Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, M.D.
`NDA 22-253, -254.
`.— Lacosamide for the treatment of partial-onset seizures
`Appendix 11a. Cases of dyskinesia in partial onset seizure studies (EP Sl)
`AE term
`Action 4' Outcome _'__Relfl
`intermittent jerking right
`58 M
`75401231 1
`not changed
`LCM 400
`musclejerks in hands
`not changed
`R J 2
`LCM 400
`left arm jerkifl
`not changed _I R
`hand jerks/intermittent
`dizziness & balance
`LCM 400
`not changed
`LCM 400 j
`dy_s_kinesia, intermittent
`not changed
`worsened rapid rhythmic
`drug interrupted
`LCM 600
`Source: AE EP SlDatabase submitted January 2008
`Appendix 11.b. Listing of patients with dyskinesia during open label epilepsy studies (EP 82)
`Rel st
`AE term
`60700101 1
`No R
`not changed
`Jerkigjn shoulders and arms
`No R
`not changed
`Hands jerking
`Bilateral arm /hand jerks
`not changed
`66701 1803
`Jerking ofhands and arms
`not chan ed
`667018805 789 __'Lerks not changed No R
`Decreased rapid rhythmic.
`movement R side/ decreased
`had swing R side./ Abnormal
`coordination, dizziness,
`increased seizure activity,
`754011801 not changed tremor.
`No R
`intermittent limb jerking
`not changed
`not changed
`No R
`Arm and leg jerking (at night)/
`hand tremor, unsteadiness
`not changed 755124605 Jerky
`Source: AE datasets. EP 82. Safety Update Report. January 2008.


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, MD.
`NDA 22-253, -254, /. Lacosamide for the treatment of partial-onset seizures
`Appendix 12. Standard laboratory assessments and laboratory values considered to be outside
`the normal range in this application.
`Ziinrkzediy abnormal crimrfin
`Efinfiml cilaemfzhw
`£3,13’iz-éLé'LN; Eili‘txULN;
`23 .. {#:513le; EiEfieULPE;
`Margie pmmaame gm}
`Iii:ae’bnmfie (mquLii
`Bfljxuhém Mal {midi}
`Cakfim Ewgifii}
`{The 12313303 fing‘fiéi}
`Creatfiuéua #:1233313
`Gbntmge fimgfljg
`Potamfiam {mfiqfii}
`Seaman Eufiéqflai
`Urge: firid {mgigdg—Z}
`meme em93-3
`Hem‘mflfi {5‘3}
`:2me EG‘L}
`' 7
`ӣ333 3:163
`£§m§lhi3¢2§iiéi abedifiqte {@151


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, MD.
`NBA 22-253, ~254, (‘ Lacosamide for the treatment of partial-onset seizures
`Appendix 13. Median changes in hematology parameters during the treatment phase in EP 81
`Hematology pal
`Hematom It ("/a)—
`400mg‘(1 at
`60 Gangr'da}
`«mo nunn
`RBC countz«UTL
`Change End of MP{1
`0 00
`Min change Post-Baseline-

`Min change Post-Baseline-
`35 ‘5
`—2 00
` Max change Post-Baseline°
`Hemoglobin (gfL)
`Change End of MP5
`Min change Post-Baseline“
`Max change Post—Baselme
` \VBC count (GIL)
`Neutrophials absoiute (Gl‘L)
`Source: Sponsorstable1n page 467 of ISS.


