`Page 114 of 174
`— 12809
`PK Assessment
`Lacosamide and SPM 12809 in plasma
`Cmax, Cmaxmonn and CTrou_h and normalized
`tests, adverse events, ECGs
`Safet Assessment
`PD Assessment
`Pharmacokinetic Results:
`Pflar/Imcakt'lzetics oz lacosamia’e 1'11 glam/m:
`Descriptive statistics for Ctrough (predose) and Cmax (end of infusion) LCM plasma
`concentration on Day 2 (am and pm) by actual daily dose are presented in the following


`Page 115 of 174
`Descn'ptive statistics for Cgmgh {praéese} and Cam: (emi of infasion) LCM plasma
`cancentratian 1011121}; ‘2. by actuai daiiy dose and féme paint
`P-fipulation: Pharmamkinet’ic Set
`Concentrafiun in ggg‘EL
`133L013 Mean (SD)
`Actual daily
`Time paint
`LCM ZQflmgu‘day
`Day 2 am pit-adage
`{QM 21;)
`Day 2 ampesfdosg
`{Cm iv}
`Day 1 pm predms
`(cum; iv)
`' Day 2 pm pogtdose
`Day'l am predoge
`{Cam i153
`Day? am posfdose
`Day 3 pm predma
`(cm; i?!)
`Day 2. pm pnstdoze
`Day 2 am predme
`{ngl in!)
`Day 2' amposfdose
`{Cm iv}
`D33: 2 pm pxedose
`(Cm; iv)
`Day 2 pm pogtdnse
` Adoa

`13363 (9.5934?)
`5 3813 (£3.91 133)-
`2.6309 (11393?)-
`3338 {9.330863
`2.6333 {93‘30263
`5.3055 (2.53599)
`£33925 (6.153 162:
`5.5 225 (2311???)
`1.6059 (9.59912)
`5.97725 (£94803)


`N22—25 3
`Page 116 of 174
`Descfigfive statistics far Chwgh {prfiéose} and CW; {em} of infasion) LCM plasma
`concentration on Bay 2 by actuai {may ($953 and time.- point
`Popzzlation: Phaz‘mncokinefic Set
`Actual daily
`Time point
`LCM 3 fiflmyda};
`Ba}: 2 am preduse
`*1ng iv}
`Day 2 am puztdase
`{Cm iv}
`Day 2 pm madam
`{Cm iv)
`Day 2 pm pagtéose
`Day 2 1m predm‘e
`(Shady: WI!
`Day 2 am pastdase
`Day ‘2 pm pastime
`{Cum-5 iv}
`Day 2. pm pastries:-
`Day 2 am gredaae
`(Ginny. it“)
`Day 2 am pes'tdose
`Day 2 pm pct-class»:
`(cm iv}
`Day 2 pm pmidose
`Concen'tmtiun in pgimL
`n>LOQ Mean (533)
`3.1659: {$361361}
`331325 {8.322173}
`3.6533 {figfigl’pj
`?.?133 {195341)
`3 3406 {6.965083
`2.7350 {$341101}
`”3.5313 {1336842)
`2.5075 {#3373233}
`6,9553 {3.61383)


`Page 117 of 174
`Bescfiijfive stafistics for C-Wugh {px‘edose} and Cm: (em: of'izifzzsion) LCM plasma
`concentration on Day ‘2 b}; actufi dafiy (12859 and time point.
`Pogulation: Pharmacakinefic Set
`Adan} dairy
`Concentration in [igfifiL
`Time point
`1§>LOQ Mean {SD}
`LCM manlgmy_
`Day 2 am pmduae
`{erng iv}
`4.35342 {1.49153}
`Day 2 am pustdose
`Day 2. pm predme
`{Cami fix)
`Day;2 pmposfiiose
`Day 2 amgrzdme
`(Cums-a if}
`Day-7 am pogtdnse.
`' Day 2. pm predme
`Day? pm pogtfiose
`Dav-2 am predase
`(CW iv)
`Day 2 ampostdme
`Day '2 pm pxedoeze
`{Swag iv}
`Day 2 pm postdose
`(Cum iv}
`9.3235 {2.46334}
`$.38ch {1.51039}
`9.4223 {2.137093
`£27883 (2.39032)
`3.955? {3.79375}
`£67521 {3,3143%}
`18. E430


