`NDA 22-253 & 22-254


`W M
`W T
`NDA 22—254
`Wendy 1. Wilson, Review Chemist
`CMC Review of Revised Labeling
`Jacqueline Ware, HFD 120 RPM; Scott Goldie, ONDQA PM; Martha Heimann, ONDQA PAL; Ramesh
`Sood, ONDQA Branch Chief; Blair Fraser, ONDQA Division Director
`Revised Labeling
`Schwarz incorporated all of the CMC recommendations concerning the carton container labels during the
`initial CMC review cycle. As part of that review, we recommended that
`the sponsor
`/ //
`Overall Recommendation
`We recommend that Schwarz revise the labeling M\
`WM I. WM“
`Wendy 1. Wilson, Ph.D.
`Review Chemist


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed electronically and
`this page is the manifestation of the electronic signature.
`Wendy I. Wilson
`10/23/2008 04:09:43 PM
`Ramesh Sood
`10/24/2008 09:38:16 AM


`July 16, 2008
`Prafull Shiromani, Ph.D.
`Reviewing Chemist
`Division of Neurology Products, HFD-120
`File NDA 22-253
`~=====v ‘
`SUBJECT: Approval recommendation for Vimpat® (Lacosamide) Tablets, (NDA 22-253
`, Schwarz Biosciences, Inc.)
`This memo recommends the approval of Vimpat® (Lacosamide) Tablets from '
`CMC perspective based on the overall acceptable establishment report from the Office of
`Compliance, the summary of which is attached. All other CMC related issues had been
`resolved as per earlier CMC reviews.
`Prafull Shiromani


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`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed electronically and
`this page is the manifestation of the electronic signature.
`Prafull Shiromani
`7/16/2008 09:44:34 AM


`NDA 22-254 & a.“
`Wendy L Wilson, Review Chemist
`SUBJECT: Outcomes ofMicro Consult and Facility Inspections
`Jacqueline Ware, HFD 120 RPM; Scott Goldie, ONDQA PM; Martha Heimann, ONDQA PAL; Ramesh
`Sood, ONDQA Branch Chief; Blair Fraser, ONDQA Division Director
`Microbiology Consults
`The microbiology reviewer recommended approval of lacosamide injection (NDA 22-254) /"'"_'
`«f—d on O4-JUN-2008 ______.———
`Facilig Inspections
`0C provided an overall recommendation of acceptable for all facilities listed for lacosamide injection
`(NDA 22-254) W _ on 15-IUL-2008.
`Overall Recommendation
`Based on the outcomes of the microbiology consult and facility inspections F
`M , we recommend lacosamide injection (NDA 22-254)
`[‘2 for approval pending labeling, from a CMC perspective.
`WM I. WM '
`Wendy L Wilson, Ph.D.
`Review Chemist


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed electronically and
`this page is the manifestation of the electronic signature '
`Wendy 1. Wilson
`7/16/2008 10:40:12 AM
`Ramesh Sood
`7/16/2008 10:42:25 AM


`NDA 22-254
`Division Director Review
`Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls
`Schwarz Biosciences, Inc.
`8010 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 100
`Raleigh, NC 27617
`adjunctive treatment of partial—onset seizures in patients with epilepsy, aged 16
`years and older
`Presentation: Vimpat (lacosamide) Injection is supplied as a single strength, sterile. ‘s . 10
`mg/mL solution of lacosamide. Each single—use, 20 mL Vial contains 200 mg of
`lacosamide in an A saline solution in a 37* , colorless glass Vial with a
`grey rubber stopper
`: and aluminum oversea].
`EER Status:
`Microbiology -
`Methods Validation —
`No significant impact 15—MAY-2008
`Revalidation by Agency not requested.
`Original Submission:
`Post-Approval Agreements:
`Drug Substance:
`information concerning the chemistry,
`referenced NDA 22-253 for all
`The applicant
`manufacturing, and control of the lacosamide drug substance.
`Lacosamide is a member of a series of functionalized amino acids that were specifically
`synthesized as anticonvulsive drug candidates. The drug substance,
`is a small,
`synthetic, New Molecular Entity (NME) with an empirical formula of C13H13N203 and a
`molecular weight
`250.30. Known
`it is a white to light yellow powder with a melting range 0}
`Lacosamia’e is sparingly soluble in water ( f" ;) WA
`.Mand- slightly soluble in. ethanol.
`Lacosamide, a chiral drug substance,W