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, M.D.
`NDA 22—253, -254, /. Lacosamide for the treatment of partial-onset seizures
`Appendix 14.a. Marked hematologic abnormalities in EP S1 and EP SZ
`MM Tom
`LCM Tami
`2. 3132?
`E? yofi £1
`E? Pnafi ’53
` fifmfmxaitflis}
`BMMMR {553)
`53.21,? LL}?
`5,5354 {1 1:
`eases may
`2mm {La}
`213.;- 2313»:
`WEE tum-fi-Gflc}
`3.3.51 {253
`251,923 13.13;;
`r a
` Adooelmssoazisan
`x ~-
`Platelet count {GEL}
`1553:2‘2‘ {$3.3}:
`$2335.? {13:41]
`1.531352? 51%}
`Enmogflifls {9%)
`—W 3531295 am
`was}: {an
`3353 {9.3.3
`29933 (’32::
`LCM=lacosamide; LLN=lower limit of normal; ULN=upper limit of normal; WBC=white blood cell
`Note: Incidence=n of events/N at risk, where: n of events=number of subjects reporting the abnormality
`afier start of treatment and did not report the reading before start of treatment, and N at risk=number of
`subjects with readings before and after start of treatment who did not report the abnormality before
`treatment. Assessment of marked abnormalities was based on all reported values (including unscheduled visits)
`during treatment.
`Appendix 14.b. Marked abnormalities in hematologic parameters SP616
`Subjects witn Marked abnormalities for Hematology
`Population: Trial 59636 55
`3‘! Lacosamide; anal Placebo
`markedly Abncrmal Value
`NBC: <=3.G G/l
`Neutrunp‘niia Abs: (LS GI}.
`8 (30min)
`Oral Laccsamide/
`IV Piacebo
`Eosinophils: >=10 §
`Site Number / Subject 231220.193:
`2133;113:571, 269/13514fi3, 259/‘11524Hfi
`Neutzgghils Abs: (3.5
`008110194#, BEE/11393:}
`E7! Lacosamirje/ Oral Placebo
`Neutrophiis Abs: «(LS GEE
`* only at baseline; # both, baseline and FU. ## Treatment emergent


`Clinical Safety Review '
`Lourdes Villalba, MD.
`NDA 22-253, -254
`’Lacosamide for the treatment of partial-onset seizures
`Appendix 14.c. Marked abnormalities in hematology values in SP757
`labia 11.4.1
`Subfieets with Markedly Abnezmal Hematoiogy Values
`Popaiazion: Safety Se:
`Infusion Duratian
`Markeézy Abnorma: Value
`Site Number f Subject Namha:
`33—minaee {Cesare Al)
`fiemcglobin: {=85% cf L1H
`$38: <=3.G G/l
`3fl5l330335*, éefi/léeGUI?
`Reutroghils Abs: {1.5 G/l
`308K3303§5*, SEE/131001;, éflfi/léflSOli
`15—minute {Cohort 31)
`Hemoglobin; <=85% of LAN
`Easinophiis: >=EG %
`fieutroghiis fibs: (1.5 G}:
`15—minute {Cohort 32)
`Eematocrit: C=E$§ of ELK
`fiemaglobin: <=85§ of LLN
`REC: <=3.0 Gfl
`Eosingghiés: >=1§ §
`Manecytes: >=2§ é
`Platelea Count:
`31711317§2*, 490/133021*
` ls-minuze {Cohort 52) Reutrophila Abs: (1.5 G11 317x131?§2#, 323/132802*, 409/140021‘,
`lG—minuCE (Cohort C)
`(=349 G/l
`Reutrfiphiis Abs: <l.5 G/l
`Note: * = Abnormality only at Baseline. # = Abnormality at both Baseline and EOTP.
`## = Abnormality at EOTP but not at Baseline (Treatment-emergent).


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, M.D.
`NDA 22-253, -254V "’ Lacosamide for the treatment of partial—onset seizures
`Appendix 15a. Marked abnormalities in chemistries in EP Sl
`LCM Total
`Laboratory parameter
`:Eaicimn (111561.)
`H '5."
`14 :22~33
`4:? — W;
`3:357 (L1) mews;
`Que-use {alaninsfing} {mgi‘dm
`Total (hulastzml' {$111091}
`4552 {1.2)
`32153 (1.1:.
`$546? {1.9} mamas)
`$133955 {11)
`13%: {1.4}
`{93} (£3.53
`1272132 (9;?)
`371’??? (1113
`arsenal} mm (m;
`$939 {9.4)
`23353 {1.3)
`3:252 {113 mews;
`32m (15}
`15468 {9.2)
`92203 I
`1.203% 133.1]
`44338? {£1.43
`229289 (7.15)
`2159220 (11.8)
`Brit Mid 91mm.)
`Tara! biiirntlin (mgffl)
`Tomi biiirnhia (-giir.) am ALT (5:1;
` Alimiima phasphntme {6:1}
`Albumin (gal)
`Bea; {many
`Cmminjne imgidi.)
`Bicarbonate {1113110111.}
`531'; {1,31
`5.2m (11)
`13.5424 (3‘1)
`ease (4.2}
`was (43.2)
`was (:34)
`3,5933 {9.33
`23439 (5.9}
`sums (4.1} Manama}
`GGT=gamma-glutamyltransferase; LCM=lacosamide; LLN=10wer limit of normal; ULN=upper limit of
`normal: Incidence=n of events/N at risk, where: n of events=number of subjects reporting the abnormality
`after start of treatment and did not report the reading beforestart of treatment, and N at risk=number of
`subjects with readings before and after start of treatment who did not report the abnormality before
`treatment.Assessment of marked abnormalities was based on all reported values (including unscheduled
`visits) during the Treatment Phase. Source: Sponsor’s table pg 543 188.