`Page 118 of 174
`Besczipfive statistics far Ctmgh {predose} and Cm (£216 of infusion) LETM plasma
`concentration an Bay 2 by Miami daiiy (i959: and time paint
`Popalafion: Pharmamkinefic Set
`Actual dafiy
`Concentration in 1%me
`Time point
`HL>L0Q Mean (SD)
`lCM 5IBfimg‘day—--——_—
`Da} 2 am yredme
`{Ctmgh if!)
`Day 2 am pnsndase
`{Cm iv}
`Day 2 pm prdGfie
`{Cvmgz 1V}
`Day7 pm 1305111933
`Day“; am predose
`{5min N)
`Day 2 am pustdose
`Day? pm predma
`{8mg £17)
`Day 2 pm pogttiase
`Day-'2 am predage
`(EM iv)
`Day 2 am postdme
`(Cm iv}
`Day 2 pm pradma
`{0mg iv)
`Day 2 pm posténse
`9.66013 {$331113}
`§=633213 {3.31565}
`6.3 563 (2.33900)
`32.0567 (1.35644)


`Page 119 of 174
`Destfipfive StflfiSfiCS for Cfmgh @wdose} and Cum: (end of infusion) LCM plasma
`conten'tmsfion on Day 2 by admit {may 121552 md fime point
`Pegulation: 13lxat‘macokiaetic Set
`Concentrating in ugn‘mL
`8.1??3 {3.20534}
`15 .9343 {4.06895}
`3.46%? {2.18815}
`8336? {1.1539473
`13.0I25 {13.83792}
`Actual {Infly
`{1659? -
`Time point
`LCM. 1501311135133:
`Day 2 am Vedas:
`{ngt m
`Day 2 am pastdose
`Day 2 pm 1312:1056
`{cw inst:
`Day ”2 pm pea-1131035
`{Cm1 iv}
`Day 2 am predwe
`{Cwmgt i?)
`Day 2 am postdose
`{Em iv}
`Day 2 pm grades:
`{Cm iv)
`D3312 pm pastdosa
`{Cm iv}
`Day 2 am madam
`{C‘lmgs 1‘33
`Day} am pustdsse
`(Cm iv)
`Day 2 pm predme
`{€31,151 iv)
`Day 2 pm postciose
`{Cm iv}
`m '3'
`pm 0’.
`M u
`w 01.
`M a.
`m as
`w Ch


`Page 120 of 174
`Descriptive statistics for Cwugh {prairies-e} and Cum (end of .infzision) LCM plasma
`concentration on Day 2' by actual dafly 519-59 and time point
`Pepuilafion: Eimnnacokinefic Set
`Cfoncentmfien in pgme
`nhLOQ Mean (SD)
`31.0925 {5982-57}
`mass (533133}
`1164-53 {4.14554}
`Actual daiiy
`Time point
`LCM TOOmgfda}?
`Day 2 am predose
`{Caz-MEL iv)
`Day 2 am postdose
`(Cm iv}
`Day 2 pm predose
`’ (Cm; iv)
`Day 2 pm postdoae:
`(Cum iv}
`Day ‘3 am postdose
`Day 2 pm predose
`(QM? iv)
`Day 2 pm postdose
`LCM SQUmgjdaf
`Defy-'2 empredose
`{Gama iv)
`11.3225 (3.3?949}
`2311023 {6.40992}
`10.9550 (3.§2139}
`223325 {6.1324}
`iv=intravenoug LCM=§acosamideg LQQ=1iméit ofqnamificazion; fixinanimnm; Mafinaximmn;
`nk-LCIIQ=thB number cf subjects. with plasma levels above: the LOQ {0.59399‘3113; SD=s§andard deviation ‘
`There. were. n9 subjects in the 36- and 10-minute infim'on mm groups who took LCM WGmgflay
`or LCM Sflmugz‘day.
`These Tables show that Lacosamide plasma concentrations (Ctrough, Cmax) were similar across
`all infusion duration (10, 15 and 30 minutes) groups within the daily dose groups of LCM
`200mg/day—600mg/day. Only subjects in the 15-minute infusion duration group received
`LCM 700mg/day-800mg/day. The LCM plasma concentrations (Ctrough, Cmax) increased
`proportionately as the actual daily dose increased.
`After normalization for body weight and actual individual dose, LCM plasma concentrations
`(Ctrough, Cmax) were comparable across LCM doses. The ratios of geometric means including
`90% confidence intervals (iv vs oral) of normalized Ctrough for the 30-, 15-, and 10-minute
`infusion duration groups are presented in the following table.