`The bulk drug substance is synthesized from
`Comprehensive information for all the impurities at the starting material level,
`at the intermediate level and at the final synthesis level was presented. Noteworthy were
`controls over I“; J starting materials and intermediates.
`The structure of lacosamide was elucidated using several analytical ——————-——-——-’
`,/ //
`The proposed release specification for lacosamide includes
`Theproposed regulatory methods
`are either compendial or were developed and validatedfor their intended purpose. The primary
`reference standard for drug substance, manufactured by commercial process, has been
`characterized by the proposed regulatory methods as well as additional methods. The impurity
`and degradation profiles have been investigated. Reference standards for known impurities and
`in-process intermediates have been synthesized andfully characterized.
`' The stability data for three commercial batches support a
`retest period for the bulk
`drug substance stored insideW bha)
`{at controlled room temperature, 25 °C /60%RH, protectedfrom light.
`Conclusion: Drug substance is acceptable.
`' Drug Product:
`Vimpat (lacosamide) Injection is supplied as a single strength, sterile, ”~10 mg/mL
`solution of lacosamide. Each single—use, 20 mL Vial contains 200 mg of lacosamide in an
`f“ ; saline solution1n a
`colorless glass Vial with a grey rubber stopper
`and aluminum overseal.
`, sodium chloride USP,
`Each 20 mL Vial of Vimpat contains 10 mg/mL lacosamide, ——~~«
`adjusted to pH 4.0 with hydrochloric acid USP, in Water for Injection. The manufacturing
`process is r——W h(4)W .


`3 of 3
`Specification of the drug product includes:
`W"J ‘J
`\ lie lacosamide reference standardffor drug
`product is the same as that for drug substance. All test methods are compendial or have been
`appropriately validated for their intended purpose.
`The drug product stability data supports the proposed 36 month expiry for drug product stored at
`controlled room temperature [25" C (77° F); excursion permitted to 15-30° C (59-860 F)],,and
`packaged in 20 mL
`—— colorless glass vials with a grey rubber stopper W
`_.w and aluminum oversea].
`, M4)
`Conclusion: Drug product is acceptable.
`Additional Items:
`o All associated Drug Master Files (DMFs) are acceptable or the pertinent information has
`been adequately provided in the application.
`submitted a methods validation package containing all
`0 The applicant
`documentation (tests, methods, and acceptance criteria) for the control of the drug
`substance and the drug product.
`Overall Conclusion:
`From a CMC perspective, the application is recommended for Approval,‘
`pending agreement on product labeling.
`Blair A. Fraser, Ph.D.


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed electronically and
`this page is the manifestation of the electronic signature.
`Blair Fraser
`7/16/2008 11:03:04 AM