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, M.D.
`NDA 22-253, -254, .._, Lacosamide for the treatment ofpartial-onset seizures
`Appendix 15b. Abnormalities in TG levels in EP SI
`Inciélcnc: of Treatment Emergent Marked hasmlitiea During the Treatmut Plum:
`- Triglyccrides
`Populatimi Pool 5].
`E flDmgfday
`[N «'71;
`{Ii-3 S4]
`Lab Parlmter
`mm m
`n/N m
`——_———— "— '
`[r—l; SxL'lLbl]
`um R}
`um m
`133/341 (2.91!
`4,3323 [1 . 2;
`111’341 {3.32}
`191.253 {3.9}
`43234 fil . PM
`19/25! {3.9)
`Iii-455 {3 ll}
`13,3392 {3 .d]
`ZlidEE in} AS}
`1!?ng [0.3)
`4’1132 (3.. D3
`4I190 I341}
`35!],2714 (2 ‘3]
`2;!‘1071 [:1 .3]
`A pendix 15c. Marked abnormal chemistries in SP6]
`”£1151: EEJJH ‘3'
`fiubjessa with Ha'kcd Bis/unmask; -e: for Clfinical‘ Chemstzy
`:qulztiun: Eriil 59616 :55
`Miriaily .anozmal Vain: fiite Rumhgx x’ Sfihject: fi‘mbarm
`PA {60:11:}
`32:3 Lacasmnidef E’é' E'lzcghe
`2'1" Lacosamiéref (3:22 Placehz:
`GGI‘: 1:3 3: Him”
`SGT: >-:E x 01H
`Chclcszeralz >533. waif}:
`lfiéa’EBSREé, images 7%
`:3 {30min
`02:: Lacczamide.’ E‘s? Plank:
`E (39sz
`I?! Lacosamidcl 9::2 Plzcth-o
`Chalesseroi: 295.5 moi}:
`1535116581“, 1181310831§¥
`: 7:3 :1 U1}!
`Chaiesterai: >E-.5 mulxi
`Uri: Raid: >565.66 wolf}.
`GET: >=3 M. ml
`35.115 onzte: (15.3 moljl
`falcimz: -<='P.6 ngg‘dl
`fihlozide: 22:13.2 malfi
`Giucoze: >=Z§30 :cg/dl
`{haze-ssezal: bfij mglii
`aosnezsu, 265g’i1i553?


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, M.D.
`NDA 22-253, -254, —" Lacosamide for the treatment ofpartial-onset seizures
`iaDLE ii.“
`Appendix 15d. Marked chemistry abnormalities in SP757
`Sub3ects with Markedly Abnermal Ezinical Chemistry VERues
`Pnpfliazion: Safety Se:
`Infusinn Eurazion
`Markeéiy Abnerrfii Value
`Site Number I Subject Number Gfl
`: }=3 3 filfi
`SQ-minuze {Cohart A1?
`SGT: >=3 X §Lfi
`Bicazhanate: {E .Q mmfllfl
`Chleride: 9:112 mmeijl
`Phaspharus: <=2.§ mgidl
`glucose: <55 mgidl
`Chclesterml: >6.5 mmazfl
`GET: >=3 x §Lfi
`3083230882“, 3101’132001’,
`300f1300931, 3é0i133004§, 408f140853§%
`303/130285fi3, 40DE140002*
`3r23130262*, $60Kl¥5804§,
`Sicarbgnate: (38.0 mmol/i
`Chlsride: >=ll§ mmaifl
`401i2401§9*, 481/149111*, 402i140333¥§
`Glucose: >=ZGG mgfdi
`Chclesceralz >E.5 mmol/l
`302j1302121, éfifif
`SOO?ZSOQG9*, 580
`13%, Sflfiiliflflfiflé, SUD/ESOOUéé,
`661: >=3 x QLN
`Phaspflorus: <=2.@ mgfdl
`301f13013 %, 791/17é108§
`Giucaae: 45% mgjdl
`Chaleszerol: 36.5 mxmlfl
`GGI: >=3 x filN
`Chleride: {=90 mmSl/i
`Sodium: <12? mmoiil
`Cholesterol: >6.5 mmulll
`3£3f132334#, 323f1323073, 409!140921#, 401i§40122*,
`402l1402§2¥, 680x16§004§,
`7&1/179193fi, 7Qlf1?9104%
`301f133182%, 325il32501§
`ls—minuze {Cohsrc 51)
`S—minflte {Cahort Bl)
`ls—minuze {Cakort 32)
`13-minute {Cohort C}
`# # Treatment emergent