`Page 121 of 174
`Ratio of geometric means of normalized Ctrough (ug/mL x kg/mg) Population:
`(Cohort A1)
`iv (fest) vs
`era} {reference}
`90% CE
`Day 1 pm are vs Day 1 am pie
`{?7,.0, 1182}
`{6-3.4 115.?)
`, Day 2 am pie vs Day 1 am pre
`Day 2 pm pie vs Day 1 am pm
`iv LCM 2’
`E Day 1 pm are vs Day 1 am pm
`(Cohort Bi
`and LCM
`Day 2 am pm vs Bay 1 am pre
`and B2)
`’ Day 2 pm pie vs Day 1 am pm
`iv LCM 2’
`Day 1 pm 3313: vs. Day 1 am pre
`{Cohort C)
`era} LCM
`Day 2 3mm vs Day 1 am pre
`{75.0, 116.?)
`(3G3, 108.?)
`{79.3, 1 00.4)
`{82.3, 194.8)
`(T65, 97.8}
`{68.0, 126.2}
`(6?.8, 125.8}
`Day 2 pm pre vs Day 1 am pre
`C1=eanfideace interval; i¥=iatrm=encug LCM=1acaaamida
`011E}; subjects with a valid Day 1 am Fred-nae. plasma value Marla valid prefioae value for Bay 1 pm
`Day 2 am, and Day 2 pm were inducted
`In general, the ratios of geometric means of normalized Ctrough were similar across the various
`infusion duration groups and time points. The ratio of geometric means 85-95%, indicating
`that normalized Ctrough plasma concentrations following iv LCM administration were
`comparable to normalized Ctrough plasma concentrations after oral LCM administration. The
`lower limit of the 90% confidence interval were more on the lower side for the 10 and 30
`minute infiisions, probably due to the smaller sample size compared to the 15 minute infiision.
`Lacosamide plasma concentration (mean iSD) versus time point for a, 15 minute infusion at
`the 300 mg/day dose is given below, showing similar Cmax and Ctrough between oral and iv
`LCM . Similar plots of different infusion grouepsland doses were available.
`Lacosamide Concentration (maaniSD) versus Timspoint by Infusion Duration and Actual Daily Dose
`Infusion Duration: 15—minute
`Actual Daily Dose: 300mg/day (N=1B)
` |
`Duyl AM
`Cone. Oral Dfrcugh Oral
`Day1 AM
`Cmax IV
`Day1 PM
`Ctrough IV
`Duyt PM
`(2me IV
`Cfmugh IV
`Cmax IV
`Clraugh IV
`Cmax IV
`ctrough rVV
`Plasma concentrations for all doses by infusion duration is shown in the following Figures:


`Page 122 of 174
`..,_V .
`Mean Lacosamide Concenlraliqn versus Timepoini for all Adual Daily Dose: (mg/day) by Infusion Durafion
`Infusion Duration: 30—minute
`LIB 200 (N: 5)
`000 300 (N: 3)
`000400 (N=12)
`-' $5? 500 (N: 5)
`AAA 600(N=11)
`arses 500 (N: a)
`AAA 600 (N=17)
`#13”: 700 (N: 5)
`lo. 300 (N: 2)

`I'— I
`Day —1
`Day I AM
`Day 1AM
`Day1 PM
`Dayl PM
`Day 2 AM
`Day 2 AM
`Day 2 PM
`Day 2 PM
`Cone. Oral
`(though Drol
`(Imux IV
`enough IV
`Cmax IV
`Enough IV
`Cmax IV
`Clmugh IV
`Cmax N
`Cimugn IV
`. .3... v vu—
`Mean Lacosamide Conceniralion versus Timepoini for all Aciual Daily Doses (mg/day) by Infusion Durafion
`Infusion Duration: 15—minuia
`I IS 200 (N—17)
`000 300 (N=18)
`(>00 400 (N=26)
`E 25
`3 24
`’2' 20
`E 18
`A g
`8 14
`g I2