`Initial Quality Assessment
`Branch 1
`Pre-Marketing Assessment Division I
`0ND Division: Division of Neurology Products/Division of Anesthesia,
`Analgesia, and Rheumatology Products
`‘ NDA:
`Applicant: Schwarz Biosciences
`Stamp Date:
`PDUFA Date: 28-Jul-2008
`Trademark: TBD.
`Established Name: Lacosamide
`Dosage Form: Tablets
`Route of Administration: Oral
`Indication: Epilepsy/Neuropathic pain
`PAL: Martha R. Heimann, Phi);
`0NDQA Fileability:
`Comments for 74-Day Letter
`Yes No
`Summary and Critical Issues:
`Lacosamide (previously known as harkoseride or erlosainide) has been developed by Schwarz
`for two indications, adjunctive treatment of partial onset seizures and management of diabetic
`neuropathic pain f" dosage forms have been developed including immediate release tablets
`that are the subject of NDAs 22-253 (epilepsy) and M \neuropathic pain). NDAs 22-254
`\ were submitted
`1 and provide for use of lac‘osamide injection ——-
`m for treatment of epilepsy.
`The applicant proposes marketing of Lacosamide Tablets in 6 strengths, 50 mg 100 mg, 150 mg,
`200 mg, 250 mg and 300 mg. All tablet strengths are compositionally proportional but differ
`with respect to film-coat color. Recommended doses
`for management of neuropathic pain, and 200 mg to 400 mg for treatment of partial onset
`seizures. The maximum dose should not exceed \ mg/day.
`Drug Substance
`The active ingredient, lacosamide [(R)-2-acetamido-N-benzy1—3-methoxypropionamide], is a
`well characterized small molecule with molecular formula C13H18NO3 and molecular weight
`250.30." The drug substance is sparingly soluble in water (~30 mg/mL at 25°C)
`, The
`applicant classifies lacosamide as a high solubility drug according to the Biopharmaceutics
`Classification System (BCS). The calculated dose solubility volume for the highest tablet


`NDA 22-253.-' #4 Initial Quality Assessment
`Page 2 of 10
` ¢$///
`/ /
`/ /


`NDA 22—253 =§= Initial Quality Assessment
`Page 3 of 10
`The proposed regulatory specifications for lacosamide involve straight—forward analytical
`procedures. A
`HPLC method ~——\_g
`is used for assay and determination of
`related substances.m ‘he principal
`impurity, W 1, and the w are
`controlled with limits ofNMT “Pi and WT "70,respectively. The remaining specified
`impurities are controlled at the ICE qualification threshold, NMT .—
`The drug substance stability package includes between 3 and 48 months of long-term data for 4‘"
`drug substance batches that were manufactured by PM:
`.or Schwarz Pharma, County
`Clare, Ireland, and are characterized by the applicant as primary stability batches. The batches
`includeW :
`Drug Product
`Lacosamide 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg and 300 mg film-coated tablets are
`conventional, immediate-release, oval ’— tablets. The tablet formulations are
`compositionally proportional; however, the film-coat colors are different. All tablet excipients
`are commonly used for manufacture of immediate-release solid oral dosage forms. All
`ingredients except #1 microcrystalline cellulose
`)and the N 'film—
`coat formulations are compendial.
`and the \ film-coat formulations are
`manufactured using compendial ingredients. It is noted that the proposed commercial tablet
`formulations are qualitatively and quantitatively different from the 50 mg and 100 mg tablets that
`were used for Phase 3 clinical trials. The quantitative compositions for the proposed commercial
`tablets and a comparison of the 100 mg clinical tablet formulation are presented on the following
`pages. Information on the composition of the 50 mg clinical tablet formulation was not provided
`and will berequested. These composition differences are characterized by the applicant as
`minor; and a waiver of in vivo bioequivalence studies for the commercial formulation is
`Lacosamide Tablets will be manufactured by Schwarz Pharma at two sites located in Zwickau,
`Germany and Seymour, Indiana.
`[Note: Although the electronic submission is formatted with
`separate P sections for each facility, all subsections for each site except P.3.2 (Batch Formula) '
`and P3 (Description of Manufacturing Process) are linked to common PDF files] The tablets
`are manufactured from WAA


`NDA 22—253/22-284 Initial Quality Assessment
`Page 4 of 10
`Composition of Proposed Commercial Lacosamide Tablets -
`Quantitative compositionper mandated Bible!
`50mg 100mg 150mg' 209 mg" 250‘ mg 3.00 mg
`microc smllinc
`Hydroxy-_ro, [cellulose
`coated tablet)