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, M.D.
`NDA 22-253, -254, “ Lacosamide for the treatment of partial-onset seizures
`Appendix 16. Measures of central tendency for vital signs in EP Sl.
`Eta} aign maammenta firming {Ea :Tfm\MenE Pisaaa in. aubfiaafia WM: pmfial—maei‘aa’imraa
`{EP Baal $15.5
`{SKI 411912136er
` Parameter fist}:
`Time prim-
`.“R .
`Hb...“ 23’},
`Mfr... ML}!
`H 3w
`:3.” H
`4.)Ch Lu
`W m
`F"? W«:1
`W a;
`H I93
`in as:
`» --»
`I ‘-
`r..- xlbé“:
`9". a]W
`-u:-'V.a.h‘z r
` Marx dang;
` :a
`€39 MI
`w3:25 it":
`0:!I if?!
`W 013«Rs:
`Q 4:.
`HC? .r. i—l
` Mas: {image
`Eganbaa-2; pa 21mm; fiEsibdinsmév: him name; LEEAI=lnzmmil§awflimmtm: Myraiaimmj
`MEI-Emma’s 13fulna—cm}: hIP=Maiataxmaa 911353; Siam simulate; SBP=5§amli£ him mesa/Ire;
`TQ'Tmacm 1312:2353
`Baaeifne wa: 2192 instam-{mfissiag mine 139243 an era: randamfina‘m dining fie daatfie-hfiacl 31in}.
`$5» End awkwm 39mm 5‘-
`r: Min 425%) mm? PaaBaaa'lsnr—‘Mm {1331mm} inf4219 rap-sated mafia; {Wading ammfiateiafiafiti
`chafing. fila‘i'raama mag.
`Data sum-a; 15:23; 'f'alzéa SR9. 1.1


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, M.D.
`NDA 22-253, ~254 -’ Lacosamide for the treatment of partial—onset seizures
`Appendix 17 . Vital Sign changes with LCM intravenous infusion
`Table 17.3 Changes'in Systolic BPin study SP616 (single dose)
`Parameter {unfit}
`1.6313 5211me
`dunafizan granny
`0N 1111311111
`an enema
`Parameter (111111}
`. 1
`Measured1n the morning. SS= Safetyse


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, M.D.
`NDA 22-253, -254 "‘ Lacosamide for the treatment of partial-onset seizures
`Appendix 17c. Summary of changes from Baselinel in vital sign parameters by infusion
`duration and time point based on correct infusion duration/dose (SP757 SS)
`1 E 11131;
`5{1 1116.43
`LCM twfnatw
`Source: Pg. 668 and 669 ofISS.


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, M.D.
`NDA 22-253, -254, _' Lacosamide for the treatment of partial-onset seizures
`N= 364
`N= 270
`N= 471
`N= 203
`Appendix 18. Mean changes in weight by randomization group in EP 81
`LCM 200
`LCM 400
`LCM 600
`Body weight
`Change end Titration
`Change end of Maint
`Change end oftaper
`Source: Sponsor’s Table 9.5.1 188, original submission.