`—l— I
`| —I
`Day —1
`. Day 1 AM
`Day I AM
`Day 1 PM
`Day 1 PM
`Day 2 AM
`Day 2 AM
`Day 2 PM
`Cone. Oral Cirough Dral
`Cmax IV
`Ctraugh IV
`Cmax IV
`Cfrough IV
`Cmax IV
`Clrough IV
`Day 2 PM
`Cmax IV
`cimugh Iv
`Mean Lacosamide Concenl’ralion versus Timepaini for all Adual Daily Dose: (mg/day) by Infusion Durafion
`Infusion Durul'ion: 1D—minuie
`200 (N: 2)
`I' I‘
`000 300 (N: 4)
`000 400 (N: 7)
`am“)? 500 (N: *4)
`AAA 500 (N: 3)
`Day —1
`Day 1 AM
`Day 1 AM
`Day 1 PM
`Day 1 PM
`Day 2 AM
`Day 2 AM
`Day 2 PM
`Cnnc. Oral Cirough Oral
`Cmux IV
`Cirnugh IV
`Cmax IV
`Cfrough IV
`Cmax IV
`Cmax IV
`Day 2 PM
`Clmugh IV
`Cimugh IV
`The above figures also show that Cmax’s of a given dose are comparable across all infusion
`groups, as can be also seen from the mean data given in the previous Tables.


`Page 123 of 174
`The plasma concentration (Ctrough, Cmax) of SPM 12809 was similar across all infusions
`durations within the daily dose groups of LCM. The sponsor did not give summary Tables for
`the metabolite concentrations, but the individual Tables were reviewed. The concentrations of
`concomitant AEDs was also similar across all infusion groups.
`Sponsor’s conclusion on safety (to be reviewed by M0 as well):
`There were relatively few treatment-emergent AEs reported during the trial. In the 30-, 15-,
`and 10-minute infusion duration groups, 43%, 24%, and 35% of subjects, respectively,
`reported at least 1 treatment-emergent AE during the Treatment Phase. The frequency of ABS
`did not increase with more days of exposure nor with shorter infusion durations.
`In general plasma concentrations were similar between the oral and iv dosing and across all
`infusion groups, although the number of subjects in some of the dose and infusion groups are


`Page 124 of 174
`Study SP616: A multicenter, double-blind, double-dummy, randomized trial to
`investigate the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of
`intravenous SPM 927 as replacement for oral SPM 927 in subjects
`with partial seizures with or without secondary generalization
`The safety aspects from this study will be reviewed by the Medical Officer. The sponsor also
`collected PK data in this study which will be reviewed by this reviewer.
`The objectives of this trial were to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of
`SPM 927 when given as iv infusions compared with oral administration of the same dose
`strengths in subjects who were receiving oral SPM 927 in addition to 1 or 2 concomitant
`antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) for partial seizures with or without secondary generalization.
`The study design is as follows:
`Trial Site
`Seven (7) trial sites in the United States of America (USA) and
`Study Design
`This was a multicenter, double-blind, double-dummy, randomized trial.
`A total of 60 subjects, who were participating in an open-label
`extension trial (SP615) of oral SPM 927, were enrolled. Subject had
`been on a stable dose of LCM and concomitant AED for at least 2
`weeks. The subjects were randomized in a 2:1 ratio to iv SPM 927 plus
`placebo tablets twice daily (bid) or iv placebo plus oral SPM 927 bid,
`respectively. Subjects were enrolled into 1 of 2 cohorts (A and B).
`The maximum duration of treatment in this trial was 3 days.
`calm A (an-arming Enfmioxk}
`iv SPM i527 *9 paymefio hid
`End 05%
` iv placabe+ gm 317.8192? hid
`{133? i
`3 1 me
`4 ’J/
`Cohort B (30-Mmula Infusion}
`hammer; mm
`(933-5 ‘2 and 3}
`iv SPM 5‘17 +pu§kxebo bid
`/‘ '
`, 3’
`{DEF 1}
`iv placebo 2‘ pa 39M 92.? bid
`«may 3
`StudLPopilation N=60_patients


`Page 125 of 174
`Age_:19-61 years (mean 41.7 years)
`Weight: 46.1-148.3 kg (mean 80.26 kg)
`Gender: 25 male and 35 females
`Treatment Group
`Race: 53 White, 6 Black, 1 Asian
`Cohort A= 60 min infusion: N=30
`CohortB=30 minute infusion: N=3O