`' NDA 22—253/ 5’- lnitial Quality Assessment
`Pages of 10
`Comparison of Clinical and Commercial 100 mg Lacosamide Tablets
`Tablet formulations {exemplary for a 100 mg doSag'e Strength)
`mgmmem “
`Act ivc Substance
`Clinical trial
`Cellulose. nucmcrystnlline
`Hyprdmellose 3-H
`Magnesium smamtc
`The proposed regulatory specifications for Lacosamide Tablets involve straight-forward
`analytical procedures. A
`_ ~HPLC method is used for assay
`and determination of related substances. This method is sirnilar to the drug substance
`assay/related substance method;- the primary differences are
`L/\ Tablet dissolution results are quantitated by HPLC, however, the method is
`different from that used for assay and related substances. It is noted that the specification does


`NDA 22-253/ _—-
`Initial Quality Assessment
`Page 6 of 10
`not include a N—Wj 7
`applicant does not include a justification for omitting of these tests.
`; bottles (60-, 180-1 ’ _F——”
`Lacosamide Tablets will be packaged in
`count) 'W CMC documentation for" packaging »
`configurations is provided in the submission. Draft bottle labels are provided;
`. The
`The NDA stability package includes data through at least 18 months for 12 primary stability
`batches of
`film—coated 50 mg, 200 mg and 300 mg Lacosamide Tablets, plus 6 batches of
`colored, film-coated 50 mg tablets. The three strengths of -—=-
`tilm-coated were chosen to»
`bracket the range of commercial strengths; the 50 mg colored tablet batches include all proposed
`commercial film—coat colors. The 50 mg colored tablet batches were added to the protocol to
`address concerns raised during End of Phase 2 discussions.
`Critical issues for review
`Drug Substance
`The drug substance manufacturing process involvesw
`Drug Product
`The drug product is an immediate—release tablet manufactured using conventional manufacturing
`processes. No critical issues were identified during the initial assessment; however the following
`points are noted:
`0 A biowaiver is requested for the commercial tablet formulations.
`0 Although the active ingredient is the (R)-isomer, the tablet specification H kgfi
`m _
`‘:est. The application should include a justification
`for omission cf any
`in the product.


`NDA 22—253,
`Initial Quality Assessment
`Page 7 of 10
`Additional issues
`Administrative: An environmental assessment for all proposed lacosamide dosage forms is
`included in Module 1 of the application. It is requested that the ONDQA Project Manager
`arrange for a'consult review.
`Establishment Evaluation: A full list of manufacturing sites and contract testing facilities is
`appended to the Form 356h. The sites that have been entered into EES for facility evaluation are
`listed in Attachment 1
`Labeling/Established Name: The active ingredient, lacosamide, is M.
`no issues related to consistency between the established name and labeled potency.
`There are
`Comments for 74-Day Letter
`The formulation of the 50 mg lacosamide clinical tablets is not provided in the original NDA.
`Provide the quantitative unit composition for all strengths of each formulation that was used in
`clinical studies to support this application.
`Container closure documentation for w oottles is
`provided in the application. W—
`Review, Comments and Recommendation:
`The NDA is fileable from a CMC perspective. The drug substance is a well-characterized small
`molecule and the dosage form is relatively simple. As the applicant has submitted concurrent
`NDAs for an intravenous formulation (22-254: M it is recommended that a
`team review of the “applications be performed. At least one reviewer should have
`appropriate biopharrnaceutics experience and qualifications to review the biowaiver request for
`the commercial tablets. No novel manufacturing processes are involved and the submission does
`not appear to require a review by the Manufacturing Sciences Branch.
`Martha R. Heimann Ph.D.
`Pharmaceutical Assessment Lead
`Ramesh Sood Ph.D.
`Branch Chief