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, MD.
`NDA 22-253, -254, fi. Lacosamide for the treatment of partial-onset seizures
`Appendix 19. Specific ECG monitoring in the LCM database
`8 ECG monitoring in Phase 2/3 studies in epilepsy EP 81
`In the double-blind, placebo-controlled trials (SP667, 754 and 755) a standard 12-lead ECG was
`done at each visit (except Visit 2); plasma samples were performed as close as possible to the
`time of the ECG. At Visit 1 (Screening), one 12—lead ECG was done at any time to determine
`trial eligibility. At Visit 3 (Baseline) in SP667, three 12-lead ECGs were performed
`approximately 15 minutes apart prior to dosing; an additional ECG was performed 2-4 hours
`after dosing of trial medication at the approximate time of maximum plasma concentration
`(Cmax). The sponsor ’s OCP summary says Tmax is 0.5-4 hours so some ofthese assessments may
`have missed the Cmax. At all other visits in SP667, one 12—lead ECG was performed 2-4 hours
`after dosing of trial medication. At Visit 3 (Baseline) in SP754 and SP755, three l2-lead ECGs
`were performed approximately 15 minutes apart prior to dosing. At all other visits in SP754 and
`SP755, l ECG was performed at any time after dosing.
`During the double-blind phase of these studies, each ECG was transmitted to the central ECG
`facility for manual over-read by a cardiologist. All manual over-reads were done by a single
`cardiologist. The investigator assessed clinical relevance of each abnormal ECG. During the
`trial, if clinically relevant ECG abnormalities were detected, or if a QTc interval 2500ms
`and/or a QTc interval increase of Z60ms from the mean predose QTc value at Baseline was
`detected, a repeat ECG was performed 1 hour later.
`ECG monitoring in the epilepsy open-label extension trials
`In SP615, SP756, and SP774 ECGs were conducted at all clinic visits and read by central
`0 ECG monitoring in IV studies
`- In the single-dose Phase 1 trials for IV LCM (SP643, SP645, SP658, and SP834 standard 12-
`lead ECGs were taken at regular intervals. There was no central reading.
`- In the Phase 2/3 trials of IV LCM (SP616 and SP757), 12-lead ECGs were conducted at
`several time points. In SP616, ECGs were performed during the Screening, Treatment, and End
`of Trial Phase. A single assessment was performed during the Screening Phase within 1 hour
`before the start of the IV placebo infusion. During the Treatment Phase (Days 1 and 2), an ECG
`was performed within 1 hour prior to trial medication in the morning. Several ECGs were
`conducted after the start of infusion of trial medication in the morning and evening. In SP757, an
`ECG was performed after the morning and evening infusion: within 1 hour prior to trial
`medication administration, approximately half-way through infusion, at the end of the infusion,
`and 2 hours after the start of infusion of trial medication. There was ECG central reading.


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, MD.
`NDA 22-253, -254, "" Lacosamide for the treatment of paitial-onset seizures
`0 ECG monitoring in healthy volunteers
`A Phase 1 thorough QT/QTc interval trial, SP640, was designed specifically to assess the ECG
`Effects of LCM. ECG interval and morphology changes (based on 12—lead ECGs taken at
`specified time points) were analyzed based on ICH Guidance E14. For safety purposes,
`additional l2-lead ECGs were taken as Specified in the protocol. There was central reading.
`0 ECG monitoring with the capsule formulation
`Standard 12-lead ECGs were conducted on subjects in the supporting Phase 2 trials, SP586,
`SP598, and SP607.


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, M.D.
`NDA 22-253, -254, / Jacosamide for the treatment of partial-onset seizures
`Appendix 20. Listing Of patients with post baseline QTc (B) Z 450 ms (male) or 2470 ms
`QTc(B) on
`QTc (B)
`baseline mean
`LCM 200
`LCM 200
`LCM 200
`LCM 200
`667010206 LCM 400
`667010609 LCM 400
`667015705 LCM 600
`667013204 LCM 200
` VISIT 5 451 413 38
`667010617 LCM 400
`667016924 LCM 400
`667016924 LCM 400
`667016924 LCM 400
`667016934 LCM 400
`667018807 LCM 400
`754011209 LCM 400
`754011807 LCM 400
`75401 1904 LCM 400
`754012413 LCM 400
`754012413 LCM 400
`754012702 LCM 400
`754015102 LCM 400
`754016006 LCM 400
`LCM 600
`667010612 LCM 600
`667015602 LCM 400