`Page 126 of 174
`Dosage and Administration
`On Day —1, oral SPM 927 tablets were administered in accordance with
`each subject’s SPM 927 dosage regimen in the open-label extension
`(SP615). A single infusion of iv placebo was administered in a single-
`blind fashion after admission procedures and screening assessments had
`been completed.
`During the Treatment Phase (Days 1 and 2), blinded trial medication (iv
`solution and oral tablets) was administered twice daily at 12-hour
`intervals, once in the morning and once in the evening. The oral trial
`medication was taken immediately prior to the start of iv infusion, with
`approximately 240mL (8 ounces) of water.
`On Day 3, oral SPM 927 tablet(s) were administered in the morning in
`accordance with each subject’s SPM 927 dosage regimen in the open-
`label extension (SP615). The tablet(s) were administered 12 hours after
`the start of the evening infusion on Day 2. The tablet(s) were taken with
`approximately 240mL (8 ounces) of water.
`The dose of SPM 927 (100 to 300mg bid) was the same as the subject’s
`current daily dose in the open-label extension trial of oral SPM 927.
`End of Trial Phase assessments were performed the day after the
`Treatment Phase was completed, after which subjects continued in the
`open-label extension trial (SP615).
`Dietary regimen
`Throughout the trial, non-alcoholic and non-caffeinated beverages and
`non-quinine or nongrapefruit—containing beverages were served. The
`subjects were not allowed to consume alcohol during the trial.
`Breakfast, lunch, snacks, and evening meals were served under
`standardized conditions.
`IV formulation 10 mg/ml solution (200 mg in 20 m1 saline): batch
`Oral formulation: 50 and 100 mg tablets: batch: 231100
`50m_ SPM 927 , 232010 100m SPM 927}, and 231960 {placebo}
`Blood samples For LCM:
`Day -1: Pre-dose.
`Day 1: Pre—dose
`Day 2: Pre—dose and 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 8, and 12 hours after the start of
`morning infusion of trial medication (8 samples per subject).
`Day 3: Pre—dose, before administration of oral SPM 927.
`Sampling: Blood
`Blood sample for concomitant AED:
`Da -1,1, 2 and 31predose
`Method: LC/MS/MS method in plasma
`Lower Limits of Quantitation:


`Page 127 of 174
`10 ng/mL
`Linear Range in plasma 10-10,000 ng /ml
`Quality control concentrations : 20, 500 and 4000 ng /ml
`Inter—day precision: < 3.4%CV for LCM
`Inter—day accuracy: -101.3-101 .6—101.9 for LCM
`Lacosamide in plasma
`AUC(0-12), Cmax, Cmin, tl/2, normalized parameter
`oarameter*Bod wei ht k- /dose m
`Safe Assessment
`tests, adverse events, ECGs
`PD Assessment
`PK Assessment
`Pharmacokinetic Results:
`Pharmacokinetics of lacosamide in plasma:
`In total, 8 out of 60 subjects had invalid plasma concentration data due to reasons explained in
`the report. No PK parameters were calculated for n=7 of these subjects. As a result, the PK
`Set includes n=53 subjects out of n=60 subjects with concentration data.
`From Screening to End of Trial participation (Day —1, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3), subjects were
`maintained on a stable dose in accordance with current dosing from the open-label extension
`trial (SP615). Subjects entered the treatment phase (Day 1 and Day 2) under steady-state
`conditions. In both cohorts, all subjects received oral SPM 927 on Day —1. On Day 1 and Day
`2, subjects received iv SPM 927 plus placebo tablets bid or iv placebo plus SPM 927 tablets
`bid, respectively. On the morning of Day 3 (=End of Trial phase), a single dose of oral SPM
`927 was administered in accordance with each subjects’s dosage regimen in the extension
`trial. Steady-state plasma concentrations of SPM 927 were determined on Day —1, Day 1, Day
`2 and Day 3.
`Pharmacokinetic parameters AUC(0-12), Cmax, Cmin, and t1/2 were derived from concentration
`data of Day 2. For body weight- and dose-normalized AUC(0-12), Cmax, and Cmin, treatment
`ratios were calculated to compare the pharrnacokinetics of SPM 927 afier iv infusion over 60
`and 30 minUtes with the pharrnacokinetics of SPM 927 after oral treatment within each cohort
`as shown in the table below.