`NDA 22-2531 =9;-
`lnitial Quality Assessment -
`Manufacturin 1
`Facility Information
`Sites for Lacosamide Tablets
`Drug substanCe release and stability testing
`Shannon Industrial Estate
`Shannon; Co. Clare
`Registration No.: 3002808160
`Site Contact: Daniel J. Dooley
`Tel. No.: +353 61 714234
`US Agent: Ruth Hill
`Phone: 919 767 2634
`SCHWARZ PHARMA Produktions GmbH
`Galileistrasse 6
`08056 Zwickau
`Drug product manufacture
` Drug substance release testing
`Registration No.: 3002948883
`Site Contact: Wilhelm Lehr
`Tel. No.: +49 375 322 300
`US Agent: Ruth Hill
`Phone: 919 767 2634
`Drug substance retest
`Drug product manufacture, packaging, release
`and stability testing
`SCHWARZ PHARMA Manufacturing
`1101 C Avenue West
`Seymour, IN 47274
`Registration No.: 1819171
`Site Contact: Chad Kurdziel
`Te1.No.: 812 523 5396


`NDA 22-253l’ #— . Initial Quality Assessment
`Manufacturin_ Sites for Lacosamide Tablets
`Facility Information
`SCHWARZ PHARMA Produktions GmbH
`Alfred-Nobel-Strafie 10
`40789 Monheim am Rhein
`Drug product stability testing
`Registration No.: 3002943 189
`Site Contact: Werner Schick
`Tel. No.: +49 2173 48 1178
`US Agent: Ruth Hill
`Phone: 919 767 2634


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed electronically and
`this page is the manifestation of the electronic signature.
`/ 5/
`Blair Fraser
`7/16/2008 11:07:39 AM


`NDA 22-253
`Division Director Review
`Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls
`Schwarz Biosciences, Inc.
`8010 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 100
`Raleigh, NC 27617
`adjunctive treatment of partial-onset seizures in patients with epilepsy,
`aged 16 years and older
`, immediate release, tablets are available in
`Presentation: Film-coated, colored, oval,
`six strengths (50 mg — pinkish; 100 mg — dark yellow; 150 mg — salmon; 200 mg
`— blue; 250 mg — _-~ ,, and 300 mg — \ , debossed with V“SP” on one side
`and tablet strength on the other side.
`Tablets of all strengths are packaged in ———’-’—'— bottles, at 60, 180,
`/—-”‘—“ count.
`EER Status:
`No significant impact
`Methods Validation — Revalidation by Agency not requested.
`Original Submission:
`Post-Approval Agreements:
`This application was chosen by the Division of Neurology Products to serve as the pilot
`for the Good Review Management Principles and Practices (GRMPs) for PDUFA
`Products (April 2005).
`Drug Substance:
`Lacosamide is a member of a seriesbf fimctionaliZed amino acids that were specifically
`synthesized as anticonvulsive drug candidates. The drug substance, lacosamide, is a small,
`synthetic, New Molecular Entity (NME) with an empirical formula of C13H18N203 and a
`molecular weight of 250.30 . Known chemically as (R)—2-acetamido-N-benzy1—3-


`it is a white to light yellow powder with a melting range of NA
`LacosamidelS sparingly soluble1n waterM
`LiW and slightly soluble in ethanol.
`Lacosamide, a chiral drug substance, m
`‘ .
`The bulk drug substance1s synthesized fi'om ———————;———_\_
`\——— .Comprehensive information for all the impurities at the starting material level,
`at the intermediate level and at the final synthesis level was presented. Noteworthy were
`controls over nae,“
`of starting materials and intermediates.
`The structure of lacosamide was elucidated using several analytical and
`/ // / //
`The proposed release specification for lacosamide include.c
`W The proposed regulatory methods are either compendial or were
`developed and validated for their intended purpose. The primary reference standard for drug
`substance, manufactured by commercial process, has beencharacterized by the proposed
`regulatory methods as well as additional methods. The impurity and degradation profiles have
`been investigated. Reference standards for known impurities and in-process intermediates have
`been synthesized and fully characterized.
`The stability data for three commercial batches support a / retest period for the bulk
`drug substance stored insideW [1(4}
`fl at controlled room temperature, 25°C /60%RH, protected from light.
`. Drug substance is acceptable.
`Drug Product:
`/—’ immediate release, tablets
`Vimpat (lacosamide) tablets are film-coated, colored, oval,
`available1n six strengths (50 mg— pinkish; 100 mg— dark yellow, 150 mg — salmon; 200 mg —
`blue, 250 mg ~ g and 300 mg —
`debossed with “SP” on one side and tablet
`strength on the other side. Tablets of all strengths are packaged1n ' f—A bottles,
`“N sizes, at 60, 180, ”count.


