci mc
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1022

`It Dose huding Studio
`is Select on of
`Do gkr Hi 1973 arty humar
`In 1inie1
`cii evalea ion
`oti RporL rn
`Nov 72
`Sriposium Heidelberg
`VH ed Cope iti ne pp 29 36
`die ii
`oiL on
`Ja an
`ru in
`uie 00
`1386 rop sals
`or ethical
`Pap Chu
`IIirnaehe Pharniakoiogie
`ed Therapiev
`rsueh an
`iischott Win
`Ic hoder
`in dr Pharma
`Ii 1i
`oath ii
`Ach 131983 11 eel oft
`leq oly
`10 Grdwey
`hi he to
`gude to the phuinaeohgy
`of place
`ia Ut Cd
`fl RUL
`11 Sin
`mum In
`up inc
`IL rii
`tour une ireilleure appre
`ii pr
`Ia po ologie
`\Isy IS 1987
`RS Jr idt
`SN 0/ Ltd
`1PR2014-01126- Ex 1022

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