`Page 128 of 174
`Normalized pharmacokinetic parameters on Day 2 and comparison between treatments
`(30- and 60-minute infusion vs oral)
`Comparison iva‘orai
`t "
`SPM 92.? 1.
`SPM 532.7 f
`91111 E'BO
`Geometric 11193131813
` 90% CI
`041, £353)
`{Ni=1 1)
`{70.4, E294)
`{84.15, £45.?)
`{39.7. £55.15)
`{62.7, i310}
`(60.4. 132.0)
`Ci: confidence imam-“31; iv = intravenous; PBVO = jgiaceho; SD = standard deflation
`Cohort A: 60—minute in 31mm; Cohort B: 30-minute itrinfu'aion
`The bioavailability of SPM 927 after iv treatment for both the 60- (Cohort A) and the 30-
`minute infusion (Cohort B) was comparable to that after oral treatment. Ratios iv/oral for
`AUC(0-12)norm were 95-100%, although the 90% confidence intervals were outside the
`acceptable range.
`Values of Cmax,norm were slightly elevated after iv treatment compared to oral treatment. This
`is reflected in ratios iv/oral of 11 1-1 18% for Cmax,norm.
`Values of Cmin,norm were slightly decreased after iv treatment which is reflected in ratios
`iv/oral of approximately 90%.
`The tmax was shorter afler iv administration of SPM 927 compared to oral administration.
`Thirteen out of 17 subjects receiving the 60-minute iv infusion reached tmax after 60-90
`minutes and 13 out of 15 subjects receiving the 30-minute iv infusion reached tmax after30
`minutes as expected. After oral administration of SPM 927, tmax was reached between 1.5 and
`4 hours after administration in the majority of subjects.
`From predose samples on Days 1, 2 and 3, trough plasma concentrations of SPM 927 were
`determined. Predose concentrations on Days 2 and 3 (=trough levels after iv or oral
`administration of SPM 927 on Days 1 and 2 [evening dose]) were compared with predose
`concentrations on Day 1 (=trough level after oral SPM 927) as shown in the table below.


`Page 129 of 174
`Ratio (‘24:)
`Day ZiDay 1 Day SfDay 1
`Comparison of trough plasma concentrations of SPM 927
`Oral SPM 927 2’ iv PBO
`iv SPM 927 / oral PBO
`Oral SPM 927 !' iv PBO
`iv SPM 927 f oral PBO
`iv = intravenous; PBO = 3313c ebo
`Cohort A: 60-minute iv infusion; Cohort B: 30-minute iv infusion
`In subjects who received iv treatment on Days 1 and 2, mean values of Ctrough on Days 2 and 3
`(=trough levels after iv SPM 927) were slightly lower compared with Day 1 (=trough level
`after oral SPM 927).
`In subjects continuing with oral SPM 927 on Days 1 and 2, mean values of Ctrough on Days 2
`and 3 may were slightly increased compared to Day 1. The increase was more pronounced for
`subjects receiving oral SPM 927 in Cohort B.
`Mean normalized SPM 927 plasma concentrations over time on Day 2 are graphically
`displayed below for Cohort A (60-minute iv infusion) and B (30-minute iv infusion),
`Mean SPM 927 plasma concentration versus time on Day 2
`normalized by body weight and dose (Cohort A: 60min infusion)
`W EV SPM 927/01'03 PBO N=f7
`”'"d’ Ora! SPM 927/IV PBO N:f0g
`"A“. N‘ .,..
`N“ ~. ~.. m u...
`“W... .‘W .,
`Y E
`w... by»...
` 8
`Hours Post Dose


`Page 130 of 174
`Mean SPM 927 plasma concentration versus time on Day 2
`normalized by body weight and dose (Cohort B: 30min infusion)
`“‘4’ Oral SPM 927/1V PBO N211
`W [V SPM 927/Oral P80 N215
`Hours Post 0053
`As seen in the figures above, maximum mean normalized plasma concentrations of SPM 927
`were higher and were reached earlier when SPM 927 was administered intravenously
`compared with oral administration. Maximum mean normalized plasma concentrations were
`reached at 30min after the 30—minute infusion, at 60min after the 60—minute infusion, and at 2
`hours after oral administration. Mean plasma concentrations of SPM 927 after 4, 8, and 12
`hours were slightly higher after oral SPM 927 compared with iv SPM 927.
`Effect of intravenous administration of SPM 927 on concomitant antiepileptic drugs
`Plasma concentrations of concomitant AEDs were determined on Day -1, Day 1, Day 2, and
`Day 3 simultaneously with the SPM 927 trough concentrations. For the most common
`concomitant AEDs, predose AED concentrations on Days 2 and 3 were compared with
`predose AED concentrations on Day 1 to investigate the effect of iv SPM 927 on the steady-
`state plasma concentrations of concomitant AEDs.
`Steady state plasma concentrations ofphenytoin (an inducer) and total valproic acid (an
`inhibitor) did not appear to be affected by administration of iv SPM 927.
`In general the plasma concentrations of all the concomitant AED after iv administration were
`comparable to that after oral administration, but there were less than 6 subjects in each group
`to make any conclusions on the AED concentration with iv administration.