`The drug product is manufactured
`' _
`W L
`, and final packaging. Adequate information on the drug
`/‘ '
`product manufacture has been provided.
`The composition of the 50 mg strength, oval tablet is lacosamide (50.00 mg), microcrystalline
`cellulose NF t
`, crospovidone NF f ~———-4, magnesium stearate NF
`hypromellose USP
`<7 ' v
`o——-;. Folowing
`‘ w-s
`H—M film-coating, the total film—coated tablet weight was 126.00 mg. The higher strength
`tablets are sequential weight multiples of the lowest strength giving rise to compositionally
`proportional formulations.
`The sponsor has submitted adequate information to support classification of lacosamide tablets
`as a BCS class 1 drug, i.e. the drug substance is highly soluble, highly permeable. Accordingly,
`Dr. A. Selen, Associate Director, Biopharmaceutics, ONDQA, concluded in her review, dated
`04-Apr-2008, that the sponsor’s dissolution method and their biowaiver requests are acceptable.
`The release specification for drug product includes;A b“)
` ,
`lacosamide reference standard for drug product is the same as'that for drug substance. The
`proposed regulatory methods are either compendial or were developed and validated for their
`intended purpose.
`The stability data support expiration dating of 36 months for all strengths of drug product stored
`at controlled room temperature conditions [25° C (77° F); excursion permitted to 15-3 0" C (59-
`86" F)], and packaged in HDPE bottles.
`Conclusion: Drug product is acceptable.
`Additional Items:
`‘ / /. / /
`/ ll w


`MW 31(4)
`o All associated Drug Master Files (DMFs) are acceptable or the pertinent information has
`been adequately provided in the application.
`0 The applicant submitted a methods validation package containing all relevant
`documentation (tests, methods, and acceptance criteria) for the control of the drug
`substance and the drug product.
`Overall Conclusion:
`From a CMC perspective, the application is recommended for Approval,
`Pending a satisfactory recommendation from the Office of Compliance.
`Blair A. Fraser, Ph.D.
`”was nus WAY
`ma {)RlGlNAL


`This is a representation-of an electronic record that was signed electronically and
`this page is the manifestation of the electronic signature.
`Blair Fraser
`5/27/2008 01:16:22 PM


`NDA 22-254
`Lacosamide Injection
`Schwarz Biosciences, Inc.
`Wendy 1. Wilson, Ph; D.
`Office of New Drug Quality Assessment
`for Division of Neurology Drug Products


`Table of Contents
`Table of Contents2
`Chemistry Review DataSheet3
`List ofTables6
`List of Figures8
`The ExecutiveSummary9
`1. Recommendations ....................................................................................................................... 9
`A. Recommendation and Conclusion on Approvability ....................................................................................... 9
`B. Recommendation on Phase 4 (Post-Marketing) Commitments, Agreements, and/or Risk Management
`Steps, if Approvable ........................................................................................................................................ 9
`II. Summary of Chemistry Assessments ........................................................................................ 9
`. A. Description of the Drug Product(s) and Drug Substance(s) ............................................................................. 9
`B. Description of How the Drug Product is Intended to be Used ....................................................................... 10
`_C. Basis for Approvability 0r Not-Approval Recommendation .......................................................................... 10
`III. Administrative ........................................................................................................................ 1 1
`A. Reviewer’s Signature ..................................................................................................................................... 11
`B. Endorsement Block ......................................................................................................................................... II
`C. CC Block ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
`Chemistry Assessment
`I. Review Of Common Technical Document-Quality (Ctd-Q) Module 3: ................................ 12
`....................................................................... 12
`........................................................... 15
`P DRUG PRODUCT [Lacosamide-Injection, 'N .7
`A APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................................. 51
`R REGIONAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 51
`II. Review Of Common Technical Document-Quality (Ctd-Q) Module 1 .................................. 53
`A. Labeling & Package Insert ...............
`........................................................ 53
`B. Environmental Assessment or Claim ofCategorical Excluswn ................. 55
`C. Establishment Inspection ................................................................................................................................. 55
`III. List OfDeficiencies to be Communicated ................................................ 56
`IV. Approval Letter Comments ..................................................................................................... 56