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, MED.
`NDA 22-253, -254_. ’ Lacosamide for the treatment of partial—onset seizures
`Appendix 21. ECG outlier analyses in studies with LCM intravenous formulation
`0 IV Phase 1, single dose studies
`The sponsor did not do a PR interval outlier analysis for the Phase 1 IV trials (SP643, SP645, SP65 8, and
`SP834). Overall, there were few subjects who met the QRS duration outlier criteria. The incidence of
`QRS duration outliers was similar for IV and oral administration and also similar between LCM 30—
`minute and 60—minute infusion durations. Only 1 subject had a QRS duration >120ms and none had a
`QRS duration >140ms. Across the Phase 1 IV trials in healthy volunteers, there was no clear evidence for
`QTc prolongation. In total, 85 healthy subjects across the 4 Phase 1 IV trials received IV LCM. Most
`subjects received a single dose of IV LCM 200, except in SP834, in which subjects received a single dose
`of IV LCM 50, 100, 150, or 300, and 4 subjects received IV placebo. In SP643, SP645, and SP658, no
`subject had a QTCB interval ZSOOms following IV LCM. In SP645 and SP658, no subject had an increase
`in QTcB interval Z60ms following iv LCM. In SP834, QTc outlier analysis was not performed.
`In SP643, QTc increases from Baseline were always below 60ms and all QTc values were <460ms,
`except for Subject 10020 (randomization number 8001]) who had an increase of QTc from Baseline of
`more than 60ms (68ms) at 4 hours after starting the infusion during Treatment A. Further ECG recordings
`showed changes from Baseline of less than 60ms. The subject was withdrawn from the trial according to
`the withdrawal criterion of an increase of QTc from Baseline by more than 60ms as defined in the trial
`protocol. This case has been discussed under section 7.3: “Other AE of interest” of this review.
`0 Outliers in IV in Phase 2/3 IV LCM trials in subjects with partial-onset seizures
`- Study SP616. The frequency of outliers in EP SP616 is presented in the following table.
`Table 616a.lncidence of PR outliers during treatment phase in SP616.
`Cohort A {613mm
`Cohen: 3 {33min}
`>2 501315
`Treatment—emerge nE/Bas 61.11121
`“>2 IS) 01115
`>2 3 was
`Tree ement— emergent {Baselinez
`>2 00135
`Oral Lam:seuz'rzlele;t
`IV Placebo
`IV Laccsvamidef
`Ora: Piacebo
`Oral Laessamide!
`IV Placebo
`IV Lacs-samicief
`{Jral Placebo
`n; N
`mi R
`n! N
`‘- .
`3! E
`0f 1


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, M.D.
`NDA 22-253, -254, / Lacosamide for the treatment of partial-onset seizures
`Overall: subjects meeting the specified criteria at any timepoint during the Treatment Phase without regard to
`Baselinel or Baseline2. n = Number of subjects meeting the specified criteria out of the set of subjects at risk (N). N
`= Number of subjects in the Safety Set for Overall and the number of subjects who did not meet the criteria
`at the specified Baseline for treatment—emergent summaries. Treatment—emergent is defined as meeting the criteria
`for any ECG during the Treatment Phase and not meeting the same criteria at the specified Baseline. Source:
`Sponsor’s Appendix EP.11.3.2.
`Overall, 15 to 27% of subjects met the PR interval outlier criteria. The frequency of outliers did
`not markedly differ between the oral and IV treatment groups, although there is a trend to more
`outliers in the oral LCM groups.
`QRS interval outliers with >100 ms duration are presented in the following table.
`Table 616b.. Incidence of TE QRS duration outliers with respect to baseline 1 at any time in SP616
`Cohort A {66min}
`{cs-hart. 8 {38min)
`Oral Lacosamide}
`IV Laccsamide/
`Ural Lacesamidex
`IV Placebo
`Oral Fiaceho
`IV Fiacehc
`—~———— ——————— ——
`:, H
`IV Eaccsamidei
`Oral Piacabo
`Overall is the number of subjects meeting the specified criteria at any timepoint during the Treatment Phase without
`regard to Baselinel or Baseline2. n = Number of subj ects meeting the specified criteria out of the set of subjects at
`risk (N). N = Number of subjects in the Safety Set for Overall and the number of subjects who did not meet the
`criteria at the specified Baseline for treatment-emergent summaries. Treatment-emergent is defined as meeting the
`criteria for any ECG during the Treatment Phase and not meeting the same criteria at the specified Baseline. Source:
`Appendix EP 11.3.8.
`Overall, 14 to 25% fulfill the QRS duration outlier criteria. The incidence of QRS duration
`outliers was similar for IV and oral administration and also similar between LCM 30-minute and
`60-minute infusion durations. No subject had a QTc interval 2500ms. In addition, no subject had
`a change from Baseline 1 (predose in SP616) Z60ms.
`In SP616, a total of60 subjects were treated with IVLCM with 10 to 20 patients
`per treatment group. 15-30 % ofpatients had outlier results in PR and QRS
`intervals in both treatment groups. No definitive conclusions can be made about
`the comparative safety of the 30 and 60 ms IV infusion and or the oral versus IV