`Page 131 of 174
`Study SP643: Randomized, open-label, 2-way crossover trial to investigate the
`pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of SPM 927 in poor and extensive
`metabolizers (CYP2C19)
`The primary objective of this trial was to compare the pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of
`SPM 927 when given as intravenous solution or as oral tablet to four healthy Caucasian poor
`metabolizers (PM) (genotyped) compared to eight healthy Caucasian extensive metabolizers
`The secondary objective was to determine the safety and tolerability of SPM 927.
`The study design is as follows:
`Trial Site
`One Site in Germany
`This was an open—label, 2-way crossover trial in which healthy sub‘Ects
`Study Population
`N=12 Healthy subjects randomized (8 EMS and 4PMs) and N=ll valid
`for PK analysis
`Age: EM: 26-42 years (mean 34.3years)
`PM: 25-44 years (mean 34.5years)
`Gender: All males
`Weight: EM: 58.2—84 kg (mean 68.9 kg)
`PM: 60.5-80 kg (mean 68.6 kg)
`Race: All White
`Treatment Group
`Treatment A: IV: a single dose of 200mg SPM 927 as SOmL
`intravenous infusion over 60min,
`Treatment B: Oral: a single dose of 200mg (2x100) SPM 927,
`followed by multiple doses of 200mg SPM 927 bid
`for 4 days, then 200mg on the last day.
`Description of Invesfigational Product
`Total Dose/Treatment
`A (iv dose)
`200mg of SPM 927 in the morning
`200mg SPM 927
`B (p0 dose)
`on Day I: 200mg SPM 927 (morning)
`200mg SPM 927
`on Day 4 to 7: 2002113 SPM 927
`13 (p0 dose)
`plus 200mg SPM 927 (evening)
`400mg SPM 927
`8 (pa dose)
`on Day 8: .200 mg SPM 927 (morning)
`200mg SPM 927
`Dosage and Administration
`Vials containing 200mg SPM 927, administered as intravenous infusion
`(50mL over 60 minutes), batch number: WE12206 (Treatment A:
`Film-coated-tablets containing 100mg SPM 927, batch number: 223770
`(Treatment B: 050702).


`Page 132 of 174
`Wash-Out Phase of at least 6 days between treatments
`Sampling: Blood
`For Lacosamide and its metabolite, SPM12809:
`Treatment A (iv treatment):
`Predose and 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48,
`60, 72 hours post administration
`Treatment B (oral treatment):
`Day 1 to 4: Predose and 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12,
`24, 36, 48, 60, 72 hours post administration
`Day 6 and 7: Before morning and evening dose
`Day 8 to 11: Predose and 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, and
`72 hours post administration
`Day 1 and Day 8: at 0 hours (predose voiding), 0-12 hours, and 12-24
`hours after res ective dose.
`Method: LC/MS/MS method in plasma and urine
`Lower Limits of Quantitation:
`SPM 12809
`100 ng/ml
`20 ng/ml
`Linear Range: 100-20,000 ng/ml in plasma for lacosamide and 20-4000
`ng/ml for SPM 12809
`Quality control concentrations 300, 1500, 15000 ng/ml for LCM and
`60, 300 and 3000 ng/ml for SPM12809
`Inter-day precision: <7.7 %CV for LCM and <9.1 for SPM12809
`Inter-day accuracy: -5.1to -7.0 % bias for LCM and 5.3 to 7.3% for
`Linear Range: 5-500 ug/ml urine for lacosamide and 1-100 ug/ml
`for SPM 12809
`Quality control concentrations 15, 40, 400 ug/ml for LCM, 3,8, 80'
`ug/ml for SPM12809
`Inter-day precision: <7.8 %CV for LCM and <10 for SPM12809
`Inter-day accuracy: -3.1 to -8.8 % bias for LCM and -13.8 to 7.5% for
`PK Assessment
`Lacosamide and SPM 12809 in plasma
`Primary PK parameters were:
`- AUCg O-tz), F, Cmax t1/2 of lacosamide in plasma after SD;