`Chemistry Review Data Sheet
`Chemistry Review Data Sheet
`1. NDA:
`2. REVIEW #1
`i Wendy 1. Wilson, Ph. D.
`Previous Documents
`Document Date
`Submission 3 Reviewed
`Document Date
`8010 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 27617
`Schwarz Biosciences, Inc.
`Alan L. Blumberg
`Sr. Director,
`US Regulatory Affairs
`a) Proprietary Name:
`b) Non-Proprietary Name (USAN):
`c) Code Name/# (ONDQA only):
`d) Chem. Type/Submission Priority (ONDQA only):
`SPM 927
`0 Chem. Type:
`0 Submission Priority:
`505 (b)(1)
`Injection, Solution
`200 mg
`Page 3 of 56


`Chemistry Review Data Sheet
`SPOTS product — Form Completed
`X Not a SPOTS product
`Chemical Name:
`MOI. Formula:
`M01. Weight:
`A. DMFs:
` 26-MAR—2007
` Adequate.
`1 Action codes for DMF Table:
`1 — DMF Reviewed.
`Other codes indicate why the DMF was not reviewed, as follows:
`2 —Type I DMF
`3 — Reviewed previously and no revision since last review
`4 — Sufficient information in application
`5 — Authority to reference not granted
`6 — DMF not available
`7 — Other (explain under "Comments")
`2 Adequate, Inadequate, or N/A (There is enough data in the application, therefore the DMF did not need to be reviewed)
`B. Other Documents:
`ADD 234037 for Treatment of Epilepsy
` SPM 927 (formerly Harkoseride) for Treatment of Neuropathic Pain
`SPM 927 (formerly ADD 234037) for Treatment ofEpilepsy
`Lacosamide (formerly SPM 927) for Treatment of Epilepsy
`Page 4 of56


`Chemistry Review Data Sheet
`18. STATUS:
`J Edward Fisher
`Methods Validation
`Validation by FDA not needed
`No objection to use of Vipmat as proprietary narne
`Page 5 of 56


`Chemistry Review Data Sheet
`List of Tables
`.......................................... 12
`.......................................... 14
`........................................... 15
`............................................ 16
`............................................. 17
`.................................. 18
`................................... 19
`..................................... 23
`...................................... 23
`......................................... 23
`................................... 24
`.............................. 25
`............................... 27
`................................. 28
`.................................. 28
`................................... 29
`............ 30
`............ 30
`............ 31
`............ 32
`.............. 35
`................ 36
`.................... 37
`................... 37
`................... 38
`.................... 38
`...................... 39
`........................ 39
`.................................. 4o
`.................................. 4o
`.................................. 4o
`................................. 42
`.......... 42
`........... 42
`........... 43
`............ 44
`........ 45
`Page 6 0f56


`Chemistry Review Data Sheet
`Page 7 of 56


`Chemistry Review Data Sheet
`List of Figures
`.................................... 54
`.................................... 55
`Page 8 0f56


`Executive Summary Section
`Chemistry Review for NDA 22-254
`The Executive Summary
`1. Recommendations
`A. Recommendation and Conclusion on Approvability
`From a CMC perspective, lacosamide injection (10 mg/mL) is approvable (AE) pen

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