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, M.D.
`NDA 22-253, -254, ,. Lacosamide for the treatment ofpartial—onset seizures
`- SP757
`Across all infusion duration groups and dose categories in SP757 the frequency of PR interval
`outliers appear to occur more often in the 30-minute infusion as compared to the other durations
`(15 and 10 minutes). Two subjects in the 15—minute infusion group had a treatment—emergent PR
`interval >250ms while on LCM 200mg/day. The number is too small to draw any conclusions
`regarding comparative safety of these infusion rates. The incidence of PR interval outliers with
`respect to Baselinel (Baseline1=ECG prior to first IV LCM administration) anytime during the
`Treatment Phase by dose category is presented in the following table.
`Table. 757a. PR interval outliers in SP757
`Incidence of treatment-emergent PR interval outliers with respect
`tn Basei'mel anytime during the Treatment Phase by time tategary
`(LCM 309mgfiay—aififimgfday, LCM SEBmgfiuy—fififimgféa};
`LCM 100mgfiagrwsfifimgfihy3-(Sl’fi7 SS)
`LCM infusion duration
`33059 categm‘y 2‘ PR criteria
`2.031 Efifi-flfimgféay
`at}; {5%}
`RW- (”#133
` Adooeiqgssod
`LCM Sfifl-éflemgiday
`mm M m}
`was M M
`Wkfilamssmide; mmitizaemd; Sfiafety Set
`Note: amber aimiijezts fleeing the Specified Maia em {if the set ofmhjects at risk 3% REES member of
`Enigma win did not meat the attain: Seminal.
`Data source: HP: 8375? Eebéa 125.2
`As seen in this table, approximately 24% of patients in the 30 minute infusion group, 15% in the
`15 minutes infusion group and 4% of the 10-minute infiision group, fulfill the >200 PR outlier
`criterion as compared to baseline 1. A higher percentage of patients also had QRS >100 ms in
`the 15 and 10-min infusion as compared to the 30 min infusion.


`Clinical Safety Review
`Lourdes Villalba, M.D.
`NDA 22-253, —254, / cacosamide for the treatment of partial-onset seizures
`Table 757b. Treatment emergent QRS outliers in SP757.
`LCM infusion duration
`:-a :7
`mt§=mcommiég Wilkezmd; 3:3:‘Safat3' Set
`Note: nwmhr-afmbjeus meeting the specified criteria we: a: ”she set afsubjects at risk (N: 29:33:; amba' m’
`mitten; who did no: mes: file (maria at Baselinel ..
`Source: Sponsor’s table in page 168 of Cardiac Report.
`There were no subjects who had a QTcF interval ZSOOms during the trial. There were no subjects
`who had a change from Baseline2 260ms (Baseline2=Baseline ECG from subject’s original trial)
`in QTcF interval during the trial. One subject had a change from Baselinel Z60ms
`(Baseline1=ECG prior to first iv LCM administration) in both QTcF and QTcB intervals; this
`subject did not discontinue from the trial. Also in SP757, 1 subject had a QTcB interval ZSOOms
`post-Baseline during the trial; this subject was discontinued from the trial because of this
`increase in QTcB. There were 2 subjects who had a change from Baselinel Z60ms in QTcB
`interval during the trial and there were 4 subjects who had a change from BaselineZ Z60ms in
`QTcB interval during the trial. These subjects (change from Baselinel or BaselineZ Z60ms) were
`not discontinued from the trial.
`0N ORlGlNAl




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