`Page 133 of 174
`Cmax,ss, and T1/2 at steady state
`Secondary PK parameters were:
`' AUC(0_-oo), AUC (0-12),t1/2, tmax of lacosamide and M1
` Safety Assessment Laboratory tests, adverse events, ECGs
`PD Assessment None
`Method of genoflping:
`For the genotyping, ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) blood samples were collected
`and DNA was isolated using standard methods according to Miller et a1 (Nucleic Acids Res.
`1988 Feb 11;16(3):1215).
`Cytochrome P450 subgroup CYP2C19 determination was done using polymerase chain
`reaction and restriction analysis according to Sachse et al (Am J Hum Genet. Feb;60(2):284-
`95, 1997).
`For CYP2C19 (subfamily IIC [mephenytoin—4-hydroxilase] polypeptide 19; human genome
`gene locus: 10q24.1~q24.3; MIM [Mendelian inheritance in man] no. 124020), the wild-type
`allele and 1 mutated allele weredetermined. This covers 98% of alleles in the German
`Type Bf aifeie
`. Name of aliele
`(wt + wt)
`Intermediate metabolizer
`Poor metabolizer
`a Phenmype fiequencies are based on previous deteiminatious of the aileles in the German popuizm'ou and represent
`expected frequencies. The fi‘equeney distaibuflxm can be difi‘erem in tithe: popuiztiom {age Blacks, Scandinavians).
`Genotyping identified 4 homozygous poor metabolizers (2 mutated alleles).
`The subjects included as extensive metabolizers were either heterozygous for the
`respective alleles (wild-type + mutated alleles) or homozygous (wild-type + wild-type
`Pharmacokinetic Results:
`Pharmacokinetics of lacosamide in plasma:
`The summary of pharrnacokinetic parameters (ranges) in the poor and extensive metabolizers
`are shown in the following Table:


`Page 134 of 174
`Pharmacokinetic parameters of LCM after administration of 200mg LCM as single dose
`as well as after dosing at steady state in poor and extensive metabolizers (CYP2C19)
`Poor metabolizers
`Extensive metabolizers
`Singie dose
`AUC(Q_§25 {ygfimfl‘h} Geometric
`AUC.;omyiugme‘i‘h) $3110)
`95.84 (14.9)
`106.6 (3.3)
`101.? (4;?)
`96.87 (19.2)
`109.0 {19.4}
`14.40 {142)
`13.63 (9.1)
`101.4 (7.2)
`Steady state
`AUCW (ygfmv‘h) Geometric
`98.63 {3.6)
`12.94 (7.6)
`CV=coefficient of variation; F=absolme bioavailability: LCM=facosamide; NA=zlot applicatale
`94.64 {15.5)
`12.51 {15.2)
`For iv — Day 1, p0 - Day 1, and p0 — Day 8, t1/2 was marginally longer in PM accompanied
`by a slightly higher AUC. The difference however is very small (about 10 % or lower) and
`unlikely of clinical relevance.
`The AUCs were marginally higher after oral administration than after iv administration.
`The amounts of lacosamide excreted in the urine was higher (24-34% in the iv and oral
`groups) in the PMs compared to the EMS. In PMs, 50.3 % of the dose was recovered in the
`urine in form of unchanged SPM 927, whereas in EMs the urinary recovery was only 39.5%
`of the dose.
`The table also shows that the iv and oral PK parameters of SPM 927 on Day 1 were
`The absolute bioavailability (oral/iv) in terms of AUCO-tz Was 104.4% (90% CI 86-129%) in
`the PMs and 101.4% (90% CI 97-105%) in EMS. The larger confidence interval in the PMs
`could be due to the small sample size, hence these absolute bioavailabilities should be
`interpreted with caution.


`Page 135 of 174
`Pharmacokinetics of SPM 12909
`The pharmacokinetic parameters of the metabolite is summarized in the following Table:
`Pharmacokinetic parameters of SPM 12809 after administration of 200mg LCM on Day
`1 and at steady state in poor and extensive metabolizers (CYP2C19)
`Poor metabolizers
`Extensive metabolizers
`iv — Day 1
`h h
`“L : median, x : mean, geometric means listed in all other cases. Numbers in brackets are


`Page 136 of 174
`Although plasma concentrations of SPM 927 were found to be comparable (not more than
`10% difference) between PM and EM, there were noticeable differences (75-80% difference)
`between PM and EM with respect to AUCs of the metabolite SPM 12809.
`The ratio PM/EM of the parameters AUC(0-t,) or Ae of the main metabolite M1 is given in
`the tables below for iv and oral dosing.
`_ h* _/mL
`SPM 927
`SPM12909 _
`+ 6.15%
`SPM 927
`+ 10.01%
`This shows that the formation of SPM12909 or M1 is less in the poor metabolizers, although -
`the exposure to parent is comparable between the PMs and EMS. The metabolite is inactive,
`hence these differences may not be clinically relevant.
`Reviewer’s Note: The sponsor had noted a difference of -8.1% for M1, which was not
`At steady—state total urinary recovery (arithmetic means) is compared in PM and EM in the
`following Table after oral dosing:
`: SPM 92.7
`Urinary recovery

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